Plastic Bag Environmentalism is Flawed

There has been a movement to ban plastic bags. You know the ones, they are used by stores to bag your items. You get about 50 of them to bag a cart full of groceries (when 4 paper bags would have done the trick). The plastic bags are blamed for the deaths of many marine animals and lots of birds because scientists have estimated that the bags kill lots of these creatures. I personally like the bags because they are very convenient. You can use them to carry a lunch, line a small garbage can, or tote around any number of items. They are also nice when cleaning up after the family dog. We use them when we clean up the yard after our two dogs.

However, there are many who just do not think these bags are any good. I will admit that they are unsightly when they are discarded and they blow around and get hung up in trees and along fences but they are no more unsightly than the rest of the trash along the fences and cluttering the gutters. I think their benefits outweigh any problems and I am sure that it does not take them thousands of years to decay in the landfill. I am also sure that the newest article indicating that the bags are being banned based upon a series of blunders in the scientific community. It seems that blunders in science always favor the environmental movement (science that deals with such things, that is).

Who would have figured that science banning plastic bags was based on flawed science. Evidently, the science on plastic bags is just like the bags we use to clean up after our dogs.

A sack of ….

Times Online

Big Dog