The Maryland Tax Rape Plan
Nov 19, 2007 Political
The legislature of Maryland wrapped up the Special Session called by Governor O’Malley and the result is going to be very painful to Maryland residents. For the past three weeks the legislature has been mulling over how to screw the citizens of this state out of their hard earned money and they finally succeeded at doing just that. When O’Malley was elected I predicted that he would raise our taxes and hurt us. I think he believes that Hillary will select him for a position in her administration and he will not have to worry about paying for what he did when the next election rolls around (in Maryland it will be 2010).
The special session was called to address a budget shortfall for a budget that does not yet exist. They then addressed gasoline taxes, which do not go into the general funds and cannot reduce any perceived deficit, then they increased health care assistance which adds to the budget which is contrary to why the session was convened. Additionally, a half billion dollars in cuts were recommended to the governor but he is free to dismiss the cuts which he likely will. The whole process was a sham in order to raise our taxes starting on 1 January despite the fact that the current budget is in place until July and I might add that it is balanced.
Marylanders received a 20% increase in the sales tax and the income taxes, which were a fair flat tax, were changed to a progressive tax so that wealthier people pay more of the share for government than other wage earners. Yep, the wealthy in the state will now pay more to government despite the fact that the wealthy use far fewer government services. This is Socialism 101 and Governor O’Malley is the Karl Marx of Maryland.
There are many wealthy liberals who are very upset that they will pay a higher percentage of taxes than much of the state and I am happy about that. The service industry will also take a big hit because taxes have been extended to a lot of things that were not taxed in the past. The people who provide these services are getting screwed as well and many of them will likely question why they voted for O’Malley in the first place. All I can say is I hope it hurts the people who voted for him so badly that they are eating cat food for dinner so they can afford to heat their homes. I am tired of the liberals in this state imposing their will upon the people and screwing us so it is time that they paid for their stupidity. I hope the cat food tastes good.
I know which of my elected ‘leaders’ voted to increase my taxes and I will actively work to defeat them during the next election. I will work to ensure that the citizens of this state do not forget who they were and what they did. I am hoping that this is the straw that finally broke the camel’s back and people will vote the Democrats out of office so that we can get true leadership in here.
There will no doubt be an exodus of people from this state. Some will sell their homes and move and others will just go to other states to shop. I will not purchase any big ticket item in Maryland and I will try to get my services from entities outside the state. and I know there will be many others who do the same. Those living close to Delaware or Virginia will go to those states for gas and other items in order to pay less in taxes. I imagine it will not be long before the tax Nazis from Annapolis are waiting at the borders to confiscate good purchased elsewhere.
The bills will be signed into law today and that will be the death of this state and, as is true of all bad times in Maryland, it will come on a Democrat’s watch.
Interestingly, the legislature decided to put a slot machine bill on the ballot for referendum which means the people will vote on it in 2008 and, if it passes, it will become part of the Constitution of the state. Only a moron would make this part of the Constitution because then any changes will require a change to the Constitution which means by referendum and vote of the people. Slots have been a big issue for five years and the Democrats have always voted them down because they are evil (actually they did not want the Republican governor to get credit for the income) and now they are pushing the issue farther down the road because they lack the leadership necessary to address the issue. If the people pass slots the revenue will not begin to flow for a few more years. It could have been flowing by now were it not for the obstructive Democrats. If the measure fails they will raise our taxes again because a lot of what they are spending is based upon projected revenue from slots and many items in the special session were tied to slots.
I would have preferred they put the tax question directly to the people. Of course, since nearly 80% of the citizens opposed raising taxes they were not going to let us vote on it. They do not trust us to make those decisions even though they work for us.
We need a recall election in Maryland to get rid of O’Malley and we need to vote every person who raised our taxes OUT OF OFFICE.
This Thursday is Thanksgiving. Today however, is Thankstaking, the day Maryland government will give thanks for what it will take from its citizens.
Others with similar items:
Stop the ACLU, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, A Blog For All, guerrilla radio, Right Truth, The Populist, The Amboy Times, The Bullwinkle Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Nuke’s, third world county, Allie Is Wired, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, High Desert Wanderer, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: billion dollars, budget shortfall, Democrats, Hillary, karl marx, o malley, progressive tax, sham, socialism, special session, wage earners
Why is the Media Good to Hillary?
Nov 13, 2007 Political
When a politician is named Clinton he can usually be assured of good press, or no press at all if there is something bad going on. The same press that can’t wait to run to press with our nation’s secrets is much more respecting of the wishes of the Clintons. The press does not want to do anything that will upset the darling couple. The MSM sat on the Monica/Bill story and only released it after Drudge had made it public. I believe that the liberals in the MSM will do anything to get the Clintons elected but I also now think they are afraid of Hillary. She does not like them and has treated them badly in the past. Additionally, she has alienated them since about 1993 but they do not seem to go after her and the reason boils down to one word; FEAR.
Members of the media are afraid of Hillary and her mean spirited ways. They are afraid of being left out, should her majesty be elected. Hillary was able to stop a recent GQ article by threatening an unrelated article that dealt with Bill. It is easy, play ball the way the Clintons want or you do not get to play.
If grumbling about a basketball story seems excessive, it’s also typical of the Clinton media machine. Reporters who have covered the hyper-vigilant campaign say that no detail or editorial spin is too minor to draw a rebuke. Even seasoned political journalists describe reporting on Hillary as a torturous experience. Though few dare offer specifics for the record–“They’re too smart,” one furtively confides. “They’ll figure out who I am”–privately, they recount excruciating battles to secure basic facts. Innocent queries are met with deep suspicion. Only surgically precise questioning yields relevant answers. Hillary’s aides don’t hesitate to use access as a blunt instrument, as when they killed off a negative GQ story on the campaign by threatening to stop cooperating with a separate Bill Clinton story the magazine had in the works. Reporters’ jabs and errors are long remembered, and no hour is too odd for an angry phone call. Clinton aides are especially swift to bypass reporters and complain to top editors. “They’re frightening!” says one reporter who has covered Clinton. “They don’t see [reporting] as a healthy part of the process. They view this as a ruthless kill-or-be-killed game.” The New Republic
The Clinton camp does not view it as healthy and Hillary has a disdain for the media after the way they treated her husband in 1992. Evidently, Hillary took exception to the fact that her husband was treated just like any other skirt chasing, sex abusing rapist. It is obvious that the media is lacking in the tenacity required to go after someone like the Hildabeast. it is just amazing to me that a person like Hillary could inspire fear in anyone especially reporters. In the real world it is the politicians who should be afraid of the media but the MSM of today has sat back and had Obama and Edwards do the attacking for them. I am certain that if Obama or Edwards had broken campaign laws and it was caught on tape they would have been attacked relentlessly in order to prop up the Hill. If it were a Republican they would be calling for a head on a platter.
Do we want a person as president who has so much control over the media? The Clintons got away with quite a bit of crime the last time they were in the WH. Imagine what they could do with the media covering for them even more than it did back then.
Say no to Satan.
Others posting similar items:
Outside the Beltway, Blog @, Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, Pet’s Garden Blog, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, third world county, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wake Up America, Dumb Ox Daily News, High Desert Wanderer, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: clinton story, drudge, Hillary, John Edwards, Obama, political journalists, relevant answers, something bad
Even the Flags Hate Hillary
Nov 12, 2007 Political
Talk about a tough span, Hillary has gone through it in the last few weeks. There were her evasive debate answers, planted questions and the broken promise not to do it again with more planted questions. Hillary was on the news and said neither she nor her campaign condone such a thing and yet, it was her campaign that did it. Go figure…
Hillary was at an event yesterday and when she had finished she was turning to leave and an aide pulled open a curtain and all the Flags came crashing down. Hillary and staff tried to catch them before they hit the floor but there is no indication as to how successful they were. The link to the video is gone so I assume someone felt it was not newsworthy and took it down. [UPDATE: Breitbart has the video.] Looks like they handled it OK, considering.
Could this be an indication that veterans of yesteryear oppose Hillary and do not want her as President? Could this be a sign of disrespect from the Flags for all the disrespect she has shown to the military? Perhaps the Karma of her hippie days is coming back to haunt her. Regardless, I can see Hillary at her next speech:
You know, the Flags fell at my feet yesterday. Though they should fall at my feet because they hail me as the next leader of this country and they bow down to my greatness, I know that the real reason they fell is because the Bush administration is not providing support to our Flags. These Flags fell because their President failed to provide the support they need in tough times. He failed to give them a good base from which to wave.
As President, I will tax the rich to ensure Flag bases are weighted properly and I will make sure that no Flag ever has to fall again, except when bowing to my greatness. Within 100 days of taking office I will introduce legislation that is designed to ensure no Flag is ever left with a light base or is left behind a curtain to be knocked off a light base. I will call it the No Flag Left Behind Act (NFLB) and I will fund it from sales of US Flags from the Capitol and by taxing the rich and placing a tax on all the Flag lapel pins and buttons. You think people like Obama won’t wear Flags pins now? Just wait until I tax the damned things, then you will see pin less lapels, my friends. We can’t have people wearing Flags when they might fall over and have a Flag bowing when I am not around!
I remember when I was a little girl my daddy told me we were descendants of Betsy Ross and that my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Aunt Betsy sewed that Flag in hopes that one day a woman from the family would become President and have Flags bow down to her greatness. It is up to me to be that woman and it is up to you to vote for me because a vote for me is a vote for the Flag [screeched in that nails-on-chalkboard voice].
Yep, it sure has been a tough few weeks for the Hildabeast. And what fun it has been…
ABC News Blog
Tags: broken promise, flags, haunt, Hillary, hippie days, Military, Obama, President, tough times
Hillary Clinton – Honesty
Nov 11, 2007 Political
Yesterday it was reported that the Clinton campaign admitted that it planted a question at one of the Hildabeast’s speeches in Iowa and the campaign stated that it would not happen again. When I wrote about it I asked if they meant they would not get caught again or if they would not do it again like Bill would not molest women again. It appears that they were, in fact, caught again and it was like Bill not molesting women. A minister is alleging that he campaign tried to get him to ask a question about the war. The campaign wanted a question that would show a difference between Obama and Clinton on the way they have opposed President Bush and the funding for the war in Iraq. The Clinton campaign indicates that they did not ask anyone to ask a question and that their campaign person knows the minister and they were just talking.
The problem is, Minister Geoffrey Mitchell claims he does not know Chris Hayler, the staffer in question. Mitchell stated that he has seen Hayler at other events but the two do not know each other. Now we have a problem with honesty here because, obviously, someone is not telling the truth. While Mitchell is an Obama supporter and could make a false claim what motivation would a minister have to do so given how being caught in a lie would hurt his profession and the people he leads? The entity with something to lose here is the Clinton campaign because the incident, if true, would demonstrate a complete lack of honesty on the part of the campaign. They will have told a lie and broken a promise in a 24 hour time period.
We have already seen that the campaign lacks integrity and now their lack of honesty has been displayed for all to see. This, for those who have a problem distinguishing, is an example of dishonesty and I “double dog dare” anyone to show how it s not.
Of course, if Mitchell is the one lying then it is a different story all together.
Fox News
Tags: caught in a lie, clinton campaign, fox news, Hillary, honesty, Obama, telling the truth, war, war in iraq
Follow the Bouncing Hillary Ball
Nov 7, 2007 Immigration, Political
Hillary Rodham is still having trouble with the issue of driver’s licenses for ILLEGALS. It has been over a week since she answered the question about it several different ways and twenty-four hours after her waffle she came out in support of giving ILLEGALS licenses. It would appear, despite her claims of being clear on the issues, that she has not been clear on this one. In her latest nuance, Rodham says that issuing licenses to ILLEGALS should depend on the state. She stated that in a state like New York there is a huge security problem and a lot of ILLEGALS but that in other states it might not be a big deal. I guess the idea that it is wrong to reward ILLEGAL activity at all has never crossed her mind.
I know I have indicated that Rodham is a poll driven candidate but it would appear as if she is on the other side of public opinion on this one. About 77% of Americans surveyed [Washington Times] do not favor allowing ILLEGALS to get a driver’s license and yet, depending on when you talk to her, Rodham is for it, against it, for it and against it, or believes it is up to individual states [Breitbart]. Perhaps she is in favor of it because people often register to vote at the same time they get a license (motor voter) and if they do not have to prove they are legal when getting the license they do not have to prove they are eligible to vote. Obviously, it helps Democratic candidates to have a huge number of ILLEGAL voters on the books and Rodham is probably pandering to that large contingency. A huge Hispanic vote cannot hurt her in the election.
Obtaining a driver’s license is a privilege, not a right (though ILLEGALS have few rights under our Constitution) and bestowing a privilege on people who do not deserve it is wrong and counter productive. If the government of any state rewards bad behavior then the result is more bad behavior. By allowing ILLEGALS to get licenses we are telling them that what they did is perfectly OK and that they can continue to break the law. There is a lot of public outrage when ILLEGALS break the law and commit some terrible crime but what should we expect? We do not punish them for their initial bad behavior so they continue to exhibit bad behavior.
This is not to say that there are not millions of hard working, good people in this country who happen to be here ILLEGALLY but the fact is, even the good ones broke the law to get here. Hillary Rodham is fond of blaming this on Bush and saying that this country does not have an immigration policy. She is wrong on both counts. First of all, Ted Kennedy gave us both of the huge amnesties of the past and he promised after the last one that it would never be necessary again because the Congress would fix the problems. Here we are 23 years later and we still have the mess but we have millions more ILLEGALS. Kennedy and the Congress dropped the ball long before George Bush became president. Additionally, Bush tried to give a huge amnesty package that was defeated by the Republicans (and some Democrats) in Congress after the public outcry.
As for the idea that this country does not have an immigration policy, this is plain hogwash. We have plenty of laws concerning entering this country and we have rules that are supposed to be followed. The problem is not that we do not have a policy, the problem is that this country fails to enforce it. Instead of securing the border and stopping the flow of ILLEGALS, our government jails the border patrol agents who are trying to enforce the law while people continue to walk in unabated.
The United States Congress needs to get its head out of its rear end and start enforcing the laws we have and we need to start deporting ILLEGALS we catch. We need to jail those who break the law and we need to hold judges and elected officials responsible for failures in the system. Unfortunately, this issue will not receive the proper attention until an ILLEGAL rapes or murders a politician’s or judge’s wife or daughter or until one of their family members (or the entire family) is wiped out by an ILLEGAL driving a vehicle with or without the license Hillary wants them to have.
As for Rodham, she has bounced this ball back and forth for more than a week and is still unclear as to her position. I imagine it will change a few more times before the primary and she will take a more firm stance against it, should she make it to the general election. Hillary fails to understand that ILLEGAL behavior is wrong and that people should not be rewarded for it.
But, that should not surprise us. She and hubby Bill have been involved in a lot of illegal activity. Their people have also been involved in illegal activity for the benefit of the Clintons. Those people are rewarded for what they do, no matter how wrong it is.
Sandy Berger, anyone [The Hillary Project].
Tags: Congress, Democrats, Hillary, illegal activity, illegals, Immigration, public opinion, security problem, waffle