The City That Never Sleeps Hides From Snow

Comrade Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York City said it could be the storm of the century and told people to stay in. Don’t go out and don’t drive. If you drive, according to Governor Cuomo, you will be breaking the law and could face a $300 fine.

Chris Christie in New Jersey (a suburb of New York) closed ALL the roads because of the impending storm.

This will be historic with FEET, hear that, FEET of snow. Prepare now by getting what you need from the store and then going home and staying there.

And whatever you do DON’T drive.

Now that the storm had underwhelmed by dropping a mere pittance of snow (about 6 inches in New York) and missed areas like the Baltimore region nearly completely the aftermath shows that people are turning into wimps.

It is snow and places that have a cold winter usually get snow. Certainly people should have enough sense not to drive if the roads are bad or they do not have a vehicle capable of handling snow but to close down the city that never sleeps and to close roads across entire states is the nanny state dictating how people act.

They are turning people into wimps who can’t think for themselves and can’t decide whether or not to drive. No need, the government that decides on how much soda you can drink and bans trans fats has also dictated whether you can drive in the snow.

Doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, those who care for others, police officers, all must go out. If you can’t drive then you walk if you are able or the National Guard picks up the mission essential and takes them to work. But if you are able to drive why should you have to resort to other methods?

Because the government said so. They need the streets clear so they can plow. Got it, but government is not usually an essential entity and while snow plows are essential to clearing roads many people are essential to the operation of a company or they are essential to the health care and protective services system.

We all can’t just take the day off because Comrade Mayor says to stay home.

Hey, for those who can telework or otherwise work from home then it makes sense. Unfortunately, not all jobs allow that luxury.

This is not to say that if one ventures out in a bad storm for a joy ride or non essential travel and gets stuck that there should be no consequence. They should pay to be pulled out and be fined if they hamper recovery efforts. However, they should be free to decide.

Americans should be ruggedly independent but are increasingly just dependent and that dependence is on government.

The hype by government officials is detrimental to good order. They screamed from mountain tops to stay in because of the historic storm. Now that it fizzled out people are less likely to heed warnings in the future. The mayor who cried wolf has seen to that.

People, use common sense and if you can stay in then do so. If you must travel then do so carefully and at your own risk.

But maybe there is an upside. Perhaps in a city that never sleeps people finally got some shut eye…

Washington Times
New York Post

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Looks Like A Deal But What Is Waiting Around The Corner?

Well, it looks like the boneheads in Congress have struck another “historic” deal. Ever notice how these people create problems and then fight over them only to come to a last minute compromise that screws the US taxpayer and then step out to describe the deal as historic? They do this every time so what is so historic about it?

The United States is heading for a catastrophe and Congress is driving us there in a super sonic jet. We have an unsustainable debt issue that has not been addressed in the details reported about this deal. Sure, there are 2.4 trillion dollars worth of cuts over ten years but we will rack up a hell of a lot more debt than that over the same time period if we do not end the reckless spending. The United States of America has a spending problem, not an income problem (though our income is down right now because of Obama’s nearly 10% unemployment rate). We spend far too much because politicians promise money to people who are not entitled to it. They continue to come up with one program after another to provide “benefits” that people, responsible people, should take care of themselves.

Responsible people should be in charge of their own retirement. Responsible people take care of their own health care insurance or pay the bills when they need medical services. Responsible people take any job offered (and look endlessly for one) no matter what it pays because it is the right thing to do. Responsible people know how to take care of themselves and do not sit around with their hands out.

I am not talking about temporary safety nets for people who fall on hard times. I am talking about the people who live off the government. There are people who are perfectly capable of working yet they squirt out kids and sit around collecting welfare. There is one person who has won the lottery and still collects welfare and he does not feel bad about it one single bit.

And this government is only too happy to promise more and more people these things in order to keep getting reelected. Deal or no deal the US would not have defaulted. The August 2nd date was an arbitrary date selected by Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner who added to our budget problems by not paying his taxes. The tax cheat at the Treasury selected the date out of thin air (which is where he gets the money he prints) and he did it to coincide with the August recess Congress takes so that they would be compelled to get something, anything done.

In the end the American public will get screwed as we add more debt to an unsustainable debt load.

They claim the debt deal is a historic event. It would have been historic if they had actually helped the situation. Causing more problems is what Congress does best so nothing historic there.

You want to do something historic? Try passing a balanced budget amendment and send it to the states to decide the issue. You want to do something historic try passing a term limits law for members of Congress so they can’t continue to give away money we don’t have in order to get reelected.

Now that would be historic.

The United States has a 14 TRILLION dollar debt load and that load will be raised as they borrow more money to pay the bills. We have an unfunded liability of 114 TRILLION dollars.

Those numbers are hard to comprehend so here is a demonstration of our debt in graphic display. This should send chills down your spine and it should certainly put it in perspective.

And please, don’t tell the morons in DC what comes after a TRILLION…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.


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