John Roberts Betrayed This Country

The Chief Justice of the United States became an activist judge along with the liberal justices when they ruled the Individual Mandate in Obamacare as Constitutional. They became activist when they redefined the fee as a tax. Barack Obama and all his Democrat minions said this was NOT a tax and that point was made in the arguments before the Court. Roberts nonetheless, ruled it was a tax and will now go down in history as an activist justice who looked out for his legacy rather than the rule of law in this country.

Your liberty & freedom were just sold out. A boundless government is peering around the corner. Dan Bongino, candidate for US Senate MD

It is time for the American people to have a second revolution this November and remove every member of Congress who voted for this and to remove Barack Obama for forcing this upon us. This will be our only chance of resolving this issue.

Mitt Romney needs to win the presidency and he needs to repeal Obamacare as he said he would do or we will need to dump him as well. All members who voted for this need to go. We need to make them pay for forcing us to buy things against our will under the guise of calling it a tax.

[note]Obama lies, freedom dies[/note]

And remember this all you half brained morons who voted for and still support Obama, now that the Court has called this a tax Barack Obama and his Democrats are responsible for a huge tax increase on everyone in this country.

From Monica Crowley…..”Good luck to Team Obama, who must now defend a monstrous tax increase, especially on the middle class.”

I have no respect for the presidency and I have no respect for Congress. I also have no respect for the Supreme Court which has become a puppet of government and has ceased being a watchdog for our Constitution.

It is now up to We the People to ensure this is reversed by electing people who will get rid of it.

From Bill Bissenas Facebook page: “And in other news today, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to make Obama a one-term President.”

You can bet that none of the people who were crying that the Court and its activist right wing would overturn the law are crying about the activist Court redefining the penalty as a tax.

Conservative business owners need to ask people if they are conservative or liberal and refuse to hire liberals. We need to make each and every person who supports this SUFFERS.

I am tired of being nice about it and I am tired of being defecated upon. No longer, it stops this November.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The TEA Party Folks Causing Trouble

Have you heard about all those bad TEA Party people causing trouble in New York and around our country? Have you heard about the hundreds arrested? Have you heard about these spin off riots, ahem, protests in other cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, and Seattle?

Of course you haven’t because the TEA Party folks are not the ones rioting around the nation. It is a bunch of left wing, give us your money because we deserve it types who think that wealthy people should have to give their money to everyone else. It is those folks who take taxpayer money from the government after it is taken from us by force.

The leeches on the left are starting to ramp up the intensity and are taking the cue Michael Moore gave them. They decided that they would rather resort to causing trouble because they feel entitled to YOUR money.

The next liberals talk badly about the TEA Party ask them to name a time when hundreds of TEA Party members were arrested for civil disturbance. Hell, ask them to point out one time that it happened. No, the TEA Party is peaceful, welcomes all, leaves wherever they go cleaner than when they arrived and obeys the laws.

The left and its media wing will make villains out of TEA Party members and ignore the real thugs, those on the left.

But those of us who are honest about it know the truth.

UPDATE: That fat pig Roseanne Barr wants to behead the wealthy who won’t give up their money. She thinks we should bring back the guillotine for the worst among us. She should be careful. Those who wanted that during the French Revolution ended up being beheaded themselves…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit
Big Dog


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