Obama Plays Politics With The Troops

For all his posturing, for all his claims to support them, for all his claims to want them out of Iraq immediately (that was what he wanted before he changed to a sensible withdraw) and for all his claims that he is looking out for them the reality is that the troops are pawns to Barack Obama.

Obama likes to tell everyone he opposed the war from the start. He didn’t oppose it when he was campaigning for John Kerry and praised the Senator and his tough decisions, blah, blah. Nonetheless, his claim of change, and one that made him different in the primary, is that he could make the claim that he always opposed the war because he was not in office when it was voted upon. No one really knows how he would have voted since he votes with Democrats 97% of the time.

One thing is certain though, Obama has little regard for the troops. He ignored the wounded when he went overseas. He could have visited them but chose not to. There are no excuses because there is NEVER an excuse to not visit our wounded. A leader would know that.

Obama talks a good game but word out of Iraq is that Barack Obama tried to convince the Iraqis not to broker any kind of draw down of US troops until the next administration was in office. As he campaigns he says he wants them out quickly (but responsibly) and that he will negotiate to get them out and let the Iraqis take control of their own destiny. However, in private he was busy trying to swing back room deals with the Iraqi government not to make any deals with President Bush.

WHILE campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence.

According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July.

“He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington,” Zebari said in an interview.

Obama insisted that Congress should be involved in negotiations on the status of US troops – and that it was in the interests of both sides not to have an agreement negotiated by the Bush administration in its “state of weakness and political confusion.”

“However, as an Iraqi, I prefer to have a security agreement that regulates the activities of foreign troops, rather than keeping the matter open.” Zebari says.

Though Obama claims the US presence is “illegal,” he suddenly remembered that Americans troops were in Iraq within the legal framework of a UN mandate. His advice was that, rather than reach an accord with the “weakened Bush administration,” Iraq should seek an extension of the UN mandate.

While in Iraq, Obama also tried to persuade the US commanders, including Gen. David Petraeus, to suggest a “realistic withdrawal date.” They declined. New York Post

This is nothing more than Obama playing politics with our troops. He does not want the Bush Administration to receive any credit for getting this done and Obama is worried that it might give republicans a leg up in the election especially when one considers that Obama was tragically wrong on the surge. It has been the opposite of all the doom and gloom failure that Obama predicted. His opposition and incorrect predictions demonstrated how inexperienced he is for the job of Commander in Chief.

We have business to conduct whether or not there is an election going on. If the Bush administration is working to end the war or move into another phase it should not be a political issue for Obama. If Congress should be involved then let the do-nothings currently in Congress get involved. We do not have to wait for the next administration for Congress to get involved..

Barack Obama can say anything he wants but in the end he is just another politician who does not care about anything but winning. John Kerry said the troops were stupid and Obama thinks they are pawns in a giant chess game.

And this guy wants to be their boss.

No thanks.

Big Dog

Troops not Impressed with Obama

It would seem that the troops in Iraq were not impressed with Barack Obama. Many of them did not care for him before he ever got there and went out of their way to avoid being near him while he was in Iraq. The Gateway Pundit has a post up describing the situation in Iraq where very few soldiers support Obama and how he had little regard for them as well. We already know he blew the wounded soldiers off but he was just as dismissive of the troops in the field.

95% of base wanted nothing to do with him. I have met three troops who support him, and literally hundreds who regard him as a buffoon, a charlatan, a hindrance to their mission or a flat out enemy of progress. Even when the rumors were publicly admitted, almost no one left their duty sections to try to see him, unless they were officers whose presence was officially required.

Perhaps Obama had other things on his mind like having a press conference in front of the British Prime Minister’s place without the the Prime Minister present.

Whatever the reason, Obama is not winning the troops over and it is highly unlikely that he will get a large portion of that vote. Of course he probably does not have to worry about it since the Democrats disenfranchise soldiers in nearly election. They are working hard to keep them out this year as well.

Blackfive published an email from a soldier who was not impressed with Obama and the way he treated the troops and now we have another report from the front line. There in a consistent theme here and it is that the troops recognize a phony who does not support them when they see one.

Big Dog

Obama Redeemed by a Mistake?

Jesse Jackson said it was a redemptive campaign. Obama’s foreign policy wisdom has caused great joy in moonbat-ville tonight. Only problem, it is all predicated upon a mistake.

The MSM and the Internet are all atwitter as liberals frolic at the news that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has agreed with the Messiah, Barry Obama. A German publication quoted Maliki as agreeing with the Messiah on a 16 month withdraw plan for US forces. I have been reading the reports of this at ABC’s Political Punch and the liberals are having multiple orgasms. They are thanking Obama and attributing all this to his vast foreign policy experience. The only problem in all this is that Maliki never said that he agreed with Obama. He was either misquoted or his statement was mistranslated.

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Obama was Planning Trip to Iraq

John McCain has been hammering B. Hussein Obama pretty hard because Obama has declared that the US lost in Iraq and that the surge was not working and he made these assessments even though he has not been to the country in over two years. Obama has also not spoken with General Petraeus other than to grandstand during the General’s last briefing to Congress. John McCain suggested that Obama needed to go to Iraq and see for himself. He also suggested that before Obama engages in unconditional talks with our enemies he should consider doing so with our top commanders, particularly General Petraeus.

Well lo and behold B. Hussein Obama is considering a trip to Iraq. His people say that he has been thinking about this for some time (sure) and Obama indicated that he did not want to go there just for some political stunt:

“I just don’t want to be involved in a political stunt.”

“I think that if I’m going to Iraq, then I’m there to talk to troops and talk to commanders,” he said in the interview. “I’m not there to try to score political points or perform. The work they’re doing there is too important.”

What Obama is saying is that he would never use Iraq as a political pawn because the work our men and women are doing there is too important. No, Obama would never play politics with this important issue. Just one problem. His people stated this about his plans:

Obama’s campaign has been considering an overseas trip since last year to beef up his foreign policy credentials, but the extended fight for the Democratic nomination with Hillary Rodham Clinton has delayed those plans.

So Obama does not want to be part of a political stunt but he has been considering a trip to Iraq to beef up his foreign policy credentials. In reality, he is not going to talk to the troops or commanders and the work they are doing is not that important because B. Hussein Obama needs to beef up his credentials by going to Iraq. Obama would never play politics with this important issue but going just to beef up your creds is playing politics with this important issue.

It is also playing politics with this important issue to talk about a complete and unconditional withdraw from Iraq regardless of what commanders on the ground advise just to appease (there is that word again) the nutroots on the left fringe of the party. To decide on withdraw with little or no regard for what the real military professionals have to say is pure politics and is a move designed to win votes from those who are tired of the conflict.

I have my doubts as to whether Obama was planning a trip to Iraq or not but the fact is this little tidbit was not revealed until McCain started hammering him about it. No matter what he or his people say it will always look like McCain shamed him into going.

I wonder if he will meet with General Petraeus? I think Obama is trying to avoid the man because he will then be forced to either agree with a commander on the ground or disregard what he says. The former will tick off Obama’s base and the latter will show an arrogance toward a man who is about eight years older and has a hell of a lot more military knowledge than Obama will ever have.

McCain backed Obama in a corner with this one and it will be fun to see how this plays out. I bet Obama comes out of it with a lot more gaffes. Who knows, maybe he will come back with some more family war stories.

Stephen King Pulls a John Kerry

During the last election cycle John Kerry told students that it was important to get an education or you would end up in Iraq. This was obviously an insult to the troops but Kerry dismissed it as a botched joke. Perhaps he meant to tell a joke but the Freudian slip told his inner feelings. Given his total disregard for the Vietnam vets with whom he served, it is not hard to see why people believe he meant what he said.

Stephen King, the liberal author, has insulted our troops in a manner that is Kerryesque. King told people that it was important to learn to read and that if you could not read then your options were the “Army and Iraq, something like that. It’s not as bright.”

What this maggot said is that the Army is full of people who cannot read. The members of our military (he said Army but he meant all services) are not bright enough to read so they end up in in the military and places like Iraq.

I know a whole lot of people in the military and everyone I know can read. Most of the people I know can read and comprehend as well or better than Mr. king. Some of the people I know in the military have published technical work that required a bit more than for King to write fictional novels. Quite a few of the people I know in the military have written articles for magazines, newspapers and many have blogs. All of these require the ability to read and write. And while King thinks that people do not have to be as bright to get in the military, I would like to see him fly a plane or a helicopter. I would like to see Stephen King operate an M1 tank or a Patriot Missile battery. I would also like to see him perform the miracles our medical folks do.

Stephen King is a half witted liberal who has lived in a protected world where he can run around and discredit those with whom he disagrees. He is an ungrateful twit who has the freedom to say what he wants because of the men and women of the armed forces who protect our country and our way of life. Stephen King is not fit to carry the boots of any member of the military and all of them will always be a cut above him and his kind.

Mr. King, the members of our military are quite capable of reading and I am sure that many of them helped make you rich by buying and reading your books. However, if you believe that they are unable to read perhaps they should stop buying your literature and maybe they should stop selling it in the exchanges.

Interestingly Mr. King, you chose to insult our troops when none of them were around. Maybe we can get a few of them to go to your next book signing and see if you would be as forthright. Considering where you have your head, at least you will be able to read your own book when they get done with you.


Big Dog

Others with interesting items:
Rosemary’s Thoughts, A Blog For All, Right Truth, Kodera’s Korner, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Democrat=Socialist, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.