The Democrats Lied To Us

The Obamacare rollout is a failure and millions of people are losing their insurance plans because those plans do not meet the requirements of the new law. Despite being told that they could keep their plans if they liked them, people are losing what they like and are being forced to have no insurance or to accept plans that cost a lot more and provide coverage that contains unwanted items.

Even though Barack Obama promised people that they could keep their plans if they liked them the truth is people who like their plans are not getting to keep them.

People are upset at this and believe that they were lied to and they would be right. Yes, it would be easy to say that Obama and the Democrats simply did not know and that might have merit since none of them read the bill before it was passed. Hell, Nancy Pelosi told us that they had to pass it to see what was in it.

Wouldn’t that be like being told you had to buy a house before you could look at it to see if it meets your needs?

In any event, information is creeping out and it tells of a regime that lied to our faces. Steny Hoyer, the worthless Congressman from Maryland, admitted that they [Democrats] knew that some people would not be allowed to keep their plans. His explanation is that the President failed to provide the caveat that you could keep your plan IF it met the Obamacare standard.

Hoyer contends that the promise that you could keep it if you liked it was not misleading. Hoyer believes the message from Obama was accurate.

[note]If they were not deliberately misleading us then why didn’t any Democrat step up and clear things up when Obama said we could keep our plans if we liked them? If they were not trying to be misleading, wanted to be accurate and knew that some wouldlose their insurance why didn’t they say so? You know the answer to that.[/note]

So tell me Steny, how can you say it was an accurate message when millions of people are losing their coverage? Only in DC can such an obvious issue befuddle a politician. Hoyer is being a good little toady and spinning this turd as best he can but the fact is Obama LIED.

Yes Steny, Obama LIED. He was not accurate and he most assuredly was misleading because you all knew that people would lose their coverage.

You all also knew that any coverage offered would cost more and this is why the regime changed the function of the website so that people had to sign up and provide all their information BEFORE they could get a price. You all knew that if the price was up front people would close out the website and not sign up for Obamacare.

Democrats are trying to spin this by saying that people are being transitioned or that they are getting something better but the undeniable truth (OK, a Democrat will deny it) is that the regime knew people would lose their insurance and continued to lie to them stating they would not.

A report today indicates that thousands of Maryland residents could lose insurance because of Obamacare.

In true Obama style the White House is blaming insurance carriers.

It is interesting to me to see all the people who voted for Obama and who supported Obamacare calling in to shows or reporting in the papers that they lost their coverage. I love seeing them whine that they have to pay more and they love the idea of everyone having insurance as long as they are not paying for it out of their own pockets. Typical liberals; love to spend someone else’s money. Give everyone everything as long as they don’t have to foot the bill.

I am enjoying seeing people who are waking up to the fact they were lied to and used. I love seeing them express frustration at having to pay more money they don’t have for something they don’t want all because they trusted the guy who lied to their faces.

They should have listened to the rest of us.

Enjoy the cat food morons (can you buy that with food stamps).

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hoyer Says His Vote Was A Mistake As Well

If there are any doubts that Democrats do not care about the country, this should dispel them. Steny Hoyer has joined his messiah, Barack Obama, in stating that his past vote against raising the debt limit was a mistake. But was it? Obama indicated that his vote was a protest vote against the policies of George Bush. One would think that there are better ways to protest policies and one would think that a vote against raising the debt limit would be made on the principle of not incurring more debt.

Hoyer is saying the same thing. It was a mistake but he was voting against the policies of George Bush. To be clear, I do not think it is wise to vote to raise the debt limit (unless serious cuts take place) but my opposition is based on the realization that debt needs to be controlled. Obama and Hoyer voted based on spite and political posturing. They do not mind raising the debt limit, they just did not want to do so when Bush wanted them to.

Big Dog, how could you possibly know what they mind and don’t mind? Because they told me. They are both now advocating for raising the debt limit and claim it would hurt America if we do not do so. If not raising the debt limit will hurt America now then one must conclude the same thing was true when they opposed raising it. They don’t mind more debt as evidenced by their out of control spending. What they do mind is working with the other party to get something accomplished. Make no mistake, if they truly opposed it then I would be applauding them but they did not. They have situational opposition based upon who is in the White House. This demonstrates, as Obama put it, a failure of leadership.

These politicians are trying to quash any backlash they might get by Republicans (who voted for it then but oppose it now thus further showing the parties are not that different) who would use their votes and their words against them. But that ship has sailed. These two made it very clear that they opposed raising the debt limit and how bad Bush and Republicans were for even suggesting that that it be raised.

Now they must live by their words and all the claims of “mistakes” have no significance except among the unwashed Obama followers who long for the chance to touch his robe.

We all know what game is being played and we know both sides are playing it. The difference now is that America has awakened and is paying much closer attention to the financial situation in this country. Americans know we are on a path to ruin and they know that more spending is not the answer.

There are many older Republicans who were in Congress at that time who voted to raise the debt limit and now have a change of heart no different that the one Obama and Hoyer had. However, there are a whole lot of new, young, fresh faces in the Republican Party who were elected to stop Obamacare and to end the run away spending and get control of our debt. That is why they were put in office and that is what America expects them to do.

It looks to me like the Republicans (most of them, anyway) learned from the 2010 election and know they could easily be replaced if they do not do what America wants.

The Democrats, on the other hand, are slow learners and those who are running their sideshow are ignoring the results of the last election at their own peril. They were warned prior to November and they did not listen. Looks like they still have earplugs in.

The debt limit cannot be raised until we get substantive cuts. Republicans should push the Ryan Plan (though I think it could be better) as an absolute must before the limit is raised. They should require that it pass before allowing any vote on raising the debt limit. Republicans should also demand the repeal of Obamacare as part of the deal.

There are plenty of other things we could push and tie into the debt limit increase. Though Obama wants a clean bill with nothing else in it he will have to take a taste of his own medicine. He and his cohorts crammed things in Obamacare and used backroom deals and bribes to get it passed so now he will have to deal with a bill that has absolute cuts in it.

If he and the Democrats are unwilling to accept that then we can shut the place down and default on our obligations.

That would be a true demonstration of the failure of leadership.

Time to play hardball and if they don’t like it, too bad.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Pelosi and Hoyer No Match for Thinking People

A group of protesters chanting “Drill Here, Drill Now” in front of Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer were confronted by the House leaders when Pelosi asked if it was OK to drill their brains. Nancy, it is only OK to drill a person’s brains when that person wants to become a liberal Democrat. Then and only then may you remove brains.

Hoyer, a Democrat from Maryland, stated:

“sophomoric chanting” won’t solve the energy crisis and that “all thinking Americans know” — stressing the word “thinking” and looking at the crowd — that America doesn’t have a quarter of the word’s fossil fuels yet uses a quarter of the world’s energy. Politico

Hoyer couldn’t find his ass if his hands were in his back pockets and he is talking about people who think. Here are a few thoughts for him:

  • Was it not Obama who said he was open to drilling for oil and did not Nancy Pelosi then follow suit? According to Hoyer, are they unthinking?
  • Have not the Democrats been using sophomoric chants throughout the convention? Pelosi had them chanting that Obama was right and John McCain was wrong.
  • Hoyer keeps talking about solving the energy crisis but Democrats have been touting alternative energies for years. Nothing has panned out yet and we can’t get rid of oil until we have something else that works as well.
  • If they are now acting as if drilling won’t matter is it safe to assume the remarks about being ready to drill were a ruse to fool people into voting for them? (as I predicted earlier).
  • Is Pelosi aware that we could have oil flowing in 1-3 years (not 10) and that an increase in supply will reduce the prices far more than a few cents?
  • If the protesters are “2 cents in 10 years” as Pelosi called them, does that make her no sense ever?

These people do not care about the country. They only care about being reelected and they will say anything to accomplish that. They have had an abysmal record since they took control despite all the lies Pelosi told to embellish their record. They are do nothing losers and they should all be voted out of office.

Hoyer is a mental midget who suffers from such a chronic case of cranial rectitis that he needs a silica umbilicus to see where he is going.

Big Dog