Help A Friend Develop Green Energy

I have a friend who is in a contest which will pay money to develop something to do with green energy. My friend needs votes to win the money to develop his idea. Here is the email he wrote to me.

Below is the link to my idea that is competing in the Pepsi Refresh Everything contest. It is a popularity contest, so I’m running around like a politician on the campaign trail. The contest allows people to vote for 10 of their favorite ideas everyday. Every day and every vote does count, so please vote often.

For your vote to count you will have to register your name on the site [typical], but you do not have to accept any junk mail from Pepsi. It takes about 3 minutes, once your account is created and you have signed in, your vote will register when you hit “Vote For” button.

The name of my project is Green Power. The concept is an environmentally friendly way to convert mechanical energy into electrical power without the aid of a gasoline engine. The applications for this device are numerous, but the focus for my first two prototypes are geared towards private ownership of electrical power and transportation. This is an idea that I have been working on for over 30 years, and it will take about year to prefect the full scale production model. ~D-Day

This is the link he mentioned. The project is Green Power so please be sure to vote for it.

This is the chance for people to actually do something to help with green energy. You can vote once each day so don’t be shy. Liberals, this is your chance to legally vote more than once…

Big Dog


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