Better Get Mr. Joe Wilson Plame On The Case

Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame’s husband, is the guy who was sent on a mission by Mrs. Plame, a so called covert CIA agent (I am still having trouble reconciling how she was supposed to be covert but you could call the CIA and ask for her and they would put you through), to see if Iraq was trying to obtain yellow cake uranium.

He came back and lied about a few things. He claimed that Hussein (the one in Iraq not the one in the White House) had not tried to purchase uranium though at the time he made the allegation there was reason to believe that he had. According to Fact Check:

Ironically, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who later called Bush’s 16 words a “lie”, supplied information that the Central Intelligence Agency took as confirmation that Iraq may indeed have been seeking uranium from Niger.

Wilson also claimed that VP Dick Cheney had sent him on the mission but he was sent by his wife, not the VP. But this post is not about Joe Wilson and Iraq. It is about Joe Wilson and Iran.

We need Joe Wilson to quickly go to Kazakhstan and determine if Iran has been trying to purchase Uranium. Then we need him to hurry back and write a report and we need it to be done quickly. Obama’s tired butt will be back from Hawaii soon and he will deliver the State of the Union Address next month. We need to make sure he does not insert 16 words that will lead us to war with Iran.

This is all necessary because:

Iran is close to clinching a deal to clandestinely import 1,350 tons of purified uranium ore from Kazakhstan, according to an intelligence report obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday. Diplomats said the assessment was heightening international concern about Tehran’s nuclear activities.

Such a deal would be significant because Tehran appears to be running out of the material, which it needs to feed its uranium enrichment program.

The report was drawn up by a member nation of the International Atomic Energy agency and provided to the AP on condition of that the country not be identified because of the confidential nature of the information. My Way News

This is all looking eerily familiar. With the claim that a nation that some of us think is an enemy trying to sneak in uranium, with reports from unnamed sources, with heightened tensions, it all looks just like the lead up to the invasion of Iraq.

There is a bit of a difference. Iraq was in violation of UN Resolutions from the first Gulf War and our Congress gave authorization to use military force there. Iran has been an enemy for decades and we should have handled it before but it is unlikely that a Democratic controlled Congress would vote to authorize military force there at this point in time (and frankly we do not need another war).

So, we need Mr. Valerie Plame to quickly write up a report saying that none of this is true so we can avoid a fight that liberals have no will to start or complete.

Of course, we could just let the Israelis handle it and be done with it.

It will be interesting to see how Obama and his liberals handle this. We were told that Hussein was no threat to us and we had no right to go in there (a subject for another debate) so how will we be sold Iran? Will we be told that the uranium means nothing and that they cannot harm us (Obama said they were a little nation and not a threat) or will we be pitched a great story of how dangerous they are?

It will be interesting because it was the Dems who ignored the reports about Iran and then gleefully said I told you so when an incorrect (false?) report indicated Iran had no nuclear program. They had one and it was hidden. By the time we were informed about it they were well ahead of where we thought they would be. They also suddenly had a few more enrichment facilities. Perhaps if Democrats had not ignored what they were told. Well, you never could trust that George Bush to keep you safe.

In any event this will be a tough one for the Democrats. They already demonstrated their weakness on national security this week (maybe White House security was put in charge of the airports) and if they ignore Iran they will look even weaker. If they take action it will be in direct conflict with how they felt and what they said about Iraq.

Maybe they will just let Obama decide the matter. The way he deliberates and as long as it takes him to arrive at a decision, Iran should have enough nuclear weapons to cause the end of the world.

Like I said, let’s just “mind” our own business and let Israel settle the issue. At least we know the job will be done right.

Big Dog


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WH Dump Admits Obama Lied

The White House dumped several items late Friday in order to limit the scrutiny associated with them. I find several items interesting and will write on a few others later but now I want to focus on the issue of illegal aliens receiving health care coverage under Obamacare. Obama says they will not, Joe Wilson says said that Obama lies and liberals are defending their president by pointing to one section of the bill that says illegals will not receive some sort of credit for health care.

The fact is, hospitals and doctors are not allowed to ask if someone is here legally. Insurance companies cannot ask if people are here legally either so they will be covered regardless of what the bill says. The dump from the White House basically admits that the legislation needs further work and that illegals will have paid health care.

Today, for the first time as far as we know, the administration is backing a provision that would require proof of citizenship before someone could enroll in a plan selected on the exchange.

Here, the administration also concedes that hospitals would be compensated with public funds for the care of undocumented immigrants. MSNBC

Illegals might not be allowed to receive federal credits but there is nothing stopping them from signing up for the government health plan. There are no provisions to check if they are legal, as the White House ADMITS. Therefore, Obama was lying when he said that illegals would not be covered. They will be because no one will know they are illegal.

Additionally, the law requiring emergency rooms to treat people who enter will ensure that illegals are paid for in the most expensive manner. Remember, the hospitals are not allowed to ask if they are legal or not. This whole thing would work if hospitals followed the law which states that each person who enters the ER must be screened by a physician who will determine if the visit is an emergency or not. If it is an emergency then the person must be treated and if not they may be sent away. Most doctors feel that if they have to screen the person they might as well treat them at the same time. Some years ago non emergent visits accounted for 57% of ER visits. If physicians would turn non emergent cases away a lot of money would be saved. Tort reform might actually help with that as well.

So we now know that the bill will permit illegals to be treated at taxpayer expense because there is no way to determine who is not legal. This much the White House admitted. We also know that illegals will continue to use the ER which will be reimbursed by the government which means, once again, illegals will have paid health care. Wilson apologized for his outburst in Congress, one that appeared to hurt him initially in the fund raising department (Wilson has raised over a million dollars since the outburst. His opponent was raising a lot of money soon after but now Wilson is doing well in raising money), but he should not apologize for what he said because what he said is the truth.

The mouth breathers on the left are rabid and have trouble seeing that Obama does in fact lie. Wilson pointed that out and they went bananas. Turns out, as MSNBC and the White House have shown, he was correct.

There is one other part of the MSNBC story that I found interesting. The White House says that illegals will still be able to buy insurance on the non government insurance market:

Undocumented immigrants would be able to buy insurance in the non-exchange private market, just as they do today. That market will shrink as the exchange takes hold, but it will still exist and will be subject to reforms such as the bans on pre-existing conditions and caps.

Notice how the non exchange private market will shrink as Obamacare takes affect? If the plan is to cover those without insurance and let those who like their insurance (about 80%) keep it, then why will the market shrink? It will shrink because if you lose your job or change employers you will be required to get the government plan. It will shrink because the bill is designed to make it better for employers to just stop providing health care insurance and let their employees move to the government plan.

This is the grand plan. Obama is on record as saying he wants a single payer system (which is a government run system) and that he wants to drive private insurance out of business. This is what he stated so there can be no denying it. Many other Democrats are on the record as saying they want single payer and that they want insurance companies out of business.

To those who say that Obama has never lied (and you know who you are) explain how he can be on the record as saying that he wants to put them out of business but then in his speech say that no one wants to put them out of business because friends work there. The admission by the WH that there is no provision to keep illegals from being covered demonstrates that Obama lied but this will escape the Kool-Aid drinkers.

Obama wants this pushed through now because he knows that he will only lose more and more support as time goes on. He is determined to have it his way regardless of what the American public wants. He is determined to involve government in our lives so that he can have more control over us.

Look at how they treat the elderly with regard to Social Security. Vote for me or your benefits will be cut off, or your monthly check will be smaller blah blah. Seniors are held hostage because government controls their monthly check. They paid in but government gets to say if and how much they can have.

If you let government take over health care we will all be in the same boat. How long will it be before we see them telling us that without a tax increase they will need to cut this item or that out of treatment options?

Obama lied and Joe Wilson pointed that out. Now the White House has confirmed it.

ObamaCare, it is to die for.

Big Dog

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