Obama’s Secret Stash

After Barack Obama was elected there was some event where people were lined up to receive taxpayer money because of their dire economic situations. A woman who was interviewed said she was there for the money. When asked where the money was coming from she said Obama. Then when asked where he was getting it she said she did not know, maybe from his stash.

Typical welfare queen who thinks there is some stash of money that is available for those who “need” it.

Perhaps though, she was on to something. Obamacare seems to have Obama’s secret stash contained in it. The Heritage Foundation reports that Obamacare contains appropriations of $105 BILLION to implement the law. These appropriations were inserted to bypass the appropriations procedure and were designed to prevent a future Congress from defunding the program.

This was a blatant move to circumvent the Constitutional method for appropriating funds and nothing more. Democrats probably had a feeling that Obamacare would end their reign as the majority and did this to allow the unconstitutional law to proceed.

Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass the bill to see what was in it and that looks to be the case as we have now discovered an underhanded method to fund an unpopular and unconstitutional law.

Republicans can defund this but it will take extra work and diligence to get it right. The article at Heritage points out:

Conservatives can still save the nation from Obamacare’s bureaucratic kudzu, but they must act proactively. They must go beyond simply not providing funds for the implementation of Obamacare. CRS explains: “Precedents require that the language be phrased in the negative, for example, that ‘none of the funds provided in this paragraph (typically an account) shall be used for’ a specified activity.”

The Democrats leave messes and others have to clean them up. They are underhanded and sneaky and should never be trusted.

They made it difficult but not impossible to clean up the mess of Obamacare but the question is, why did they do it?

If it is so wonderful and everyone will love it then why did the Democrats in Congress do this?

They did it because they knew people opposed it and they wanted to ram it down our throats. In order to control the population they must control health care and they are well on their way. They are a third of the way to having everyone dependent on a government handout and if they can nail down health care they will have us all by the gonads.

We need to put an end to this now and we need to keep Democrats from ever having power.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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