Will This Be Another Trayvon Case?

The facts are not completely established in the Trayvon Martin shooting but the ones that have been produced clearly show that the uproar and race baiting that has taken place was unwarranted. It appears as if George Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense. Was Zimmerman partly responsible for what happened? Possibly so and that is why the legal system needs to be left alone to investigate and establish. What is not needed is a lot of hype, a lot of threats, and instigation, all of which have taken place from the race hustlers on the left and the militant, racist New Black Pansy Party.

In Birmingham a young black boy (13 years old) was shot and killed last Friday. The boy, Ja’Quares Cortez Walker (known as Little Tez), had his shirt wrapped around his head like a bandana and had a loaded and cocked firearm. He approached a car and ordered the driver to get out. The driver pulled a gun and shot and killed Little Tez.

Will this shooting result in the race hustlers amassing in Birmingham and calling for justice? Will this result in calls for more gun control and will the anti gun crowd call for an end to stand your ground policies?

A lot of this will depend on the race of the shooter as the hustlers only react when they can gain traction out of making things a race issue.

Other questions we need to ask are will members of Congress wrap their shirts around their heads like bandanas? Will members of the Congressional Black Caucus stand on the floor of the House and wear their shirts in this fashion? Will the race hustlers start wearing their shirts in this fashion like they did with the Trayvon hoodies?

The death of this young fellow is tragic. One wonders what kind of life he was living in order to commit an armed robbery at the age of 13. Who was he trying to impress and what was he trying to accomplish? Where were the positive adult influences in his life (or did any exist)?

While it is tragic that he was killed it would have been even more tragic had he murdered someone while committing his criminal act.

It is too late for him to learn because this lesson cost him his life. I can only hope that others will see this and decide that crime is not the way to go. Perhaps it will cause parents to look at their children and guide them in the right direction.

But that can’t happen if the race hustlers blame everyone else but the criminal and ramp up their manufactured race issues.

In other words, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NBPP, stay the hell home.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Limbaugh Gets Penalty Flag In NFL Bid

Rush Limbaugh was asked by a group of investors if he would be interested in joining a group of people who want to buy the St. Louis Rams. Limbaugh became part of that group and the NFL and the liberals showed their true colors. The NFL decided that it did not need a divisive person on a team after people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton complained.

The MSM had over a dozen morons who attributed racist quotes to Limbaugh that he NEVER said. None of these morons could source the quotes back to Limbaugh and Limbaugh claims they were tracked back to a blogger who made them up out of whole cloth. None of this seems to matter as the MSM and the radical left (but I repeat myself) keep echoing the racist remarks and attributing them to Limbaugh. The true echo chamber exists on the left and they usually echo lies. None of the so called professional journalists bothered to check to see if the remarks were true and there is a reason for that, they want to destroy people with whom they disagree. They hate Limbaugh so they went after him.

It is true he made a comment concerning Donovan McNabb a few years ago but one would be hard pressed to show racism in the comment.

I bet the NFL would allow Sharpton to invest and he has been divisive and has incited riots that resulted in the deaths of people. His big mouth caused people to die. And, it is not the first time he lied about something. Who could forget the Brawley case? Both Sharpton and Jackson have spewed anti Semitic remarks and are divisive people but I imagine they could invest.

You see, if you are the right demographic you are not considered divisive, you can make all the racially insensitive comments you want and you are good to go. If you are not the right demographic they will make things up and lie to get you.

Big Hollywood reports on three people who own as much of a football team and have as much to do with it as Limbaugh would have with the Rams. Jennifer Lopez, Serena Williams and singer Fergie. Lopez sings songs using the N word which is racist when used by the wrong kind of person. Serena Williams had a profanity laced tirade in a tennis match where she threatened a judge and Fergie, an Obama supporter who performed at the White House Easter egg hunt. The song contained profanities and was not appropriate for little kids. Her group, The Black-Eyed Peas, also sang a song that called the CIA terrorists. None of this is divisive enough to keep them from being, dare I say it, minority owners in the NFL.

Then we get to the NFL itself. This is an organization that has criminals laced throughout. There is not a team in the league that has not had its share of criminal behavior that has resulted in the arrest of players. This is the league that allowed Michael Vick to return as if nothing had happened. Don’t get me wrong. I feel like Vick paid his dues by serving his jail time and if the league wanted him back then that is fine but the act of bringing him back was certainly divisive. It seems the league can forgive that kind of behavior but will exclude people who have been wrongly accused of wrong doing.

I suppose that some liberal out there could make the case that Limbaugh’s past abuse of prescription pain killers should exclude him from being an owner. The point could be made but we are talking about a league that has players who pop hot for drugs and where a lifetime suspension for drug use is not really a lifetime. That matters little to people who continue to mock Limbaugh for his prescription drug abuse while cheering Patrick Kennedy and any other liberal who has had trouble with drugs but checked into rehab. If you murder someone while under the influence you are held in higher esteem. The NFL had no problems with the late Bob Irsay (owner fo the Colts) and he was a raging alcoholic.

The NFL ownership group is more exclusive than the United States Senate and the owners are careful about who they let in their little club, unless, of course, the people are part of the correct demographics. Limbaugh wrote about all this in the Wall Street Journal where he discusses the politics of the matter.

Jackson and Sharpton are anti Semitic, race baiting poverty pimps who are too divisive to do much of anything. They are probably cheering and giving each other a reach around because of their ability to spread lies and race hustle once again. Their racism has left Limbaugh in the cold as the group decided to drop him from the list of potential buyers.

It is all good and Limbaugh will come through just fine. I hope he sues the people who repeated the quotes and makes a great deal of money off them. That would make me cheer as the MSM and race hustlers got taken down.

[note]I will also cheer when Jackson and Sharpton kick the bucket. I don’t wish death on them but when they die I will throw a party celebrating the world being rid of these two worthless pieces of camel dung.[/note]

This whole event will likely give Limbaugh even more listeners. That is great because we need more and more people finally listening to someone who understands the evil of liberalism and who shows how anyone can make it in America if they work hard instead of becoming victims.

Just as a point of clarity, I don’t care one way or another if Limbaugh owns this or any other NFL team. I just think that he has been treated wrong in this issue and that Jackson or Sharpton would be screaming racism if the NFL excluded someone like, well either of them, because of their divisive nature. I also think that the widespread passing of the untrue quotes that were attributed to Limbaugh demonstrates what the MSM and liberals in general have become.

A group that is intent of getting what it wants and is not afraid to destroy anyone who gets in its way.

Fortunately, there are plenty of us Patriots who have no fear. Limbaugh is one such man and if he does it right he will sue them and take millions from them.

Now that would be truly sweet…

Big Dog

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Is That Smell Around Obama From The Illinois Sewer?

Governor Rod Blagojevich’s public exposure of the crime in Illinois politics has given us insight into the mind of the liberals who supported Barack Obama. When Patrick Fitzgerald was going strong in the Valerie Plame case the liberals were like sharks in bloody water. They could not wait to see what he had to say about George Bush and the people around him. They had orgasms thinking about Bush administration officials being frog marched out in chains. The heavy activity happened around Christmas and the liberals were calling it a “Merry Fitzmas.” Fitzgerald knew who disclosed Plame’s not so secret identity in the first three days but he ignored that and kept going. He finally got Scooter Libby on perjury though if the investigation had stopped when Fitzgerald had discovered the “leak”, Libby would never have been convicted.

Now, Fitzgerald is hot and heavy in Governor Blago’s crimes and though it is around Christmas there is little of the Merry Fitzmas feeling going around, at least on the left.

Blago is accused of trying to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat to the highest bidder. Blago is upset that he was arrested because he figures he could have gotten top dollar for the seat since Obama hardly used it. The extent of the corruption is unknown at this time but speculation is that it reaches far into the Obama circle of advisers. The left refuses to believe that Obama or his people were aware of any of this and cite Fitzgerald’s statement as proof. Fitzgerald said:

“…there’s no reference in the complaint to any conversation involving the president-elect or indicating that the president-elect was aware of it.” Media Matters

The liberal media, that went absolutely nuts in convicting Bush officials in the Plame affair (in the court of public opinion), are quick to point out Fitzgerald’s words as proof that Obama is not involved. The truth is, Fitzgerald only said that there is no reference to any Obama involvement in the complaint. That does not mean Obama was or was not involved, it only means that any involvement he might or might not have is not mentioned in the complaint against Blago. This parsing of words has escaped the left just as Clinton’s parsed words did for eight long years. Obama came from the sewer that is Illinois politics and he certainly has a few turds stuck to him.

Despite the media’s interpretation of Fitzgerald’s words, there is evidence that at least some in Obama’s circle are involved. Whether Obama is or not remains to be seen but he will be as protected now as he was when he was campaigning. Michelle Obama is referred to on page 64 of the indictment. There is an indication that Blago spoke with someone representing Obama and the fact that Blago knew that Obama would not pay to play begs the question of how he knew it without speaking to someone.

There was speculation that Rahm Emanuel was the one who turned Blago in but this appears to be a ruse to cover actual involvement. The tough guy ballerina has tap danced around this issue because there is indication that he spoke with Blago on behalf of Obama. Obama said that he was shocked at what happened and that he would not comment on the issues until an internal investigation was completed to find out what his people knew but assured everyone that none of them were involved. How does he know this if the investigation has not been completed. It would have been much wiser for Obama to say he had confidence that no one was involved but that he did not know for sure and was looking into it. If it turns out that one of his people was involved, Obama will be seen as a liar.

Well, he might not by the media who will excuse it as someone doing something behind his back. Obama cannot be allowed to fail and he cannot be held to the same standards the left and its media wing demanded of George Bush. Chris Matthews has already told us that it was his job to ensure Obama succeeds. How objective does anyone think he will really be? Hell, the media have already called the Blago incident fodder for the right wing smear machine. The left would never do that. No, just ask DeLay, Foley, Bush, Rove, Libby, etc…

Jesse Jackson Jr, son of a race baiting poverty pimp and so called civil rights aficionado by the same name, was mentioned in the indictment as well. He was candidate #5 for the Senate seat and the one Blago felt was willing to play the game. Jr has stated that he was not involved in any pay to play scheme but he has retained a lawyer. Jackson Sr stated that he was not an emissary mentioned in the indictment and that he was not involved. Sr has been involved in countless shake down schemes throughout his career so it is not inconceivable that he was working to get his son a Senate seat. All this takes away from Obama and what he did or did not know, which is the key.

You see, the left loves to ask that question. What did [insert Republican name here] know and when did he know it? The same standard needs to be applied to Obama and we deserve straight answers. The public deserves a media that will go after this story with the same fervor it demonstrated in the Plame case.

It is interesting that these issues are rearing their ugly heads before the anointed one even takes office but certainly not unexpected from those who paid attention to more than the liberal media.

I think that Obama is tangentially involved in this issue and that he has other political misdeeds that might come to light. Rahm Emanuel is certainly involved in all this and when the full breadth of this investigation is known, he might be an embarrassment to The One.

In any event, this is not some rendition of a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy as those on the left would have people believe. This is an issue that is the result of the corruption that permeates Illinois politics and that corruption, at this time, is full of Democrats who have connections to the illegitimate so to be president elect.

Is there any doubt that the next 4 years will be full of scandals?

The number might make the Clinton scandals pale in comparison…

Obama; Change we can believe in or no change from the corruption that raised him? Does anyone believe that as far and wide as corruption extends in Illinois, that some of the many Illinois insiders Obama has around him are not tainted? Does anyone believe Obama grew up in that atmosphere and left unscathed?

At least he has a reason to sneak a cigarette…

Chicago Sun Times
My Way News
My Way News (2)

Big Dog

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Sharpton and Obama Have Double Standard for Racism

The Reverend Al Sharpton is always quick to point out when some white guy does anything that the Rev thinks is the slightest bit racist. He and his coalition of race baiters got together last year and worked to get Don Imus fired after he called some females a bunch of nappy headed hos. Sharpton was indignant and he had Imus on his show groveling and then pushed to get him fired anyway. At the time Barack Obama said that Imus needed to be fired for what he said. Barry was very clear about how he felt with regard to racial remarks:

“I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus,” Obama told ABC News in a story dated April 11, 2007, “but I would also say that there’s nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude.” World Net Daily

Now this is all fine and dandy and Obama got his way because Don Imus was fired. The question I have is, how sincere was Obama when he made his statement about how he would handle racist comments “about anybody of any ethnic group.” The reason I asked is because he did not demand that Jesse Jackson be fired (if anyone can figure out what job Jackson actually holds). Obama did not hold Jackson up to the same standard that he held Imus. Is Obama a racist who will allow blacks to get away with anything they want while he goes after whites? How else can you explain the discrimination, you know treating people differently based on their color.

I am not talking about the Jesse Jackson fantasy about castrating Obama (a deed that was done to blacks during Jim Crow instead of, or in addition to, lynching). I am talking about when Jesse Jackson referred to black people as “niggers.” I know there are other sites that call it the N word but Jackson did not say the N word, he said niggers. If someone called him a bastard we would not call it the B word. Anyway, Jesse Jackson insulted the people to whom Obama was speaking about responsibility. Jesse said Obama was “talking down to black people; telling niggers how to behave.”

Jackson apologized about the earlier comment and it was readily accepted by Obama. This latest item was released yesterday and Jackson actually apologized before it was out. There is no word as to whether Obama will accept this apology as well. I can absolutely assure you that Obama will not call for Jackson to be fired and he will most certainly hold Jackson to a different standard than he held Imus to. Why shouldn’t he? To Jackson this is not a real issue:

“There really is no justification for my comments and I hope that the Obama family and the American public will forgive me. I also pray that we, as a nation, can move on to address the real issues that affect the American people.” CNN [emphasis mine]

See, he wants us to move on to the REAL issues. When Imus said what he did it became a real issue real fast. The black community was whipped into a frenzy by Sharpton. Jackson piled on when Imus was the one who dissed blacks but there is no such frenzy when Jackson, whose statement was much worse than Imus’, is involved. Hell, Sharpton even expressed how much respect he still had for Jackson.

Sharpton certainly did not feel this way when Imus was the center of attention even though Imus apologized over and over and was much more sincere about it than Jesse Jackson. That made no difference and the only outcome the race baiters, as well as Obama, would accept was for Imus to lose his job.

I have been listening to all this crap about racism in America and I am sick of hearing it. There is a small number of people of all colors and nationalities who are racist. The majority of people are pretty good folks who are not racists. The problems arise when decent people see this kind of double standard and they begin to wonder why it is that people who ostensibly want equality expect special treatment. Why is it Obama, Sharpton and Jackson have a different standard than a guy like Imus. Why did they discriminate against Imus and why do they ignore their own bad behavior?

Just keep this in mind for the next time that race baiting poverty pimp, Al Sharpton, complains about some white person. Just remember to tell Al I said to pound sand up his sewer hole. As for Obama, how about someone in the media ask him about his double standard. I know they are all busy packing to go to Europe and the Middle East with the messiah but that does not excuse them from doing their job. I will make it easy for them. Here is the question:

Senator, you said that you would bring people together and that there was no place for racism in the election process and in this country. A while ago you called for Don Imus to be fired for a racist remark and yet you basically ignored the racist remark by Jesse Jackson. Senator, did you ignore it because he is black? Why do you have different standards for black people than you do for whites?

None of them have the guts to ask it and Obama would dance around it.

Senator, Al, and Jesse, bad behavior is bad behavior regardless of the color of the person exhibiting it. You can’t expect to be taken seriously about racial equality when you can’t exercise that yourselves.


Big Dog

Obama Is Like An Empty Shell, No Nuts

Jesse Jackson made the startling revelation this week that he wanted to cut off Barack Obama’s nuts but that would presuppose that Obama actually has a pair of them to remove. Obama has given a number of hints that he lacks testicular fortitude. It is has been evident each time he has thrown someone under the bus and it is obvious in his inability to take a position and stick with it.

Perhaps the strongest indicator that Obama lacks a set of testicles is his reaction to the recent cover of the New Yorker. Now, I understand what the magazine was doing and I can see what they are getting at. I can also see how it would upset Obama but he is running for the presidency and should man up. If he ignored the thing it would go away and that would be it. By complaining about it he allows it to get more and more air time and it makes him look petty. Wonkette probably said it best:

“Who cares about the stupid New Yorker cover? It just makes the silly-sallies at the Obama campaign look like, uh, silly-sallies, and makes the New Yorker look terribly unfunny, which it is, except for that Anthony Lane who is a stitch.”

It is not like the New Yorker has never done this before. George Bush has been the object of their satire on a few occasions as have members of his administration and other politicians. Barack Obama is the only one who has thrown a fit over it and that is because he lacks the ability to man up an accept the fact that when one is in the public eye he is fair game.

It really isn’t all his fault because the media has given him a pass thus far and people have treated him as the messiah for so long that he actually believes it.

Big Dog