Jesse Jackson Rides Bus To Spotlight Violence
Oct 13, 2009 Political
In the wake of the beating death of a black student (by other black students) in Illinois, the Revuum Jesse Jackson has taken to riding on one of the school buses there to highlight the violence that he calls a state of emergency.
“This is a state of emergency given patterns of violence and patterns of killing,” Jackson said in a news conference.
“This is ground zero of the urban policy,” Jackson said of Altgeld Gardens. “We need jobs, intervention for jobs, education, the safe passage of these children, and a sense of hope.” CBS2 Chicago

For those unfamiliar, the student who was recently murdered was Derrion Albert. Albert was caught in gang related violence outside a community center and was struck in the head with a board and then kicked while he lay dying.
Violence is a big problem in Illinois, particularly in Chicago. There are plenty of murders there, many with illegal firearms but some, like this one, with other weapons. The problem is societal and all the laws in the world (gun control or otherwise) will not stop the violence. The child who died was black and he was murdered by other black students. Black on black crime is a serious problem in many cities.
But blacks are not the only victims. Recently, a white kid was beaten by a group of black kids on a school bus. This too, took place in Illinois.
Interestingly, the beating was not labeled a racially motivated crime and Jesse Jackson did not ride that bus to ensure the white child’s safety.
Given that this is Jesse Jackson, I’m sure he rode the short bus.
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Tags: gangs, jesse jackson, race baiter, racism, violence
Obama Needs To Wait His Turn
Nov 17, 2008 Political
Not content with their affirmative action president elect, Obama supporters are concerned that actions by President Bush in his waning months will have an effect on the next administration. Jesse Jackson was in Baltimore to deliver a sermon at a local church and he was interviewed afterward.
The race hustler indicated that he was worried that Executive Orders signed by Bush would cause problems for the incoming administration. Jesse is not content that Obama won because he wants Obama to be able to run things NOW.
“All of that talk of bipartisanship begins now,” Jackson said. “And the new president deserves his vision to be implemented immediately.” Yahoo News
Jesse, the only talk of bipartisanship is from the left because they won. They have refused to work with President Bush or Republicans for 8 years so if you think that Obama’s victory is going to make Bush or the Republicans roll over and play nice then you are more delusional than usual.
Another thing Jesse, Obama is not the new president. He is the president elect and he will not be the new president until he swears in on 20 January 2009. He does not deserve to have his visions implemented immediately because he has no say in the matter. As a matter of fact, he deserves nothing more than what we, as his employers, give him. He has no special place just because he is black. He can wait his turn which starts at noon on 20 January 2009 and not a moment sooner.
So screw you, screw Obama and screw all the other Democrats who want Bush and the rest of the Republicans to step down and let you run your puppet show early. It does not work that way and it will not be that way.
Jesse, it is time you realized that you no longer have relevance. The white guilt, race hustling era is over. America’s whites elected the affirmative action candidate and paid any perceived debt that was due. ALL DEBTS ARE PAID IN FULL. Now crawl back under that rock and shut up.
On second thought, I guess Jackson will have a job after all. Obama will need someone to scream “racism” every time The Sainted One screws up and gets criticized.
I wish Jesse Jackson would go over to Bill Ayers’ house and play with dynamite or something…
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Tags: baltimore, executive orders, jesse jackson, Obama, president bush, racism
And Jews Will Still Vote For Obama
Oct 14, 2008 Political
I have never been able to figure out the American Jewish community. They are a bunch of hard working people who own businesses and live good lives but they continue to support the Democratic party year after year even though the Democrats take a crap on them every chance they get. Every four years it is the same thing. Democratic candidates pander to the Jews and promise them that they are strong supporters of Israel and then once they get elected they forget the Jews until the next election. When problems arise that require America to stand with Israel the Democrats cause all kinds of problems.
Barack Obama is no supporter of Israel. Sure, he went there and prayed and said all the right things but he has a long history of associating with anti Semites. His associations include Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farakhan and Jesse Jackson, all of whom are anti Semites. Obama himself has made promises to the Jewish community only to backtrack the next day and leaders of Muslim countries are praying for an Obama win because they know he will not be as kind to Israel as Republicans are. Muslim leaders hope to be able to rid the world of Israel and under an Obama administration, they might just do it.
Jesse Jackson, who is not a spokesperson for Obama, was interviewed recently and he stated that Obama would stop the practice of putting Israel’s needs above those of other nations in the Middle East.
He promised “fundamental changes” in US foreign policy – saying America must “heal wounds” it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the “arrogance of the Bush administration.”
The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end. New York Post [emphasis mine]
Jackson believes that, although “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.
Israel is our ally. No other country in the Middle East is and they all love when Americans suffer. Several of them tolerate us but they would be more than happy to see America’s demise. Jackson, true to his anti Semite beliefs, says that Zionists have too much control in America and that Obama will end that. How much more do American Jews need to hear to oppose this guy? It is not like Jackson is not in touch with Obama. Obama and Jackson’s son are friends and his daughter went to school with Michelle Obama. They live near each other and Jackson has been a big supporter of The One. Jackson views this election as all about race and America finally doing what blacks want. He calls it a redemptive election but states that race issues will not be solved should Obama win. Why would he believe that? If race issues are solved this master race hustler would be out of a job. He lives to extort money from companies based on trumped up allegations of racism.
Jackson also said something that should infuriate any member of the military. Jackson, while saying why Obama’s chances are good, stated that we have a collapsing economy and a war that we lost in Iraq. He also stated that the US would have to keep troops there for a long time. When asked about Obama’s pledge to bring them all home by 2010 Jackson said that would have to “evolve, reflecting realities on the ground.”
So let’s get this straight. George Bush has kept troops in Iraq based on the realities on the ground and that drives the moonbats bananas. Obama promises to bring them home in short order, in fact that was the basis of his entire primary campaign (his sound judgment and all), but he might have to leave them there because of the conditions on the ground. This seems to be OK with Jackson though he is never short of negative words when referring to George Bush and Iraq. Let’s also be clear about this; WE HAVE NOT LOST THE WAR IN IRAQ. The only people who see a loss are the Democrats because they pray we will lose there. You can bet that if Obama wins and brings the troops home Jackson and his ilk will be claiming Barack brought us victory.
As an aside, Howard Stern sent someone on the street to ask people about who they are voting for. When they found people saying they were voting for Obama they were then asked questions about Obama’s positions but the questioner inserted McCain’s positions instead. The people were fine with everything as long as it was attributed to Obama. Pro life, banning embryonic stem cell research, and Sarah Palin as VP were all fine with Obama supporters. Now tell me again that people are not voting for him just because of his color or that they have no real clue and would vote for anything so long as they believed it was an Obama position. Kool Aid runs freely in Obama land.
Anyway, the Jews in America need to wake up and realize that the people in the Republican party have always been friends to Israel and when we say we will defend our ally, we mean it. They need to pay attention to the Democrats who promise them everything and then ignore them when the election is over.
If Obama wins and the “Zionists” in America get screwed and if Israel gets raked over the coals then the American Jewish community will have no one to blame but itself. For God’s sake, how many times do you folks have to be screwed before you fight back? Maybe this will help:
“Bush was so afraid of a snafu and of upsetting Israel that he gave the whole thing a miss,” Jackson says. “Barack will change that,” because, as long as the Palestinians haven’t seen justice, the Middle East will “remain a source of danger to us all.”
“Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims,” Jackson says. “Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith.” (author: and that would be?) [same article]
As long as Palestinians have not seen justice? What kind of justice is it when Israel gets a little piece of land and attempts to live in peace on it only to have Palestine lobbing rockets in all day and demanding that Israel give up its land. Each time Israel capitulates it gets attacked again and more concessions are demanded of them. God forbid Israel uses it military or the UN and the Democrats have conniptions. How long will Jews allow this to continue before they see that Democrats are as much a threat to the survival of Israel as Ahmadinejad? Barack Obama will repair our relations with the Islamic world but they will not be healed until Israel is gone. That will be a precondition Obama will have to meet.
Tags: anti semites, iraq war, Israel, jesse jackson, jews, Obama, race baiting
The Bailout Pork Bill And Responsibility
Oct 4, 2008 Political

The bailout bill just passed by the Congress and signed into law contained billions of dollars in Christmas Tree ornaments that had nothing to do with bailing anyone out. These items, including provisions for tax cuts, were added to entice politicians to vote for it. We have no business bailing out Wall Street and we have effectively taken 700 billion steps in the direction of Communism*.
I heard Jesse Jackson on Neil Cavuto’s show and Jackson said the bill did not go far enough (surprise) and that if we can give low interest loans to auto makers (we should not be doing that) we should be able to do the same for homeowners. Jackson contended that people should get low interest rate loans from the government in order to restructure their debt and continue to pay for their homes. He insisted that the predatory lending practices led to their problems. Cavuto told him that while some predatory lending took place people were the ones who signed the dotted line. He said they needed to take responsibility for their actions and if they wanted to renegotiate it was up to them to do it with the people from whom they obtained their loans.
This is absolutely correct. Homeowners need to renegotiate with their lenders to get a better deal. It is not up to taxpayers to lend money to them regardless of whether they will pay it back or not. If they default then taxpayers will be left holding the bag (much as we are with Freddie and Fannie loans). Jackson wants to take personal responsibility away from people and have big government come in and take care of them. We no more belong doing that than we belong taking care of bankers or auto makers.
The market should be allowed to react in whatever direction the crisis leads it. People and businesses with money can come in and buy up failing businesses or they can go away. Allow the market to handle the crisis and leave the politicians who caused the problems out of it.
If Jackson thinks people have no responsibility in the contracts that they make and that government should bail them out then we should have some provisions which include a loss of voting rights if you become a ward of the government. If you are not able to understand a contract to buy a home and can be easily swayed then you are unable to understand the voting system and can be just as easily manipulated.
The bottom 50% of wage earners pay only about 4% of the taxes in this country so they will not be affected by the bailout as much as those who will see tax increases in order to pay for this mess. The voting system needs to be changed so that people are afforded more votes if they pay more in taxes. Perhaps each person gets one vote and then people get an additional vote for every $5000 in taxes that they pay. The people who pay for this country should have a greater say in how it is governed much like stockholders in a company who have more votes if they have more stock.
Whether Wall Street executives or distressed homeowners, the philosophy is the same; live with your decisions. If they cause you problems then you can work your way out and be all that much stronger for it.
If government steps in and fixes your bad decisions you will continue to make them. We get more of what we subsidize.
*I heard this phrase on TV but do not know who said it.
Tags: bailout, communism, jesse jackson, pork, taxes
Jesse Jackson is a Typical White Person
Mar 20, 2008 Political
At least according to Senator Obama he is.
Barack Obama just keeps stepping deeper into the hole his association with Jeremiah Wright has created and the more he talks the deeper he gets. In his speech about race, Obama talked about his white grandmother who would be worried if she saw black folks on the street. Obama used his grandmother to try to defuse the situation that has his poll numbers dropping. In so doing, he equated her to a racist pig who served as his pastor. Basically, Obama said his white grandmother was a racist pig. After sticking his foot in his mouth on that one he rammed his leg the rest of the way in when he tried to clarify what he was saying:
“The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. But she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know. . .there’s a reaction in her that doesn’t go away and it comes out in the wrong way.”
So, his grandmother is a typical white person who is weary when she sees people she does not know. Of course, he changed it from black people to somebody she does not know. I don’t know that most people have a strange reaction to seeing people they do not know. There are tens of thousands of people passing each other on the streets and most probably don’t give it a second thought. I remain vigilant when I am out in the public and not because I am a typical white person under Obama’s definition but because remaining vigilant keeps me from being a victim of crime regardless of the criminal’s color. It is always wise to be aware of one’s surroundings.
Back to Obama though. He indicated that his white grandmother was a typical white person who is weary of black folks (once again, he used race in the original speech). This means that Jesse Jackson is a typical white person. You see, Jackson once stated:
There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved. — the Reverend Jesse Jackson, as quoted in US News, 3/10/96 News Busters
Jackson, like Obama’s grandmother, knows that whites are less likely to commit the crime. Black on black crime is a real problem but blacks are more likely to commit a crime on a white than another white is. Jackson is relieved by seeing white people because he knows it is very unlikely that he will be victimized by them.
The victim culture coupled with gangs, gangster rap music and liberal social programs produces people who see violence as the only way to succeed. When rappers have made millions by singing about shooting, killing, and drugging that is what the youth learn. Send those same kids to a church like Obama’s and they learn to direct that anger and violence toward whitey.
I don’t know how typical Obama’s grandmother was but I know if Hillary Clinton or John McCain stereotyped blacks there would be hell to pay. I also know if Condi Rice said her grandmother was atypical black who lived off welfare and never amounted to anything she would catch hell as well. It seems that Obama is not held to that standard.
It is unfortunate too because he held Don Imus to a different standard than he holds Racist Wright. Obama said that Imus should be fired. The same should hold true for a black man making racist remarks. This whole ordeal should show that Obama is an empty suit who only cares about being elected. He does not believe in a different kind of politics because he plays the same games as seasoned politicians.
I also find it strange that Obama’s grandmother said things that made him cringe but he never indicated that Wright did the same…
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Tags: , jesse jackson, Obama, racism