Things Are Changing Rapidly In The World Of Hope

It looks like the Obama brand of hope and change is not resonating very well with a majority of the population and he is being dealt one setback after another. The hope and change express started to derail when the conductor, one B H Obama, rammed through a stimulus package that did not stimulate and coupled it with an omnibus bill, both of which were laden with earmarks. The price tag gave many Americans sub-sternal discomfort and they began to realize that Obama and his Democrats were out of control. Cap and trade gave more Americans pause and this was just the beginning.

Then came time for the signature legislation, the promise to end all promises, and that was the reform of our health care system. We are not talking about tweaks to fix our system, no we are talking about a complete overhaul that will remake the entire system of health care and it is being done to cover the 8% or so of the population that does not have health insurance.

Well, they say it is about covering the uninsured but if this were really the goal then the members of Congress, including then Senator Obama, would have voted for the bills that were introduced to repair the system. Instead, they voted against fixing it because they knew that someday they would be in a position to take complete control and they could not vote for anything that might give praise to Republicans, no matter how harmful their votes were. The goal is for them to take control of health care so they can control our lives. They want to control our lives and the easiest way is for them to control our health care. They already hold the elderly hostage with Social Security and Medicare and they want this same power over the rest of us.

Obama has met resistance though because people are not willing to cede that much power to government. People are waking up and rejecting the idea of government controlling their health care and the decisions stemming from it.

Obama has dropped the idea of a public option but we still need to be vigilant because any plan they pass now will be added to in the future and they will use the foot they get in the door now to force other options on us in the future.

As for the change that Obama promised, it appears as if the political landscape is changing. All 50 states have more people who identify as conservative and Tim Pawlenty says that Obama is pushing people to the Republican party.

Obama has shut down his Gestapo email snitching address after it received much deserved attention about the impropriety of the White House collecting the names of people opposed to its plans by encouraging supporters to report their neighbors. We need to remain vigilant here as well because the story indicates that they still want tips but there is a new place to send them.

All of these setbacks might not be cause for celebration because there are still those who are so thrilled with Obama that they have their noses stuck in his undershorts, and on a national level he remains popular. However, the arrogance of those in Congress might well take away the majority Obama enjoys at the present time. A New York Congressman says he will vote against the wishes of his constituents. Democrat Eric Massa said he will vote for single payer health care even if the majority of his constituents do not want it. He is in a conservative district and somehow got elected (like Frank Kratovil). He basically told his constituents that he knows what they want and need and he knows it better than they do.

Anyone want to bet on whether this guy will be in office after the 2010 election? This is the problem with politicians, they think they know what is best for us and that they can decide how we should do things. They work for us and they represent us so they need to ensure that the way they vote is actually representative. In 2010 Republicans will take a large number of seats. This is not all great because they have shown the inability to lead in the past. When they were in power they acted like Democrats and lost control. They need to be committed to smaller government and less spending or they will do us no good.

However, guys like Kratovil and Massa will be one termers and a lot of others will lose their jobs as well. The number of Senators who could lose is also staggering. I really want to see some of these jackasses go down (and that includes people from both parties).

The hope and change express has been derailed because a lot of people are sobering up and realizing that they went on a terrible bender that cost this country dearly.

They now realize that if Obama is the answer it must have been a stupid question in the first place.

Big Dog

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Obama Pulls Granny From The Grave To Defend Health Care

Back during the campaign we heard about Obama’s grandmother and how she had cancer and received a hip replacement during her final weeks of life. Obama said it made him wonder about the sustainability of a system where someone with little time left above the ground received this kind of care. Basically, Obama said that we should consider denying care to those who are terminally ill. That might have been an appropriate decision in his granny’s case but that is a decision that should be made in concert with a doctor, not a politician or a bureaucrat.

Obama is now using granny as a prop to try and push his health care agenda. Obama is claiming that anyone who suggests that there will be death panels is just wrong and it is hurtful seeing as how he lost his granny not too long ago. Obama thought it was a waste of money for granny to get a hip but that she is valuable enough to the debate for him to raise her from the dead in order to push his health care agenda.

Obama did not care one bit about his grandmother as she lay dying. He barely took time to go see her and he only spent an hour or so of his vacation visiting with her. Yes, Obama the humanitarian did not spend more than an hour with his grandmother after the medical system wasted money on her by replacing her hip. We are supposed to believe him when he says that he has no intention of pulling the plug on granny when he showed little interest in the health of his own grandmother.

Obama is desperate and is invoking his dead granny to bring sympathy to the debate. Demonizing those opposed has not worked. Claiming the protesters are Astro turf plants has not worked. Claiming that the protesters do not represent America has not worked so the only thing left is to raise granny from the dead in an attempt to convince people that the elderly hold a special place in the hearts of the left and will not be coerced into choosing death.

It has been a bad week for Obama and his health care plan. He has dropped the public option, he has decided against death panels and end of life decisions and Sarah Palin used her Facebook account to school Obama and show his true colors.

Raising granny from the dead seems to be about all he has left.

I doubt that will work seeing as how she was nothing more than a typical white person who was thrown under the bus long before she died.

Big Dog

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Obama Retreats To Get Something Passed

Barack Obama is working hard to get something, anything, passed with regard to health care. This is one of his signature pieces of legislation and something he based a large part of his campaign on so he needs it to pass. The problem is, more and more people do not trust him because of the way he handled the so called crisis known as the economic downturn. Obama said we had to act now and that we could not wait. No one read the bill and we ended up with 9000 items of pork in a bill that has failed to stimulate anything except our debt. It cost nearly a trillion dollars and has had no effect on the economy. It has been a failure.

Now people hear Obama making similar claims about having to do health care reform NOW. No one has read the bill and there are items in it that are unpopular because they are paths to rationing, socialism, and end of life decisions that will be mandates more than anything else.

This mess will also add a lot of money to the deficit because there is no method to pay for it.

Obama has used a straw man argument to push his health care agenda. He presents only two items, his plan and doing nothing. His position is that if anyone opposes what he wants then they are advocating for doing nothing. Then he goes on to attack the idea of doing nothing. The fact of the matter is there are plenty of things that can be done and there are plenty of people expressing ideas that do not involve a complete overhaul of the health care system. Some of them were presented when Obama was a Senator and he VOTED AGAINST EVERY ONE OF THEM. This is because Obama wants the government to have complete control over the health care system so that they can more tightly control our lives. This is a plan long espoused by communists who knew that taking control of the health care of people allows government to take control of people. Obama and the Democrats want control of the people. If Obama cared about the people or their health then he would have voted for the bills that were presented in the past but he DOES NOT CARE.

Barack Ocommunist is about controlling people and remaking America in the image of his hero Saul Alinksy. We as a people need to put a stop to Obama and his twinkle toes chief of staff who continues to run roughshod over those who oppose the Democrat’s agenda of destruction of our country.

The media wing of the Democratic party is on board with the New York Times and others claiming that opposition to Obamacare comes from conservatives as if no one else dares to take a stand against Obama and his merry men.

If things do not go well — and right now Mr. Obama’s political popularity is declining, his health care legislation is under conservative assault… [emphasis mine]

The Olbermans and other scumbags in the media are shilling for this disgrace of a leader and are working to help him transform America into a socialist country full of people living in subservience to the government. We cannot allow this to happen and people from all walks are stepping up to oppose this abortion. We need to keep the pressure on.

Republicans in Congress must not vote for any health care bill presented even if it does not include the public option. At this point in the game Obama is looking for anything he can call a victory and Bill Clinton is urging Democrats not to get too upset if they do not get all they want telling them they might not get the full loaf. The implication is that they need to get something passed and then it will be easier to tweak it down the road. Once that camel’s nose gets under the tent we will not keep it out.

We need to hand Obama a resounding defeat on this. If they decide to use procedures to bypass rules and allow the votes to go forward then let the Democrats be responsible for passing it. No Republican should vote for any portion of the Obama plan. It will be as terrible as the stimulus and be as big a failure.

Make the left pass it with their majority and hold them accountable for their vote. Any Republican ho votes for this should be rmoved from office.

We need to hand Obama a defeat and we need it to be a big defeat. He needs to be taken down a few pegs along with the people behind him. We need to reassert ourselves and show them who the boss is. They need to be reminded that they work for us.

Don’t be fooled by the change in tone. Obama is looking to save face politically and he is willing to sacrifice part of his wish list to be able to say he got health care reform passed.

We need to deny him this. Now is not the time to waiver or get weak. Keep putting pressure on them and make them feel the heat.

Big Dog

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Is Congressman Kratovil Getting The Message?

I recently wrote about my Congressman, Frank Kratovil of Maryland’s First District. He is an alleged Blue Dog Democrat and he won the traditionally Republican District by a small margin thanks to the large amount of money infused by the Obama special interest groups and the endorsement of former MD 1 Congressman Wayne Gilchrest. This RINO endorsed Kratovil because he was upset that he lost the primary to a Republican who actually IS conservative. I don’t think Kratovil will be in his seat for long but I do know that he will hasten his exit by supporting the liberal/socialist positions of Obama.

I wrote of Kratovil’s lie. I called his office and his staffer assured me that Kratovil had not taken a position on the health care bill. He already voted for Cap and Trade so it is obvious he is not a Blue Dog but a lap dog. After I spoke with his staffer the “uncommitted” congressman was out hawking for Obama and his health care plan. Kratovil had indeed taken a position and it was contrary to the one held by the majority of his constituents.

My reminder to the staffer that Kratovil won by a small margin must have made it back to him. I am sure he has also received quite a few reminders of this by others in his district. is reporting that several first term congressmen are reconsidering their positions.

Frank Kratovil and Tom Perriello, who as freshmen congressmen would be expected to back the party leadership, both say proposals for expanding coverage to the uninsured are un­acceptable in their current form and should focus more on cost savings.

Mr Kratovil, who was hanged in effigy by a healthcare protester at a town hall meeting in his state of Maryland, said he would have voted against legislation if it had come to a vote last month.

Kratovil NOW says that he would have voted against the bill in its current form so why was he out hawking for Obama? Why was he trying to sell the boondoggle to his constituents when he held his town hall meeting? Now that he has heard from his constituents he is singing a different song. That is good because he should be listening but make no mistake, he is all for the Obama agenda but he is also worried about being reelected. In the final analysis he knows that his constituents are the people who will put him back in office, not Obama and the party mob bosses.

Losing elections is why the Democrats want to have Republicans on board for this. If they can get Republicans to vote for it they can allow their vulnerable members (like Kratovil) to vote against it and be able to tout his Blue Dog credentials. No Republican should vote for this. Force the Democrats to pass this without any Republican support and force people like Kratovil to choose between his party and his constituents. We cannot give these people an easy way out of the mess they created.

I will be holding Kratovil accountable for his votes and right now he is in trouble for his vote for cap and trade. I worked very hard to get rid of Gilchrest and I will do the same to get rid of Kratovil.

We must get rid of all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.

Anyone that votes for these socialistic programs is a domestic enemy. Kratovil is in good company with all the enemies of the state in the Obama administration including the chief thug Obamadinejad.

Kratovil had better straighten up and fly right. He needs to remember who he works for and he better do what we want. Gilchrest played games and lost his job. Kratovil will go a lot faster in the conservative First District of Maryland.

Big Dog

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A Tale Of Two Media

[note]It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair… Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities[/note]

The discourse in America is being attacked by the liberal media because the people are attacking the plans of their chosen messiah. Obama has been spending like crazy, breaking campaign promises right and left and he has been pushing a Socialist agenda on the people. He and his Democratic minions as well as his Chicago thugs and SEIU goons are trying to stifle dissent by attacking the people who are expressing themselves. But what are we coming to? The signs that are displayed and the actions of the people are out of this world:

…protesters stalked his motorcade, assailed his limousine and stoned a car containing his advisers. Calling the President a terrorist, the demonstrators bullied passers-by, including gay softball players and a wheelchair-bound grandfather with multiple sclerosis.

One protester even brandished a sign that seemed to advocate the President’s assassination. The man held a large photo of the President that had been doctored to show a gun barrel pressed against his temple.

What kind of people would do this sort of thing? These are over the top antics by truly deranged people and the media are right to go after them because this is no way to express dissatisfaction. The media should not, however, say that these fringe elements represent an entire group of people.

Not to worry, the media did not even cover the event very much and none of the people were labeled as terrorists, whack jobs, nuts, or racists. This is because the paraphrased quote above is from a story describing how liberals reacted to President Bush when he attended a fundraiser in 2002.

The media did not cover this, the talking heads did not have any of them on TV discussing how dangerous they are and asking what kind of impression people should have and they were seen as people being patriotic by dissenting.

Now that Obama and his Democrats are catching hell the media are portraying people as nuts. Those who do have a Nazi symbol are pointed out by Nancy Pelosi (she did not point out the Nazi symbol at the Bush protest) and the media as representatives of an entire group of people and the group is stated to be all conservative. Democrats do not need Republican votes to pass anything so there must be more than just Republicans at these meetings.

This is how the media reacts to different parties. When Republicans are in power the protests are seen as dissent and the over the top stuff is ignored because the evil Republican deserves it. When a Democrat is in charge the media rally and start labeling people exercising their First Amendment rights as right wing nut jobs who are a bunch of racists that can’t stand a black man being in charge. This is what the media ignores while labeling you a nut job or dangerous:

Protesters slashed the tires of several state patrol cruisers and leapt onto an occupied police car, slamming the hood and blocking the windshield with placards. A female police officer was knocked to the street by advancing protesters, badly injuring her wrist.

The angry protest grew so violent that the Secret Service was forced to take the highly unusual step of using a backup route for Bush’s motorcade because the primary route had been compromised by protesters, one of whom pounded his fist on the president’s moving limousine.

Obama wants to stifle dissent and debate as evidenced by his statement that he wants those who caused the problem to be quiet and let him clean up the mess. There are plenty of people from both parties who are responsible for this mess so if he wants those who caused it to be quiet DC will sound like a library.

Pelosi and Hoyer called those who were up in arms un-American and Arlen Specter said that they do not represent most of America. As if a guy who can’t figure out what party he wants to be in knows what represents America.

Don’t let these elitists get you down. We have a formidable task in fighting the Socialists because we have to fight the elected as well as their media wing. The media will not report on their own mess but will hype up anything that will bring scorn to bear on the conservatives in this country.

Turn their programs off. Fight against government abuse. Vote every member of the House out of office next year. If you only vote for Democrats then vote for the primary challenger, same goes for Republicans. If there are no challengers in the primary then don’t vote for that particular candidate. If party is a secondary concern then vote for the other person. We can change the political landscape by voting them out of office.

We can also change what they do by voicing our opposition to their Socialist plans.

Now is the time for the next revolution. It needs to be peaceful (as long as the opposition keeps it that way) but effective.

Fox News

Excellent article by Dorothy Rabinowitz

UPDATE: Georgia Democrat David Scott’s office sign had a swastika painted on it. I don’t condone that kind of behavior (but rest assured the liberal media will blame it on a conservative extremist) but found what Scott said kind of interesting:

“We have got to make sure that the symbol of the swastika does not win, that the racial hatred that’s bubbling up does not win this debate,” Scott said in a telephone interview. “There’s so much hatred out there for President (Barack) Obama.” Yahoo News

I don’t remember Scott having this sentiment when the radical left was marching against Bush and proudly displaying that Nazi symbol.

Big Dog

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