Hillary Agrees With Trump
Aug 23, 2016 2016 Election, Immigration
She might be saying different things NOW but Hillary gave a speech in 2006 at the Council on Foreign Relations and she was saying a lot of the things trump has said. You know, Mexico is a problem, Mexican government encouraging people to come illegally, need a barrier (a wall is a barrier), secure the border, and those kinds of things.
You know, the things she is NOW attacking Trump for saying.
She changes her positions all the time. Perhaps it is more accurate to say she says whatever she thinks people want to hear in order to get their votes.
She is Satan. And she appears ill.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: 2006 speech, build a wall, Hillary, illegal aliens, lies
The Plame Game
Jun 8, 2016 2016 Election
Remember back during the G W Bush Administration when some obscure CIA agent named Valerie Plame had her cover blown by Scooter Libby? Remember all the uproar from the left and the demands that Libby be frog marched in chains for disclosing the fact that Plame was a covert agent?
It matters little that the entire deal was a hit on Libby. It is known that Richard Armitage leaked the info and that the special prosecutor knew it but told him to remain silent about it. It is also true one could call the CIA and ask to be connected to Plame and they would ring you through.
But politics needed to be played and the left was all giddy as it dreamed of Libby in jail for disclosing the identity of a covert operative.
I wonder how these very liberals feel today knowing that Hillary Clinton’s home brew server set up put CIA agents at risk. I wonder if they care that the covers of these folks and the nature of operations might have been compromised as a result of Hillary’s decision to break the law and run a server at home all the while allowing classified information to run through it so prying eyes from around the world could hack into it.
Yes, Hillary might be responsible for this data leak as well but will the liberals hold her accountable? Will a special prosecutor be put into place to indict her on charges of disclosing the secret identities of spies in addition to the other crimes she has committed?
You know better. The left does not care about the law or this nation (unless the laws can be used to go after conservatives). It only cares about power and the toadies who support the left only care about getting “free” stuff.
Hillary could cut the head off a newborn baby and drink its blood and the left would still support her. This little wrinkle will not stop her because the left does not hold its own accountable.
Remember, to these people the ends justify the means so what Hillary did was A-OK.
It would be nice to see her frog marched out of DC and locked away for her crimes but not until Obama is out of office.
We don’t want him to pardon her…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: CIA, evasion, Hillary, home brew server, lies, scooter libby
Hillary Performed A Public Service
May 31, 2016 2016 Election, Political
Hillary Clinton did the nation a service when she set up and used a home brew server for her email. She allowed classified information to slip through and she subverted government archiving procedures but in so doing she helped the nation because she got us all talking about the inadequacies of her process.
She got us talking about government officials who think they are above the law and she got us talking about using non-government systems to send and receive classified information. She got us (most of us anyway) to agree that doing so is not wise and puts the nation at risk.
Hillary should be indicted and face the music for what she has done but we should not forget that what she did caused us to engage in the conversation and that is important. Perhaps a judge can take that into consideration at her trial.
These are not my words, these are the words of former Attorney General Eric Holder.
He did not say them about Hillary, he said them about Edward Snowden.
Holder thinks Snowden did the nation a service by exposing how we are surveilled but that he broke the law in the way he did it and should come home to face the music for his actions.
We can certainly argue about the way in which Snowden did what he did, but I think that he actually performed a public service by raising the debate that we engaged in and by the changes that we made.
I think that he’s got to make a decision. He’s broken the law in my view. He needs to get lawyers, come on back, and decide, see what he wants to do: Go to trial, try to cut a deal. I think there has to be a consequence for what he has done. CNN
The things Holder said about Snowden are no less true for Hillary. She broke the law, she allowed classified information to spill, and she caused turmoil and endangered the nation.
In essence, Holder is saying that Hillary Clinton should be held accountable for breaking the law.
He just used Snowden’s situation as a proxy…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: crimes, eric holder, Hillary, lies, snowden
Was Trump Right About Breaking The Law?
Mar 31, 2016 2016 Election, Opinion
Donald Trump is apparently in hot water over a comment he made about a woman getting an abortion. Trump was asked if abortion were made illegal and a woman got one should she be punished under the law? Trump stated that if she broke the law by getting one she should be punished.
The media reported this as Trump saying women who get abortions should be punished.
This hypothetical question was designed to trip him up and it is obvious by the way it was reported that the media deliberately deceived people.
Trump was correct in his answer. If abortion were made illegal then anyone getting one or performing one would be in violation of the law and would be subject to punishment. For what its worth, Trump handled this question terribly and could have done a much better job considering the media and all liberals (and a lot of Republicans) are out to get him. For a guy who is supposed to be media savvy he blew this one.
The reality is that anyone who knowingly does something illegal has broken the law. People can argue if, in this scenario, she should get in trouble and that is for a court to decide. No matter what the outcome she broke the law and if found guilty should be punished.
If a drug dealer sells illegal drugs to a junkie they are both guilty of a crime. No one would argue that the buyer was a victim in this scenario…
[note]The interviewer also asked Trump if the man who impregnated the woman should be punished and he said no. In most cases, getting someone pregnant is not against the law. But if the guy took her to get the abortion and was part of the process then I think he should be punished as well. The liberal media folks discussing this had a hard time grasping any of it and indicated that Trump had some kind of double standard when it came to punishing women and men.[/note]
Trump’s answer has nothing to do with abortion. It is simply a matter of the law. In the case of the interviewer however, this was about abortion and finding a way to trip up Trump.
I guess Trump just has more regard for the law than all those folks screaming about what he said (or what they were told he said). To those folks the woman did nothing wrong in obtaining an illegal abortion.
Sort of like how they all find nothing wrong with a woman running her own private email server and risking classified information, in violation of the law.
As an aside I saw an interview (it could have been excerpts of a speech) with Clinton and she was all over Trump for what he said, you know, women’s issues and all that. Keep in mind Trump never said he would make abortion illegal, just that if it were (part of the question) the woman should be punished if she got one. Given Hillary’s blatant law breaking and her flagrant disregard for the law it should not be surprising to learn she would not punish a lawbreaker.
I think Trump changed his opinion five times in the last day but that is neither here nor there. The damage by the media assassins has already been done.
They will continue until they can get rid of him and clear a path for their lawbreaker to win the presidency.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: abortion, Hillary, law, media sleeze, trump
Doyle Misses The Point In Trump Attack
Jan 25, 2016 2016 Election, Political
I start by once again stating that I have not made up my mind on a candidate. I have some I favor over others but some of these folks will likely not be around when it is time for my primary so I have my list and can work off it as my state primary nears.
Having provided that disclaimer I now move on to the continuing drama of Trump-Clinton and the war on women. Hillary fired the first shot when she accused Trump of being a sexist and touted herself as the champion of women. She is fighting the imagined monster of unequal pay and she will of course defend against the Republican war on women. The war on women the left accuses the right of is as imagined as the vast right wing conspiracy that Hillary claimed was after her hubby so long ago.
After she attacked Trump something happened that she did not expect (though if she is the smartest person around should have). Trump fired back. He went after Hillary for her hubby’s dalliances. Patti Solis Doyle, a Hillary supporter with a long history of liberal work, said that what Bill did was on him, not Hillary and Trump (or anyone else) should not be attacking her for what her hubby did.
I agree entirely that what Bill did is on Bill. The women he raped and sexually molested as well as the ones he willingly had affairs with are all on him and only him. He did it. Now there are rumors that Bill and Hill had a pretty open relationship and she did not care whose inkwell he dipped his pen in so long as it did not hurt them (especially her) politically.
But those are just rumors. In any event, the felonies he committed by raping those women are strictly on him.
Where Doyle and others miss the mark is on their decision to stop at this point. They claim it is on Bill and she should not be held accountable for what he did so move on.
The story cannot stop there. Trump is right to bring it up because Hillary was involved in what happened afterward. She intimidated women to keep them from talking. She engaged in the war room to squash “bimbo eruptions” and she fought hard to discredit any and all women who claimed to have had sex, consensual or otherwise, with her husband.
This is the main point of Trump’s argument. He pointed out that Hillary accuses him of all kinds of sexism while she protected Bill from accusations from women whose champion she now claims to be.
Trump is right to point this out. If Hillary was a champion for women then why did she attack those who accused her husband of rape? If she believes every woman who makes a claim of sexual assault deserves to be heard why did she silence those claiming such about Bill? If she is against men who abuse women sexually then why did she stick with Bill and why did she defend him?
To Doyle and the rest of the bubble headed drones on the left Hillary was a victim, Bill did it all so stop blaming her for it.
No one, including Trump, blamed her for the physical acts Bill did. They are blaming Hillary for attacking those women and working hard to discredit them and to intimidate them in order for him to keep power and for her to ride his coattails when it was “her turn”.
This is nothing more than a political ploy. Liberals do not care about women. None of these people actually give a rodent’s derrière about what Bill did. None of them care if women are heard and none of them care about the alleged wage gap (liberal women usually pay their female staffers less than their male staffers and Hillary is in that group). These people only care about power and giving the appearance that they actually care.
It is evident that liberals ignore crimes their politicians commit so that they can keep power. Hillary Clinton ran a private server that compromised classified information so that she could avoid government archiving requirements and she let Americans die in Benghazi and blamed it all on an internet video (which she now denies doing).
Liberals have excused her for this. Instead they focus on the alleged criminal acts of Republicans. Keep that in mind. If a Republican does wrong he needs to be removed from office or dropped from consideration for office.
If a Democrat (liberal) commits a crime that person is to be celebrated.
The reality is Doyle missed the mark because she ignored the entire narrative in order to hide Hillary’s war on women.
Let’s face it. If liberals really cared about women they would not be going after Trump. They would be going after Hillary for her war on women.
And given the things Bernie Sanders has said about women they would be going after him.
I mean, if they REALLY cared…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: benghazi, bill clinton, Hillary, liberals, lies, patti solis doyle, rape, sexual assault, trump, war on women