The Upside Down World
Aug 22, 2009 Political
Returned safely from New Mexico where I was without Internet access for a few days. Am ready to return to the ring.
The world is in turmoil and the US is leading the way. Barack Obama was elected on the promise of hope and change coupled with transparency. Now people hope they have change left in their pockets and Obama is as transparent as Mississippi mud.
Don’t worry though, it is all explained. David Paterson, Governor of New York, said the calls for him to step aside in the next election are the result of a racist media. Perhaps he should take a look (no pun intended) at the way the media treated Obama and he will realize that they are not racist as long as the black guy involved is a liberal Democrat willing to bring Socialism to America. If Paterson appointed a few czars he might get media support.
Paterson then stated that Obama would be the next victim of racism:
“The next victim on the list — and you see it coming — is President Barack Obama, who did nothing more than try to reform a health-care system . . . only because he’s trying to make change,” Paterson said. New York Post
To Paterson, anyone who opposes a black man is a racist. It would never occur to him that people might actually oppose what he is doing or oppose the monstrosity that Obamacare will certainly be. No, it has to be racism.
Count Paterson among the unemployed after the next election.
Obama has found other entities to blame. Though racism is always touted as the reason for opposition Obama has come up with a list of those who are to blame for his troubles. The list includes Sarah Palin, the insurance industry, conservative groups and those stubborn facts. I notice he is not blaming the countless liberals who oppose what he is doing and he does not blame his own party who could pass his agenda without one Republican vote.
Perhaps Obama is weeded up, I mean wee-weed up. What kind of talk is this from a man who is supposed to lead the country? If he was alluding to urine then it would be appropriate considering all the bed wetters on the left. If he was talking about being weeded up, well that fits the left as well.
That might not be a bad thing for the left because they might get what Mexico now has, legalized drugs. Mexico has made it legal for people to have small quantities of certain drugs. Considering they practically make it legal for smugglers to have large quantities I would think the average guy got cheated.
Obama might need to legalize drugs so his followers will stay under the illusion that he is good for this country. Looks like some folks have buyer’s remorse.
Actor John Voight wants to know if Obama is fueling a civil war in our country. When I read the piece I noticed that it did not discuss a war in the terms of the US Civil War where weapons were used. I believe he meant a dispute among the members of our society. Still, some saw this as wrong and suggested he stick to acting. I have always believed that actors should stick to their trade but in this country they are free to speak their minds.
I believe Voight would have better illustrated his point if he had asked if Obama were fueling civil discourse.
The answer to that is yes.
The country is upside down with dissent no longer patriotic. Dissent being patriotic was a mantra of the left while they were dissenting when President Bush was in office. Now they look at those who oppose the government as radicals, un-American, and nut jobs. The people who are opposed represent many diverse groups including people from many parties and all age ranges.
The will of the people is important and we do not take kindly to politicians doing what they want instead of what we want. There will be another American Revolution.
It will be peaceful and involve throwing all these people out of office at the ballot box.
Unfortunately, those in power will not take too kindly to the people getting rid of them. They have the power and the means to employ it.
That is why the Second Amendment is so important and it is also why so many of them want to negate it.
Keep your powder dry and keep up the good fight. We can win this battle against Socialism.
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Tags: health care, john voight, Obama, socialism