More Clinton Socialism; Hold Your Wallets
Oct 9, 2007 Uncategorized
It is beyond me why Democrats think it is perfectly OK to take money from rich people and give it to poor people. The Maryland Governor (a Clinton backer) is looking to change taxes in Maryland and saddle the rich with a higher income bracket to pay for the out of control spending. He calls it a fair system. Hillary Clinton, who is a socialist, has already been shot down on her plan to give $5000 to each newborn. Evidently the polls showed this was a bad idea because she abandoned it.
Now the Socialism queen is saying that she would start a government 401(k) plan for all workers and this plan would cost 20-25 BILLION dollars a year. How will she get the money? Why tax the rich, of course. Hillary said the plan was to take away the inequity in our society and allow everyone to have savings for retirement. What she is doing is making the rich pay for the retirement of the poor. It is a disgrace and it smacks of Socialism.
The government already extorts money from us in a ponzi scheme they call Social Security. The money is taken from workers, ostensibly for their retirement, but it is not saved for the worker. It is immediately turned over to the current crop of retirees. Anything left over is spent by the idiots in DC with nothing more than an IOU left in the safe. The courts have ruled that the money is not ours and that the government can decide how to distribute it, or even not to distribute it. The money does not even transfer to your heirs if you die before collecting it. This system has been extremely mismanaged by the government and there are no protections for workers because the money is not controlled by the worker. It is extorted and then wasted.
If the government wants us to have a mandatory savings plan then let us take the system that is in place and revamp it. First of all, set up individual accounts so that money paid in is earmarked (I know they know what that means) for the employee who paid it in. Then allow the employee to invest that money in a number of savings and stock plans just as federal employees do with the Thrift Savings Plan. The money will belong to the employee and pass to his family when he dies. No one in the government will be able to touch it. This is one of the problems with Social Security. The government takes control of the money and spends it on things that are not retirement benefits (they transfer it to the general funds). The second problem is that Social Security has morphed into a social panacea for all problems. They pay for handicapped kids, disabled people, and a number of other things that has nothing to do with retirement.
With the track record of the idiots in DC do we really want them to have any more control over our money? What would stop them from spending it on their pork projects? What would stop them from deciding that they needed to cover the unemployed with our money? If they contend that the money will be in individual retirement accounts and cannot be touched by the feds then I say revamping Social Security would accomplish the same thing.
The federal government does not run anything efficiently and they do not look out for our interests. They are concerned with how to get elected and how to stay elected. I do not want them messing with my money as I can handle my own retirement accounts much better than they can. I certainly do not want them to dig into my pockets for more of my hard earned cash.
Hillary Clinton is a socialist and she will ruin this country if she is elected. Her ideas are anti American and they are not, despite what people like the Maryland Governor would say, fair.
Take this little quiz and see what you think.
Tags: Democrats, Hillary, Political Opinion, socialism, taxes
Clinton Adds to Den of Thieves
Oct 8, 2007 Uncategorized
They say you can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. Hillary Clinton has told us a lot about herself with the newest addition to her advisory staff. Clinton has hired on Sandy Berger as an adviser. Berger was convicted of stealing and then destroying classified documents from the National Archives.
It seems not to bother Clinton that a man who violated the trust of this country and who should be in jail works for her. It must not bother her because she allowed the guy to be hired. If this is an indication of how a Hillary White House will operate then it should give people pause with regard to putting her in there. It was bad enough to go through eight years of her husband and his den of thieves but to go through it again would be insane.
This is Washington business as usual. Hire the people who have screwed the place up so they can continue to give us more of the same. It is beyond me how there are so few qualified people in this country that we must continue to recycle has beens and thieves through the DC machine.
Of course, this job could be payback for Berger’s deeds at the Archives. It is believed that he stole documents that were harmful to former President Clinton. The documents might have implicated Clinton in the apathy that led to 9/11.
Hillary is some piece of work. She has a husband who can’t keep things in his pants and an adviser who can’t keep things out.
Baltimore Examiner
Tags: Berger, Hillary, national archives, Political Commentary, politics
Socialized Hillary; from Cradle to Grave
Sep 28, 2007 Uncategorized
Hillary Rodham said that each child born in the US should receive a $5000 bond that will accrue while the child ages and will be turned over to the child for college or a down payment on a first home. This is more socialized clap trap and involves the government in our lives even more. Pathetically, it involves our children from the day of their birth and makes them part of the nanny state from day one. The federal government runs Social Security and it has been a tremendous failure that keeps the elderly who were not able to save, in the poor house.
There are problems with this idea right from the start. Where will this money come from and will it be placed in a dedicated account? The first answer is obviously the taxpayer, who will be forced to foot the bill for someone else’s education or home down payment. The second is probably a flat out no. This means a $5000 IOU will mature and accrue interest and then the government will have to come up with a way to pay out. If they decide to place the money in an account and it is not dedicated to the child AND ONLY THE CHILD then the government will rape that account as it has done to SS for the last three or four decades.
What rules will be placed? Will the government decide that children from wealthy families may not have the bond because they should be able to pay their own way? What happens if the child dies before the bond is paid out? These, and many more, are questions that should be asked long before we allow them to do this because they have a terrible history of handling money and when they take it from you it is no longer yours. If we were allowed to have Social Security deductions (our money) go into our own accounts that could not be touched by the government then they might have more credibility. I don’t like it either way because I think that people should be responsible for their own retirement savings and not live off the hard work of others.
This is the other issue I have with these baby bonds. It is not the job of government to provide education or house payments and using a redistribution of our wealth to do it is socialism plain and simple. If the government wants to make it easier for people to save for their children’s education or house payment then perhaps they could stop taxing the hell out of us and let us invest our own money and take care of our own needs. Between the federal government and the states we pay a high percentage of our earnings in taxes. Let us keep more of that money and invest it.
Hillary is a socialist and she wants big brother to take care of all the minions. It guarantees successive generations of poor voters who will vote to keep Democrats in office so they can have more hand outs. Perhaps by cutting our taxes (and that means reigning in the spending) people will be able to put more away.
Cutting off federal programs that give money away will force them to do it. Once they learn not to depend on the government and to save, they will enjoy the freedom.
Sometimes unrelated trackbacks to: Stop the ACLU, Perri Nelson’s Website, 123beta, guerrilla radio, Adam’s Blog, Stix Blog, Nuke’s News & Views, Webloggin, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Right Voices, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: bonds, education, Hillary, house payments, Political Commentary, savings, socialism
Hillary Rodham, Arrogant Con Woman
Sep 27, 2007 Uncategorized
I have written on a number of occasions about Hillary Clinton and her insatiable appetite for power. She has lusted for power from the early days of her husband’s political career and to this day she thinks of nothing else. Of course she tells people lots of things and she verbalizes all the things that people want to hear but her goal is to get more power. Hillary Clinton will say whatever she thinks needs to be said and she will do whatever she thinks needs to be done in order to get elected. Hillary Rodham is much like politicians of a century ago who, unencumbered by the electronic age, said what people wanted to hear and often delivering different versions or opposite opinions depending upon where they were. They could always attribute any reporting of it as a misquote. It worked well in a time when people in differing states often knew little about what was going on across the country.
The age of instant communication changed all that because claims that would have passed unnoticed years ago are scrutinized and compared to other things that candidates said. This is also true for the legacy media. Dam Rather would have gotten away with his biased reporting a few decades ago. Instead, he ran into a wall of people who could instantly debunk his efforts.
Hillary continues to be a politician who will say whatever is needed regardless of what her position was at any other time. Either she has not fully grasped the power of the electronic age or she is so arrogant that she believes that she can say what she wants and get away with it. I am banking on the latter. She, and her husband for that matter, has gotten away with so much that she believes that nothing she says or does has consequences. In the event she is caught in a problem there is always the Vast Right Wing conspiracy upon which to place the blame. It looks to me like Hillary Rodham starts each day as if no one had ever heard anything she has said. She starts as if whatever she says will be fresh and accepted without question. Last night’s debate was yet another shining example.
During the debate, Tim Russert asked if it would be OK to torture a terrorist if there was an imminent threat to Americans (they always use the nuclear bomb is about to go off and this guys knows where it is). Rodham contradicted the opinion of her husband by saying that this cannot be done under any circumstances; “It cannot be American policy, period.” That is pretty clear. We cannot, according to her, torture the guy who knows where the bomb that is about to explode is located. She even indicated that she would have to talk to Bill about it, since his opinion differs (and therefore must be wrong).
She received applause for her answer and true to form there was no follow up to challenge her on her change of heart. You see, not very long ago Hillary Rodham said that it would be OK to torture under that circumstance.
Last October, Clinton told the Daily News: “If we’re going to be preparing for the kind of improbable but possible eventuality, then it has to be done within the rule of law.”
She said then the “ticking time bomb” scenario represents a narrow exception to her opposition to torture as morally wrong, ineffective and dangerous to American soldiers.
“In the event we were ever confronted with having to interrogate a detainee with knowledge of an imminent threat to millions of Americans, then the decision to depart from standard international practices must be made by the President, and the President must be held accountable,” she said. NY Daily News
In a year’s time (and before she announced her candidacy) Hillary Rodham went from the we need to do it tough girl to the absolutely not panderer. Last October, she was preparing for her reelection to the Senate which was really just a prelude to her run for the White House. I indicated that she had those plans for a long time even though she denied such silly things. When she needed to begin convincing Americans that she can hold the office (and before an election) she was tough and would do anything to save American lives. Last night she was before a national audience and only a portion of that audience can vote for her. Hillary made sure she said what needed to be said to the liberals who will be voting in the primary. Should she succeed in winning that nomination she will be tougher on these things and, no doubt, take a number of positions. She will take whatever position she thinks will make the most people vote for her.
She voted for the war and her talk at the time was how she could support the President and how Hussein had WMD and had to go. When the going in Iraq got tough, Hillary was lied to about the WMD and George Bush messed up the war. He got us into it and it will be up to super Hill to get us out. She would not take Bill’s last name when she lived in Arkansas but when she found out that the conservative base down there did not appreciate women who did that, she miraculously changed her last name. I guess they figured if she was too ashamed of him to have his name he was not worth their vote. She traded her principle for votes. Rodham stated that if Bush would not bring the troops home she would do it when she was elected. Last night she (and most of the others) could not commit to a time when the troops would be brought home. They might be there past the next president’s watch. There are many, many examples of Hillary Rodham saying one thing one place and another thing at a different place.
Hillary Rodham is Satan in the flesh and she will say whatever it takes to get elected and then she will run this country in to the ground (and blame it on George Bush). Hillary has begun to act more like Kerry with the Flip-Flops. Though I would have thought she would have learned from his problems, it is obvious that her arrogance allows her to do what she wants and to believe Americans are stupid enough to fall for her con game.
The problem is, about half of them are…
Tags: con job, flip flop, Hillary, Iraq, Kerry, liar, Political Commentary, torture, war
The Clinton Mafia
Sep 24, 2007 Uncategorized
About two weeks after the Sopranos aired its last episode, Bill and Hillary Clinton made a commercial that was a spoof of that final scene of the series. It is interesting that the Clintons would select a scene from a show about a mafia family because it would appear as if the Clintons live mobster’s lives.
George Bush said if you are not with us you are against us and the left mocked that cowboy attitude but the reality is, with the Clintons you are either with them or against them. Very few people cross the Clintons and continue to have success. Bill and Hillary and their people make it absolutely clear that lack of loyalty will be looked upon with disfavor, especially if they get back into the White House. Hillary in particular, is an authoritarian who demands absolute loyalty. If she finds that a person is disloyal she will chew that person up and spit him out and not think twice. Think about how many stories discuss people who would not speak for fear of reprisal. The Clintons are mobsters.
This is also true when it comes to the media, a venue the Clintons practically own. Bill has made friends with a lot of people and every moonbat in the world wants to be an FOB (friend of Bill). They bend over backwards to appease the Clintons and to ensure that they get good press. Often, items are ignored so as not to bring discredit or unfavorable press on the Hildebeast. On those occasions where the media outlet is not cooperating or loses its way, the Clintons are there ready to strong arm them into submission.
Take the latest information that the Clintons squashed a story in GQ that was unfavorable to Hillary. The magazine was told to drop the story or there would be no access to Bill. Bang, zoom, there is no story. Some gutless, spineless, coward at GQ decided that it was better to appease the Clintons than to publish the story. It is not a matter of truthfulness because the story had to be true. If it were not, the Clintons would not have wasted time on it. They can lie away the marginal stories or explain away the lies with ease. The problems arise when they are forced to confront the truth. If the truth was Hillary’s ass she could not find it with her hands in her back pockets.
There are many people who are afraid of the Clintons, especially the Hiledbeast because she is vicious and she will rip people apart. I do not particularly care about Hillary. I personally do not know why people are afraid of her or cower from her. She might break bad once but after she was put in her place further outbursts would come at the risk of having her neck snapped off her body. I don’t play those games which might explain why I am a Conservative, not some cowering liberal who is afraid of a beastly woman.
Those who claim that President Bush manipulates the media are the same kind who would give Hillary a pass on her abuse of the media. Just keep this in mind when you are deciding who you should vote for. We don’t need a president who suffers from penis envy or who browbeats people to get what she wants. Leadership is the ability to influence people to give their willing participation in achieving a goal. If you have to scare people to get things done you are not a leader.
The Politico
Sometimes unrelated trackbacks to: Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Stageleft, The Magical Rose Garden, Right Celebrity, third world county, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Blog @, The Random Yak, DeMediacratic Nation, Nuke’s News & Views, Webloggin, Cao’s Blog, Conservative Cat, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Faultline USA, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Blue Star Chronicles, High Desert Wanderer, The Yankee Sailor, Gone Hollywood, and OTB Sports, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: Clinton, Hillary, Link Fest, Mafia, Political Commentary