Obama Using IRS Again

King B. Hussein Obama the First has again violated the Constitution by issuing orders that directly contradict a duly enacted law. Obamacare was passed by DEMOCRATS in Congress and signed into law by DEMOCRAT Obama and the SCOTUS rewrote the law to allow it. That law has set dates for things to happen but things are not going well with Obamacare and Democrats are worried they will lose the Senate in the next election.

So, King Obama pushed certain employer mandates past the next election so that the mindless people will forget about the problems and the certain disaster and vote the loveable Democrats back into office. By the way, these are the same delays Republicans wanted and Obama and Reid refused resulting in the Democrat shut down of the federal government.

[note]Keep in mind the disaster of millions losing jobs and/or insurance will not be prevented. It will just be delayed until after the election. Once they are back in office the mess will occur and there will be nothing you can do about it. Vote them out this November and put an end to this insanity.[/note]

The problem is Obama’s edicts do not comply with the law. As the Executive he is not allowed to change laws.

The edicts affect businesses that employ certain numbers of full time employees. Obama’s henchmen at the IRS have been tasked with intimidating these businesses not to fire people because of Obamacare. Well really they are intimidating them into NOT claiming it was because of Obamacare.

The smart employer knows that if he has to comply with the law if he has 100 employees then he can avoid the law by firing enough people to get below that threshold. The IRS will force businesses to swear, under penalty of perjury, that it did not fire people to avoid Obamacare and its mandates.

The numbers deal with full time workers because the law already allows for employers to avoid Obamacare for part time employees (fewer than 30 hours per week).

So the goon squad at the IRS, fresh off illegally targeting conservative groups, will now force businesses to swear that they are not dumping employees because of (or to avoid) Obamacare.

This is insane. Employers are free to hire and fire people for whatever reason they want. There is no need to let the government know why.

But since the IRS will be used as the enforcement arm and since members of Congress refuse to stop the lawless Obama (particularly the jelly spined Republicans) businesses will likely have to comply or face the wrath of an unleashed IRS.

But wait, what will stop a business with too many employees from reducing hours of those workers so they fall below the 30 hours required to provide insurance? A smart business owner could very easily reduce hours until the number of full time employees is below the 50 or 100 level and thus avoid the Obamacare mandates.

Reduced hours means less pay (which is probably why Democrats are pushing for a minimum wage increase. Well that and buying votes) but does that matter if you are trying to run a business without going bankrupt from Obamacare (in addition to the numerous other government regulations)?

Yep, if I owned a business I would fire employees who voted for Obama. If I faced the IRS goons and could not do it I would reduce the Obama voter’s hours to under 30. The law is specific about the hour requirement.

Then again, the tyrant King has not followed the law as of yet so I suspect that once he figures this out he will issue new orders for the IRS.

[note]The reality is the Democrats do not want businesses talking about firing people because of Obamacare. They know it will happen but if it is discussed they might lose more votes so they are using the IRS to issue a sort of gag order. Fire people and swear it was not because of Obamacare so then you can’t go out and say it was…[/note]

Voters need to strengthen the Republican numbers in the House and retake the Senate (with a big majority) and this will put a stop to Obama and Harry Reid and their destruction of the country.

It will also give us the numbers needed to impeach the King.

But only if they grow a spine along the way.

As an aside, Obama and I have something in common. He sees fit not to follow the law. So do I…

FOX News

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Round Up Of The Absurd

A sampling of the moronic things taking place in this country.

DC residents can apply for a pot card


Looks like people in DC can start registering to receive medical marijuana. The dope will be dispensed once people start getting their government approval to get high.

Don’t take this the wrong way. I think that marijuana can be of value as a medication for certain things. That is for the medical community to decide. The reality is that many folks will get a card for some bogus medical condition so they can get, and smoke, pot. There will be a huge spike in certain medical conditions and that spike will involve conditions that, coincidentally, can be treated with marijuana. There will not be background checks to see if these people have a valid reason, they will just be allowed to obtain and smoke pot.

Let some poor chump try to buy a gun, or better yet, try to get a permit to carry a gun in DC and the entire force of government will come down on the evil schmuck. If he is allowed to proceed there will be hundreds of dollars in fees and significant checks that will become huge barriers to purchasing a handgun. If the request is to carry a handgun then there will be a lot of money spent to be denied. This is just like the People’s Republik of Maryland.

One of these things is a right protected in the US Constitution. Sadly, very few people either know that or follow it.

Your Tax Dollars Pay For IRS Employees To Do Full Time Union Work

An FOIA request reveals information that should make your blood boil. It is not bad enough that the IRS is targeting certain people in a political witch hunt now we have information that 201 IRS employees work full time on union business and we TAXPAYERS foot the bill.

The collective bargaining agreement allows them to work full time on union business and receive a taxpayer provided salary. This is what happens when the people who pay the bills are not involved in the bargaining process. The union negotiates with the politicians and they agree on terms. We pay for whatever they decide AND the unions funnel money back to the politicians. They are a laundering operation to get your money to unions and politicians under the guise of a legal contract.

This is why public employees should not be allowed to have unions.

Nazi passed background check to live in US for over 60 years

A Nazi commander from WWII was able to escape to the United States in 1949 by claiming he had not performed military service. He lied. The US allegedly did a background check but some items could not be verified so they let him in. The 94 year old man has been exposed and will likely be deported to stand trial for war crimes.

Big deal, right? Well, if the government could not ensure a Nazi was not allowed into this country what makes you think the government can ensure the millions of illegals currently here are properly vetted before legal status is bestowed upon them?

How many of these folks will be allowed to stay here legally because their background could NOT be verified? How many mistakes will there be that will cause us problems?

This assumes, of course, that the government will actually do any kind of background check. The only people the government wants to do complete background checks on are those who wish to purchase or carry a firearm. Then, anal probes are conducted.

The world is upside-down and this country needs an enema.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Time To Get Rid Of The IRS

As I write this it occurs to me that I could be putting a big target on my back for retaliation by an out of control government agency but this needs to be said and I am certainly not the only person saying it.

We need to get rid of the IRS. It is an agency that has become bloated and costs us a ton of money to operate. While I would like to abolish the income tax as well I understand that is not likely to happen so the next best thing would be to abolish the IRS and simplify the tax code so that every wage earner pays a flat tax.

The code can be simplified so that ALL income is treated the same and taxed at one flat rate. I believe that John Lott has calculated an 11% tax rate would fund the government and provide the funds necessary for Social Security and Medicare thus eliminating these as separate deductions. Since that money goes to the general fun anyway there is really no need for separate deductions.

Whatever tax rate is decided upon all wage earners would have that amount deducted from every paycheck. There are two ways to handle other income. Either the people paying the income (dividend, interest, etc) could deduct the percentage and send it to the Treasury or those who earn it can send a check for the amount owed when taxes are filed.

There would be no need for all of the deductions that wage earners use and there would be no need for tax credits. We level the playing field (as liberals like to push) and all wage earners pay the same amount. Wealthy people would pay more in gross amount but the percentage would be the same for everyone. The amount of Social Security people receive can be calculated on formulas based on income.

[note]We also need to eliminate the death tax. If a person pays taxes on income all his life it is morally wrong to then tax what is left when it is passed on.[/note]

I would recommend that income up to $3000 be excluded from taxes and all amounts over that be taxed. This would allow children to earn dividend and interest on accounts and allow students to take summer jobs without worrying about a tax burden. All income over that regardless of age or source would be taxed at the national rate.

Treasury can use a small contingent of workers to check computer databases to ensure those who received income paid taxes (and that would be mostly self correcting because we would all be paying the same amount). They could check that those who received income from other sources paid taxes on the additional income.

We would have no need for all these audits and no need for all the federal agents. We could abolish the IRS (the ideal solution) or drastically reduce it in size to only those needed to check returns.

Ideally we would get rid of the agency and Treasury would establish a small section to check. Perhaps we could even have some computer program that just checks if a Social Security number received wages and then see if taxes are paid for them. They can sort this out but whatever happens it will be better than what we have.

The most ideal situation would be to have a national consumption tax and abolish income taxes all together. If you buy something (consume) you pay federal taxes on it. This would tax consumption rather than production and would be ideal, at least in my mind.

I doubt this will happen. The most likely outcome would be Congress taxing income AND charging a consumption tax. Their appetite for our money never ends.

No matter what is done there should be a provision in the law that the tax rate (flat or consumption) cannot be raised unless 75% of both chambers of Congress vote to do so.

If we allow them to just increase the tax rate pretty soon we will all be paying most of our income to the government.

We need to pay the bills and get our debt cleared out and we need a tax system that accomplishes this and does not require countless hours to comply with.

A flat tax allows everyone to be patriotic and have skin in the game (what Joe Biden says paying taxes is all about) and it would allow us to get rid of the IRS, an agency that has become a political weapon. It allows us to comply without worrying about mistakes that could bring the wrath of the IRS down on us.

Remember, we can’t plead the 5th with the IRS and we can’t claim mistakes were made and expect forgiveness they way they are now doing…

This does not account for corporate earnings and tax. A national coprorate rate of about half the current rate on all income would be sufficient if we remove all the corporate deductions. That is an issue for the Treasury and Congress to work out. Perhaps Treasury would need a corporate tax division that had simple rules to follow so every corporation pays taxes and friends of one politician or another do not get special treatment. It would also be wise to have a system that encouraged investment here and discouraged overseas tax shelters.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Deny Lerner 5th Amendment Protection

Lois Lerner is the IRS official who was in charge of the Tax Exempt Division when it was illegally targeting conservative groups (among others). Her division fast tracked liberal organizations but caused all kinds of problems for conservative groups. The results of an IRS IG investigation were known last year prior to the presidential election but the results were suppressed in order to help Obama win reelection.

Make no mistake; this was all suppressed in order to help Obama. Think about it. If everything going on right now had been known and took place prior to the last election do you think Obama would have won? The media covered him on Benghazi and the IRS covered him on the brewing scandal where the IRS was used to intimidate groups opposed to him.

Lois Lerner is before a Congressional Committee today to answer questions about the scandal. Yesterday we learned that she planned to invoke her right against self incrimination under the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution. It appears that she revoked her right by making a statement but that has not stopped her from refusing to answer questions.

I believe that Lerner should be denied her 5th Amendment right not to incriminate herself. Why is that?

Well, I would normally say that she has the right and all rights should be upheld but in DC not all rights apply and among liberals not all rights are viewed as equal or relevant. For instance, regular citizens are not allowed to carry a firearm in DC. Hell, it is damn near impossible to own one there. We have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms but that right is routinely dismissed by liberals in DC.

Liberals do not support the Second Amendment and they are working very hard to take our firearms away. Elijah Cummings, the head Democrat on the committee, is an anti gun nut. He does not believe we have a right to keep and bear arms and he supports anti gun legislation. Since he refuses to uphold his oath then we should deny Lerner her right. Let’s assert she has no right and get the liberals on record indicating that rights are precious and need to be upheld. Lerner violated the rights of a lot of people with her illegal activities now it is time to deny any right she invokes and eventually deny her freedom.

Now that won’t generally work because one needs a brain to apply logic and common sense. The AP and some of the other media are coming around after the regime violated the First Amendment but we have a long way to go before we get them to recognize that the Second is as important as all the others.

In fact, it is more important. Without the Second there will be no protection for the others.

As of this writing Lerner got up and left the building.

She should have been arrested. Think about this folks. Would someone from the IRS allow YOU to take the 5th and then get up and leave during an audit? Do you think the groups her division targeted could have gotten away with this when the IRS asked them the intrusive and illegal questions?

I find it ironic that the people who ignore and violate the US Constitution each and every day have suddenly decided that the Constitution is important.

Notice how they use it to cover their rear ends when they have trouble.

I have two words that will get her to talk.

Water boarding.

And keep in mind, this wench will be running the IRS division of Obamacare.

Who gave the orders?
Surprise, parties divided over scandal
No star witness?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


IRS Instructs Staff To See No Evil

The Internal Revenue Service is a huge government agency that enforces untold volumes of tax laws that Congress has passed. It is the enforcement arm of the Mafioso government charged with threatening people who don’t pay up the extortion money and hurting those who refuse to do so. The IRS will be the goon squad in charge of enforcing the Obamacare tax mandate.

One would think that a massive agency with a huge budget would be very concerned with the tax money people pay in and that is returned to them (or redistributed) as part of the tax process.

One would also think that the IRS would be looking out for fraud when it comes to people working the system. It is a certainty that the agency looks for fraud when people, particularly those with high incomes, submit tax returns with what might be questionable entries. How do they know the entries are questionable? They know because people or computers look for indicators of fraud.

A lot of the tax system is based on Social Security Numbers but not everyone who pays taxes or files a tax return has one of those. A taxpayer identification number is assigned to people who are not citizens so they can file taxes and get returns.

The IRS is supposed to look at the applications for TINs and ensure they are legitimate so that people do not get money to which they are not entitled. But the IRS has a different idea of its function as people in charge of the agency instructed staff members to overlook fraud in TIN applications.

The cited article indicates the IRS disbursed $6.2 BILLION in tax refunds to people with TINs. It is possible that all of those were legitimate but if fraud was overlooked, how do we really know if that money should have been disbursed? How do we know that the government (read taxpayers) is not getting screwed out of money to run the country?

The IRS has announced a series of improvements but why is it that federal agencies always lose billions of dollars or are found to be doing a poor job before some improvement is worked on?

Should they not have extreme attention to detail, at least as much as they expect us to have when we fill out our taxes?

We need a simplified tax system with a flat tax and no deductions where one can use a postcard to verify taxes paid and adjust for any small adjustments that might occur. If everyone paid a flat tax on income there would be no need for a huge IRS (if we needed it at all).

Think how much money we could save by scaling down that monstrosity of an agency…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
