Bomb Dropped On Bill Ayers
Sep 25, 2010 Political
Terrorist and retired professor Bill Ayers was denied emeritus status by the University of Illinois after an impassioned speech by Christopher Kennedy, son of the late Robert Kennedy.
Kennedy could not bring himself to support emeritus status for Ayers because Ayers dedicated his book to, among others, Robert Kennedy’s assassin.
Kennedy was referring to a 1974 book co-authored by Ayers, “Prairie Fire,” which was dedicated to a long list of people including Robert Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan and “all political prisoners in the U.S.” Chicago Tribune
I don’t know who Christopher Kennedy supported for president in 2008 but the fact that he is a Kennedy makes it very likely he supported Barack Obama. If he did not I would be surprised especially since he held a fundraiser for Obama when he ran for the Senate.
Obama was linked to Ayers and though he and the media played the association down, the evidence is overwhelming that Ayers and Obama were closer than we were led to believe (OK, I never believed what Obama and the media said). Obama started his career in Ayers’ home and they were associated professionally.
Evidently Ayers’ love for assassins was too much for emeritus status but his association with a radical community organizing Socialist was not enough to keep Kennedy from supporting Obama.
I am glad Ayers was denied. I only wish people like Chris Kennedy could show this kind of conscience when it comes to our country.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: assassins, bill ayers, emeritus, kennedy, Obama
Elect Scott Brown To Kill This Health Legislation
Jan 16, 2010 Political
There is little disagreement on the need for health care reform. Health care, in its current configuration, is unsustainable and it needs to be fixed. The disagreement is in how to fix it. Conservatives want a free market approach that allows people to shop across state lines, less government interference, and more competition. The statists want the government to run the show and become the keepers of our health care. Government does not run anything efficiently and the estimates of the cost of their monstrosity are well below what the actual costs will be. One only needs to look at Massachusetts to see how the cost of “free” health care has skyrocketed to far above what was estimated and this has led to some people not being covered and care being rationed. Mitt Romney, a conservative of convenience, put this monster in place.
The people of Massachusetts have a chance to keep the rest of the country from suffering a similar fate by electing Scott Brown to fill the seat formerly occupied by Ted Kennedy’s rotund rear. Electing Brown will add a little more balance to the Senate and help keep Congress from rubber stamping Obama’s radical socialist agenda.
This will not be easy. The Democrats have mobilized and Obama himself is heading to the state to scare up support for the “yes” woman, Martha Coakley. Ted Kennedy is working the graveyards to scare up the dead people vote and the unions and community organizing groups, such as ACORN, are out in force to do whatever it takes to get Coakley elected.
Scott Brown needs to win and win by enough to keep from having a recount. Two problems emerge with a recount. The first is it will delay Brown’s arrival at the Senate and give the shady liberals more time to ram the current bill through. Second, Democrats ALWAYS find ballots when there is a recount. In elections where the Democrat is behind the liberal machine miraculously finds a stack of ballots that were “not counted.” It takes a while for them to emerge because it takes a while for union workers and ACORN thieves to sit in a room and fill them out. Democrats find ways to manufacture ballots that they need. If Al Gore had asked that the entire state of Florida be recounted Democrat operatives would have “found” enough votes to secure a victory for him.
Beating a recount will be hard and will take time so we need to ensure that the margin of victory is large enough not to have one. The Democrats are already working on contingencies for a Brown win. The state will delay, as long as it can, the certification of Brown. When Ted Kennedy won the special election for this seat he was sworn in the very next day. Kennedy is a Democrat and there are different rules for them. Niki Tsongas was in the House in three days after her special election victory.
But Brown will face a hurdle of however long the Democrats can make the wait. Once he is certified he must be sworn into the Senate and this will be done at the convenience of Joe Biden’s schedule. Look for Biden to be sent on an overseas mission if Brown wins.
Barney Frank is worried about the election and has told people that if Brown wins health care is dead. I assume he means this health care bill, not all health care but he is a drama queen and needs to deceive for maximum effect. He is good at it too. This is the guy who helped force banks to make risky loans, claimed that Fannie and Freddie MAC were not in trouble and then blamed it all on the banking industry. He is slick and he knows how to lie but he is right that this legislation would be in trouble.
Barney has his panties in a wad but the Democrats have a plan to use reconciliation in the Senate if Brown wins. This process is not supposed to be used for this type of legislation because it is for tax issues and budget issues. While health care will impact each of these it is not either of these. Democrats will have to scale the bill back in order to use reconciliation but once they get what they want they will try to add things in. Brown’s vote could prevent that from happening. The Democrats, who chastised Republicans for using all tools at their disposal, will use a tool that is not designed for this type of legislation in order to FORCE this bill on the public. The rules have never meant much to Democrats but more Americans are watching and there will be hell to pay if they play slick games which is especially true because conservatives are already looking to vote them out and liberals will be ticked off at the watered down legislation.
Patriots in Massachusetts, now is the time for you to band together to elect a man who can slow down this process and make these people listen to the public. You can elect a Senator who will not be a rubber stamp to every Obama/Pelosi/Reid gimmick that comes down the pike. Martha Coakley will vote in lockstep with these people and will help leave this country a vastly different (and much worse) place by the time Obama is out of office.
Everyone else, please call you Congress critters and tell them not to play games. Tell these temple monkeys that we will not tolerate reconciliation or delaying Brown’s certification and swearing in, should he win.
Tuesday has the potential to be a big day in US political history and the voters of Massachusetts have the chance to do something that will go down in the history books (not the rewritten ones liberals use) as a game changing moment in our history.
Vote for Scott Brown!
That is change you can believe in.
UPDATE: Another Coakly gaffe. Red Sox nation cannot be happy with her.
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Tags: deception, democrat tricks, kennedy, lies, martha coakley, Massachusetts, Obama, scott brown, special election
Don’t Sugarcoat It
Aug 31, 2009 Political
And I won’t- Kennedy has been planted, after having been dragged all over the Continent, it seems. The last time I saw something dead taken to so many places, I believe it was the two headed monkey in the P.T. Barnum exhibit.
Hear ye, hear ye- come and see- for your edification- one night only- the Lion of the Senate- a man able to skate on a murder charge by invoking his brothers tragedies- Come one, Come all!
We are enjoined not to speak ill of the dead. But, when an entire nation — or, at any rate, its “mainstream” media culture — declines to speak the truth about the dead, we are certainly entitled to speak ill of such false eulogists. In its coverage of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s passing, America’s TV networks are creepily reminiscent of those plays Sam Shepard used to write about some dysfunctional inbred hardscrabble Appalachian household where there’s a baby buried in the backyard but everyone agreed years ago never to mention it.
In this case, the unmentionable corpse is Mary Jo Kopechne, 1940–1969. If you have to bring up the, ah, circumstances of that year of decease, keep it general, keep it vague. As Kennedy flack Ted Sorensen put it in Time magazine: “Both a plane crash in Massachusetts in 1964 and the ugly automobile accident on Chappaquiddick Island in 1969 almost cost him his life.”
That’s the way to do it! An “accident,” “ugly” in some unspecified way, just happened to happen — and only to him, nobody else. Ted’s the star, and there’s no room to namecheck the bit players. What befell him was . . . a thing, a place. As Joan Vennochi wrote in the Boston Globe: “Like all figures in history — and like those in the Bible, for that matter — Kennedy came with flaws. Moses had a temper. Peter betrayed Jesus. Kennedy had Chappaquiddick, a moment of tremendous moral collapse.”
Actually, Peter denied Jesus, rather than “betrayed” him, but close enough for Catholic-lite Massachusetts. And if Moses having a temper never led him to leave some gal at the bottom of the Red Sea, well, let’s face it, he doesn’t have Ted’s tremendous legislative legacy, does he? Perhaps it’s kinder simply to airbrush out of the record the name of the unfortunate complicating factor on the receiving end of that moment of “tremendous moral collapse.” When Kennedy cheerleaders do get around to mentioning her, it’s usually to add insult to fatal injury. As Teddy’s biographer Adam Clymer wrote, Edward Kennedy’s “achievements as a senator have towered over his time, changing the lives of far more Americans than remember the name Mary Jo Kopechne.”You can’t make an omelette without breaking chicks, right? I don’t know how many lives the senator changed — he certainly changed Mary Jo’s — but you’re struck less by the precise arithmetic than by the basic equation: How many changed lives justify leaving a human being struggling for breath for up to five hours pressed up against the window in a small, shrinking air pocket in Teddy’s Oldsmobile? If the senator had managed to change the lives of even more Americans, would it have been okay to leave a couple more broads down there? Hey, why not? At the Huffington Post, Melissa Lafsky mused on what Mary Jo “would have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history . . . Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.” What true-believing liberal lass wouldn’t be honored to be dispatched by that death panel?
Yep, how true- I am sure that Mary Jo was good with the whole “sacrifice your life for Teddy” thing. And now comes stage two, or act two, or perhaps the ceremonial dragging of the body through the streets was that.
Perhaps the “Win Healthcare for Teddy” is act three in this farce- if so, we need to bury that abomination with Ted. Healthcare we might need to change somewhat- but we do not need a bill that weighs more than Teddy, and that is what we have now- a bloated carcass that stinks to high heaven.
And the lies that are said by Hussein about this bill- “No, it will not fund abortions.” Yes, it will– simply because there is no language explicitly forbidding it.
“No, illegal aliens will not be covered.” Yes, they will– while one section says no, there is another section explicitly forbidding the exclusion of anyone, regardless of their origin. So, the deception continues, as the sleight of hand in the bill keeps things in, by attaching riders. Teddie would be so proud of the lying done in his name.
Teddy did do some things we can learn from- he surely was an expert at vilifying people- I am sure we could sit at the feet of the master, if he wasn’t dead.
When a man is capable of what Ted Kennedy did that night in 1969 and in the weeks afterwards, what else is he capable of? An NPR listener said the senator’s passing marked “the end of civility in the U.S. Congress.” Yes, indeed. Who among us does not mourn the lost “civility” of the 1987 Supreme Court
hearings? Considering the nomination of Judge Bork, Ted Kennedy rose on the Senate floor and announced that “Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit down at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution . . . ”
Whoa! “Liberals” (in the debased contemporary American sense of the term) would have reason to find Borkian jurisprudence uncongenial, but to suggest the judge and former solicitor-general favored re-segregation of lunch counters is a slander not merely vile but so preposterous that, like his explanation for Chappaquiddick, only a Kennedy could get away with it. If you had to identify a single speech that marked “the end of civility” in American politics, that’s a shoo-in.
Yes, Teddy brought us the definition of “Borking” someone- a noble deed, and so very civil. We need not bring up Clarence Thomas,or Samuel Alito’s hearings, where Teddy was every bit the bully he was with Bork, but it is an obligation on my part, at least, to not allow anyone to sugarcoat Teddy’s life. When you look at someone’s life “warts and all”, it should be a complete life, unadulterated and laid bare.
Teddy had a LOT of warts.
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Tags: bork, immorality, kennedy, mary jo
The Hypocrisy of Teddy
Aug 21, 2009 Political
Now, in all fairness, he probably doesn’t know that he is as hypocritical as he is- number one, it is his innate sense of entitlement that makes him oblivious to hypocrisy- after all, he is a Kennedy, therefore he is better than us mere mortals.
Number two, even though the brain cancer that has taken half of his brain has probably made him smarter in some respects, being a Kennedy is a different life- form- indeed, he might actually begin to make sense after the rest of his brain is eaten by the cancer. He certainly isn’t making sense now.
Back in 2004, when Herman Munster– uh, John Kerry (sorry, I get those mixed up ALL the time) was running for President, Teddy boy had the law changed in Massachusetts that would replace Herman Munster-(damn, not again) John Kerry in the Senate- the thinking being that the Dems did not want Republican Mitt Romney replacing Kerry with a Republican pick, so Teddy had the law changed from a Governmental appointment to a special election.
Now that the seat that may be vacated is his, Teddie wants a do- over.
For nearly half a century, Sen. Edward Kennedy has guarded his family’s political legacy. Stricken with cancer and as Congress takes up his signature issue, he is tending to his own.
Kennedy asked Massachusetts lawmakers to change state law to give Gov. Deval Patrick, a fellow Democrat and supporter of President Barack Obama, the ability to appoint an interim replacement to Kennedy’s seat should Kennedy be unable to continue serving.
Under state law, an election is required within 145-160 days after a Senate seat becomes vacant. That would temporarily leaveMassachusetts without a voice in the Senate — and Senate Democrats potentially one vote short on any health care overhaul legislation.
Kennedy said he supports the special election process, but wants to ensure the seat is filled during the course of the election.
Oh yeah, I am sure that Teddye boy really cares about the process- that is why he is always changing it to suit his idea of the day here. The man never cared about fair- that has been evident since Mary Jo- he is just trying to ensure that “healthscare” doesn’t die with him. Personally, I would like to be the one that whispers in his ear, as he takes his last breath, “The bill failed, Ted- now go have a talk with God and Mary Jo- they have been waiting.”
Still, even the Dems in the state are somewhat reluctant to be changing laws every four years like a Banana Republic- that doesn’t bother Teddy, but then he has HALF a brain- (you see, even the village idiot can serve).
“We have great respect for the senator and what he continues to do for our commonwealth and our nation. It is our hope that he will continue to be a voice for the people of Massachusetts as long as he is able,” they said in a joint statement.
The state last changed its succession law in 2004 to require the special election. Before that the governor was allowed to name a successor. At the time, Democrats were worried that then-Republican Gov. Mitt Romney would be able to fill any vacancy created if Democratic Sen. John Kerry was elected president.
Republican House Leader Brad Jones said he proposed virtually the same idea in 2004 as Kennedy is proposing now — which would have allowed Romney to name someone to fill the seat on an interim basis — but it was overwhelmingly rejected by Democrats.
“If this is going to move forward, people are going to have to explain what’s changed between then and now,” said Jones, of North Reading.
Now, I am aware that some people actually believe that Teddie is an OK guy- I am not one of them- just as people are outraged at the Lockerbie bomber being freed, despite never admitting guilt, I see no difference between Teddye and this other waste of space- the ONLY difference being the number of people killed. There has never been an admission of guilt, an apology, or ANY type of penance.
In my world, he would have never been eligible to run for the Senate, much less serve as long as he has. Now he wants to change the rules so the seat can stay a Democratic seat- probably for some Kennnedy-to-be-named-later. What arrogance.
This healthscare bill needs to be defeated while he is still alive, so we can all “feel his pain” before he dies.
And then a Republican needs to sit in his seat.
After the seat is exorcised.
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It’s Time, Chris, Ted
Jul 31, 2009 Political, Satire
According to page 245 of the Healthcare bill, people 65 years or older, when they might have a terminal, or possible terminal illness, should be counseled on possible procedures that might help assist the transition into another life- and we don’t mean that of a Wal- Mart greeter. Instead, these people should be counseled on possible ways to end their lives, and in that spirit, I would like to volunteer to “counsel” Chris Dodd, and Teddy Kennedy, who both have cancer, are over 65, and have one foot in the afterlife and the other on a banana peel.
I feel that I should remind them of all the good things……okay things….alright, fairly bad things that they have been party to, and maybe, just maybe, this might be a real good time to begin looking forward to a different “way” of looking at life, like perhaps from the point of view of a cadaver. Just think of your new constituency- more people are dead than are alive.
Why think of the possibilities- George Parr and LBJ caused an entire cemetery in Duval County to rise and vote, why couldn’t you? And these people- okay, perhaps some of them are already the dust the Bible speaks of, but the ones who are not yet crumbled will be beholden to you, because even AARP drops dead people from their subscription lists. Why, it’s as if they cease to exist- noone has their back, and they are a grossly underrepresented minority—- fine- technically, they do constitute a majority, but I am sure we can work on the fine points.
The truth is, it is time for you to go, and there are some people you could be kind enough to take with you. Senator Byrd, for example- he is truly the walking dead, and an inspiration to every zombie in the land. Helen Thomas, you could take her- after all, you might need a journalist to give you good press- oh and Ginsburg, too, just to be on the safe side- a lawyer never goes out of style.
So here’s a handful of pills- be sure and take them with a full glass of water, we wouldn’t want you to choke, or fail to take them all. Lie down, and we will play you some real nice music, with a hologram of peaceful places and soothing scenery- you know, kind of like that movie “Soylent Green”. You’ll like it.
See you on the flip side.
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