Inauguration Toilets Are Based On Class

The folks coordinating the coronation of Obama (PBUH) have decided that one toilet for every 6000 visitors was not a good thing so they have increased the number of port-a-potties to one in every 300. There will be 5000 of the familiar toilets throughout DC for the event.

The toilets that the unwashed masses will use are the standard toilets that have no lighting, no running water, can’t be flushed, and are not climate controlled. It is also likely that they will not have enough toilet paper.

Those in the middle and lower classes who plan to attend should ensure they take toilet paper and something to wash their hands with after using the facilities.

[tip]Waterless hand sanitizer or baby wipes are good for cleaning up after toileting. Remember toilet paper because it disappears fast. If you have a capitalist streak take extra and sell it.[/tip]

The VIPs, on the other hand, will have heated port-a-potties that flush. They will also have lights and running hot and cold water. This is how the elites in DC see the people. Harry Reid says they are smelly and stink up the Capitol when they visit and those planning the event believe they deserve nothing as good as those who work for them and whose salaries they pay.

I certainly would not expect all the toilets to be the high class ones because of the expense involved but I do believe that the ones the VIPs use should be no better than the ones the visitors will use.

Then again, this is how the politicians (and their high priced friends) view us as compared to them. They are better than we, in their minds, and they deserve the modern comforts. It never occurs to them that we are paying for the toilets.

Perhaps we will get lucky and there will be a blizzard the evening of January 19th.

Of course a blizzard would be nothing compared to the snow job we will get for the next four years.

NY Daily News

Big Dog

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Oh No, One More Second Of George Bush

The liberal left cannot wait until George Bush is out of office and their savior, Barack Obama, takes the helm of state. They have never supported Bush and have done everything they could to oppose him and make it difficult for him to lead. Now they are counting the seconds until he is out of office.

Looks like they will have to count just one more. In a cruel twist of fate, the official timekeepers have added one more second (a leap second) to this year. This will realign the official clock with the rotation of the Earth. The bad news for the liberals is that George Bush will be in office one more second.

For those who said they could not tolerate him one second longer, too bad. You are going to have to.

But don’t worry little moonbats, once your president takes office he can change time for you while he is changing water into wine (or for him talc into cocaine) and feeding the masses with fishes and loaves.

If you ask me, you all should get him to use his divine powers to conger up some more toilets because there will only be about one for every 6000 of you who go to his inauguration. You guys are smelly enough without having soiled clothing.

Oh well, just wear Depends and all will be wonderful. Wait until the sainted one is speaking before you let loose and you can attribute that warm feeling you get to his comforting words.

The great thing is, whatever Obama is saying will be equal to what is filling your diapers…

One more second of George Bush. I know that will drive some of you over the edge. Just remember, cut your wrists lengthwise….

Yahoo News

Big Dog

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Brokeback Mad About Saddleback

Barack Hussein Obama selected Rick Warren, the founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, to give the invocation at his inauguration. To his credit, Warren accepted the honor and put aside the huge differences he has with Obama’s interpretation of Christianity.

The homosexual community is up in arms because Rick Warren opposes gay marriage and was in favor of Proposition 8. The brokeback community is beside itself because their anointed one has selected an anti gay to say a prayer at his inauguration. I suppose Obama could have had Reverend Wright give the invocation because, after all, he is not controversial or anything.

Barney Frank, the Congressman who is directly responsible for the mortgage crisis and resulting financial meltdown this nation is facing, has stated that Obama made a mistake in selecting Warren. This is the openly gay Congressman who was sleeping with an executive at one of the Government Sponsored Entities while he was supposed to be overseeing what was going on. Because of Frank’s malfeasance the rest of us took it up the rear as well.

I guess it is fitting that someone protest this but I would have thought the ACLU would have been protesting the whole “praying” thing because of the myth about separation of church and state.

I give credit to Obama for selecting Warren though I am sure that his selection was, in part, politically motivated. He stuck by his choice even though the homos are losing their minds and for that I give him credit.

Barney Frank can say it was a mistake for Obama to select Warren. That is, after all, his right.

I happen to think that America made a mistake by selecting Obama so I can understand how Frank views the issue.

Big Dog

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