Biden To Put On NRA Show

No, not a gun show which would likely be sold out with long lines. Joe Biden was put in charge of solving the gun violence crisis and he has been meeting with groups that favor some kind of restrictive gun control on the gun owners who have done absolutely NOTHING wrong. <a href="Biden will now meet with representatives of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Make no mistake; the die has already been cast. Biden knows exactly what he will present to Obama because he was given the mandate along with the assignment. The meetings, particularly with the NRA, are designed to give the appearance that the Obama regime considered all options and opinions. They want to push through their unconstitutional gun grab while telling everyone they talked to a lot of groups, for and against, and this is what they wanted.

Biden, who once famously said that Barack had better not come for his Beretta in an effort to give weight to then candidate Obama’s claims that he would NOT come after your guns, is now working fast and furiously to take our guns away.

For you liberals and other Obama supporters, this means they both lied. Obama assured people that he would not try to take their firearms and Biden told us we could trust the guy. Now they are doing what they said they would not and this makes it a lie.

The people from the NRA will be able to present a very detailed account of what the Constitution says and what the Founders said about individuals keeping and bearing arms. They need to do this because Obama, Biden, and the rest of the gun grabbers have no clue or are deliberately ignoring the Constitution. Regardless, this will fall on deaf ears because Biden already has his marching orders and he thinks he is the smartest man alive (he is a moron).

It matters not what Obama and Biden come up with because it is unlikely any proposed legislation would make it very far in Congress. Besides, no matter what they pass real Americans will ignore any gun grab and will find other ways to arm themselves because gun laws do not keep people from getting guns. No law stops people who have decided not to follow it.

Case in point, by law Congress must pass a budget every year. The House has passed one every year but the Senate has not. It has been more than 1300 days since a budget was passed. This is by design because the first Obama budget was bloated and provided the baseline for all continuing resolutions, should a budget not get passed. In any event, the fact that there is a law that requires a budget has not forced Harry Reid, a Senator who has sworn to uphold the law, to pass one.

No gun law will keep people from getting guns. This has been the case all along as there are over 20,000 gun laws in this nation yet criminals keep getting guns illegally and using them to commit crime. Hell, it is against the law to murder people with or without a gun.

The only thing Obama will do if he passes any kind of gun control is make a whole lot of new “criminals” whose only crime will be to have followed the Constitution.

People will not be disarmed no matter what Piers Morgan, Barack Obama, Joe Biden or any other lying statist does or says. We will not give up our God given right to keep and bear arms.

In other words, if you want them Molon labe, if you are feeling froggy that is…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Joe Biden’s Budget Woes

King Putt’s vice President and court jester Joe Biden recently took a swipe at GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan by invoking the wise words of his late father. Biden always tells people what the wise words of his father were as if Joe actually lives by them (or as if his father actually said them). Here is what Jester Joe had to say:

“…But my dad [had] a lot of wisdom. Every time someone tell you, say, ‘Look, let me tell you what’s important to me, what I value.’ My dad would go, ‘No, no. Don’t tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I will tell you what you value.'” Weekly Standard

I am sure that Biden’s father was talking about people and their personal budgets but Joe made it sound as if ole daddy B was discussing any budget and the assumption is that Ryan has budget ideas that show values contrary to American values. Since Jester Joe decided to apply his pappy’s words to the federal budget I have to wonder if Joe is aware that the Democrat controlled Senate, which Joe is the president of, has not passed a budget in over three years.

If Joe wants us to believe that his daddy said he could tell what someone valued by looking at the budget what do you suppose daddy B would be able to tell about a group of people who passed NO budget?

I also wonder if his daddy would be proud of the fact that Joe is the president of the Senate (OK, he only has one real function there) and that he did not bother to push the Democrats to pass a budget. I would say that it shows the Democrats do not value using a budget or living within its means. I would say that it shows that Democrats value obstruction and cheating taxpayers out of money by not putting in place a mechanism to allocate that money appropriately. I know that it matters little because they do not have to balance anything and they spend as they want regardless of a budget BUT Joe said we could tell a lot about what people value by their budget.

If we accept this as true then we see a lot of things the Democrat controlled Senate values that are contrary to American principles.

To take it a step further, Jester Joe and his wife have donated about 1% of their income to charity while Mitt Romney and his wife have donated about 16% of their income to charity. It would appear as if Joe does not value charity.

That is, of course, unless he is being charitable with someone else’s money. Joe loves spending on social programs to help the folks out but only so long as he is spending money that is not his own.

He really does not value helping others when it comes to his own money

Liberals love to spend everyone else’s money and Joe is no exception to the rule.

I also wonder what his daddy would have said about plagiarism but that is something to save for another day.

Remember this folks when you hear the Democrats call Romney a greedy rich guy…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Paul Ryan Already Draws Hate Fire From The Left

The news began to leak out last last evening and early this morning it was confirmed that Mitt Romney had selected Paul Ryan to be his running mate in the upcoming save America election. Ryan has some baggage with regard to his conservative credentials but he is fairly solid and brings a lot to the table. Despite a few issues he will bring a lot of conservatives back into the tent.

Ryan and Obama are not quite pals and it is probably still fresh in Obama’s mind that Ryan eviscerated him during the discussion over Obamacare.

Ryan has worked up a budget and it contains some tough cuts to popular programs but those cuts are needed. Liberals portray it as an end to Medicare and Social Security but that is a stretch. In fact, coming from Democrats you know it is a lie.

I think Ryan will do a fine job. He has a sound business mind and a great grasp of economics not to mention he has far more business and government experience than Obama had when the country immaculated him. I know Ryan is not running against Obama but the claim from the left in 2008 (and some on the right) was that Palin did not have the experience to step in should McCain not be able to complete his term (which it looks like he would have). Palin had more experience than Obama so I expect to see the ads claiming Ryan is not ready to step in. In fact, there is already one article making that claim. It is a bunch of bunk (where was this person when Obama was running) so I expect more to come.

The Twitter world was ablaze with condemnation from the left and there were wishes that Ryan would die young like his father and grandfather (even if that happened he would have been out of office for 5 years assuming two terms). Kos pointed out that Ryan is white. I wonder why it is that the people who claim they are the champions of minorities and non racist are always the first to notice color.

Ryan is white, OK. So is Joe Biden but no one screamed about that. So was Al Gore but then again Bill Clinton was our first black president so I guess that was OK.

I guess Kos wanted people to think of Republicans as the party of the white guy but that falls short. The left is full of racists who will play the color game at every opportunity. Even black folks on the left play it. Allen West was portrayed in an ad with every stereotype of a black man you could think of and the NAACP reviewed it and claimed it was not racist. If that had been a conservative ad with Obama being stereotyped the NAACP would have lost its mind.

But I digress.

Democrats are playing games and attacking Ryan but they would be wise to worry. He is no pushover and I think he will wipe the floor with Biden when they debate.

The field is now set for the election and this will be brutal. Obama promised that he would not use attack ads and that he was a different kind of politician. We know that is a lie and we know he will use Chicago thuggery and do everything he can to win.

Obama needs four more years to complete his dismantling of the country. He needs more time to see the dreams of his real father fulfilled. He needs time to help George Soros destroy this great nation. Obama, as he said to the Russians, will have more flexibility if he gets a second term. He will finish the destruction that he started in 2009.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are determined to keep that from happening. The left is vile and the attacks will be vicious but that will not stop us from achieving victory.

It is November or never for America and Romney and Ryan know that as do all sane people.

We will stop Obama and the Socialists from ruining this nation.

Energy is on our side, now we need to be vigilant because the Dems are going to cheat.

Not on my watch people, not on my watch.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Joe Biden hits The Road…

Vice President Joe Biden’s schedule says he is visiting a state in the North East. He is visiting “Road Island.” Looks like the folks doing his schedule are not familiar with the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations commonly referred to as Rhode Island. I guess there are no Rhodes Scholars on the staff…

I am wondering why Biden is heading to Rhode Island and I think I know the reason. An unidentified person in Rhode Island won the $336 MILLION Powerball jackpot last week and Biden is up there to help locate that winner.

The government will get about 50% of the jackpot in taxes (which is absolutely criminal) and Biden wants to help locate the winner so he can get his hands on the $168 MILLION that is due the government. Biden can take the check right back to the Treasury to help the failing Obama Economy.

Of course, at the rate the government blows money the check will be gone before Biden boards his plane for the return trip…

Then again, maybe he will send it to Moochelle Obama so she can extend her ski trip. The royals need lots of time on vacation and the peasants are out of money to pay for all those expensive trips.

Perhaps they just sent Biden away to keep him from making another gaffe.

Who knows?

When November comes we can send them all packing.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Biden’s Staff And False Imprisonment

It is against the law to hold a person against his will. If a private citizen is held by another and is not able to leave then the person is falsely imprisoned. Looks like VP Joe Biden’s staff is guilty of doing just that. At a Democrat fundraiser in the home of a wealthy donor, the Biden staff put a reporter in a room and secured him there so that he would not be able to talk to the guests.

Scott Powers was the pool reporter for the event but when he arrived he was told that the VP and Senator Bill Nelson were not there yet and he would have to wait for them to arrive. He was placed in a small room and a staffer stood guard at the door.

The Orlando Sentinel reporter was ushered into the closet inside wealthy property developer Alan Ginsburg’s Winter Falls mansion, after being told that Joe Biden and Senator Bill Nelson had not yet arrived. Daily Mail

It does not matter why these staffers put him in the closet. The fact is, they falsely imprisoned him. If they did not want him at the event until the politicians arrived then they should have told him to leave or wait outside. Then he would have been free to go. While one could argue that he might have been free to leave, there was a guard at the door and the impression is that he was being held there.

The real issue for me (and it is an issue that the staff of a politician would feel it is OK to do this) is that the reporter did not just walk out. A real man would have told them he was not staying in a closet and then left the event or waited outside.

Where have all the real men gone?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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