They Will Say And Do Anything To Takeover Health Care
Mar 7, 2010 Political
Barack Obama and the Democrats are so entrenched in their desire to takeover our health care they will do anything to pass something, anything, and get it signed before the November elections. The Democrats believe that they know what is best for us and that once anything is passed we will learn to like it. They have gone so far as to consider parliamentary maneuvers in order to pass legislation that will takeover one-sixth of the US economy.
They have abandoned their past beliefs in order to push this albatross through. Barack Obama, a proud proponent of the public option, has abandoned that issue in order to get any bill passed. The abortion issue is causing distress among Democrats in the House and the general distrust the House has for the Senate is causing angst in the House as members are apprehensive about voting for a Senate bill that could then be signed into law without major differences being addressed. Part of this is because the Democrats are circumventing the system. If they did it correctly, the way in which it was intended, then they would not have to worry about being screwed.
There are also concerns about the Constitutionality of the bill. The bill requires everyone to purchase insurance. This is simply unconstitutional as our government has no right to force us to purchase a product. In fact, Obama was against the mandates when he was trying to beat Hillary Clinton for the nomination:
“The reason she thinks that there are more people covered under her plan than mine, is because of a mandate. It is not a mandate for the government to provide coverage to everybody. It is a mandate that every individual purchase health care. And the mailing that we put out accurately indicates that the main difference between Senator Clinton’s plan and mine is the fact that she would force, in some fashion, individuals to purchase health care ….” YouTube
Mandates were not good when Hillary was in favor of them. Now Obama is in favor of them. The Democrats will do and say anything and will change their positions just to get something passed. They wrongly believe that if they do not get this passed it will be bad for them.
The truth is the November elections will be bad for them no matter what but a majority of people are opposed to this plan and are opposed to the way the Democrats are pushing it through, despite what the Democrats say about it. It would have been better for Obama and the Democrats to take Republicans up on the offer to start over with a blank piece of paper and write a bill on which both sides could agree. This would have shown a true willingness to have bipartisan input and would have given Democrats a leg to stand on with the public.
Instead, they are pushing through something that most do not like and have added a few sprinklings of Republican ideas in order to give the appearance of bipartisanship.
Democrats could save seats that might otherwise be lost by cooperating with the minority party. Instead, they continue to give Republicans ammunition to use during the campaign season. Whether this passes or not, Republicans have ammo. If it passes they can claim that the Democrats rammed through unpopular legislation in order to push an agenda. If it does not pass, Republicans can claim they stopped the unpopular legislation from being rammed through.
If the Democrats had started over and Republicans continued to block the legislation then the Democrats could claim the moral high ground and say it does not matter how hard they try, the Republicans obstruct. If the negotiations went through the next election Democrats could claim they are making progress and need their majority to keep the process from being derailed.
Instead, they have painted themselves into a corner and will pay dearly in November.
Voters can see that Democrats are willing to do and say anything to ram through legislation that is opposed by a majority of people, albeit for different reasons.
November will be a bloodbath for Democrats and many from districts and states that are not blue will pay a heavy price for supporting legislation pushed by leaders in safe seats who have no worries about losing their jobs.
The leaders do not care because they will do anything to get this passed. They must in order to continue with their takeover of our lives.
Remember, America will only remain the land of the free so long as it remains the home of the brave.
And it will take a few brave Democrats to push back against this monstrosity.
Big Dog Salute to William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection.
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Tags: Clinton, flip flop, health care, Obama, Pelosi, takeover
Obama Will Do What He Was Opposed To
Mar 4, 2010 Political
I realize that campaign promises are just that and I never took Obama seriously. He is an inexperienced hack, a joke who does not know how to lead. He has a community organizer mentality in that as a community organizer he worked in a small community with no regard for money, no budget to worry about. Just organize and someone pays for it. He is an organizer in a larger community now and he still thinks that money is no problem because someone else will handle it.
We saw how he was opposed to ending the filibuster when Republicans wanted to do it. We saw how he criticized Bush for the Patriot Act and then he signed to extend it and we see him doing a number of things Bush did that Obama expressed dissatisfaction with. Obama promises come with expiration dates and he will say anything and do anything to get what he wants.
Obama told us in 2007 that getting 50 plus 1 vote was not the way to get things done. He said that they would not achieve things by getting 50 plus 1 vote. Obama even said that this kind of thinking was what Karl Rove engaged in because did not like government.
But Barry is firmly committed to using a process to get 50 plus 1 vote to pass his agenda. It is rather Rovian (by Obama’s definition) and must mean that Obama does not like government. According to his own words, he is now unable to govern. Obama specifically said that he was going to build a working majority and that he would not use the 50 plus 1 strategy to pass health care:
We are not going to pass universal healthcare with a 50 plus one strategy. We’re not going to have a serious, bold energy policy of the sort I proposed yesterday unless you build a working majority.” –Sen. Barack Obama, October 2007
Watch the video and listen closely to the jive talk. Obama is telling us what he thinks we want to hear. He is saying that he will get a working majority so he will not use the 50 plus 1 strategy that he NOW favors.
Why is Obama so hell bent on destroying his party? Why is he hell bent on doing something that so many oppose? Why will he not start over and build that working majority?
There are several reasons. He wants to impose on America social programs bigger than FDR and LBJ so that he can stake his claim in history as one of the progressive heroes. He knows that he will lose seats in November and the election of Scott Brown ushered in the reality that he could lose the majority in one or both chambers. He wants to do it now or he will not have the progressive legacy he believes is his birthright.
The other thing is that he believes that if he tanks on health care he will be seen as a failure. Republicans said this issue could be his Waterloo and now some Democrats are expressing the same thing. He is more worried about his image, his legacy and whether he is viewed as a failure than he is about America or his own party. Obama is so worried about passing his agenda that he is embracing a procedure that violates Senate rules. The way this bill has been amended and will be voted on (vote on Senate bill, add amendments and send to Obama) is not how legislation is supposed to be accomplished but none of this matters because Obama wants it done at all costs.
There are people in Congress who have been there for years who will lose their jobs this November and most of the blood will be on Obama’s hands. Some were going to lose anyway, no matter what, but there will be huge losses because of what Obama is doing. Some people who would otherwise win reelection are going to be gone because of Obama and his legacy. Others are quitting rather than be part of the bloodbath.
Of course, the best laid plans sometimes come undone. Obama has a problem with the Senate and that is why the sleight of hand. But he might lose this in the House. There are Democrats who will not vote for this and right now it looks like they will be shy a few votes. Pelosi might start beating people up or sending the mob in to break some knees but until then, the votes are not there.
[note]Note to Frank Kratovil, vote for this and you are gone and we will be welcoming Congressman Andy Harris to the 1st Congressional District.[/note]
Obama will do absolutely anything it takes to get this through. He will begin campaigning (did he ever stop) for this mess on Monday.
“Whatever it takes to get health care done,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said of the president’s schedule. Washington Post
And when I say he will do whatever it takes I mean legal or otherwise. He was not upset at the bribes passed around the Senate to get it through the first time and he is not above payoffs to get what he wants either:
Tonight, Barack Obama will host ten House Democrats who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he’s obviously trying to persuade them to switch their votes to yes. One of the ten is Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House just sent out a press release announcing that today President Obama nominated Matheson’s brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Weekly Standard
This might just be a coincidence but I doubt it. Obama will do what it takes and he is all about Chicago style politics.
Keep an eye on Matheson because if he now votes for it then he was bribed because perception is reality.
In 2004, Kerry was for it before he was against it. Obama was against 50 plus 1 before he was for it.
Remember America, this is about control and nothing else. They need control to collapse the economy and replace it with what they want.
Let’s deny them the chance. Call your Congress critters and tell them that all the temple monkeys will be replaced if they vote for this. It is an election year, the only time they listen (or pretend to). They know we do not like it so ask them if they are willing to fall on their swords for Obama who is not up for reelection for three more years or the likes of Pelosi who is in a safe seat.
If they screw us with this we need to make them pay.
And revenge is a dish best served cold…
Thanks to:
Flopping Aces
Breitbart TV
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Tags: 50 plus 1, health care, house, lies, Obama, reconciliation, Senate
I Thought Obama Was Against Nukes
Mar 3, 2010 Political
Well, he is for us but he is happy for Iran to get them.
He is also not opposed to using the nuclear option. Word on the street is that today Obama will announce he has incorporated some Republican ideas (no serious tort reform) and that he now expects them to sign on or he will call for reconciliation (though he won’t use that word). Here is the compromise; Obama took 2700 pages of legislation and added about 30 pages of things Republicans like. So he wants them to vote for the 2700 pages they do not like in order to get 30 they will like.
That man boy is still smoking crack. He has to be. And that was the fastest six weeks in history (he did say they neded to get this done in the next six weeks).
No, Republicans will not sign on and Obama and the Democrats knew that. He held the summit to show Republicans as obstructionists and then they showed up and handed him his ass because they were prepared. America saw a party with ideas and a willingness to work together so long as they started from scratch.
Baby steps, Obama said, will not do it so it is his bill or nothing. This is beacue Obama and the Democrats need to pass something, anything, that is labeled health care before the next election. They do not want to be negotiating the bill through the next election because it will look like they failed.
If they had started last year with this summit instead of waiting until this year, there might not have been as many problems.
So now we are at the crossroads and Obama is expected to tell Republicans that they have his bill, vote on it or the Democrats will use reconciliation.
The president will call for an up or down vote on health care reform, as has happened in the past, and though he won’t use the word “reconciliation,” he’ll make it clear that if they’re not given an up or down vote, Democrats will use the reconciliation rules as Republicans have done in the past. ABC News
If this happens the Democrats will lose the House and the Senate in November. All the ACORN fraud in the world will not stop the tidal wave (but if you see ACORN fraud beat the hell out of the ACORN person doing it).
The American public does not want this bill and we are quite upset with these ninnies in DC telling us that they know what is best for us. We do not need you to spoon feed us (well, most liberals do) and we do not want you ramming this down our throats.
For a person who people claim is a smart politician Obama sure does not act like it. This guy is willing to lose control of the Congress to get this passed. He is not worried about himself because he is not up for 3 more years. But he will be a one term wonder because we will drive him out.
The provisions of this bill do not take place until after the 2012 elections. Obama will lose the majority and then he will lose the White House. Republicans will draft legislation to repeal all of this mess and if we have to, we can use reconciliation to do it. If any Democrat cries about that we can string him up for the hypocrisy.
And then the Democrat party will be irrelevant for many, many years to come.
Obama is destroying his party right along with this country.
Prepare patriots. We will need to disobey anything they legislate and we will need to exert our will on them (remember, they get their power from us).
The tree of liberty is getting thirsty.
Big Dog Salute to JPT for the picture.
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Tags: health care, lies, Obama, reconciliation
Is Pelosi On Drugs Or Naturally Confused?
Mar 2, 2010 Political
Or does she think we are stupid?
Nancy Pelosi is working hard to pass the health care takeover that Obama wants even though it looks like she is currently a few votes shy of the needed number of Democrats to pass it. The House and Senate have been working on this health care stuff for about a year and both chambers have a bill. They could have passed anything they wanted without Republican support because they had large enough majorities in both chambers.
The Democrats could not agree on the legislation and it is they who are at fault for this not passing. If it is so wonderful that they are going to ram it through now whether we like it or not then it was just as wonderful when they had enough votes to get it done on their own. They did not get it done because some of their own did not like it.
This is important because the Democrats keep blaming Republicans for obstructing. Republicans could not obstruct, they could only delay the inevitable, as long as all the Democrats were on the same sheet of music. They were not.
Plus, they know that if they are the only party to vote for it then they own it. If it turns out good then they will look like heroes and if it turns out bad it will be entirely their fault. They must know that it is not as wonderful as they say because they do not want sole ownership of it.
But what about Pelosi and her drug problem? She must be on drugs. Read this portion of a transcript from an interview she had this weekend with Candy Crowley of CNN:
CROWLEY: When we looked at our polling numbers just from yesterday, we had almost three-quarters of Americans who said they need to drop this bill, just stop talking about health care and move on to something else or they need to start new. So don’t the Republicans have a point?
PELOSI: The point is, is that we have a responsibility here, and the Republicans have had a field day going out there and misrepresenting what is in the bill, but that’s what they do. That’s what…
CROWLEY: So it has been messaging thing?
PELOSI: … they do. No…
CROWLEY: You think people don’t understand the bill?
PELOSI: No, I don’t think — there isn’t a bill. When we have a bill, which we will in a matter of days, then that is the bill that we can sell. Our bill, the House and the Senate bill, had some major differences which we’re hoping now to reconcile. [emphasis mine]
Nancy Pelosi starts off by saying that Republicans have had a field day misrepresenting what is in the bill. We could argue all day as to whether this is true and whether things were misrepresented but that is not important. Pelosi and her minions tell us this is wonderful and people just don’t understand it. They had enough votes (provided they all voted for it) to pass it. If things were misrepresented then they could have passed it and let America find out how wonderful it really is.
They did not do that for a reason. It stinks and they know it. They do not want to own it so they blame Republicans. Let me be clear for the moonbats who have trouble with this, Republicans did not obstruct because they could not block passage.
Next, Pelosi goes on to say that there is no bill. She said there is no bill now but when they have a bill they will be able to sell it. If this is true then how did Republicans misrepresent what was in the bill? You cannot misrepresent what is in a bill if there is no bill (her words were technically there is not a bill).
Maybe Pelosi is defining bill as the reconciled product from the Senate and House. If that is her definition of “the bill” then Republicans could not have misrepresented what is in “the bill” because “the bill” does not yet exist.
This is all misdirection and deliberate confusion created to make it appear as if Republicans had anything to do with the Democrats being unable to pass their health care takeover. They do not want to own up to the fact that they had enough votes and could have rammed it through at any time and still could not get it done. Now that they do not have a filibuster proof majority they want to ram it through with reconciliation and claim they had to because Republicans obstructed the process.
This is a lie and they should be called on it every time.
I do not agree with the health care process going on and would not have been happy if they had passed it when they had the chance, especially since a lot of people oppose it and I know it will be bad for this country. But, they should have the integrity and honor to admit that they hold all the responsibility for that failure.
No matter what, Pelosi is out lying about the process (or should I say misrepresenting) and whether or not they have a bill and trying to paint Republicans as obstructionists.
Republicans showed at the summit that they had ideas and were willing to work but like I said before, Obama’s idea of bipartisan is when Republicans do what he wants. He said it before and he intimated it at the summit, he won.
Fine, but man up and admit your own failures and the failures of your party. You blew your chance to pass it when you were unobstructed and now you might not have the votes to ram it through even with little used and inappropriate procedures. You can’t admit to your base that you could not get it done when you were completely unobstructed so now you need to blame it on Republicans to try and salvage the November elections.
It is your fault Mr. Obama and the fault of your Democrats.
Keep this in mind America as they use “obstructionist Republicans” as their reason for ramming it through (or at least trying) with reconciliation.
It really is too bad the Democrat party lacks men and women of honor and integrity.
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Tags: drugs, health care, Obama, obstruction, Pelosi, reform
What Health Care Bill? Who Dies Without Insurance?
Mar 1, 2010 Political
The week is beginning and we will hear a lot about health care because the Democrats have about six weeks to work something out with Republicans or they will just ram it through and hope for the best. Assuming, of course, they can get enough Democrat votes to pass it.
But Nancy Pelosi says that we don’t understand it and that there is no bill to understand.
“You think people don’t understand the bill?” asked CNN’s Candy Crowley.
“No, I don’t think — there isn’t a bill,” said Pelosi. “When we have a bill, which we will in a matter of days, then that is the bill that we can sell. Our bill, the House and the Senate bill, had major differences which we are hoping now to reconcile. And then when we have a bill — you — as I say, you can bake the pie, you can sell the pie, but you have to have a pie to sell. And when we do we will take it out there.” Washington Examiner
Maybe I am mistaken but did not the House, the one she is Speaker of, pass a health care bill? Did not the Senate pass one as well? The problem is that they cannot reconcile their two versions into something that Democrats will vote for and they certainly cannot pass it in the Senate with Scott Brown now the 41st vote.
So when things are not going well Pelosi can lie and say there is no bill when what she means is they do not have a bill that they can pass without using reconciliation (and passing is not a certainty).
This is the kind of double speak we hear all the time. It is the kind of stupidity that makes one wonder how the scatter brained Pelosi ever rose to such a high position.
They had better hurry, forty-five thousand people die each year because they don’t have health insurance. At least that is what they claim. This claim is based on an old study that did not control for factors such as how long people were without, what their health status was and their lifestyle (smoking, etc). A more recent study demonstrates that you are at no higher a risk of dying without health insurance than you are with it:
The possibility that no one risks death by going without health insurance may be startling, but some research supports it. Richard Kronick of the University of California at San Diego’s Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, an adviser to the Clinton administration, recently published the results of what may be the largest and most comprehensive analysis yet done of the effect of insurance on mortality. He used a sample of more than 600,000, and controlled not only for the standard factors, but for how long the subjects went without insurance, whether their disease was particularly amenable to early intervention, and even whether they lived in a mobile home. In test after test, he found no significantly elevated risk of death among the uninsured.
This result is not, perhaps, as shocking as it seems. Health care heals, but it also kills. Someone who lacked insurance over the past few decades might have missed taking their Lipitor, but also their Vioxx or Fen-Phen. According to one estimate, 80,000 people a year are killed just by “nosocomial infections”—infections that arise as a result of medical treatment. The only truly experimental study on health insurance, a randomized study of almost 4,000 subjects done by Rand and concluded in 1982, found that increasing the generosity of people’s health insurance caused them to use more health care, but made almost no difference in their health status.
If gaining insurance has a large effect on people’s health, we should see outcomes improve dramatically between one’s early and late 60s. Yet like the Kronick and Rand studies, analyses of the effect of Medicare, which becomes available to virtually everyone in America at the age of 65, show little benefit. In a recent review of the literature, Helen Levy of the University of Michigan and David Meltzer of the University of Chicago noted that the latest studies of this question “paint a surprisingly consistent picture: Medicare increases consumption of medical care and may modestly improve self-reported health but has no effect on mortality, at least in the short run.” The Atlantic
There is no doubt that reform is needed and there is no doubt that health care costs a lot of money. Proper reform can reduce the cost of health insurance and keep it out of government control. But government wants control and this is why studies that falsely show all these people dying without insurance are used. They are the fear aspect the left wants to inject into this to get you to sign over your health care to a government employee.
Remember that many more people who have health insurance die each year than those who do not have it and lack of coverage does not increase the risk of death.
People have access to health care in this country. The only thing that we are working on is who pays for it and how.
Government wants to take it over and control your life. By using common sense reform we can reduce the cost of health care and keep government out of our lives
Personal responsibility is a hard concept for many people especially those who have been raised to rely on the government as their parents. But personal responsibility will get us a long way in life.
In this case it will stop the progressive goal of further ruling our lives (and driving us to Socialism) and it will give us better, less expensive choices.
Just say NO to government controlled health care.
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Tags: death, health care, lies, Obama, Pelosi