Pelosi Might Derail Health Care Bill
Sep 23, 2009 Political
I have no love for Nancy Pelosi. She is a dim witted moron who comes from a nasty criminal political family from Baltimore. However, she might be the saving grace when it comes to the health care takeover because she might end up derailing the bill.
The health care debate is contentious and this is evident by the fact that it has not passed despite the Democrat’s control of the government. They need absolutely no Republican support and can pass it (well, that was the case before Ted Kennedy took up sobriety and Robert Byrd changed his residence to a hospital) but they cannot pass it.
This is because there are about 49 Democrats who were elected to the House in Districts that John McCain won. These Democrats realize that they are in the hot seat and that they could easily lose their jobs if they follow their liberal leaders. The so called Blue Dog Democrats in the House oppose any bill that increases taxes, adds to the deficit or contains a public option (which will lead to single payer). The liberals in the House are in safe seats (or at least they think they are) and they do not want anything less than a very loaded bill with the public option. They want massive government involvement. The Blue Dogs will not vote for a bill with the things they do not like and the liberals will not vote for one without them.
[note]The entire process has been nothing more than Chicago thug politics from the start. Obama has been making deals to get support. He sold out seniors to the AARP so they could make money off the elderly when they lose their Medicare Advantage. AARP stands to make a lot of money at the expense of its members. It is time for seniors to leave that group. Big Pharma and the doctors have had a few shady deals as well. If this was such a good idea Obama would not need to be making drug deals to get support.[/note]
Supposedly, a compromise bill has been introduced that placates the Blue Dogs and is designed to get their support. This would seem to do the trick except that Pelosi, is Speaker (or weeper) of the House and she is one of the liberals who wants vast government control. Pelosi intends to add the things that the Blue Dogs oppose.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is planning to include in the bill a tax on wealthy Americans, as well as a more robust government-run health insurance plan (or “public option”), abandoning the compromises leaders in a key committee worked out with the moderate Blue Dog Democrats, according to Roll Call. CBS
If Pelosi adds these things to the bill she will lose the votes of the Blue Dogs (assuming they know what has been added). Pelosi is bound and determined to have a bill that has what she and her liberals want in it and if she does this the bill could end up being rejected.
This would be sweet. The bill would go down in flames and there would be little time to do anything before they go home for the year. Pelosi could become a one woman wrecking crew and derail Obama’s signature promise. If that is the case, she would be owed a debt of gratitude from the people of America.
The thing is, we need to remain vigilant because they have ways of sneaking things into bills without anyone knowing. They have also shown they do not read the bills before the vote on them so it is possible she could back door her additions.
All members of Congress need to be aware of this and the story from CBS is the clarion call. Pelosi is trying to thwart what you are working on. She wants it her way or no way so it is up to you to make it no way. The American voters will hold you accountable for this bill if you vote for it to begin with but if you vote for the bill that Pelosi wants you will have targets on your backs when it comes to the next election.
Saying you did not know it was in the bill will NOT excuse you, Ignorance will not be tolerated so you better wise up.
There are enough Democratic House seats held by people whose Districts voted for McCain to change the balance of power. Pelosi might win reelection but find she is no longer in the majority and thus, no longer Speaker.
She would have only herself to blame and that is fine with me.
Wake up America and say no to this health care takeover. There are things that need to be fixed but this is not the solution.
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Tags: chicago, drug deals, health care, lies, Obama, Pelosi, socialism, thuggery
Obama Addresses Race Issue
Sep 21, 2009 Political
Obama taped his appearance on Letterman’s show and he addressed the claims that opposition to him is based on racism. I actually agree with what he said and it made sense. Of course, no matter what he might really believe (and I am not doubting what he said is how he feels) he would pretty much have to say what he did. This is how the exchange, which people who are desperate enough to watch Letterman can see tonight, was described at the CBS website:
Addressing suggestions that recent criticism of his health care reform efforts has been grounded in racism, President Obama this afternoon quipped, “I think it’s important to realize that I was actually black before the election.”
The comment, which the president made in an afternoon taping of CBS’ “The Late Show,” promoted laughter from the audenice and this response from host David Letterman: “How long have you been a black man?”
Mr. Obama said the notion that racism is playing a role in the criticism, which has been voiced by former President Jimmy Carter and others, is countered in part by the fact that he was elected in the first place – which, he said, “tells you a lot about where the country’s at.”
Yes, Obama was black before the election (well, half black) and he is black now. Unless he wants to pull a Michael Jackson there is nothing he can do to change that nor should he want or need to. The color of a person should not matter one bit when it comes to any aspect of life. It is a shame that it matters to some people but the fact is, it should not.
However, one thing Obama was before the election is more moderate. He opposed items that Hillary, and later McCain proposed saying that he would bring a new day to DC. He promised transparency and gave the appearance that he was pretty moderate. Once he got into office his far left, radical beliefs came out. Sure, he slipped up with Joe the Plumber but his surrogates quickly violated Joe’s privacy and broke the law in order to attempt to destroy the man.
As an aside, this is one of the reasons Breitbart decided to release the ACORN videos a little at a time. He had a plan to get the information out first before getting into who made the discovery. He wanted to avoid having the people who made the videos destroyed by Obama’s lackeys. He successfully made ACORN the story and made it nearly impossible for the MSM to go after the young film makers.
Anyway, Obama has moved farther left since he was elected. He played the left of center moderate, cool, even tempered guy who would take all opinions into consideration. Now he is working on his agenda, not listening to reasonable alternatives, is not displaying transparency, and is paying back his supporters just as politicians have done for a long time. Whenever he has trouble we are reminded that Bush did it. Czars, why complain about Obama when Bush had czars (more if you believe the DNC)? Why? Because Obama said that he was all about change. You can’t say you are all about change and then justify what you do by saying the other guy did it.
That is not change.
Obama took the time to tell Letterman that he did not believe the opposition was based on racism which runs counter to what the racist Jimmy Carter had to say. It is good that Obama would acknowledge that it is not about racism because that clearly demonstrates that is about opposing his policies and what he wants to do. It is about opposing the guy who is doing the opposite of what he said when campaigning. It is about opposing a guy who disagreed with Hillary and McCain but now wants to use what they proposed.
It is about opposing the radical make over of our country. No matter what the liberals think, they can now drop the whole racist bit because it is not working and your boss does not believe it.
Yes, Obama is a different guy than he was when he campaigned and his very appearance on Letterman shows that. Obama boycotted Imus and said he would never again appear on that show because of Imus’ comment about a women’s basketball team. Obama could not go on a show of a person who demeaned women like that. He had daughters to worry about and could not go on a show of a guy who would treat someone’s daughter like that.
He is on Letterman and Letterman demeaned Sarah Palin and her daughter. Palin is a politician and she is fair game though the “slutty flight attendant” remark is demeaning to women. The real kicker is that Letterman demeaned a person’s daughter who happens to be a minor.
Why is it Obama could not go on Imus but can appear on Letterman?
Do different standards apply if it is the daughter of a Conservative rival? One would think a man of integrity would apply the same standards no matter what.
Obama was black before the election. He was also a shrewd, insider politician brought up in the thug Chicago way and schooled in the art of Alinsky (his deception to get into office is right out of that playbook).
Looks like that has not changed either.
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Tags: alinsky, health care, Imus, Letterman, lies, Obama, politician, racism
Government Run Care Is Wasteful
Sep 19, 2009 Political
The idea that the government can run anything efficiently is one that I cannot get my hands around and I cannot understand those who believe this to be true. How many government programs have to run out of money and how many have to be funded with tax increases or reduction in benefits before people begin to see that government is not in the business of business and is inefficient?
Social Security will be paying more than it takes in in a few short years (something Bush warned about) and the paper IOUs that the government exchanged for the money it confiscated from the program are worthless. We have NO money to pay out when the bill finally comes due and current recipients will receive no cost of living increase next year. The Democrats have a solution and that is to raise the cap on which people pay Social Security taxes. This would happen without a corresponding increase in benefits that a person would receive in retirement. One would get the same for paying taxes on 130,000 dollars as the guy who paid taxes on 90,000. There is never a corresponding increase in benefits when taxes are increased.
Medicare is broke. It pays out more than it takes in. This, like Social Security, is a huge Ponzi scheme in which the current workers are paying for those who have retired. The only difference between these government programs and what Bernie Madoff ran is that the government’s Ponzi scheme is legal.
Medicare is touted as a success story by those on the left. They claim it runs efficiently and has a 2 or 3% operating cost. This is absolutely incorrect and is extremely misleading. Medicare has a lot of costs that are absorbed in other parts of the federal budget and the methods it uses to calculate administrative costs are based on fuzzy math.
Speaking of scams, the argument that Medicare’s administrative costs are 2% is one of the biggest scams out there.
Public figures for Medicare’s administrative costs count only what it takes to print reimbursement checks. Normal operating costs — rent, management, health insurance, taxes, capital to start a business and new equipment — which private insurers must include in their administrative costs, are counted elsewhere in the federal budget.
Official Medicare administrative costs simply exclude what most companies must include. No administrative cost savings exist in the public plan, and the true costs will never be counted because they’ll be hidden in the federal budget. American Spectator
A frequent argument is that, by removing the profit motive, the federal government, as through Medicare and Medicaid, does a more efficient job insuring health care than do private insurers. Congressional Research Service estimates Medicare’s administrative costs at 2 percent of the total program costs, compared to 12 percent for HMOs, and 10 percent for private insurers. A study by the consulting firm Milliman and Robertson, however, estimates that when factoring in the hidden costs shifted to care providers, and the social costs of collecting taxes for funding, Medicare and Medicaid actually spend 27 cents per dollar more on administration, compared to 16 cents per dollar spent by private insurers. The Evening Times
This program is what Obama wants for America and he claims that it will not add one dime to the deficit. He claims it will be deficit neutral. That is what he says now but what did he say when he was candidate Obama? He said that going to a Medicare like program would cost and additional 90 or 100 BILLION dollars a year. He said that it would cost 15 BILLION dollars to set up certain programs and he said that the idea that this kind of coverage would save money is only a theory. He said the reality was it would COST money.
Then he said that the reason that Medicare reimburses at about 62 cents on the dollar is because politicians use that program as a safety valve when there are budget problems. He said that when money is tight the politicians delay reimbursement or lower the rate and that doctors have to “suck it up.” Gateway Pundit has the video and what he said as a candidate is drastically different from what he is saying now. Please go look at the video and see for yourself that he is lying now about the costs.
It is also important to listen to what he said about how politicians use this program to ease budget problems. If they are tight on money then they delay payments or reduce them and expect doctors to suck it up. If his takeover of the health care system passes there will be plenty of budget shortfalls and that means delayed reimbursements and lower rates with doctors sucking up more of it. And keep this in mind, if they can do this to the doctors to ease budget problems then they can also ration care to accomplish the same thing. Obama would rather you take a pain pill in the first place. If he gets control of your health care then some government bean counter can decide if you should get the treatment you need based on the budget. The savings have to come from somewhere and Obama already said that the government uses Medicare as a safety valve.
The government is not efficient. Do you like the Postal Service? I think it is amazing they can get a letter to anywhere in the US for less than 50 cents but they also run a deficit in the billions of dollars. If they were a private business they would have gone belly up but they are a government entity so they are going nowhere. Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution allows Congress to establish the Postal Service and postal roads. This means they are here to stay no matter how poorly they are run.
Do you like the Department of Motor Vehicles? Run by state governments, they are an exercise in inefficiency. How about the Passport Office? Ever go there to get a Passport? IRS, Customs, and just about any other government agency you can name specializes in the run around and expending huge amounts of money.
Hell, The TSA is a government agency and look at how it operates. TSA stand for Thousands Standing Around.
The idea that government run health care will be a good thing is beyond reason. It is not about health and it is not about care. It is all about control over our lives.
Lastly, take notice in the video. Obama mentions single payer health care. That is the ultimate goal.
The government does not belong involved in this and if it succeeds the only thing we will have is a further erosion of our freedom.
I suppose the DNC will now try to rain hell down upon me. Two words for you morons; Bring It.
Mandatory Health Care is unconstitutional
Medicare efficiency over-hyped
Fannie Med?
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Tags: health care, inefficient, medicare, Obama
Illegals Won’t Get Health Care
Sep 19, 2009 Political
Because Obama will make them legal
Barack Obama gave his speech to a joint session of Congress and in that speech he said that illegals would not get health care, This prompted Joe Wilson to shout “you lie” and led to his being punished by the House. Big fricking deal.
Wilson was correct, Obama lies. Obama has continued to say that illegals will not get health care in his subsequent speeches. After the Wilson episode Democrats rushed to include language in the bill so that illegals would not get health care. If illegals were not going to get it, according to Obama, why did they need to fix the bill?
Stevie Wonder can see that under the original version illegals would get care. Even if they write it in, illegals will still get care because no one is allowed to ask for proof of citizenship before enrollment. If we can’t ask then illegals will get care.
But Obama might be technically correct if he gets his way. He wants to make illegals legal so that they can receive health care. People who are in this country illegally should not be rewarded with a legal status. We should use whatever means we have available to find the illegals and send them packing after they spend some time in the iron bar hotel. This includes proving citizenship for driver’s licenses, health care and work. We should punish any employer who hires illegals (provided the government system to check is functional) and send the illegals home.
The idea that they need to be here to pick fruits and vegetables is not valid. I need more money but I will not rob a bank to get it and if I did, that excuse would not keep me out of jail. There are millions of people on welfare who need a job and picking produce is good work. There are plenty of unemployed who could use a job. Besides, the government turns off water and kills the farming industry to protect a little fish. At this rate there might not be many farms left for our produce.
Barack Obama said he wanted to make these people legal so they could be covered under his health care plan:
“Even though I do not believe we can extend coverage to those who are here illegally, I also don’t simply believe we can simply ignore the fact that our immigration system is broken,” Mr. Obama said Wednesday evening in a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. “That’s why I strongly support making sure folks who are here legally have access to affordable, quality health insurance under this plan, just like everybody else.
Mr. Obama added, “If anything, this debate underscores the necessity of passing comprehensive immigration reform and resolving the issue of 12 million undocumented people living and working in this country once and for all.” Washington Times
Obama is telling us that this health care issue has highlighted the fact that immigration is broken and that he wants the 12 million illegals to become legal (resolving the issue does not mean sending them home in Obama speak) so that they can get health care (ensure those who are here legally have access…).
This is a back door amnesty program and is the solution to Obama’s claim that people who are illegal will not get the health care. It is nothing more than rewarding people for breaking the law. They came here illegally and do not belong here. If you want to come to America legally and work to make a better life then we welcome you with open arms. If you come here illegally you should be hunted down, sent to jail and then deported.
I am not surprised that the health care plan does not require proof of citizenship in order to be enrolled. Given Obama’s reluctance to prove his citizenship I can see why he would not want to burden others with that pesky little task.
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Tags: amnesty, health care, illegals, lies, Obama
Middle Class Tax Increase On The Way
Sep 18, 2009 Political
I have said all along that Obama’s pledge to not raise taxes on 95% of the population was a pipe dream. He already raised them when tobacco taxes were elevated which affected the middle and lower classes. However, there are those who claim he meant income taxes. He said all of our taxes but we can focus on income.
The plan to tax only the wealthy will not work. If the government confiscated ALL of the money the wealthy earn (100% tax) there would not be enough money to pay the bills. This is a mathematical fact.
Therefore, the bills will be paid by raising the taxes on the middle class. This might mean that the 40% of wage earners who pay no tax will start contributing to the cause.
Congressman Jay Rockefeller is concerned about this (a Democrat worried about a tax increase, say it isn’t so) and he stated that the newest iteration of a health care bill will certainly cause an increase on the taxes of the middle class.
The West Virginia Democrat worries, however, that a lot of middle class workers, like the coal miners in his state, will end up facing “a big, big tax” under the Baucus bill because they currently enjoy generous employer-provided health care benefits which they receive tax free.
Referring to Baucus, Rockefeller said, “He should understand that (his proposal) means that virtually every single coal miner is going to have a big, big tax put on them because the tax will be put on the company and the company will immediately pass it down and lower benefits because they are self insured, most of them, because they are larger. They will pass it down, lower benefits, and probably this will mean higher premiums for coal miners who are getting very good health care benefits for a very good reason. That is, like steelworkers and others, they are doing about the most dangerous job that can be done in America.” ABC News
This is not unique to West Virgina coal miners. The plan will cause an increase in the taxes of middle class Americans all over the country and they will end up paying for the health care for others.
The health care bill is not the only thing that will increase the burden to Americans. Recent estimates now show that cap and trade will cost each family $1761 per year. This is in stark contrast to the official claims of $175. The $1761 number came from the Obama people and was kept under wraps. It was obtained under a Freedom of Information request and it shows that despite what they are saying publicly, they knew back in November that the cost would be much higher.
These financial burdens keep adding up. Obama claims that he will have a deficit neutral health care plan but this claim is hollow. Medicare is not deficit neutral and it pays out more than it takes in. It has been a monetary black hole for a very long time and it will continue to be one just as all other government programs are.
As the bills keep piling up Obama will be forced to raise the taxes of everyone and that includes the 95% he vowed not to harm. His only hope is that he can get reelected before he has to raise taxes. Better yet, he would like to leave office and leave the mess to the next person.
In any event, we cannot keep spending like we have unlimited funds and we cannot keep enacting social welfare reform that causes increases in what families have to pay.
Americans are tired of having their money forcefully confiscated in order to fund politicians and their social programs.
Time to take the country back.
It starts at the local level and that leads me to this. Matt Burden of the website Blackfive has announced he will run for state office in Illinois:
September 4, 2009 – 41st District resident, Matthew Burden, announced today his campaign for the Illinois House of Representatives. Matt will fill the position vacated by the retirement of longtime Representative Bob Biggins. Campaign Site
Matt is raising campaign capital in small amounts from average citizens. You can read all of this at Blackfive.
If you can donate it would help Matt and it would be nice to see a man of his integrity hold office.
We can take back America one seat at a time, one office at a time and one district at a time.
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Tags: blackfive, health care, illinois, Obama, secret memo, state office, tax increases