Those Environmentally Friendly Liberals

There is a Facebook Event posting indicating that if the government shuts down and there is no trash service that people should dump their trash on Speaker Boehner’s lawn. Now that is just classy but so typical of liberals.

This is no grassroots item from people who are fed up with government. It is being organized by people who have connections to the DNC:

Goodman is listed in the Democratic National Committee network. Treadway is the political and logistics director for the liberal group Netroots Nation. CNN

This is not some way of saying that they are disgusted with the whole process. It is a concentrated effort to place blame for the shutdown (if it occurs) on the Republicans. If it were a protest over the whole issue then these folks would also be throwing their trash on Harry Reid’s and Nancy Pelosi’s lawn. They might even consider throwing it on the White House lawn.

If they actually wanted to hold those who are to blame responsible then the issue would be with the Democrats. They had majorities in both chambers of Congress and FAILED to pass a budget. They decided to ignore the issue because of the election and then did not take it up after they got their heads handed to them in November. I am sure they decided to put the onus on Republicans but make no mistake, the Democrats failed to fulfill their Constitutional duty and pass a budget.

The event indicates that even if there is no shutdown they will continue with plans to dump their trash. Further proof that this is not about being upset over the process and more about partisan posturing.

Can you imagine the names that people like Chrissie Matthews would be calling Tea Party members if they organized something like this against Democrats?

Also, how environmentally friendly are these liberals? We already know they care little about Mother Nature from seeing how they leave the places where they protest.

I wonder if the police will be around to arrest these people for illegal dumping…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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