Bill Clinton; You Don’t Want Obama

Serial sex offender Bill Clinton said something quite interesting and very ironic while campaigning for Barack Obama. Clinton asked the crowd if they wanted a president that repeatedly lies.

“You’re laughing, but who wants a president who will knowingly, repeatedly tell you something he knows is not true?” Daily Caller

Bill Clinton repeatedly lied to the American public regarding his affair with an intern and he continually denied that he had a sexual relationship with Gennifer Flowers. Yes, Bill Clinton repeatedly and knowingly lied to the American public.

And yet he was OK with running for election and then reelection. He had no problems with having a liar when he was the liar in question.

His allegations about Romney lying are just that. There is no proof that Romney knowingly and repeatedly said things that were not true.

But we know Obama did and continues to do so. Obama has repeatedly and knowingly lied about the murder of four Americans in Libya. Barack Obama was responsible for their deaths and he has been covering it up with one lie after another.

So Bill, you might be on to something. Obama is a liar and we do not want him.

Thanks for endorsing Mitt Romney and explaining why America should never have put you in office.

Is there nothing a Clinton won’t do or say?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


A Bookered Convention

Anyone who reads this blog (and I know who the three of you are) knows that I am not a fan of Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. He is a lying, tax raising, snake oil salesman who plays class warfare. He has made Maryland a state from which the wealthy leave to escape oppressive taxes and his policies are not business friendly so companies bypass the state to go to states with more favorable tax structures.

You can tell when O’Malley (or O’Moron as I call him) is lying because not only are his lips moving but he squints. He lies so much you could blindfold him with dental floss.

But like the truth that a broken clock is right twice a day even O’Moron is caught telling the truth once in a blue moon (which we had on Friday…). O’Moron was asked Sunday if we are better off now than we were four years ago. He answered no and said that it is all George Bush’s fault.

Yes, I know the tired drum beat of Bush’s fault. But O’Moron has nothing else. He said it was bad out there but not because of Democrat policies, because of Bush. Interestingly, Bush was not governor of Maryland and the state is in bad shape so who is to blame for that?

A strange thing happened though. On Sunday O’Moron said we were not better off. He must not have gotten the memo from the DNC on which lies to tell so he was taken out to the woodshed and Bookered (where Mayor Cory booker criticized an Obama attack ad and had to walk back his criticism after being taken to the woodshed).

On Monday Martin O’Moron changed his tune and walked back the statement now claiming we are better off than we were four years ago.

Apparently, we were not better off before we were.

Someone get this guy a breath mint. Considering what he is talking out of his breath smells pretty bad.

As an aside, Cory Booker fell today and injured his leg. I hope it is nothing serious and he has a quick recovery from his injury.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Joe Biden’s Budget Woes

King Putt’s vice President and court jester Joe Biden recently took a swipe at GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan by invoking the wise words of his late father. Biden always tells people what the wise words of his father were as if Joe actually lives by them (or as if his father actually said them). Here is what Jester Joe had to say:

“…But my dad [had] a lot of wisdom. Every time someone tell you, say, ‘Look, let me tell you what’s important to me, what I value.’ My dad would go, ‘No, no. Don’t tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I will tell you what you value.'” Weekly Standard

I am sure that Biden’s father was talking about people and their personal budgets but Joe made it sound as if ole daddy B was discussing any budget and the assumption is that Ryan has budget ideas that show values contrary to American values. Since Jester Joe decided to apply his pappy’s words to the federal budget I have to wonder if Joe is aware that the Democrat controlled Senate, which Joe is the president of, has not passed a budget in over three years.

If Joe wants us to believe that his daddy said he could tell what someone valued by looking at the budget what do you suppose daddy B would be able to tell about a group of people who passed NO budget?

I also wonder if his daddy would be proud of the fact that Joe is the president of the Senate (OK, he only has one real function there) and that he did not bother to push the Democrats to pass a budget. I would say that it shows the Democrats do not value using a budget or living within its means. I would say that it shows that Democrats value obstruction and cheating taxpayers out of money by not putting in place a mechanism to allocate that money appropriately. I know that it matters little because they do not have to balance anything and they spend as they want regardless of a budget BUT Joe said we could tell a lot about what people value by their budget.

If we accept this as true then we see a lot of things the Democrat controlled Senate values that are contrary to American principles.

To take it a step further, Jester Joe and his wife have donated about 1% of their income to charity while Mitt Romney and his wife have donated about 16% of their income to charity. It would appear as if Joe does not value charity.

That is, of course, unless he is being charitable with someone else’s money. Joe loves spending on social programs to help the folks out but only so long as he is spending money that is not his own.

He really does not value helping others when it comes to his own money

Liberals love to spend everyone else’s money and Joe is no exception to the rule.

I also wonder what his daddy would have said about plagiarism but that is something to save for another day.

Remember this folks when you hear the Democrats call Romney a greedy rich guy…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Harry Reid Speaks Of Integrity?

Harry Reid told a whopper of a lie last week when he claimed that he received a call saying that Mitt Romney has not paid taxes for the past decade or so. It just so happens that the Obama campaign can’t find any dirt on Romney like it has in all of Obama’s other campaigns so it is inventing some. The Democrats want to get hold of Romney’s complicated tax returns and pour through them to find some obscure thing most folks don’t understand and then portray it as Romney avoiding taxes.

Romney is having none of it and he shouldn’t. If Romney had not paid taxes in the last decade the IRS would have gone after him. You can also bet that Reid is lying because if Romney had not paid taxes the Obama White House would have leaked his tax returns.

The cretin Reid took to the Senate floor to say that Romney had not paid taxes. Reid knows that the only way to prove he is wrong is for Romney to release the returns. This is the plan. The ends justify the means and the end for Democrats is to get those returns so they can invent some issue with them.

Reid is an idiot and should be removed from office. Once Romney wins the presidency he should release his returns, show he paid taxes and sue Reid for defamation.

How can Harry Reid even question Romney? Reid is the cretin who was involved with the mob in regards to gaming in Nevada. Reid is the one who made illegal land deals and became quite wealthy doing so. And Reid has ensured that his family was taken care of by using his position.

The latest example is Harry Reid pushing for green energy from a China firm that he played a part in getting into Nevada. Why did Reid do this? Because his son represents the Chinese company.

Harry Reid is using his position to help his son and this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Reid’s ethical challenges. Reid lacks integrity and is a criminal, period. Hey Harry, you have been hit in the head too many times and your brain has turned to mush.

It is amazing to me that Obama and his Democrats want Romney to release tax returns when Obama’s vital records are locked up tighter than a gnat’s behind.

Some folks are calling Harry Reid a liar. That is absolutely true. He did not receive some mysterious call and he did not get some inside information about Romney. Reid made it all up.

In addition to being a liar Reid is a criminal who is using his office to enrich himself and his family. His ties to the criminals in organized labor ensured his reelection and his ties to shady people made him very rich.

If anyone in the Senate has testicular fortitude they would challenge Reid and demand an investigation into the lie he perpetrated while speaking to that body.

Then again, the best rebuke of Reid would be to relegate him to minority status in the Senate.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


John Roberts Betrayed This Country

The Chief Justice of the United States became an activist judge along with the liberal justices when they ruled the Individual Mandate in Obamacare as Constitutional. They became activist when they redefined the fee as a tax. Barack Obama and all his Democrat minions said this was NOT a tax and that point was made in the arguments before the Court. Roberts nonetheless, ruled it was a tax and will now go down in history as an activist justice who looked out for his legacy rather than the rule of law in this country.

Your liberty & freedom were just sold out. A boundless government is peering around the corner. Dan Bongino, candidate for US Senate MD

It is time for the American people to have a second revolution this November and remove every member of Congress who voted for this and to remove Barack Obama for forcing this upon us. This will be our only chance of resolving this issue.

Mitt Romney needs to win the presidency and he needs to repeal Obamacare as he said he would do or we will need to dump him as well. All members who voted for this need to go. We need to make them pay for forcing us to buy things against our will under the guise of calling it a tax.

[note]Obama lies, freedom dies[/note]

And remember this all you half brained morons who voted for and still support Obama, now that the Court has called this a tax Barack Obama and his Democrats are responsible for a huge tax increase on everyone in this country.

From Monica Crowley…..”Good luck to Team Obama, who must now defend a monstrous tax increase, especially on the middle class.”

I have no respect for the presidency and I have no respect for Congress. I also have no respect for the Supreme Court which has become a puppet of government and has ceased being a watchdog for our Constitution.

It is now up to We the People to ensure this is reversed by electing people who will get rid of it.

From Bill Bissenas Facebook page: “And in other news today, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to make Obama a one-term President.”

You can bet that none of the people who were crying that the Court and its activist right wing would overturn the law are crying about the activist Court redefining the penalty as a tax.

Conservative business owners need to ask people if they are conservative or liberal and refuse to hire liberals. We need to make each and every person who supports this SUFFERS.

I am tired of being nice about it and I am tired of being defecated upon. No longer, it stops this November.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
