Long August Brings Out Best, And Worst, In America

August was a stressful month for members of Congress as they had to go home and face their constituents. They did not want to face them because a large number of them do not want government run health care and they do not want the government to completely overhaul the health care system. Most people want the problems with the system to be addressed while leaving those things that work, alone. Anti capitalists want the government to run the whole shebang and drive private insurance companies out of business.

Speaking of anti capitalist, and completely off topic, Michael Moore has a new movie out that is against capitalism. He claims that it is bad, causes people to be poor and is evil (and has members of the clergy agree with him). Isn’t it rather funny that this moron, who makes his fortune off capitalism, has a movie against it? Michael Moore owns stocks in companies (including Halliburton) and he invests his money in order to make more money. Yet, this slob (who really should have been aborted) is railing against capitalism. The real way to have lots of poverty is to attempt to redistribute people’s money. Socialism is fun until you run out of someone else’s money. al Reuters

Back to the health care debate. The town hall meetings were pretty contentious. Yes people raised their voices and some of them became extremely vocal but they were not violent and for the most part, were respectful (at least they were as respectful as the person deserved). I cannot blame some folks for getting pretty peeved because their Senator or Representative lied to them or tried to blow smoke in a dark place. Frank Kratovil’s office told me he had not made up his mind and a few days later he was out hawking the Obama plan. Obviously, his office lied.

As people became more vocal members of Congress became more reclusive. Many of them did not hold town hall meetings and some, including Harry Reid, held events that were by invitation only and that cost money to get in. As things heated up, Barack Obama mobilized his army of thugs in the unions and in his other groups and asked them to get in the game and bust a few heads. Then, union thugs began taking up many of the seats at town hall meetings. They began harassing those who disagreed with the health care overhaul. Obama’s jack booted thugs became physical and tried to intimidate the opposition, Chicago style.

People were threatened, people were beaten and there was a lot of bad behavior. This was perpetrated by the thugs Obama mobilized to “get in our faces.”

Then a funny thing happened. People started bringing guns to these events. This was done in accordance with the law and no one broke any law whatsoever when carrying a weapon despite the panic of those on the left and in the media (but I repeat myself). Chris Matthews lost the tingle in his leg and became upset that someone would carry a gun to this kind of event. One media outlet cropped a video and made and issue of white people carrying guns to events now that we have a black man in the White House, you know racist Republicans and all that. Turns out the guy with the gun was black and the video was doctored to deliberately deceive the public. Propaganda from the media wing of the Democratic Party.

While all these bed wetters were crying about guns being carried at events they ignored the Obama thugs who had beaten people for opposing health care overhaul. Kenneth Gladney is a black man who was so severely beaten by Obama’s thugs that he had to use a wheelchair for a while after the beating. Where was Matthews and the rest of the media decrying this beating? They were nowhere to be found because Obama’s thugs were doing the beating. You can bet that if it had been a liberal black guy beaten by conservative whites the news would have played it 24/7.

After this beating people began carrying guns and there were relatively few incidents. John Hawkins at Town Hall has an article up with the 7 most embarrassing town hall moments for the Democrats. One of the items he writes about is the Gladney beating:

A black man [Gladney] at a political rally was assaulted by white thugs who used racial epithets. The man was beaten so badly that he was forced to use a wheelchair and the response from liberals was…well, we’re actually still waiting for a response. The conservative response was to start bringing guns to the town hall meetings. Since then, for the most part, the unions have decided to behave themselves. It’s just more proof than an armed society is a polite society.

The conservative response was to bring guns. Notice how the Obama union thugs did not beat anyone else after conservatives started bringing guns. I know the liberal bed wetters were all upset about the guns and how horrible it was but the reality is that people have a right to protect themselves and if Obama is going to send his goons out then people need to have protection. It was Obama who said if they bring a knife, we bring a gun and in that light I say if they send union thugs, we take a gun.

Remember, there were no other incidents of union thugs beating people up after conservatives started carrying guns. The thugs think twice about bullying people if there is actually a chance that there will be resistance.

There was however, an incident where a man lost his finger. A man who is opposed to government run health care got into a fight with a man who supports it and the deranged lunatic bit off the man’s little finger. There is no telling if the perpetrator was a union thug because he ran away but all indications are that he was some half baked liberal in the crowd of Move On supporters who did not like the fact that a citizen opposed the sainted one’s health care plans. The lunatic violated the personal space of William Rice who says he felt threatened and popped the guy in the nose. The fight ensued and Rice lost a finger (which could not be reattached) and the coward ran away.

If Rice had a gun strapped to his side it is doubtful the lunatic would have harassed him.

September is here and on Tuesday the Congress reconvenes after its month long recess. The recess was anything but the peaceful vacation they expected to have as in years past. This time they (those who actually ventured out in public) got an earful from constituents who know that it is unconstitutional for the government to get involved in health care and who know that any involvement by the government will be a disaster.

Government run Social Security is nearly out of money. Government run Medicare and Medicaid are broke and spending more than they take in. Government run programs are always over budget and poorly run and there is no reason to believe that the government can run health care any better than private companies could if they were unencumbered by ridiculous regulations and mandates that drive up the cost of the plans they offer.

Health care needs to be fixed but not in the way the Democrats want to “fix” it. They want to control your lives and taking over health care is the best way for them to do it.

If they get control of health care we will need to carry guns to the doctor in order to get properly treated…

Of course, gun control is also on their list. Though I think they should try union control instead.

Big Dog

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Clinton: Support Health Care For The Party

Bill Clinton and Al Gore are out on the campaign trail (Obama is still campaigning) in order to drum up support for the health care plan that will completely overhaul the health care system in this country in order to provide health care to the very small percentage of the population that does not have and truly cannot afford such care.

The Democrats have taken a beating over this issue because they are being irresponsible with our system of health care. They are ramming legislation through without even reading it. They are doing a disservice to their constituents while working to give government further control over our lives. And make no mistake about it, this is all about control. If this was all about fixing the system then it would actually address the problems with the system and would not consist of a complete overhaul. It would not be a Trojan Horse bill designed to slip single payer health care in in the middle of the night. A Single payer system is the goal as expressed by Obama and many other Democrats who have stated that this is the way to eventually get single payer.

[note]If this health care plan is so good then why are members of Congress exempted and why have they refused to vote for amendments requiring them to take it?[/note]

If this was all about health care and not about control then Obama would have voted for the health care reforms that were proposed when he was a Senator. His fellow Democrats would have voted for them as well. Instead they voted against reform that would not overhaul the entire system and would have made a difference.

The problem is, they never wanted the system to be fixed. If it were fixed then the Democrats would not have anything to run for office on and they would not have the chance to take control of people’s lives. The Democrats conveniently forget this part of history and they continually present only two options in this debate as if nothing else exists. It is either their plan or do nothing. They present it as if the only option is to do nothing and then they attack that position. It is a straw man argument and it is designed to make people think that if this does not pass we will do nothing.

As I wrote, we had the chance to do something when Obama was a Senator and he VOTED AGAINST the bills.

Still think this debate is about health care? Bill Clinton said that the health care bill needed to be passed for the sake of the party.

“We need to pass a bill this year. Doing nothing is not only the worst thing we can do for the economy, it’s the worst thing we can do for the country. It’s also the worst thing we can do for the Democrats,” Clinton said, because Americans expect Democrats to deliver when they elect them. Commercial Appeal

Clinton said that not passing this bill is the worst thing we can do for the Democrats. This is the entire issue. It is bad for Democrats if they get defeated on Obama’s signature legislation and right now they are getting beaten. Not long ago Clinton said they needed to pass something. I think his words were that they could get half a loaf instead of the whole thing and then work on adding to it later. They need to pass something to make Obama look good.

They need to pass something for the good of the Democrat Party, Clinton himself said so. Never mind if it will be good for us as individuals, they need it for the party. Though Clinton said it would be good for the economy there is no way that can be the case. It will cost too much and will cause an increase in taxes for nearly all taxpayers. The way this bunch has handled the economy there is no way they should be making predictions about how health care will impact it. Additionally, Medicare is broke and spends more than it takes in. That is a government run program. Our government does not have a good track record when it comes to running programs at a low cost and this is particularly true for the health care ventures it runs.

It is all about party and control. The Democrats are selling us a bill of goods and they are working hard to screw us over so they can have more control over our lives. They need to pass something so that Obama does not look bad and so they can get their feet in the door.

From there we will be on the fast track to socialized medicine in a single payer system.

No matter what you hear from now on always remember that it is about helping the party. Bill Clinton made that clear. It is also about control which certainly helps Democrats because controlling people is what keeps them in power.

Obama has made that clear in the way he is taking more and more control of the private sector in this country.

Bill Clinton says to support health care for the good of the party.

Big Dog says defeat this legislation for the good of the country.

Which side do you fall on?

Big Dog

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Obama And His Team Miss The Mark – Again

The Obama team of nincompoops has missed the mark since he took over the helm of state here in the good ole’ US of A. First we had to pass the stimulus right away or the world would end. We were told that with the stimulus unemployment would not go above 8% but that without it the rate would be above 9.5% and maybe higher. They passed the huge bill (one that contains very little to actually stimulate) and unemployment went up to the number it would ONLY reach if we did NOT pass the stimulus.

Now, before some liberal responds and tells me that unemployment is a lagging indicator let me say that I know this and I did not expect unemployment to lower with the stimulus. Obama and his team were the ones who claimed the stimulus would keep unemployment down so they are the ones with whom you have a beef.

I have said all along that we did not need the stimulus and that the recession would clear on its own as all recessions have done in the past. The major recession that turned into a depression took that path because of government interventions very much like what is taking place today. The interference of our government is the reason the rest of the world had a depression and we had a Great Depression.

Right now, countries that did not have huge stimulus packages are well on their way to recovery while we still linger in tough times. I have been told by several liberals that I communicate with that the recession is softening and that we are on our way to recovery. They tell me that this means the stimulus is working. First of all we were told the stimulus would jump start the economy. Then when that did not happen we were told it was not meant to jump start the economy and that it was actually designed to take affect next year. Now that things are “softening” the stimulus is suddenly the reason and is meant to work this soon.

Only about 10-15% of the stimulus money has been allocated so if the economy is getting better with only that relatively small infusion shouldn’t we cancel the other 85-90% that we were going to spend? If we are on our way to recovery without all the stimulus money then let’s save it so we can reduce our debt.

I think we are in for some serious trouble ahead because of the careless and unsound monetary policies of the Obama administration. While things are looking a little better (stress little) now there will be problems next year. Obama is already revising his estimates of unemployment for next year from his unrealistic 7.9% made in May to 10%.

U.S. unemployment will surge to 10 percent this year and the budget deficit will be $1.5 trillion next year, both higher than previous Obama administration forecasts because of a recession that was deeper and longer than expected, White House budget chief Peter Orszag said.


Administration and congressional budget officials expect the unemployment rate, which was 9.4 percent last month, to keep rising. White House officials said the rate likely will rise to 10 percent by the end of 2009, averaging 9.3 percent for the entire year. It will worsen to a 9.8 percent average in 2010 instead of the 7.9 percent estimate in May. Bloomberg

Joe Biden told us before that this is worse than anyone thought and now they are saying it again. It was made worse by the careless spending and haphazard approach to addressing it. They can blame this all on Bush (and he along with the Democratically controlled Congress certainly share in the blame) but it belongs to them. There were plenty of economists who said that the stimulus was the wrong way to go. Couple that with the huge number of items that have nothing to do with stimulating the economy (and everything to do with paying off political supporters) and you have a recipe for disaster.

The Obama team will be hit with a double dip recession. The recession we are recovering from will make a slow improvement into the beginning of next year. Then we will get hit with another recession which will drive us down again. This will be accompanied by inflation the likes of which have not been seen since the Carter administration.

Numbers are looking up a little but they are deceptive. Businesses posted “profits” last quarter but many cut workers from their workforce and pared down about as far as they could go. This time we have cash for clunkers which numbers wise was a success and will be a good thing for dealers (if they get paid). It will be a failure in the long run because of what it did. It allowed people who had functioning vehicles that were, in most instances, paid for to trade them in and get up to $4500 of TAXPAYER money to buy a new one. Now they have a new bill to contend with. If we have this double dip recession as I suspect (and as some economists are predicting) will these people fall in the same boat as those who bought houses they ended up being unable to afford?

The clunkers program probably took people who would have bought cars in a few months and enticed them to buy now. This means sales numbers will decrease in the coming months. The real issue is the program itself. Pay attention closely. This program was conceived only a short time ago and it is already over. In that period of time the paperwork required of dealers became a substantial burden, the computer network set up to accept the forms was inadequate and crashed a number of times. The deadline for submitting the paperwork has been extended a few times and dealers are not getting paid in a timely fashion.

Two things strike me about that. If dealers are kept waiting for six or eight weeks for reimbursement some of them will go bankrupt and be forced out of business. Also, if the government cannot effectively manage a 3 billion dollar program for a few weeks what makes anyone think it will be able to handle a health care system involving trillions of dollars. If a clunker took a mountain of paperwork and reimbursement is slow what will a doctor have to go through to get paid and what will a patient have to go through to get treated?

Keep this in mind when they tell you they can run health care. They could not run cash for clunkers without making it an administrative nightmare full of delays. Imagine how it will be when it is health care.

The Obama team has been inept at figuring out what the economy is doing and they continually admit they did not have a clue. Their fall back position is to blame the Bush administration (without mentioning the majority Democrat Congress in place when this happened) and say that they inherited a mess.

They got a mess but they made it really bad and now it ALL belongs to them. So they need to stop whining and start getting things right.

They can start by recalling the stimulus and not spending any more money and by also ending the overhaul of health care.

Let’s face it folks, the last think we need to hear after Obamacare passes is “we underestimated how much this would cost and we were really wrong about rationing/wait times/death panels…”

By then it will be too late…

Big Dog

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Government Run Health Care; The Preview

The government cannot run anything efficiently. The Post Office, The DMV, Welfare, Medicare, you name it and it is in financial trouble and possibly on the verge of collapse. Even Obama indicated that the Post Office was in trouble as he was saying the government should run health care because the Post Office has not kept FedEx or UPS from succeeding.

To interpret that, he said that insurance companies would still be profitable when government is involved in health care because government screws things up and is inefficient. His admission is not stopping him from wanting YOU to have the health care run as well as the Post Office.

The Obamabots also point out how well Medicare is run. The truth is that Medicare spends more than it takes in and that its administrative costs are much higher than reported because the true costs are spread throughout the government and are not reported.

Then we get to the VA. Obama and his ilk tout how well the VA is run. Ask most veterans who receive care at the VA and you will get a different story. Now I know many doctors and nurses who work for the VA and those that I know provide great care. However, the system is broken and the administrative tasks are burdensome. Not to mention the waste.

A large number of veterans were the recipients of government efficiency known as the VA when 1200 of them received letters telling them they were dying of an incurable disease. The letters were intended to notify veterans who have Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS) that they were eligible for benefits. The letters went to the wrong people in what the VA is describing as a coding error.

This is not the only snafu. A number of veterans recently received endoscopic procedures with dirty equipment possibly exposing them to a number of diseases including hepatitis and HIV. One man is suing the government because he blames his HIV on a colonoscopy.

The number of contaminated veterans is now at 57 and the VA still accepts no blame.

I know that there have been horror stories in the private sector but in that sector people are free to change providers and insurance carriers and there are legal avenues available to them. It is hard to sue the government and their army of lawyers will ensure that the cases drag on forever.

And to top it off, they do not accept blame for the things they do wrong.

This is what Obamacare will turn in to. People will be shortchanged in the name of saving money and they will die as a result of the “blameless” government.

We do not need more of this no matter how great Obama says it is.

Capitalism works much better at driving down costs and there are plenty of ways to fix what is broken without overhauling the entire system.

Big Dog

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The Upside Down World

Returned safely from New Mexico where I was without Internet access for a few days. Am ready to return to the ring.

The world is in turmoil and the US is leading the way. Barack Obama was elected on the promise of hope and change coupled with transparency. Now people hope they have change left in their pockets and Obama is as transparent as Mississippi mud.

Don’t worry though, it is all explained. David Paterson, Governor of New York, said the calls for him to step aside in the next election are the result of a racist media. Perhaps he should take a look (no pun intended) at the way the media treated Obama and he will realize that they are not racist as long as the black guy involved is a liberal Democrat willing to bring Socialism to America. If Paterson appointed a few czars he might get media support.

Paterson then stated that Obama would be the next victim of racism:

“The next victim on the list — and you see it coming — is President Barack Obama, who did nothing more than try to reform a health-care system . . . only because he’s trying to make change,” Paterson said. New York Post

To Paterson, anyone who opposes a black man is a racist. It would never occur to him that people might actually oppose what he is doing or oppose the monstrosity that Obamacare will certainly be. No, it has to be racism.

Count Paterson among the unemployed after the next election.

Obama has found other entities to blame. Though racism is always touted as the reason for opposition Obama has come up with a list of those who are to blame for his troubles. The list includes Sarah Palin, the insurance industry, conservative groups and those stubborn facts. I notice he is not blaming the countless liberals who oppose what he is doing and he does not blame his own party who could pass his agenda without one Republican vote.

Perhaps Obama is weeded up, I mean wee-weed up. What kind of talk is this from a man who is supposed to lead the country? If he was alluding to urine then it would be appropriate considering all the bed wetters on the left. If he was talking about being weeded up, well that fits the left as well.

That might not be a bad thing for the left because they might get what Mexico now has, legalized drugs. Mexico has made it legal for people to have small quantities of certain drugs. Considering they practically make it legal for smugglers to have large quantities I would think the average guy got cheated.

Obama might need to legalize drugs so his followers will stay under the illusion that he is good for this country. Looks like some folks have buyer’s remorse.

Actor John Voight wants to know if Obama is fueling a civil war in our country. When I read the piece I noticed that it did not discuss a war in the terms of the US Civil War where weapons were used. I believe he meant a dispute among the members of our society. Still, some saw this as wrong and suggested he stick to acting. I have always believed that actors should stick to their trade but in this country they are free to speak their minds.

I believe Voight would have better illustrated his point if he had asked if Obama were fueling civil discourse.

The answer to that is yes.

The country is upside down with dissent no longer patriotic. Dissent being patriotic was a mantra of the left while they were dissenting when President Bush was in office. Now they look at those who oppose the government as radicals, un-American, and nut jobs. The people who are opposed represent many diverse groups including people from many parties and all age ranges.

The will of the people is important and we do not take kindly to politicians doing what they want instead of what we want. There will be another American Revolution.

It will be peaceful and involve throwing all these people out of office at the ballot box.

Unfortunately, those in power will not take too kindly to the people getting rid of them. They have the power and the means to employ it.

That is why the Second Amendment is so important and it is also why so many of them want to negate it.

Keep your powder dry and keep up the good fight. We can win this battle against Socialism.

Big Dog

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