O’Malley Is A Typical Liberal

He likes to live off other people’s money…

I don’t know if Democrat presidential candidate (polling at about 1%) Martin O’Malley ever had a real job, you know, in the private sector, but if he did it was a long time ago. Sometime after he lied on his bar application he became a public servant which is liberal code for using the public for their own service.

O’Malley (or O’Moron as I like to call him) has lived off the taxpayer for a long time. That runs in the family as his wife draws a salary off the taxpayer as a judge (and she is following in her daddy’s footsteps of living off the taxpayer).

Liberals love to put their hands in your pockets and spend your money. O’Malley was governor of Maryland and he drove the state farther down the hole of oppression and tyranny. During his tenure he had furniture that cost the taxpayer $62,000 in a part of the Governor’s Mansion.

Interestingly it was declared junk and sold to the O’Malleys for just under $10,000.

Look, it might have been junk though I hardly think that junk would be kept in the Governor’s Mansion. But the family is a bunch of liberals so they have no respect for other people’s stuff which means they might have trashed it completely.

If it was junk it should be sold but there is a catch. There are procedures in place and they were not followed. Someone in the private sector might have wanted to bid on the stuff but there was no notification. It was labeled junk at Mrs. O’Malley’s request (curious is it not?) and then sold to them.

If it was truly junk why would the O’Malley’s want it? He is running for president for goodness sake. Does he really want people to think he buys junk because his huge salary as governor would not allow him to buy new stuff? Perhaps living off the taxpayer all these years allowed him to believe he was entitled.

Liberals are a bunch of people who believe they are entitled to the stuff of other people.

In any event, O’Moron appears to have broken the rules regarding how these things are done.

It will go largely unnoticed by the liberal media.

Funny though. Republican Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland moved his own furniture into the Mansion to make up for what was sold.

I wonder if he will be accused of stealing the furniture when he takes it with him…

Do not vote for O’Moron. He could mess up an anvil with a rubber mallet.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why Is Paterson’s Color An Issue?

New York Governor David Paterson is a poor leader. It is not hard to see (no pun intended) that he is lost in his position much like Obama is lost in his. Paterson, the accidental governor, is doing stupid things to try to close a budget deficit and he is causing a lot of problems. He is making Democrats nervous because they are worried that he might lose the next election to some evil Republican.

The high rollers in the Democratic party have told Paterson that he has until November to get his poll numbers up or they might decide to run someone else for his position. This is the business of the Democrats and of New Yorkers so I really don’t care about it but while reading the story I came across this:

“Nobody really wants to go to a sitting Democratic governor who’s African-American and say, ‘Hey. You’re a disgrace. Get out.'” NY Daily News

Why is it that his color makes any difference? They had to say that no one wants to go to an African American and tell him he is a problem. Why is this? Is it because they do not want to be labeled racist? The left screams racism all the time. I just can get my hands around the issue of his color. Why is it any part of the equation? They would not worry about color if they had to tell a white guy he was doing a terrible job.

They could have easily said no one wants to go to a sitting governor and say “Hey, You’re a disgrace. Get out” and left the race component out of it. Does the left have to constantly put race into an issue? I know the left is full of racists but a statement like this translates to; “we can’t get rid of the black guy. He has been oppressed and if we don’t help him out he will never get anywhere. Besides, people will say we were racially motivated.”

David Paterson is incompetent. His color has nothing to do with that. He is incompetent because he cannot lead. He and Obama have that in common, neither can lead. I don’t care what color they are because incompetence is not confined to one’s skin color. It is simple, he is incompetent because he cannot lead. He espouses liberal philosophies, the philosophies that have caused many cities and states to run up huge deficits. He is in the same boat and his inability to lead makes it impossible for him to solve the problem.

Democrats in New York have to worry about color but that color is red. That is the color of the ink the state is drowning in.

Big Dog

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Maryland Governor To Furlough Employees

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has proposed a plan that would require nearly 70,000 state employees to take up to 5 days off without pay in order to help with budget problems. The furloughs would be graduated with those in the lower salary ranges receiving 2 unpaid days and those in the upper ranges receiving 5. The magnanimous governor will also take 5 days. Those providing emergency and essential services will not be affected.

Last year this governor called a special session to increase taxes in order to cover a budget shortfall. He had already squandered the excess money left by his predecessor and needed more to feed the insatiable appetite the state has for spending. His Democratic super majority passed the largest tax increases in history despite warnings that it was not wise to raise taxes in a tough economy. But Democrats know better.

The result was that revenue (what they call the tax money they confiscate from us) went down. People stopped spending money on unnecessary things and cut way back on the basics. They also took advantage of nearby states with either lower or no taxes. Delaware and Virgina received more business from Marylanders who wanted to pay fewer taxes.

Now they have an even worse problem and the short term fix is to furlough state employees. I imagine that the near future will call for more tax increases which will only make the problem worse. Democrats never learn so they will try to raise fees and taxes on all kinds of things which will result in even further belt tightening. Maryland is a wealthy state but the legislature refuses to cut spending or eliminate unnecessary services and to top it off they always legislate new requirements without a funding source. They require some new program but they have no way to pay for it.

The state’s union employees are not happy and are trying to block the furloughs. The union always backs the Democrat running for governor (and for many of the legislative seats) and it strong arms its members to support the candidates as well. The union backed O’Malley and now their members are getting what they so richly deserve. They backed all the Democrats who tax and spend and now they are suffering the blowback from their choices.

I don’t feel one bit sorry for them and any of their members who voted for Martin O’Malley. He told everyone he was going to raise taxes and now that he has been an ineffective leader and has led us into financial hard times they will have to suffer.

To the state’s union employees I can only say, you backed him and you voted for him. You said he was the best to lead us so you need to quit your whining and do what your leader has decided is best. Besides, you work for the taxpayer who pays your salary and if times are tough for us they need to be tough for you as well.

The only good to come from this is that if it lasts long enough O’Malley might be a one term wonder though I would not hold my breath. The people of Maryland have short memories and they always vote for Democrats who promise them something for nothing (nothing meaning paid for with other people’s money).

There is no doubt the union will back him when he runs for reelection.

Yep, people get the government they deserve.

Baltimore Sun

Big Dog

Maryland Governor Lies Through His Teeth

The history of Maryland politics is full of Democratic Governors. There have been 36 Governors elected since 1838 (the year the people began voting for them) and only 7 of them have been Republicans. In the last 41 years only two Republicans have held that office so it is fair to say that most of the policies and bad times have been the result of Democrats, especially since Democrats have ruled the legislature forever.

In 2002 the State elected Robert Ehrlich who inherited a budget that was in the red and a built in structural deficit. What this means is that the Democratic Legislature enacted spending bills that were signed into law by a Democratic Governor and those bills required that the state spend money on various programs. The bills never secured a funding source so the state was left with a structural deficit. Ehrlich eliminated the deficit and left 2 billion dollars in surplus. During his four years in office he tried to pass a slots bill that would allow gaming which would help reduce the structural deficit and this was soundly rejected by all the Democrats including current Governor Martin O’Malley.

In 2006 the Democrats in Maryland exercised their strength (more than 2:1 in numbers) and removed Ehrlich from office replacing him with a slick talking liar named O’Malley. O’Malley has been running around saying that he inherited a deficit which is a lie. He inherited a budget surplus which he promptly spent paying off the people who bought him during the election. The deficit he actually inherited was the structural deficit that was the result of Democratic incompetence. O’Malley though, continues to tell people that the last Governor caused and left all the problems and this is a flat out lie.

O’Malley called a special session where he and his Democratic colleagues raised taxes in Maryland. They did not just raise a tax or two, they raised every tax imaginable in the largest all at once tax increase in the history of any state in the US. This was done, according to O’Malley. to address the deficit he inherited from the last administration. O’Malley made it sound as if Ehrlich had run us into the ground and he had to raise taxes to save the day when in fact he had to raise taxes to pay the bills incurred by the Democratic legislature.

Interestingly, the current Governor raised taxes to the tune of about 1.3 billion dollars to address a deficit of 1.8 billion but then he and his Democratic toadies in the legislature added 1.5 billion dollars in spending which, in effect, makes the tax increase a zero gain. We will still have a deficit.

And get this, part of the budget deficit plan is based upon the state getting, you guessed it, slot machines. However, instead of the legislature passing a bill and the Governor signing it, they have decided to put it to referendum on the 2008 ballot. This means slot machines will be voted on by the public and will, if passed, become part of the state constitution. If this does not pass the state will need to raise taxes again. I wonder if it would be too much to ask them to put tax increases to referendum. No, if it is an important decision they don’t actually want any constituent input. Remember, if your vote counted they would not let you do it.

For his part, Governor O’Malley has been playing the victim of a bad past administration (playing the victim is what liberals do best) and he has been acting as if he did all he could to fix this without raising taxes. He made a few symbolic cuts and decided not to fill about 500 vacant state jobs but the cuts are negligible and they are certainly not the best that cold be done.

Maryland will soon be in the doldrums of a recession because of the burden placed upon the citizens by the Governor and the Democrats in the legislature. There is a huge movement under way where many Marylanders (particularly Republicans) are moving to Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Others are shopping in those states to avoid Maryland taxes and still others are finding ways to invest money in a fashion that will prevent Maryland from stealing it. US Savings Bonds are not subject to state and local income taxes and smart tax advisers can provide valuable information.

Couple this with the number of businesses that are leaving the state r that have decided not to come here and Maryland is in for a real problem. O’Malley figures he will be part of a Clinton administration and is not worried about what he does to rape this state or the poor he claims to want to help. He is unaffected by what he does because his residence is paid for by taxpayers, his electricity is paid for by taxpayers, his groceries are paid for by taxpayers, his transportation is paid for by taxpayers and all his other household expenses are paid for by those of us who were raped by the Governor. He has no bills, he has no financial problems and he is able to live quite well off the backs of the citizens of this once great state.

Martin O’Malley is a poor leader, he is a cry baby who whines about everything and no matter what happens he never takes responsibility because it is always someone else’s fault.

Come to think of it, he would fit right in with the Clintons.