Hillary Can Control Bill

In a recent ABC interview the involvement of former President Bill Clinton was addressed by Hillary. She indicated that any statements he made were not intended to be offensive. Then Cynthia McFadden asked Hillary if she could control Bill.

Her response was; “Oh of course.”

How is it we are supposed to believe that she can control him when she could not do that in all the years since they met? She sent her father and brother to Arkansas (before they were married) while she was away to keep him from sleeping around and there have been countless women who admitted to having consensual affairs as well as those who claimed to have been raped by him. Then, of course, there was Monica Lewinsky and that whole ugly affair. Despite their denials and defamation of Gennifer Flowers she turned out to be telling the truth when Bill admitted to having an affair with her. Despite his denials and cover up by Hillary, the Lewinsky affair turned out to be true. Even though he denied it and his people tried to portray her as a star struck kid, she turned out to be the one telling the truth.

So tell me, how is is she can control him when she has failed to do so since the time they met?

ABC Political Radar

Hillary’s Next Tactic, Victim of Her Man

We have seen the tearful Hillary as she panders for votes while duping the less informed but what will be her next make over? I believe the answer lies in a recent article at AFP where It discusses Hillary’s anguish ten years after the Lewinsky affair. Hillary had differing emotions but never doubted that Bill loved her even though he was putting little Billy in someone else’s double-wide. Hillary was upset, (even though she knew well before she said she did) but it was not about Bill catting around as much as it was the prospect of them losing power.

This anguish she still experiences is designed to play out in the south where she can say she stood by her man. Women in the south have not warmed up to Hillary as much as the liberal elitists in the north and the older women who want to see a woman president before they die. The south is full of patriotic people who love God (and not just when it is convenient) and it might be tougher to convince women there that Hillary is just one of the gals.

However, she will try to garner sympathy as a wronged woman hoping that it will strike a chord among the women of the south. If that does not work she still has the covert racism that comes from her campaign and she can use that to stir up race in the south. She will also continue to release items about Obama just before elections to cast doubt upon him.

If that all fails she has Bill at each event getting red in the face and holding court among the peeps screaming and hollering while wagging that stubby little finger of his. He will accuse, he will lie, and he will do anything to cast doubt on Obama and get his wife in the White House. As poorly as he has looked lately he might not last through 50 states if he has to wag fingers and get all worked up.

It would be just like that schmuck to drop dead while campaigning for her just to get sympathy. Of course, he is just as likely to die in the company of a hooker…

Big Dog

Chris Matthews Gets Hard Balled

Chris Matthews is supposed to be this rabid commentator who plays hardball. He interrupts, raises his voice, and challenges those on his show. However, Matthews was hard balled recently for some comments he made regarding Hillary Clinton. Matthews should know that it is against the rules of the media to say anything negative about she who would be Queen. The Clintons have enjoyed a media blackout on all the bad things they have done and their illegal activities were either under reported or ignored. Those that were mentioned were never investigated with the zeal of a Woodward and Bernstein in pursuit of Nixon. That can’t happen and despite Bill Clinton’s claim that Obama gets better press coverage, the media is ignoring Clinton’s past. As an aside, perhaps Obama gets better coverage (if he does) because he allows the media in and Hillary does not.

Matthews told the absolute truth and that is something that is not allowed when it comes to the Clinton Crime Family. Matthews said that Hillary’s career was the result of being a victim of an unfaithful husband. This is not quite 100% correct because part of her career is the result of having the same last name (or sleeping with) the president of the US. Hillary took advantage of the public sympathy that the idiots in America gave her and parlayed it into a Senate seat in New York. She did not deserve that sympathy because Hillary knew for years that Bill slept around and she did her best to squash the women who came forward with allegations of sexual affairs or rape. Hillary knew her husband was an adulterer and a rapist and she enabled him by going after the real victims, the women Bill molested and had affairs with.

The fools in America gave her sympathy and acted like she was the victim when she was, in fact, an accomplice in the sexual deviance of her husband. Hillary used that sympathy to get elected to the Senate so Matthews was correct when he said her career was the result of her being a victim of a cheating husband. Hillary Clinton has no accomplishments of her own. All that she has done has been a result of involvement because of her husband’s position. She was the First Lady of Arkansas and had duties as part of that title and it was all based on her husband being Governor. She was First Lady of the US and her duties were a result of being married to the President. Hillary Clinton had no individual accomplishments when she ran for the Senate. Everything about her was the result of her marriage to Bill Clinton and her “victim” status after he cheated and raped other women.

If Hillary had never married Bill she probably would have been a lesbian lawyer defending environmental whack jobs and terrorists. She probably would have become another radical lawyer activist like Lynne Stewart with the same desire to turn this country into a socialist haven. The problem is, Matthews is part of the media and they do not like it when a woman is attacked. The media can attack George Bush all day long and call him any name they want but as soon as someone says something about a woman, especially Hillary, they are misogynists and sexists. This is what Media Matters thinks of Matthews.

Chris Matthews got hard balled for speaking the truth about Hillary Clinton. He apologized because of the pressure put on him by the dark forces inside the media establishment. Perhaps he was worried about losing his job, who knows? The reality is, he had to apologize for telling the truth.

Fortunately, I have no such problem so let me state it; Hillary Clinton only made it as far as she did in life because she slept with the president and because she played the victim after his affair. She parlayed that into a Senate seat and had it not been for these things in her life most people would not know who she was. Hillary is quite ordinary and unimpressive and without the Clinton name she would be a nobody. With the Clinton name she is nothing more than an opportunistic liar and law breaker who will do anything to gain power.

There Media Matters, take those words and chew on them for a while. As for you Chris Matthews, your show should be renamed from Chris Matthews, Hardball to Chris Matthews, No Balls.

News Busters

Big Dog

Others with similar posts:
Outside the Beltway, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Hillary: Begging Pathetic, Crying is Not?

Hillary Clinton said that it was pathetic that President bush was in Saudi Arabia begging them to increase production in order to lower the price of oil. She stated that we need an energy independence policy right now with what she calls “green workers” to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil.

First things first. The world depends on fossil fuels. They are here for a reason and that reason is for us to refine them and use them. The fact that we have to get a lot of it from the Middle East is the fault of the Congress. If they would allow us to build more refineries and to drill on our own property for oil then perhaps we could reduce what we import.

It is also important to remember that many companies are working on other fuels but that it will take years of research before we have alternate sources. Ethanol is wasteful and uses more energy to produce than it provides. We have a long way to go but for the time being we must depend on oil. Nuclear energy is also an option but while Hillary was chiding the president for trying to get the price lowered she was bashing plans to store nuclear waste in Nevada. Nuclear power would go a long way to reducing our dependence.

I guess Hillary is having fun taking a shot at the president and saying he was begging. Let me ask you Hillary, what would you do, cry?


Big Dog

Clintons Defend Racist Remarks

Looks like the Clintons are now finding out what Republicans have to go through all the time but what most Democrats get a free pass on and that is the issue of race. Any Republican who makes a remark that is perceived as racist is boycotted by those idiots Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. It becomes a circus while the race hustlers have people kissing their rear ends begging for forgiveness. Then, ultimately, the person who offended the black community loses a job or position or some other thing because God knows we can’t offend the race hustlers.

The Democrats always get a pass. Hillary speaks in a black voice and talks about plantations and she is excused. There are plenty of examples of this. Hell, it isn’t only race. It deals with sex as well. Let a Republican talk about women and he is a sexist pig with NOW having a cow. Let Clinton rape women and let Ted Kennedy kill them and there is nary a word. Let’s face it, Hillary is only a viable candidate because of her husband. She had an unremarkable career and only has name recognition because of him. Without his sexcapades she might not have even been elected to the Senate. NOW surely does not chide her for needing a man to get ahead. She is qualified because she slept with the president…

Back to the point. The Clinton campaign is trying to put an end to the outrage over some comments made by them which were taken as racist by many in the black community. Bill and Hillary are used to having their way with the black community but now that a brother is running for the White House (kind of ironic when you think about it) they are fair game just as any Republican would be. Bill had to go on the Sharpton radio show to kiss his butt and explain what he said. Bill told Al that the campaign was not a fairy tale after stating that it was (which started the mess for him).

Bill was on some satellite radio program where he talked in circles, lied through his teeth, and generally used a lot of words to say nothing of substance. The Clintons also have to worry about the South Carolina primary because the black vote is capable of making the difference. In addition, New York, once though to be in the bag for Hillary, is now considered in play. The Clintons have probably feared this the whole time but never really thought it would happen. Now people can complain about the race issue being brought up (it was not raised by Obama) but no one gave it a second thought when Hillary was playing the gender card.

It is fun watching them squirm and it would be great to see the black vote ruin her after all the years the Clintons pandered to blacks and then abandoned them after the votes were counted.

As for the racism, let us not forget that Obama is probably a racist as well. He hangs with Sharpton and other shady characters who hate white people and make racist remarks about them. As one of the other bloggers put it, Obama is a smile in an empty suit. However, that empty suit is just as racist as the Clintons are made out to be.

But the black guy will always get the pass on that issue. Look at Sharpton and all he has gotten away with. Kos was interested in helping the Republicans fight with each other blah, blah. It appears that the black guy and the racist woman in the Democratic party might cause a lot of fragmentation. If they are not careful the Breck girl John Edwards might sneak in.

It is getting fun and keep this in mind. If the Clintons did not think they had made racist remarks (they probably meant to and figured they would not be taken as such) then why are they all over the airwaves and TV shows defending what they said?

They know they are wrong and they are now pandering.

Hillary is Satan.

Related items:
Emperor Misha has a great post.
The Politico
Yahoo News
The State
The New York Times

Big Dog