Pelosi Is Worried About Bloodshed
Sep 17, 2009 Political
The Democrats are losing the battle on health care take over and their agenda is falling apart. They have resorted to using the race card for every person who opposes any of their plans because any of us who oppose what Obama wants to do must be a racist. What were we when we opposed what Clinton wanted to do? He was, after all, the first black president.
Nancy Pelosi is now kicking into high gear and she is using her emotions and scare tactics (what did Obama say about that) to influence the public. Now she is worried about bloodshed because of the nasty rhetoric:
“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw … I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco,” Pelosi said, choking up and with tears forming in her eyes. “This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening and it created a climate in which we, violence took place and … I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made.” Real Clear Politics
It was reported that she was talking about the incidents leading up to the murder of Harvey Milk.
Look at how Pelosi has portrayed peaceful people. These demonstrations against the government and its plans to take over our lives have been peaceful, for the most part. The violence has been perpetrated by the goons and thugs that Obama enlisted to quash dissent. His buddies in the SEIU beat people up. People on the right were not starting fights, his thugs were. The conservatives started carrying guns to the events and the violence stopped. Of course, the MSM focused on the gun “nuts” and not the reason they had to carry them (though many were just doing what they do every day). I don’t know of any anti government protester who bit off someone’s finger.
I did not hear Pelosi discuss the potential bloodshed when the anti war protesters were using language that was much more intense than that used by the protesters on the right. I never heard her discuss the potential bloodshed when Code Pinko and the others were carrying signs that indicated that George Bush should be hanged, or that they supported the troops when they shot their officers. Those were incitements to violence and Pelosi was quiet.
Pelosi is using dishonesty and emotion to change public opinion. The people protesting could certainly turn violent, as any group of people could, but they have demonstrated, thus far, that they are not interested in physical altercations. However, we fought one revolution over what this government is doing to us so it is not hard to believe that another one would happen. I would prefer a peaceful one where we just vote all the scum out of office. We are a long way from violence and assassinations and for Pelosi to assert that is nothing more than fear mongering.
The whole idea of violence because of the protests against the gays in San Francisco leading to Milk’s death is wrong. Milk and Mayor Moscone were killed by a man who wanted his job back, was initially told he would get it and then was told that they wanted someone else who was more in line with the ethnic diversity of the area. Dan White shot them because he did not get his job back (he had resigned from it) and his violence had nothing to do with the protests that Pelosi is discussing.
This is what we are up against. Pelosi is a moron who needs to be voted out of office in the next election. If the people of her district put her back in office it needs to be as part of the minority party.
Folks, if you want a better government you cannot keep voting the same people back in office. They are a bunch of corrupt, self-serving, leeches who care little about what you, the people they represent, want.
Washington Post
Wikipedia (Milk)
UPDATE: Isn’t it interesting that after spending all of August calling protesters un-American and belittling them, Pelosi is now worried that talk will lead to violence?
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Tags: health care, lies, Pelosi, violence
WH Dump Admits Obama Lied
Sep 12, 2009 Political
The White House dumped several items late Friday in order to limit the scrutiny associated with them. I find several items interesting and will write on a few others later but now I want to focus on the issue of illegal aliens receiving health care coverage under Obamacare. Obama says they will not, Joe Wilson says said that Obama lies and liberals are defending their president by pointing to one section of the bill that says illegals will not receive some sort of credit for health care.
The fact is, hospitals and doctors are not allowed to ask if someone is here legally. Insurance companies cannot ask if people are here legally either so they will be covered regardless of what the bill says. The dump from the White House basically admits that the legislation needs further work and that illegals will have paid health care.
Today, for the first time as far as we know, the administration is backing a provision that would require proof of citizenship before someone could enroll in a plan selected on the exchange.
Here, the administration also concedes that hospitals would be compensated with public funds for the care of undocumented immigrants. MSNBC
Illegals might not be allowed to receive federal credits but there is nothing stopping them from signing up for the government health plan. There are no provisions to check if they are legal, as the White House ADMITS. Therefore, Obama was lying when he said that illegals would not be covered. They will be because no one will know they are illegal.
Additionally, the law requiring emergency rooms to treat people who enter will ensure that illegals are paid for in the most expensive manner. Remember, the hospitals are not allowed to ask if they are legal or not. This whole thing would work if hospitals followed the law which states that each person who enters the ER must be screened by a physician who will determine if the visit is an emergency or not. If it is an emergency then the person must be treated and if not they may be sent away. Most doctors feel that if they have to screen the person they might as well treat them at the same time. Some years ago non emergent visits accounted for 57% of ER visits. If physicians would turn non emergent cases away a lot of money would be saved. Tort reform might actually help with that as well.
So we now know that the bill will permit illegals to be treated at taxpayer expense because there is no way to determine who is not legal. This much the White House admitted. We also know that illegals will continue to use the ER which will be reimbursed by the government which means, once again, illegals will have paid health care. Wilson apologized for his outburst in Congress, one that appeared to hurt him initially in the fund raising department (Wilson has raised over a million dollars since the outburst. His opponent was raising a lot of money soon after but now Wilson is doing well in raising money), but he should not apologize for what he said because what he said is the truth.
The mouth breathers on the left are rabid and have trouble seeing that Obama does in fact lie. Wilson pointed that out and they went bananas. Turns out, as MSNBC and the White House have shown, he was correct.
There is one other part of the MSNBC story that I found interesting. The White House says that illegals will still be able to buy insurance on the non government insurance market:
Undocumented immigrants would be able to buy insurance in the non-exchange private market, just as they do today. That market will shrink as the exchange takes hold, but it will still exist and will be subject to reforms such as the bans on pre-existing conditions and caps.
Notice how the non exchange private market will shrink as Obamacare takes affect? If the plan is to cover those without insurance and let those who like their insurance (about 80%) keep it, then why will the market shrink? It will shrink because if you lose your job or change employers you will be required to get the government plan. It will shrink because the bill is designed to make it better for employers to just stop providing health care insurance and let their employees move to the government plan.
This is the grand plan. Obama is on record as saying he wants a single payer system (which is a government run system) and that he wants to drive private insurance out of business. This is what he stated so there can be no denying it. Many other Democrats are on the record as saying they want single payer and that they want insurance companies out of business.
To those who say that Obama has never lied (and you know who you are) explain how he can be on the record as saying that he wants to put them out of business but then in his speech say that no one wants to put them out of business because friends work there. The admission by the WH that there is no provision to keep illegals from being covered demonstrates that Obama lied but this will escape the Kool-Aid drinkers.
Obama wants this pushed through now because he knows that he will only lose more and more support as time goes on. He is determined to have it his way regardless of what the American public wants. He is determined to involve government in our lives so that he can have more control over us.
Look at how they treat the elderly with regard to Social Security. Vote for me or your benefits will be cut off, or your monthly check will be smaller blah blah. Seniors are held hostage because government controls their monthly check. They paid in but government gets to say if and how much they can have.
If you let government take over health care we will all be in the same boat. How long will it be before we see them telling us that without a tax increase they will need to cut this item or that out of treatment options?
Obama lied and Joe Wilson pointed that out. Now the White House has confirmed it.
ObamaCare, it is to die for.
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Tags: health care, illega aliens, joe wilson, lies, Obama
How To Help A Messiah
Sep 10, 2009 Political
Barack Obama is on the ropes with his health care takeover plan and his speech to a joint session of Congress was a Hail Mary pass to bring things back into his favor. His poll numbers have been dropping and his plan has been getting torn to shreds. His lies about the plan are not going to help the cause (yes, he lied but he was owed the apology by Wilson) even though the media wing of the Democratic party will try to portray him as a paragon of virtue and his speech as pure as the driven snow.
The media has to help out Obama because they have so much invested in him and most of them hold the same views as he. So how does one go about helping out a Messiah?
Cook the books!
CNN had an overnight poll to see how the Sainted Won faired and wouldn’t you know it, Obama’s approval on the issue has improved 14 percentage points. This guy is so magical and such a great speaker that he was able to turn the country around in an instant by standing in front of Congress and lying his posterior off.
The only problem is the poll oversampled Democrats and way under sampled Republicans. The sample was 45% Democrat and 18% Republican (with no Independents?) so the results are most definitely skewed.
Obama did not say anything new. Yes, he changed the number of uninsured but most of what he said was the same old story interspersed with tired clichés. And of course there was the obligatory bashing of Republicans and others who disagree with him.
The CNN poll is designed to deceive the public and make those who are opposed believe that the battle is over now that Barry has spoken and “clarified” things for us. CNN is trying to squash any further dissent so that the path to Socialism will be a smooth one.
Don’t let these morons fool you. Obama and his health care takeover plan are in trouble. There are quite a few Democrats in the House who claim that they cannot vote for this, and in the Senate Kennedy is dead and won’t be replaced until next year and Byrd is too sick to vote. The Democrats do not have the votes in the House and they surely do not have them in the Senate. If they pull procedural tricks to ram this through they will pay a heavy price in the 2010 election.
Obama and health care are on the ropes just as they were before he gave the speech. He lied and as those lies are exposed over the next few weeks more and more people will oppose this monstrosity.
People will see that while you are not required to give up your current situation there are elements that will cause you to lose it. Your employer might decide that it is cheaper to pay the government penalty and drop the coverage he provides. Those on Medicare will be provided fewer services because there will be huge cuts in that program to fund the new one. Illegals will most definitely be covered. There is nothing that says they will but there is nothing that says they will not and the Democrats have already voted against several amendments that would have expressly excluded them. That is because the Democrats want to provide them care but have to use the back door to keep from angering voters. Once they have what they want it will not matter.
Yes, Obama lied and with any luck the health care takeover will die.
But until we bury this monster once and for all, the propaganda wing will continue to provide good PR and skewed polls to make the Messiah look heavenly.
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Tags: health care, illegal aliens, joint session, lies, Obama, reform, speech
$3,800 Fine If You Don’t Get Health Insurance
Sep 9, 2009 Political
The newest version of the health care takeover bill making its way around has a provision to fine families up to $3,800 for not obtaining health insurance. The geniuses working on this plan figure that they can solve the problem of people not being able to afford health insurance by fining them. This is like a bank charging you $35 for an overdraft check. They fine you what they know you don’t have. For those who can afford it and choose not to get it, power to them.
There are plenty of things wrong with this whole idea. The first is the idea that you can be forced to buy health insurance.
The plan from Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana would make health insurance mandatory, just like auto coverage.
Auto insurance is only mandatory if you decide to get a vehicle. If you do not want to pay for car insurance you have the option to not get a car. In other words, you have the freedom to choose whether or not you want to incur this expense. Health insurance is quite different because you have no choice in the matter. You can opt out of car insurance by not driving. The only way to opt out of health insurance is to stop living. While that might make the government happy, it will not be good for you. While we are on the comparison to auto insurance perhaps we could make health insurance like auto insurance in that you have to pay for routine check ups. You have car insurance but it does not cover new tires and oil changes. When you go to the doctor you should have to pay for the routine stuff. That would lower the cost of premiums.
I also note that even with the mandatory requirement for auto insurance (if you have a car) there are still plenty of people driving around without insurance. A huge number of them are ILLEGAL aliens and they have a lot of accidents. Perhaps if they wanted to charge fines for not having insurance they could do it in the auto insurance arena. That would be much more productive.
Another issue here deals with our basic freedoms. We have the freedom to choose (just ask any pro abortion zealot) and should have that freedom when it comes to health insurance. You have every right NOT to buy insurance. My only thing in that regard is, if you get hurt then you pay the bill out of pocket or over time but you have to pay it. If you don’t then they get to come take your stuff to satisfy the bill. I really don’t care if you lose all your worldly possessions because you decided not to get health insurance but I will fight to my death defending your right to take that decision.
The last thing here is the heavy handed approach the government is taking. What it is basically saying is; “Either you will do exactly what we want and buy something that we say you have to have or we will heavily fine you.”
I have stated many times that this is about control. The health care bill is not about health and it is not about care, it is about government control over your life. They will make a rule that you have to buy insurance or you will be fined. Later on they can say that if you don’t have a certain kind of insurance you will be fined. Then they can change some other rule under the threat of a fine.
What next? Will they fine you if your Body Mass Index (BMI) is too high? Will they fine you if your cholesterol is elevated? Will they decide that every American must join a gym and attend three times a week or be fined?
Where does it end?
Can someone explain why we allow the government to do this? Why do they have a say in how we live our lives? Why are so many willing to let them have near total control over their lives?
I would also like to know how it is that a woman cannot be denied an abortion. States keep working on anti abortion laws but liberals are against all that. They are even against parental notification. It is not the role of government, they say, to impose these things on women thus denying them their right to choose. So what gives government the right to choose for the rest of us? What gives it the right to take decisions on our behalf and to force us to do things we might not want to.
Where is our right to choose?
We need to defeat this health care bill completely. They need to start from scratch and keep it simple by fixing what is broken and leaving the rest alone.
They also need to stop attempting to violate our rights by fining us for choosing how we live our lives and what we do and do not buy.
Vote them all out in 2010. We must end the redundancy of incumbency.
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When Government Stacks The Deck
Sep 7, 2009 Political
Suppose that the government decided that Mercedes makes a great and expensive car and that it is unfair to other car makers. Now that the government owns GM it might decide that it needs to compete in the car industry and since it is not supposed to run a business and since few in government have actually done just that, they would need some other plan to make the playing field level.
How about if the government decided to add a tax on all luxury cars sold and the money had to go to GM so it could compete. The luxury car companies would pass the increase on to their customers but it would not be long before the customers decided that the cost was not worth it and the luxury car companies would go out of business. Pretty soon, Government Motors would be the only game in town.
This would hardly be a fair way to do business and if any private company found ways to cause financial burden to competitors the government would soon be screaming monopoly and getting involved.
Most Americans would not think it right (or Constitutional) for the government to run a business much less impose unfair costs on competing interests.
And yet, this is exactly what government wants to do with insurance. The newest plan to come forward bumps out the government run care for co-opts (which will morph into government run) and then features a tax in insurance companies that sell high end policies. The government is looking to collect about $6 billion a year starting next year by gouging the insurance companies:
The bipartisan group also is considering a tax on insurance companies that provide expensive coverage plans. And one feature that might help satisfy the more liberal members of the committee is that insurance companies could face a separate new fee to help pay for the plan. It would be determined based on market share, and could raise $6 billion a year starting in 2010, the sources said. Ace of Spades HQ
So, like my auto example, the government will tax a competitor in order to fund its own venture. Nowhere else in the business world is one company forced to pay the capital for another company. This is a terrible idea and it will result in a few problems.
First of all, the insurance companies will have to increase premiums in order to cover the tax which will cost those with plans more money. They will eventually go somewhere else and the way the bill is currently constructed that someplace will be the government plan (or co-opt) because you may only keep what you have until you change and then you get the government option.
Once these insurance companies lose money they will go out of business and they will not be there as the cash cow to government. This means the government will have to find other ways to pay for its largess. This means other tax increases and there are not enough rich people to pay the bills so the tax increases will come to the middle class.
The government will stifle competition until it is the only game in town and then the politicians will have near total control over our lives. Once they control health care they will control us.
We need to defeat this horrible health care bill. They need to sit down with a blank slate and fix only the things that are in need of repair and leave the rest of it alone.
Wake up America.
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Tags: government option, health care, lies, Obama, taxes