Democrats Might Lose Obama’s Old Senate Seat

Wouldn’t this be a kick in the pants? It looks like it is possible that a Republican could win the Senate seat that was held by Barack Obama. There is some infighting in Illinois among politicians who wanted the seat (part of the Blago deal making) but did not get it. The seat went to Roland Burris and he is not running for reelection.

Democratic Party leaders in Washington — and the Obama White House — failed to recruit a candidate strong enough to scare Rep. Mark Kirk — the Republicans’ best bet — from the race. The only luck they had was the decision by Sen. Roland Burris — appointed by now-indicted former Gov. Rod Blagojevich to fill Obama’s remaining term — not to run to keep the seat. Chicago Sun Times

It looks like Mark Kirk has plenty of money and will make a contest of the whole thing.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if the seat held by Obama turned parties and that took the filibuster proof majority away from Harry Reid (who will likely be gone as well) and the Democrats?

Big Dog

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Middle Class Tax Increase On The Way

Matt Burden of Blackfive will run for office in the Illinois House of Representatives. See announcement at end of post.

I have said all along that Obama’s pledge to not raise taxes on 95% of the population was a pipe dream. He already raised them when tobacco taxes were elevated which affected the middle and lower classes. However, there are those who claim he meant income taxes. He said all of our taxes but we can focus on income.

The plan to tax only the wealthy will not work. If the government confiscated ALL of the money the wealthy earn (100% tax) there would not be enough money to pay the bills. This is a mathematical fact.

Therefore, the bills will be paid by raising the taxes on the middle class. This might mean that the 40% of wage earners who pay no tax will start contributing to the cause.

Congressman Jay Rockefeller is concerned about this (a Democrat worried about a tax increase, say it isn’t so) and he stated that the newest iteration of a health care bill will certainly cause an increase on the taxes of the middle class.

The West Virginia Democrat worries, however, that a lot of middle class workers, like the coal miners in his state, will end up facing “a big, big tax” under the Baucus bill because they currently enjoy generous employer-provided health care benefits which they receive tax free.

Referring to Baucus, Rockefeller said, “He should understand that (his proposal) means that virtually every single coal miner is going to have a big, big tax put on them because the tax will be put on the company and the company will immediately pass it down and lower benefits because they are self insured, most of them, because they are larger. They will pass it down, lower benefits, and probably this will mean higher premiums for coal miners who are getting very good health care benefits for a very good reason. That is, like steelworkers and others, they are doing about the most dangerous job that can be done in America.” ABC News

This is not unique to West Virgina coal miners. The plan will cause an increase in the taxes of middle class Americans all over the country and they will end up paying for the health care for others.

The health care bill is not the only thing that will increase the burden to Americans. Recent estimates now show that cap and trade will cost each family $1761 per year. This is in stark contrast to the official claims of $175. The $1761 number came from the Obama people and was kept under wraps. It was obtained under a Freedom of Information request and it shows that despite what they are saying publicly, they knew back in November that the cost would be much higher.

These financial burdens keep adding up. Obama claims that he will have a deficit neutral health care plan but this claim is hollow. Medicare is not deficit neutral and it pays out more than it takes in. It has been a monetary black hole for a very long time and it will continue to be one just as all other government programs are.

As the bills keep piling up Obama will be forced to raise the taxes of everyone and that includes the 95% he vowed not to harm. His only hope is that he can get reelected before he has to raise taxes. Better yet, he would like to leave office and leave the mess to the next person.

In any event, we cannot keep spending like we have unlimited funds and we cannot keep enacting social welfare reform that causes increases in what families have to pay.

Americans are tired of having their money forcefully confiscated in order to fund politicians and their social programs.

Time to take the country back.

It starts at the local level and that leads me to this. Matt Burden of the website Blackfive has announced he will run for state office in Illinois:

September 4, 2009 – 41st District resident, Matthew Burden, announced today his campaign for the Illinois House of Representatives. Matt will fill the position vacated by the retirement of longtime Representative Bob Biggins. Campaign Site

Matt is raising campaign capital in small amounts from average citizens. You can read all of this at Blackfive.

If you can donate it would help Matt and it would be nice to see a man of his integrity hold office.

We can take back America one seat at a time, one office at a time and one district at a time.

Big Dog

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Illinois Democrat: Tea Parties Despicable

US Representative Jan Schakowsky who represents the 9th Congressional District in Illinois has voiced her opinion of the Tea Parties that took place yesterday. Schakowsky said they were despicable and shameful.

“The ‘tea parties’ being held today by groups of right-wing activists, and fueled by FOX News Channel, are an effort to mislead the public about the Obama economic plan that cuts taxes for 95 percent of Americans and creates 3.5 million jobs,” Schakowsky said in a statement.

“It’s despicable that right-wing Republicans would attempt to cheapen a significant, honorable moment of American history with a shameful political stunt,” she added. “Not a single American household or business will be taxed at a higher rate this year. Made to look like a grassroots uprising, this is an Obama bashing party promoted by corporate interests, as well as Republican lobbyists and politicians.” The Hill

There are many problems with Schakowsky’s statement. First of all, none of these protests were promoted by corporate interests, lobbyists or politicians. These were grass roots activities and this is where the problem lies. The Democrats do not like the idea that American citizens took it upon themselves to exercise their First Amendment right because the protests pointed out the failure of government. The Democrats have a hard time believing that ordinary citizens would do this without big money backers because the flash protests on the left are funded by the likes of George Soros.

Secondly, she is lying about taxes. Most Americans who actually pay taxes will end up paying more. About 40% of wage earners pay no taxes so one cannot honestly claim their taxes were cut. How do you cut from zero? In fact, most of them will get back more than was withheld because of government redistribution. Once the Bush tax cuts expire the middle class will be hit the hardest because they got the biggest cut.

The last thing is that these protests were not anti Obama protests. They were anti government protests as a result of government’s out of control spending. These protests were about what government does with the the money it confiscates from us. These protests were about the increase in taxes that will come and the debt that will be passed to future generations. These protests were as much against what happened when Bush was in office as they are about Obama’s short stint. These protests were neither despicable nor shameful.

Where was Representative Schakowsky when people were camped outside of Bush’s Crawford ranch? Where was her outrage with regard to the constant harassment of Marine recruiters in Berkeley? Why did she never mention how shameful it was for these protesters to break windows and write on the building with paint? When did she declare it despicable that homosexuals were attacking people because of the defeat of gay marriage in California?

No, this woman has come out as have many others in order to discredit the PEACEFUL protests that involved hundreds of thousands of people. They need to make phony claims about big money being behind it and they need to dismiss it so that they can control the damage it does to the image of the sainted one and to the Democrats who are helping him spend like there is no tomorrow. The problem for them is that the protests were peaceful. No reports of arrests, no reports of vandalism, and only one report of a box of tea bags thrown over the White House fence. If it had been phony war medals ala John Kerry, no one would have taken notice.

The other interesting thing, and something that is truly despicable and shameful, is that this woman’s husband was found guilty of fraud and tax evasion. Yes, you read that right. He was found guilty of not paying taxes. The Tea Parties dealt with taxes and the way our money is spent and obviously her husband feels the same way. He is so opposed to taxes that he failed to pay them. He also committed bank fraud so maybe he helped fuel the problems in the banking industry. Did Jan Schakowsky claim that her husband’s actions were despicable and shameful, which they actually were? No, she had nothing but praise for him for the man convicted of two felonies.

“In my heart, I know that these mistakes do not define or diminish this good man, or the good work that he has done over the last 40 years or that he will do in the future,” Schakowsky, D-Ill., said after her husband’s court hearing. USA Today

Notice that he made mistakes. No, he committed crimes but that did not keep her from sugar coating it and saying what a good guy he is. Her law breaking husband is the good guy while American citizens who exercised their Constitutional right to peaceably assemble were depicted as despicable and shameful. I guess we should not be surprised to see this kind of behavior come from a Democrat, especially one from Illinois.

In my view it is shameful and despicable that a woman whose salary is paid by taxpayers had the gall to level such claims against her employers. Yes lady, those people pay your salary and they pay for all the senseless spending that you have authorized.

There is a movement growing in this country and it involves people from both parties. Many people are waking up and seeing that career politicians are causing the problems that we have to endure. They are seeing that it is nonsensical to put the people who caused the mess in charge of fixing it.

In the next two election cycles the American public will strike back. I have said it before and I will say it again. Do not vote for any incumbent. We need to put them all out on the street and we can start with Schakowsky.

Big Dog

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Democrats Not Very Good With Strategy

The Democrats appear to have shot themselves in the foot. Harry Reid and his gang of liberals have decided that Roland Burris of Illinois will not be seated in the Senate. Governor Rod Blagojevich selected Burris to fill the seat vacated by soon to be President Obama and that has rankled the Senate Dems.

Rod Blagojevich is the governor of Illinois. Yes, he is a slime ball and he tried to sell Obama’s seat to the highest bidder, an effort that was thwarted when investigators arrested him (way too soon). But, he is the governor and it is in his purview to appoint people to fill seats of those who have not completed their terms. He selected someone who, as far as anyone can tell, was not involved in the pay to play scandal. Burris has, as far as I can tell, had a mediocre public service life but seems not to be too tarnished from Illinois politics where nearly all politicians are crooked.

Harry Reid has no right to block Burris from being seated but he has stated he will do so unless Burris is certified by the Illinois Secretary of State. However, Reid has stated that he would seat Al Franken on a provisional basis while awaiting the outcome of the recount and any court challenges. Franken will not be certified by the Minnesota Secretary of State. Why the double standard? Because Burris has been appointed by a tarnished governor, perhaps but it might also be because Democrats are worried that he cannot win reelection and the seat might go to a Republican (the same reason the legislature of Illinois decided not to have a special election).

In any event, the Democrats have put themselves in a bind because Republicans have vowed to filibuster any move to put Franken in a seat without the issue being resolved at the state level. No matter what Harry Reid and the Democrats do regarding Burris they have already given the Republicans an opening that cannot be closed. They set the standard and allowed the Republicans to thwart their attempt to legitimize Franken’s potential theft of the election an effort that would have looked like partisan politics had Reid not opened the door.

I would have thought that people who have been around politics as long as this gang of thugs has would have seen the potential for disaster in blocking Burris. I know they did not worry about 57 white guys keeping the black guy out because Democrats are the party of slavery and discrimination and they are excused each time they display their roots. The Republicans could have never effectively played the race card but they can use Reid’s own words and rules against him. I wonder where the people who comment that the seat must go to a black guy fall on this issue?

No matter what people think about Rod Blagojevich or Roland Burris, the fact remains that his appointment was legal and it should go through without delay. It is a legal appointment and Reid has no Constitutional grounds upon which to deny Burris entry.

Republicans, on the other hand, have a legitimate issue with Franken. The contest has not been decided and it might take months for the recount and court challenges to resolve the issue. Franken will probably end up winning because Democrats are skilled at stealing elections but he should not be seated until the issue is resolved and he is certified.

The Hill

Big Dog

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Now That He’s Elected They Will Cover Scandals

All during the campaign, from the primaries to the general election, Barack Obama was plagued with one scandal after another. The issues were legitimate and they were worthy of mention but they were dismissed by the left and its media wing as nothing. The idiots at the Daily Kos and assorted other Democratic mouthpieces, the very same groups who see scandal every time George Bush passes gas, remained silent or attributed the revelations to a right wing smear job. Of course, most of the “smear” came from Democrats during their primary.

Now that the media have ensured that Obama was elected they are now free to investigate scandals and they are, to their own amazement, finding that Obama had questionable associations. Imagine that? The governor of Illinois has been arrested in a scandal that might have long reaching arms and involve Jesse Jackson Jr as well as various members of Obama’s dream team and the media are suddenly interested in particulars (but not too many).

Rahm Emanuel is one such member and things are looking bleak for him. The so called heavy weight with the foul mouth and the mean temper has been reduced to hiding in his home and sneaking out to work because he is likely smack dab in the middle of the corruption.

When the story about Governor Blagojevich broke Barack Obama expressed his surprise and disappointment and indicated that this was the first that he had heard of the pay for play scheme. He assured us that none of his people were involved in the “sale” of his Senate seat. Looks like Obama might have been a bit premature in his assessment because it is now reported that Emanuel was recorded discussing the Senate seat.

As of now there is no indication that he was involved in any of the illegal activities. The recording of him has not been released so we don’t know what was discussed but we do know that the fact he was discussing the matter is contrary to what Obama said about the issue. Obama’s statement that he had not spoken or met with the governor has also been shown to be false because there are pictures of the two together.

Obama and his team are in the middle of a scandal and they have circled the wagons. They are not discussing much, if anything at all, with the media. The man who would bring transparency to government has closed ranks and is anything but transparent. Obama has also shown that he is not above politics as usual and that his rhetoric about reforming DC was nothing more than campaign promises he never intended to keep. How could he bring a new brand of politics when he is a Chicago politician and, as seen in the Blagojevich scandal, there is nothing new or clean bout that?

Perhaps Obama should have made Hillary Clinton his Chief of Staff. She has many years experience covering up scandals. Obama is a babe in the woods when compared to the Clintons.

Then again, it was the Clinton kind of politics that Obama promised to get rid of.

What a difference an election makes

Prior to the election Obama could murder babies in Times Square and the media would ignore it. They would rationalize his acts and the Daily Kos would attribute it to a Right Wing Conspiracy and blame it on Bush.

Well moonbats, Bush had nothing to do with this. All the scandal, all the attention, and all the dirt is on your guy. George Bush had nothing to do with it though I bet he is getting a bit of a chuckle out of seeing the anointed One get the third degree.

Bush probably finds some humor in the fact that when the Plame issue was being investigated the left was in full attack mode and convicting people before they ever had a trial. Despite his insistence that he was not aware of what had taken place and who “leaked” Plame’s so called secret identity, he was branded a liar. The left was calling for investigations day after day and Bush’s people were the object of ridicule.

Now, one of Obama’s people (at least) is right in the thick of an investigation and the left is not calling for him to be frog marched out in chains. They are not calling Obama a liar because he denied knowledge and they are defending him. Why, he is a victim here. Someone did something to make him look bad or bring discredit upon him. He is getting consideration that George Bush never got.

Did Obama know anything? Who knows? However, he came from the crooked politics of Illinois and he has used questionable tactics and had questionable associations in the past so it is not beyond reason that he is involved.

However, given Obama’s past, it is likely that he sent surrogates to do the dirty work so he could stay “clean” should the deification hit the cooling device.

How long will it be before Rahm Emanuel joins the many others located under the bus?

Regardless of what happens, this scandal will no doubt haunt and hinder Obama for some time to come.

Maybe if it gets bad enough he will show that Birth Certificate so that he does not have to take office…

Chicago Tribune

Big Dog

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