Time For Israel To End Hamas

We have seen this play out before. The Hamas terrorists launch rockets into Israel and eventually Israel responds with overwhelming force. The world gets upset with Israel for a disproportionate response.

It is starting again. Three Israeli teens were abducted and murdered by Hamas and tensions ran high. Hamas increases the number of rockets it launches into Israel by hundreds a day. Israel responds and is waging war in Gaza.

Israel has been running missions along Gaza and has called up 40,000 troops for a possible ground invasion. Rockets have been shot down in Tel Aviv and one was directed at jerusalem. There appears to be no quick end to this as Israel appears determined to inflict a lot of pain and suffering, as it should.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that has been harassing Israel for a long time. There are talks of peace deals but Hamas does not want peace so it launches rockets in an effort to harass and kill Jews. Israel has responded and so far the UN and other bodies have not said much but it will not be long before the collective starts condemning Israel for a disproportionate response and the death of Palestinians. The Palestinians will drag frozen dead kids out of cold storage and show them off while wailing and decrying the attacks.

The UN will continue to condemn Israel and say they need to cease their attacks. Israel will be made the bad guy while not a word is spoken about the terrorists and their rocket attacks.

In the past Israel inflicted damage and stopped but it looks like this time might be different. Israel called up troops and is waging an aggressive campaign. I think that country has finally had enough.

Good. It is about time. Israel needs to keep attacking until Hamas is gone forever. It needs to bomb all the rocket sites, it needs to bomb all the weapons caches and it needs to bomb any fighter no matter where they are. If that means civilians die then so be it. Hamas cares not one bit about killing Israeli civilians and the UN ignores the attacks on Israelis so the hell with it, obliterate Hamas.

Make them a memory and devastate that area so significantly that it will take them centuries to get back to the stone age they now live in.

But Big Dog, some Israelis murdered a Palestinian kid in retaliation.

Yep and Israel took six people into custody for that crime. Hamas cheers its murderers while Israel prosecutes theirs.

Israel should find a butcher that has lots of pig carcasses and drop them from aircraft into Gaza. Then it should bomb the hell out of the muzzies running away front he dead pigs.

It is time to put an end to Hamas and Israel is the nation that can do it so long as it ignores the anti Semites in the UN and its collective.

And as long as it ignores the anti Semite in the White House.

Go Israel. Give them something to talk about for decades to come. They will call it genocide but we will call it exterminating vermin.

Palestinians – The INVENTED People

Today, there are constant news reports from corrupt Liberal so-called news media, racist groups (like the UN), Liberal Elite Academia, radical Cults (Islam), and generally uneducated people’s that the Jews have STOLEN their land from the indigenous Palestinians.


It’s even beyond the fact that there are no ‘Palestinians’ – there was no one there, period. A friend of mine (who sadly passed away 20 years ago) was a US soldier stationed in Egypt after WWII – he told me the land know as Israel today was EMPTY until Truman started talking about a Jewish homeland – then Arabs flooded in from Jordan and proclaimed themselves ‘Natives’.

ITS THE JEWS WHO ARE THE NATIVES!!!! They were DISPERSED by the ROMAN CONQUERERS across their empire. It was the ROMANS who NAMED the area Palestine after the Jews ancient enemies, The Philistines, just to MOCK them.

There is NO MENTION OF PALESTINIANS IN THE BIBLE. There is NONE in Roman records. Someone out there – respond with an Historical record of the Palestinian Royal family, coinage, archeological site – ANYTHING.

There is more evidence of ATLANTIS than there is of Historical PALESTINIANS.

The Arabs who FLOODED the area didn’t even refer to themselves as Palestinians – they were native Arabs. They KNOW this – this is all PROPAGANDA to MILK MONEY AND WEAPONS from the LIBERAL LEFT by TRICKING THEM into seeing them as the NATIVE AMERICANS – when THE ARABS ARE THE RACIST INVADERS.

It was Yasser Arafat who created the FICTION of a ‘Palestinian People’ for the Propaganda value. He knew better – they ALL DO.

“The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan.” – King Hussein of Jordan, in 1981

“Palestine is Jordan and Jordan is Palestine; there is only one land, with one history and one and the same fate,” Prince Hassan of the Jordanian National Assembly was quoted as saying on February 2, 1970.

Abdul Hamid Sharif, Prime Minister of Jordan declared in 1980, “The Palestinians and Jordanians do not belong to different nationalities. They hold the same Jordanian passports, are Arabs and have the same Jordanian culture.”

“You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people.”
Syrian President Hafez Assad to Yasser Arafat.

Mark Twain – Samuel Clemens, the famous author of “Huckleberry Finn” and “Tom Sawyer”, took a tour of the Holy Land in 1867. This is how he described that land: “A desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds. A silent, mournful expanse. We never saw a human being on the whole route. There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

The land of Israel has BLOSSOMED in the care of the Israelites – the NATIVES WHO WERE GIVEN THE LAND BY G✡D!

Guest Blogger, Born Again Christian, and Supporter of Israel,

With Friends Like Obama…

If there was ever any doubt that the Obama Regime is anti Israel one need look no further than the recent disclosure of secret Israeli information that the Obama folks allowed to happen. Obama pretends to be a friend of Israel but he is a Muzzie sympathizer and would love to see the Israelis get smacked around by the enemies surrounding the tiny country.

The Israelis have plans for a top secret military installation that the Obama Regime promised to build. The facility would house a ballistic missile defense system, the Arrow 3. In what many might consider an act of sheer stupidity (I think it was deliberate) the regime published an open request for bids on the 25 million dollar project.

This allowed the secret details of the project (which included more than 1000 pages of details) to be seen by anyone and that includes Israel’s enemies.

As one might expect, the Israeli military (and by extension the government) is not happy about this:

If an enemy if Israel wanted to launch an attack against a facility, this would give him an easy how-to guide. This type of information is closely guarded and its release can jeopardize the entire facility.


This is more than worrying, it is shocking. [unnamed official] McClatchy

It should come as no surprise that this happened because the Regime is anti Israel and because these morons can’t keep anything secret. Why on Earth the Israelis would want the Obama Regime involved is beyond me. Israel should have worked directly with contractors and kept the leaky regime out of things.

Well, another leak of secret information has occurred. Do you suppose Eric Holder will use this to illegally obtain more information from the press?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Did Obama Go Sideways On Four Decades Of Policy?

Robert Gibbs, the former Obama “Baghdad Bob” has declared Mitt Romney’s trip to Israel an embarrassing disaster. Gibbs, a mouthpiece for the Obama campaign, is trashing Romney’s trip claiming that he was unable to convince people he should be the Commander in Chief.

Gibbs cites Romney’s expression of concern over some aspects of the London Olympics, claims that upset the British officials, as one reason he is not ready for primetime. The Obamabots would have you believe that Romney “struck out playing tee ball.”

The problem with this is that Romney only expressed concerns that the British have been publicly declaring for months. The British newspapers and other media have been talking about the very issues Romney discussed for months. When asked, Romney cited their own concerns and was somehow the bad guy.

Let us not forget that Romney is uniquely qualified to discuss Olympic preparation given his work on the Salt Lake City Olympics. He said nothing that was not already known or that was not already a concern. Even Piers Morgan sided with Romney and Morgan is in no way a right wing supporter.

So that issue has been settled. It was no big deal and Romney caused no international incident.

So on to the next issue. Gibbs cites Romney’s statement that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel as a major gaffe and shows Romney is not ready for the White House. Here is what Gibbs said about Romney and his comment:

And he criticized the Republican’s declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and should therefore be home to the U.S. embassy. He said that “went sideways” on four decades of American policy, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, that holds the status of Jerusalem, which both Israelis and Palestinians claim as their capital, should be worked out in negotiations. WSJ

So, according to Gibbs the Romney declaration went sideways on four decades of American policy. How dare he declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel? He is a foreign policy disaster. Barack Obama is so talented and in tune that he would never make such a silly gaffe.

Except candidate Obama said the very same thing in 2008. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama went sideways on four decades of American policy by declaring that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel. Here is what the anointed one said in 2008:

Any negotiated agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, he said, “must preserve Israel’s identity as a Jewish state with secure, recognized, defensible borders. And Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided.” CNS News

The Obama campaign backtracked later on but it is important to note that Obama said Jerusalem must REMAIN (remain means that it is currently so and must stay that way) the capital of Israel. He further stated that it must not be divided. He was speaking to a Jewish group and backtracked later when confronted by others. There is a video of him saying it so you Obamabots out there can’t claim he never said it. And just to be sure, NO, you all can’t play games and claim he was taken out of context. He was in context with his remarks about business and he was completely in context with his Jerusalem remarks.

I know that Obama and his people like to say something and then tell everyone that it was never said or taken out of context but the truth is they all lie and try to twist words. Another truth is that many of Obama’s followers are too stupid to actually see it.

In any event, candidate Obama said the EXACT same thing candidate Romney is now saying. Obama was the wonderful messiah and Romney has gone sideways on four decades of American policy.

This is what Baghdad Bob Gibbs would have you believe. The reality is that Romney’s trip was not an embarrassing disaster and the Obama campaign knows it. The campaign is doing everything it can to lie in order to gain traction.

Say Romney insulted the Brits while ignoring the insult Obama levied on them when he took office. He returned a Bust of Churchill thus insulting our ally and then his peeps lied about it. Even the apology is steeped in falsehood.

The reality is that Romney went to other countries and met with people who respect him. He did not bow to other leaders and he did not run around apologizing for America. He demonstrated what a real leader looks like and the Obama folks know this.

They are scared. It shows in their response to Romney’s actions and it shows in their fundraising emails. They are afraid and they are worried that the ruse is up and they will lose.

Even the black community is fracturing with regard to Obama.

I wonder if they are racists for opposing the anointed one…

Stick around and pop the popcorn because the show is going to get interesting.

The Blaze

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Muslim Brotherhood Shows True Face Of Islam

The Muslim Brotherhood is taking over in countries that experienced the so called Arab Spring and these people are not peace loving and they do not have tolerance. They follow the Koran’s teachings of murder and they do so without hesitation.

In Cairo speakers from the Muslim Brotherhood talked about the Jews declaring that one day they would kill all of them. This is from the people who want us to believe they are from the religion of peace. Their idea of peace is to be peaceful so long as people agree with them and do what they want (though their peaceful acts toward one another are anything but peaceful to civilized people). They have no tolerance for people who are different and who practice different religions, particularly the Jews.

Israel should be on high alert and ready to strike out at those who mean to do her harm and it should do so with or without the blessing of the Obama Regime.

Obama has been cold toward Israel and his actions border on hatred for the country and its people. He would rather support the murderous Muslims than the Jews who would like nothing more than to live in peace.

So be it. Israel has a right to defend itself and needs to do so regardless of what Obama desires.

I stand with our friends in Israel regardless of what the Obama regime decides to do.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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