More Abuse of Our Rights by Cops
May 18, 2011 Political
It is bad enough that the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that people have no right to resist police officers who are breaking the law when trying to enter private residences, we now have a story of a gun owner being harassed and charged with a crime for legally carrying a gun. Mark Fiorino has a gun license and was openly carrying his handgun in Philadelphia when a rough and tough police officer confronted him.
The officer treated Fiorino like a child (“yo, junior, what are you doing?”) and ordered him to his knees. When Fiorino told the officer he had a license and that the law allows him to carry the weapon the officer used filthy language to indicate that if Fiorino moved he would be shot.
The officer told a law abiding citizen who was not causing any harm or posing a threat in any way that if he moved he would be shot. Other officers responding to the calls for backup wrestled Fiorino to the ground and cuffed him while throwing F bomb laced comments at him.
The officers were finally made aware that they could not arrest him because he was correct and they let him go.
The problem is that Fiorino recorded the incident on an audio device. Fiorino says he carries the device with him in case he ever has a confrontation that requires him to use his gun. He asserts that this will provide proof that he acted correctly if he ever has to use his gun.
After the incident Fiorino stewed over how he had been treated by the Nazi police officers in Philadelphia and he posted the audio to You Tube. This is where round two of police harassment began. The law in Philly (the city of brotherly love don’t you know) decided that Fiorino needed to be taught a lesson so they charged him with reckless endangerment. The rationale is that Fiorino could have been shot or the officers responding could have been hurt in an accident. This, of course, is all Fiorino’s fault and not the fault of the moron cops who did not know the law and who escalated the incident by treating Fiorino as a criminal and going all Dirty Harry on him.
To the cops in Philly, the average guy on the street is a punk who does not have a right to carry a gun. Only the thug cops can do that and they do not like it when someone horns in on that. They also do not like it when people demonstrate to the world that the cops in Philly are foul mouthed morons who treat the people for whom they work as criminals.
If anyone should be charged with a crime it is the police officers who abused and assaulted Fiorino.
Unfortunately, this will never happen because like in Indiana, the cops should never be confronted when they break the law. No, pursue it in court. Unfortunately, this incident could have resulted in addressing it at a funeral home because the mron cop made it clear he would shoot if Fiorino moved. The Gestapo at its best.
Maybe Fiorino should file a lawsuit for violation of his civil rights. He was assaulted and placed in custody by the police. I bet a couple of million dollars in a lawsuit will provide great relief.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: guns, lies, philadelphia thug cops, police abuse, Second Amendment
What If Government Made You Buy This?
Jan 4, 2011 Political
The Republicans are set to introduce legislation to repeal Obamacare and its takeover of health care in this country. The measure will pass in the House but will not pass in the Senate but Republicans there plan on a roll call vote to get everyone on the record. Considering how voting for Obamacare ended the careers of many long time Democrats, some have to be worried about the vote (which might explain why so many Democrats and their allies in the media are saying how bad taking up repeal would be).
One of the things in the law that people oppose is the individual mandate which requires everyone to buy health care insurance. The Democrats have twisted and abused the Commerce Clause in order to force people to buy a product. This is unconstitutional and against what the Commerce Clause was intended for. I think the law will die in the courts as this mandate is ruled unconstitutional.
Without the money from those required to buy health care, the entire law unravels.
Democrats are lining up to tell us, once again, that it is perfectly legal for the government to force someone to buy something. I wonder though, how they would react if a future Congress and president enacted a law requiring everyone to buy a handgun.
I might have written about this before but I think it is worth mentioning again. Everyone is impacted by crime and people can be the targets of crime at anytime. Additionally, crime impacts commerce in this country as it costs us billions of dollars each year. The Constitution absolutely affirms our individual right to keep and bear arms. What would happen if a future Congress said that people were required to buy a handgun because deterring crime impacts commerce?
Can you imagine how the very Democrats who say it is perfectly legal to require people to buy health care insurance would react?
I know that many of them would be screaming about how it is unconstitutional and that the government does not have the right to force people to buy things, particularly a gun.
The government does not have the power to force anyone to buy anything.
And Democrats would soon realize that if people were required to buy handguns.
**This issue involves the federal government. At least one local jurisdiction has enacted a law requiring a gun to be kept in every house. Also, when we were founded all males between certain ages were required to have a firearm and ammunition in case the need to call the militia to service arose.
Two page repeal bill
Republicans move to repeal Obamacare
I am not the only one who had this thought
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: commerce clause, guns, health care, obamacare, Second Amendment
Now You Know How We Feel Congressman
Jan 14, 2010 Political
A New York Congressman is complaining about the secret negotiations going on between the House and the Senate over the health care bill. The faux reconciliation process has both chambers on edge as members of the House are upset with members of the Senate and vice versa. The House does not want to strip items such as the public option that it passed and the Senate cannot get votes with the public option. House members are tired of hearing the Senate leaders whine about how tough it was to get 60 votes:
Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) issued a blunt, angry statement on Wednesday, accusing the Senate of conducting negotiations with the House while holding “a gun to our head.” The Hill
Well welcome to our world Congressman. The American public feels like it has a gun to its head. The majority of us do not want this particular piece of legislation to pass but you insist on doing it so that you can hold a gun to our heads.
Don’t get insurance, pay a fine. Have a good employer provided plan, pay 40% in taxes on it (unless you are a union member). Need a medical procedure, wait for a government bean counter to decide if you are worthy.
These items represent only a fraction of the things that will allow YOU to hold a gun to our heads.
You are complaining that you do not like a gun held to your head.
Now you know how we feel.
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Tags: anthony weiner, Congress, guns, house, Senate
Long August Brings Out Best, And Worst, In America
Sep 6, 2009 Political
August was a stressful month for members of Congress as they had to go home and face their constituents. They did not want to face them because a large number of them do not want government run health care and they do not want the government to completely overhaul the health care system. Most people want the problems with the system to be addressed while leaving those things that work, alone. Anti capitalists want the government to run the whole shebang and drive private insurance companies out of business.
Speaking of anti capitalist, and completely off topic, Michael Moore has a new movie out that is against capitalism. He claims that it is bad, causes people to be poor and is evil (and has members of the clergy agree with him). Isn’t it rather funny that this moron, who makes his fortune off capitalism, has a movie against it? Michael Moore owns stocks in companies (including Halliburton) and he invests his money in order to make more money. Yet, this slob (who really should have been aborted) is railing against capitalism. The real way to have lots of poverty is to attempt to redistribute people’s money. Socialism is fun until you run out of someone else’s money. al Reuters
Back to the health care debate. The town hall meetings were pretty contentious. Yes people raised their voices and some of them became extremely vocal but they were not violent and for the most part, were respectful (at least they were as respectful as the person deserved). I cannot blame some folks for getting pretty peeved because their Senator or Representative lied to them or tried to blow smoke in a dark place. Frank Kratovil’s office told me he had not made up his mind and a few days later he was out hawking the Obama plan. Obviously, his office lied.
As people became more vocal members of Congress became more reclusive. Many of them did not hold town hall meetings and some, including Harry Reid, held events that were by invitation only and that cost money to get in. As things heated up, Barack Obama mobilized his army of thugs in the unions and in his other groups and asked them to get in the game and bust a few heads. Then, union thugs began taking up many of the seats at town hall meetings. They began harassing those who disagreed with the health care overhaul. Obama’s jack booted thugs became physical and tried to intimidate the opposition, Chicago style.
People were threatened, people were beaten and there was a lot of bad behavior. This was perpetrated by the thugs Obama mobilized to “get in our faces.”
Then a funny thing happened. People started bringing guns to these events. This was done in accordance with the law and no one broke any law whatsoever when carrying a weapon despite the panic of those on the left and in the media (but I repeat myself). Chris Matthews lost the tingle in his leg and became upset that someone would carry a gun to this kind of event. One media outlet cropped a video and made and issue of white people carrying guns to events now that we have a black man in the White House, you know racist Republicans and all that. Turns out the guy with the gun was black and the video was doctored to deliberately deceive the public. Propaganda from the media wing of the Democratic Party.
While all these bed wetters were crying about guns being carried at events they ignored the Obama thugs who had beaten people for opposing health care overhaul. Kenneth Gladney is a black man who was so severely beaten by Obama’s thugs that he had to use a wheelchair for a while after the beating. Where was Matthews and the rest of the media decrying this beating? They were nowhere to be found because Obama’s thugs were doing the beating. You can bet that if it had been a liberal black guy beaten by conservative whites the news would have played it 24/7.
After this beating people began carrying guns and there were relatively few incidents. John Hawkins at Town Hall has an article up with the 7 most embarrassing town hall moments for the Democrats. One of the items he writes about is the Gladney beating:
A black man [Gladney] at a political rally was assaulted by white thugs who used racial epithets. The man was beaten so badly that he was forced to use a wheelchair and the response from liberals was…well, we’re actually still waiting for a response. The conservative response was to start bringing guns to the town hall meetings. Since then, for the most part, the unions have decided to behave themselves. It’s just more proof than an armed society is a polite society.
The conservative response was to bring guns. Notice how the Obama union thugs did not beat anyone else after conservatives started bringing guns. I know the liberal bed wetters were all upset about the guns and how horrible it was but the reality is that people have a right to protect themselves and if Obama is going to send his goons out then people need to have protection. It was Obama who said if they bring a knife, we bring a gun and in that light I say if they send union thugs, we take a gun.
Remember, there were no other incidents of union thugs beating people up after conservatives started carrying guns. The thugs think twice about bullying people if there is actually a chance that there will be resistance.
There was however, an incident where a man lost his finger. A man who is opposed to government run health care got into a fight with a man who supports it and the deranged lunatic bit off the man’s little finger. There is no telling if the perpetrator was a union thug because he ran away but all indications are that he was some half baked liberal in the crowd of Move On supporters who did not like the fact that a citizen opposed the sainted one’s health care plans. The lunatic violated the personal space of William Rice who says he felt threatened and popped the guy in the nose. The fight ensued and Rice lost a finger (which could not be reattached) and the coward ran away.
If Rice had a gun strapped to his side it is doubtful the lunatic would have harassed him.
September is here and on Tuesday the Congress reconvenes after its month long recess. The recess was anything but the peaceful vacation they expected to have as in years past. This time they (those who actually ventured out in public) got an earful from constituents who know that it is unconstitutional for the government to get involved in health care and who know that any involvement by the government will be a disaster.
Government run Social Security is nearly out of money. Government run Medicare and Medicaid are broke and spending more than they take in. Government run programs are always over budget and poorly run and there is no reason to believe that the government can run health care any better than private companies could if they were unencumbered by ridiculous regulations and mandates that drive up the cost of the plans they offer.
Health care needs to be fixed but not in the way the Democrats want to “fix” it. They want to control your lives and taking over health care is the best way for them to do it.
If they get control of health care we will need to carry guns to the doctor in order to get properly treated…
Of course, gun control is also on their list. Though I think they should try union control instead.
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Tags: chicago way, communism, guns, health care, kenneth gladney, michael moore, Obama, socialism, union thugs
Obama Says No Need To Stock Up On Guns
Dec 9, 2008 Political
Barack Obama must be aware that since he was elected to the presidency the sale of guns and ammunition has gone through the roof. Many gun stores report a 50-60% increase in sales, gun shows have more people than at any time in recent memory and ammunition supply places report that they are out of ammo and most is on back order. This is all because Americans are aware of Barack Obama’s stance on gun control.
But Barry says not to worry. He said that people did not need to stock up on guns because he has no intention of taking them.
“I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the second amendment,” Obama said at a news conference. “Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear. I said that throughout the campaign. I haven’t indicated anything different during the transition. I think people can take me at my word.”
Before it was common sense gun laws. When that did not fly it changed to safety laws and who is to say exactly what that means and according to what person’s definition of safety? Obama’s common sense laws have led his hometown to have countless murders by gun, guns that are illegal to possess in a city from which this so called gun friendly man hails (and served in office). Barack Obama has a long history of abusing the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. There can be no doubt about this regardless of what he or his kool aid drinking followers say. Obama’s legislative record tells a much different story than the one he fabricated in order to get elected. He did not believe that it was an individual right and he sided with DC in the Heller case. It was not until after the SCOTUS ruled that gun ownership was an idividual right that Obama told us he has believed that all along (remember, if he says “like I have always said” or “I have not changed my position” then he is lying). Take him at his word? All of his promises come with expiration dates, just ask his kooky left wingnuts who are not real happy with him.
The NRA is not fooled by Obama:
But National Rifle Association spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said it’s not Obama’s words — but his legislative track record — that has gun-buyers flocking to the stores.
“Prior to his campaign for president, his record as a state legislator and as a U.S. Senator shows he voted for the most stringent forms of gun control, the most Draconian legislation, gun bans, ammunition bans and even an increase in federal excise taxes up to 500 percent for every gun and firearm sold,” Arulanandam said.
Obama answered “yes” in 1996 to a questionnaire from an Illinois group on whether he supported a handgun ban. But he later said a staffer filled out that answer and he did not support a ban.
Obama said that a staffer filled out the questionnaire but it was filled out in Obama’s handwriting. That is a talented staffer indeed. Obama wants to take guns away because an unarmed citizenry is more easily controlled by government. This government is getting more and more out of control and it will get worse under Obama. He wants complete control so he can run his Socialist Utopia and he knows that the armed among us will not take his crap.
It should surprise no one that Obama will ignore the Constitution because he is doing so right now. He has not proven he is a natural born citizen and thus will be an illegitimate president. Maybe this is the perfect ruse for him. He can impose all kinds of things and then when the armed take the country back he can say that it is not his fault because he is not really qualified for the job. He can then throw whomever failed to properly vet him right under the bus.
If Obama is telling you there is no need to stock up on guns then you need to stock up on guns. He and the idiots who want to remove guns from society believe they know better than you how to live your life. They believe they are smarter than you and they should be deciding on dangerous things like guns. This is what Peter Hamm of the Brady Center against Gun Violence had to say:
“Anyone who thinks they need to rush out and buy a firearm clearly has not been paying attention to how quickly we make progress on this issue. We don’t think these are first-time buyers. We think they are people who already have more than enough guns at their homes to protect themselves and are buying more.”
These are people who already have more than enough guns. Who is this jerk to decide how many is enough? Does this guy go around telling people they have too many cars, or too many pair of shoes, or too many clothes? If people have the money and they want to buy lots of guns then who is Hamm (or anyone else) to say that they already have enough? This is the same philosophy that liberals use when they take you money in taxes. You already have enough so we will take some from you.
Barak Obama must think that he has credibility because he won an election. He lost his credibility a long time ago and were it not for white guilt and dreamy eyed liberals (coupled with blacks voting for race) he would be another name in a history book. His word is his bond but only to the idiots who supported him. The rest of us know better.
But Barack Says there is nothing to worry about and that we do not need to buy guns. He even says he is all in favor of gun ownership. Yes, Barack Obama is a friend to the gun owner. I don’t believe that for a minute.
And judging from the sales of guns and ammo, neither do a lot of others.
Chicago Sun Times
Tags: ammunition, confiscation, gun shows, guns, law, liar, Obama, Second Amendment