Democrat Transparency Behind Closed Doors
Jan 5, 2010 Political
Henry Waxman and many of the top Democrats have returned to DC to start working on reconciling the House and Senate versions of the health care overhaul. The House does not reconvene until January 12th and the Senate after that. The reason that these slugs are gathering is so they can work on an end around with the White House.
The House and Senate leaders are working on ways to keep from using the reconciliation process properly to merge the bills. The game will involve bouncing amendments back and forth and working out more back room deals in a fashion that does not allow Republicans to participate and because the normal process would require 60 votes each time the Senate had to vote. They had to bribe a lot of people to get 60 the last time and they do not want to go through that mess again.
This will also allow Pelosi to provide cover for some Democrats in the House but Republicans are not the only ones who are being screwed in this game. Democrats who have certain items they will not waiver on will not be able to ensure what they want is included. Pelosi will likely have the votes she needs and Reid will not have to do anything ethical like follow the Senate rules.
It was Pelosi who promised the most ethical Congress. It was Obama who promised transparency and all Democrats have thrown that word around quite a bit. They were not transparent during the initial work on this disaster and they are even less so now. These slugs are hiding behind closed doors and working on stuff out of the eye of the public.
They are hiding like the cowardly vermin that they are. This is no way to run a government and one can be sure that if the parties were reversed the liberal bloggers and the Democrats would be having a cow and talking about how the process was being hijacked.
Regardless of how one feels about the health care bill there are rules and procedures that must be followed if we are to maintain a legitimate government. This closed door stuff is more in line with Russia, China and a host of other nations that rule in a manner that was never in our design.
The Democrats and their leader Obama have completely shredded the Constitution and the rules that govern the House and Senate. They are hiding like cowards and pushing what they want regardless of the will of the people and regardless of the desires of some of their own members.
Now is the time for a Joe Lieberman to step up and say he will vote against final passage if this is not done properly.
Now, more than ever, we need the Republican to win Ted Kennedy’s seat in this month’s special election. We need these things now because our Republic has been hijacked by a bunch of cutthroat thugs who are moving closer and closer to iron fist rule of the Communists and less in accordance with the Republican form of government we were promised by our Founders and that is clearly spelled out in the Constitution.
I know that the Democrats think losing what they have in numbers is acceptable as long as they get what they want now. That is their choice to make and as foolish as it is, they are moving full steam ahead.
They will have a bloodbath in the next election but are they looking for more than that? Are they begging people to walk into the Capitol and throw them out onto the street and put in place a new government? Are they begging us to overthrow them by force? We have a solemn duty to cast off the bonds of oppressive government. We have a duty to get rid of any government that does not follow the rule of law.
We have elections to do that but it seems as if these morons are begging people to enter the Capitol and kick their asses out.
Nothing would make me happier than seeing them in shackles on a plane to Gitmo but I am content to wait for the next election.
What will come first, the next election or the tipping point?
US News
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Tags: constitution, corruption, health care, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, usurping
The Ghost Of Health Care Yet To Come
Jan 2, 2010 Political
During this entire health care takeover debate we have been deluged with the supposed support for the plan among the nation’s health care professionals. The prop doctors at the White House provided a stunt to show all the “support” out there among the medical community. The AMA board gave its support to the plan after some deal making even though most of the members oppose it (and keep in mind the AMA only accounts for about 18% of doctors in this country). The AARP came out in favor of the bill because it will get rid of Medicare Advantage and seniors will need a Medi-Gap plan. The AARP happens to have one of those and it will make a ton of money by selling it to seniors.
Let us not forget that the pharmaceutical industry was against this until Obama made deals with it, deals that favor the industry and go against what Obama promised.
Then we have the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. The clinic, which Obama touted this “as a national model for efficient health care”, has stopped accepting Medicare patients (unless they pay for their own care) because the government does not reimburse enough to cover expenses.
The Mayo Clinic, praised by President Barack Obama as a national model for efficient health care, will stop accepting Medicare patients as of tomorrow at one of its primary-care clinics in Arizona, saying the U.S. government pays too little.
More than 3,000 patients eligible for Medicare, the government’s largest health-insurance program, will be forced to pay cash if they want to continue seeing their doctors at a Mayo family clinic in Glendale, northwest of Phoenix, said Michael Yardley, a Mayo spokesman. The decision, which Yardley called a two-year pilot project, won’t affect other Mayo facilities in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. Bloomberg
Obama has said that the amount of money that doctors and hospitals are reimbursed is used as a safety valve by Congress to control costs. In other words, the doctors are screwed out of money by Congress in an attempt to balance the books (they never balance). Many doctors do not accept Medicare because of the reimbursement problems and now the model clinic will follow suit.
Imagine now if health care is run on a national scale by the US government. The government will set reimbursement rates and doctors and hospitals will begin dropping patients because the reimbursement is too low. This will lead to rationing of services and it will lead to more out of pocket expenses for those who rely on government. If a hospital or doctor refuses to accept the patients in the government plan then it matters not whether they have coverage.
Mayo’s hospital and four clinics in Arizona, including the Glendale facility, lost $120 million on Medicare patients last year, Yardley said. The program’s payments cover about 50 percent of the cost of treating elderly primary-care patients at the Glendale clinic, he said.
“We firmly believe that Medicare needs to be reformed,” Yardley said in a Dec. 23 e-mail. “It has been true for many years that Medicare payments no longer reflect the increasing cost of providing services for patients.”
No matter what they do to reform Medicare the purse will be controlled by Congress and as long as Congress can decide the reimbursement all the reform in the world will not make the situation any better. Yes, Congress could enact some reform but nothing can stop it from fixing prices in the future. This is true for any other government run health care.
Maybe the doctors and hospitals in Nebraska should contact Ben Nelson and tell him they will all stop accepting Medicare patients because he sold his soul to the devil. That would negate much of his sweetheart deal and it would keep the rest of us from having to pay into our Medicare and for theirs as well.
Health care needs to be reformed but not in the manner that government proposes. We need to scrap this whole mess and do some common sense things that will fix the problem and not enslave the people to government.
You people in Massachusetts can help. There is a special election this month for Ted Kennedy’s seat. The corrupt politicians in your state manipulated and changed laws to put a Democrat in there in the interim so that the majority would have 60 votes. If you vote the Republican candidate into office he will deny the Democrats their filibuster proof majority. The Senate will not have the 60 votes it needs to get closure. It is up to you to fight back against the corruption that your state has engaged in. Remember, if they had not changed the law (a law that existed until they changed it to prevent a Republican from being appointed by Romney should Kerry win the presidency) then the bill would have been dead.
Instead we have billions of dollars used as bribes for Senators, we have middle of the night legislation, and we have corruption at the highest level.
Massachusetts, you have the opportunity to keep the bill from passing by electing a Republican to the Senate. Look at Romney care and see how bad it is. Then you will see what it will be like for the country. Do us all a favor and elect the Republican. Besides, the Democrat has demonstrated that she is an unethical person who should never hold elected office.
Well, the Mayo Clinic in Arizona has fired the first shot across the bow of the government takeover of health care. They will no longer accept Medicare patients and this is being looked at in their other facilities and by physicians around Arizona. You can be sure that this is taking place across the country as well.
Seniors, this affects you. Get out in full force and vote these bums out of office. Especially you seniors in Massachusetts. Vote for the Republican in the Senate race that takes place this month. If you don’t step up then you have no right to complain when they are denying you care or doctors stop accepting Medicare.
“Before I draw nearer to that stone to which you point,” said Scrooge, “answer me one question. Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of things that May be, only?” –Source
Like Ebeneezer Scrooge, the future of health care can change. It all depends upon heeding what the ghost of health care yet to come has shown…
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Tags: denial, health care, Massachusetts, mayo clinic, medicare, Obama, stop care
Senator Max Bacardi
Dec 27, 2009 Political
I have to give credit to a commenter at You Tube for the name.
This is a video of Senator Max Baucus of Montana. He is on the Senate floor telling a bunch of lies about Republicans not being involved in the health care debate and them not offering anything in the process. Nothing unusual about that, Democrats lie all the time. What is funny is that Baucus is slurring his words and stammering.
It is obvious that he has had a little too much to drink. It is obvious that he has continued the Ted Kennedy tradition..
Max Bacardi, should have stuck with the coffee.
He complains that the opposition to health care is so Republicans can use it in the 2010 elections. If the damn thing is so wonderful, what would there be to use? Democrats wanted Republicans for one reason only and that is to have cover in the next election. They could then say they all did it. As it stands, this baby belongs to the Democrats and they completely own it.
They had the votes to pass it without one Republican and that is what they eventually did after shutting Republicans out of the process. They want to do that fine but then don’t whine and cry about it.
But I don’t blame this Senator for getting drunk before defending his side’s rape of America. Alcohol provides courage to some people. Then again, maybe he was having a few drinks with his girlfriend while discussing what jobs he could recommend her for.
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Tags: drunk on senate floor, health care, max bacardi, max baucus, slurred words, stammering
Senator Barrosso Makes A Good Point About Health Care Bill
Dec 26, 2009 Political
Senator John Barrosso, a Wyoming Republican, made a very good point about the Senate health care bill that was secreted through Congress in the middle of the night. He asks, if the bill is so good then why did 13 Democrat Senators ask that their states be exempted from some provisions of it?
This is a very good question. If this bill is wonderful for the country and will solve all of our health care woes, then why did these Senators get their states exempted from some of the provisions? Why is this bill good for the country but not for their states?
This, of course, opens the entire process to judicial review because some states got sweetheart deals and others will foot the bill but it is still interesting that each of these 13 Senators did not feel the deal was good enough for their states but is perfectly OK for the rest of us.
If it is such a good thing then most everyone would be buying off on it and the majority of the public would not disapprove of it.
Do we need to fix health care? Sure but we do not need to overhaul it. We need it fixed to be cheaper (more competition) and we need it to apply to all the states. We cannot have bills where the rest of us pay more so the exempted states can benefit.
Big Dog Salute to Gateway Pundit
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Tags: bad deal, exemptions, health care, Senate
Democrats Rape Us Under Cover Of Darkness
Dec 21, 2009 Political
Senate Democrats are complaining that they are in DC this close to Christmas when they should be at home. People like the 300 million dollar woman, Mary Landrieu (D-LA), are blaming this on Republicans. It never ceases to amaze me how the Democrats, the party in power, blame their misfortunes on the minority party. The Senate is in session because Harry Reid wants them to be. That is the plain and simple truth. He sets the agenda, he sets the times and he decides when they will recess. He has taken the arbitrary deadline of Christmas to heart and his agenda reflects that.
Certainly Republicans could cave and say let’s just get it over with but why should they? As commenter Darrel noted with regard to Franken, they have rules and he followed them (with regard to cutting Lieberman off). There are rules and procedures as to how debate goes on and the Republicans are following those rules. If Landrieu and others are upset then their anger should be directed at the spineless wonder, Harry Reid. If he were a true leader he would have told them to go home for the holiday and return after the first of the year ready to get to work. He could not do that because his taskmaster in the White House needs something done by the end of the year. Besides, Reid is using the cover of darkness to hide what is in his bill and he certainly does not want it to be made public before any vote because the longer Americans have to review this stuff the more they hate it.
Landrieu should also remember that she is not the only one who had to be bribed to sign on to the monstrosity. It took a while for her to rape the country out of 300 million dollars and others had to take their turn at the trough. The list of bribes grew as more and more Democrats stepped up to the trough to feed on taxpayer money. Ben Nelson got millions of dollars for Medicare in his state (which most states did not get but all of us will pay for) and Chris Dodd put in for 100 million dollars for a hospital. Michelle Malkin has a list of bribes that were paid this time as well as a link to the bribes Harry paid earlier in the debate.
So while Democrats cry about not being home for a holiday that is the antithesis of their whole take on church and state, the rest of the nation prepares for the screwing it will get under Obamacare.
Barack Obama said he was pleased at the progress and that the arguments that this will cost more don’t “hold water.” Right, and it is only by sleight of hand that they can claim to save money. First of all, the CBO analysis was flawed and the CBO reported the flaw to Reid (and did the CBO factor in the cost of the bribes). Second of all, many costs are added to other bills to give the appearance that this is deficit neutral. The “doc fix” is added to other appropriations (this year it is in the defense bill) to hide it. This should come as no surprise since Democrats tried to openly introduce a separate bill for the doc fix and they told us it was to keep the cost off the health care books. This will add to the deficit and there is no getting around that. The creative accounting used by the government only hides the numbers on paper. In reality, we end up owing the money and that is why we have trillions of dollars in debt. They must think we have Monopoly money.
Of course, no Democrat legislation would be complete without the obligatory smearing of those who oppose the legislation as knuckle dragging racists who don’t know any better. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) gave us the race speech when he said:
They are desperate to break this president. They have ardent supporters who are nearly hysterical at the very election of President Barack Obama. The birthers, the fanatics, the people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups, it is unbearable to them that President Barack Obama should exist. That is one powerful reason. It is not the only one.” [emphasis in original] Washington Times
Whitehouse was asked about the Aryan comment and he denied making it. The link contains the video of his speech and he absolutely says what he denies.
The we have Harry Reid playing the class warfare card.
All of this to justify taking over one-sixth of the economy and raping the public. All of this under the cover of darkness because while most of us slept, the Senate was in session raping the American people. Only a few things take place at night, rape and robbery being two of them.
The Senate bill still provides for abortion (and requires us all to pay for it) and it will cover illegal aliens. These are two things Obama said would not be in there.
So Landrieu and her ilk can complain about not being home for Christmas but I say too effing bad. You wanted to be a Senator and this is part of your job so shut the hell up and do your job. If you don’t like being there then don’t run for office. I notice that none of these people complain when they get weeks off at a time or are traveling around the world on the taxpayer dime. No, but if they have to work at Christmas time then the world is going to end. Mary Landrieu did not complain about being in session while she was raping the taxpayers out of 300 million dollars.
The Democrats are all walking off that precipice that Obama said they were near. They are blindly following the man child over the edge and he will not be able to save them in the next election. Americans are fed up with this BS and there will be hell to pay.
Ben Nelson was the 60th vote but Mitch McConnell said it well when he summed up the vote:
All it takes is one. Just one. One can stop it — or every one will own it. Commentary Magazine
Yes, any one of the 60 could have stopped it but now that it has passed every one of them owns it.
There can be no finger pointing at Republicans and there can be no blame assigned to any one person because they all had the same opportunity. They might have passed this under the cover of darkness but their misdeeds will be broadcast in the light of day.
So much for this ethical, open and transparent Congress and government led by Barack Obama. It was done behind closed doors and at night but we will clean the place of this vermin by shedding bright light upon them.
There are two things left to address. The Democrats have misjudged the meaning of the last election. Once the youth, a demographic that is not particularly political, starts having to buy insurance or pay more for what they have then they will become active. The elderly who get screwed in the Medicare debacle are dependable voters who will show their anger at the ballot box.
And the last thing is the base. The Democrat’s base is not happy. Keith Olberman urged them to kill this bill (because it is not radical enough) and he made a threat. He said that if they did not kill it he would not buy the mandated health care and he urged the other “progressives” (read liberals) not to buy it as well.
When I said I would not buy any insurance forced upon me the liberals who comment here had a field day.
I wonder how they feel about their own Olberman taking that position.
I know how I feel. If the bill Olberman wants had been passed and Rush Limbaugh went ont he air and said he would refuse to buy it and urged others to do the same (and he has an infinitely larger audience than Olberman) then ole Keith would have had a cow and made Limbaugh the worst person of the week.
America got raped very early this morning. You know the rapist is skilled when he manages to screw people from both ends of the political spectrum.
Vote them all out.
Legal Insurrection
Ace of Spades
Gateway Pundit
UPDATE: Republicans talking about yielding time to get it over with. Bad move Republicans. You can be voted out of office too. They are trying to rape America. Don’t roll over and make it easier for them.
Ace of Spades
The Hill
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Tags: bribes, darkness, Harry Reid, health care, landrieu, Obama, payoff, rape