Obama On Car Insurance
Mar 1, 2010 Political
During the dog and pony show summit about health care Obama used an analogy about when he had graduated from college and had a junker car that was covered with liability insurance. He claims to have been rear ended and that the insurance company would not pay for the repairs to his car. Obama is either lying about the incident (he made it up to make a point) or he does not understand what happened to him.
Obama probably had liability insurance only (common when a car gets old). Liability covers the other person in an accident (as in you are responsible so they pay the other driver because it is your fault). Liability does not cover the damage to your car. If Obama only had liability then the company did what Obama contracted it to do. He paid them premiums to cover him for the damage to another person’s car and that is what they did. If he had full coverage (unlikely or his car would have been covered or totaled) then he is misleading us about the result of the accident. Obama claims that this was not set up to provide real insurance, only to meet legal requirements (which are that you have to have liability insurance) but he is wrong. Unlike health insurance, people actually have a choice in what they want to buy. There are minimums established by each state but drivers are allowed to add what they want (as long as it is offered). Obama had to choose the coverage he had and he either had to know that he was only covered for damage he did to others or he is ignorant about insurance or he lied about the particulars of the accident. One more reason he should not be involved in OUR heath insurance.
But I wonder if this incident took place at all. Obama claims to have been rear ended which means the accident would have been the other person’s fault. In this case, the other person’s insurance would have been responsible for the damage to both vehicles.
No matter, Obama used this analogy to say that it is one thing to have a beat up car and get screwed over by insurance but it is quite another if you have a serious illness. These two are nothing alike.
But as long as Obama wants to compare to car insurance then he should consider the way they do business. Have minimums that must be covered and allow individuals to decide on what they want to add. Allow competition across state lines and have varying deductibles to help with costs. In addition, charge higher risk people more money for coverage.
I doubt this accident took place and it looks to me like the only folks who are going to get rear ended are Americans who have Obamacare forced upon them.
Obama made it clear he will let this get rammed through with reconciliation and that if people don’t like it then that is what elections are for.
We can start showing our dislike in 2010 by ramming them out the door.
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Tags: car accident, health care, lies, Obama
Obamabots To Invade Talk Radio
Feb 26, 2010 Political
Not long after Obama took office he told people that they could not listen to Rush Limbaugh to get their information and he basically made Limbaugh, a private citizen who has been more successful in business than Obama will ever be, an enemy. He did this along with FOX News and conservative talk in general.
Conservative talk was insignificant, need not be listened to, was ground noise, static.
But it must be loud enough and have enough influence to make the Democrats pay attention because they are amassing the Obamabot army to call in to talk radio to talk up the health care plan. The Democratic National Committee’s Organizing for America has launched a campaign where supporters will listen to talk radio and call in when the debate is about health care so that they can talk it up.
“The fate of health reform has been a focus of debate in living rooms and offices, on TV and online — and on talk radio. And since millions of folks turn to talk radio as a trusted source of news and opinions, we need to make sure OFA supporters are calling in with a pro-reform message,” says the introduction to the online tool.
It will be fun to listen as pimple faced cellar dwellers call in to extol the virtues of a plan with their great arguments about it being a right and Republicans are mean. It will be great to listen to them get chewed up and spit out by people who are experienced at talking for a living and know how to debate an issue and who actually have knowledge of the subject.
The drawback for the left is that having these people listen to conservative radio might end up turning them away from the Democrat party and the health care takeover.
Now that would be funny.
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Tags: conservative, health care, Obama, obamabot, talk radio
Best Possible Health Care Is In The US
Feb 24, 2010 Political
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams left Canada and came to the US for heart surgery after he was told by his Canadian doctors that the heart procedure he needed would require them to break some of the bones in his chest. He consulted with a doctor in the US and decided to have the surgery in Miami where the doctors cut through the side of his chest and did not have to break any of his bones.
Williams has had to answer questions as to why he came to the US when his country offers universal health care. Williams responded that it was his heart and his choice and lamented that if he had the surgery in Canada he would have to handle claims that he got bumped to the head of the line. He put it simply when he said:
I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.
I think this statement says it all. Despite the universal health care in Canada which has been touted as an example for America to follow, this politician decided that the US system, even with its flaws, provided the best health care possible.
We need reform but not the kind Washington DC and Obama are pushing. We need to keep this country the place where people want to come for the best care possible and not some second rate place where the elderly die because they are not deemed worthy of treatment and government employees make decisions that should be between patients and their doctors.
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Tags: best possible, danny williams, DC, health care, Obama, reform
Democrats Do Not Care About What You Want
Feb 20, 2010 Political
Let me say it up front so that the liberals can get their pink panties in a wad. Barack Obama and his Democrats do not care about what the public wants and they are not concerned about health care being provided for all. In fact, they do not want a debate on any of this and any meetings set up by Obama are window dressing. These are phony exercises so that he and his henchmen can claim they worked in a bipartisan manner. This is a ruse designed to make people think they got the message of the Scott Brown election in Massachusetts.
The administration is working on plans to merge the Senate bill with the House bill and then to pass it under the process of reconciliation which would only require a simple majority of 51 votes in the Senate. This entire process is designed to bypass the proper way to do business and to ram through legislation that America does not want. The Senate is supposed to be the tough chamber and is designed to slow the process and keep sanity in government.
The health care legislation is not about health and it is not about care. It is about government control over the population and over a huge portion of our economy and Barack and his henchmen are preparing to ram it though with no regard for what the people want and with little regard for the process that governs the way things are done in the Congress. This is Chicago politics and it is not the way to do business.
The Democrats are working on a way to ram this through after they have their phony meetings with Republicans so they can claim that they worked together. The Democrats crafted the legislation they have now with the millions of dollars of graft and corruption and all the payoffs just to get this far and they will not stop because of something like opposition by the American people.
These people have a radical agenda and they want to turn America into a Socialist nation. The White House library has all kinds of books about Socialism and those books were selected by Michelle Obama.*** These people are radicals and they do not care how they get things done just as long as they get what they want. Keep in mind that Obama told us he was willing to listen to all ideas and claimed that Republicans did not offer any when in fact they did. At the Republican retreat in Baltimore Obama held it [Republican health care plan] up and said he had read it. He showed that he lied when he said that they had not offered any ideas. He will lie to get what he wants. He is a radical and must be stopped.
We need to stop them all. It is time to call the vulnerable Democrats and remind them just who it is they work for. It is time to make sure EVERY Republican votes against this mess. It is time to remind these people that they will be out of a job in November if they are a party to this.
This is not how our country is designed to work. The Democrats are crafting legislation that is opposed by a majority of Americans. Don’t fall for the claim that a majority wants health care reform because that is true but they do not want THIS reform.
If Obama and the Democrats are serious about working together they will stop lying to America and will start with a blank sheet of paper.
Some of these Democrats do not care because they are either not running for reelection or are planning not to run. We need to remind them that we will boycott anything they are involved in if they vote for this as a parting shot to America. We need to let them know that they will not be successful when they leave office if they vote for this. We need to have bus loads of people driving past their houses and showing them the same anger ACORN showed AIG employees.
In short, we need to destroy anyone who votes for this mess especially if they do it under reconciliation.
I predict that if this proceeds in this fashion the Democrats will lose the House and the Senate in November and by large enough margins that Obama will be stifled for his last two years in office.
So ignore the phony shows and watch the Obama behind the curtain because he is working on getting his radical agenda passed regardless of what you want.
Remember America, DESTROY those who vote for this.
Democrats, you dance on puppet master Obama’s strings at your own peril.
***UPDATE: Evidently the tour guide at the White House said that the First Lady selected the books for the library without mentioning that the First Lady he was talking about was Mrs. Kennedy. The person who originally reported on this took it to mean the current first lady. It would seem a tour guide might be a bit clearer.
This does not take away from the fact that the current administration is full of radicals who want to bring Socialism to our country as its form of government. The history of the Obamas is rife with their Socialist beliefs and this is what he wants to fundamentally transform this nation to.
Also notice that liberals will focus on the mistake made from a tour guide’s information rather than the actual subject of the Dems circumventing the process to pass a very unpopular piece of legislation.
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Tags: games, health care, lies, Obama, primary election, reconciliation, ruse
Obama: You Were Right About My Plan
Feb 2, 2010 Political
The Democrats came within a whisker of passing the health care takeover plan and would have succeeded if Scott Brown had not won the Senate seat in Massachusetts. The backroom deals that certainly involved Obama were all wrapped up and the Democrats, who figured they would win in Massachusetts, were ready to pass the plan one way or another. The Brown win stopped that for now.
For nearly a year we have been saying that the plan will not allow people to keep their health care if they like it and that there were other things in there that Obama promised would not be. When he spoke to Republicans in Baltimore he admitted that what he promised was not in that bill actually was:
If you look at the package that we’ve presented — and there’s some stray cats and dogs that got in there that we were eliminating, we were in the process of eliminating. For example, we said from the start that it was going to be important for us to be consistent in saying to people if you can have your — if you want to keep the health insurance you got, you can keep it, that you’re not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making. And I think that some of the provisions that got snuck in might have violated that pledge.” [emphasis mine] Ace of Spades
Obama was ready to sign the bill as soon as it hit his desk and Democrats were working against the clock to get it to him before his State of the Union Address so he could do just that. There is no way that Obama would have vetoed the bill. In other words, he would have signed it with the provisions that were “snuck” in there.
There is also no doubt that Obama knew that this was in the bill. He is now admitting what we knew all along.
They have been dishonest and worked hard to ram this down our throats. We have the people of Massachusetts to thank for derailing this process, at least for now.
The Democrats are dishonest and they knew exactly what they were doing. They want to control our lives and they will lie, cheat, and steal to do so.
The big question is, if this item that violated a pledge was “snuck” in there how many other items that violated promises were “snuck” in there?
For nearly a year we were told that we were exaggerating the details or misleading people. It is now evident that Obama and the Democrats were the ones being dishonest.
They need to scrap this entire bill, work on the economy and come back to health care when people are back to work.
And when they come back they need common sense solutions that address the small portion of the population that is uninsured, make it more affordable for the rest of us (with free market solutions) and keep government out of our lives.
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Tags: health care, lies, Obama, scott brown