Maryland Democrats Impose $260 Million Tax Hike

I wanted to make it clear with the title that it was Maryland DEMOCRATS who raised taxes. Maryland is a one party rule, liberal state and Republicans have no control over the legislative process. Republicans did NOT vote for the tax hike, only the DEMOCRATS did.

Maryland Democrats voted to lower deductions and raise the tax rate for higher income earners in order to fund out of control spending and cover malfeasance that has become the standard in the state.

Taxes were raised in a special session that was called by Governor Martin O’Malley because his Democrats failed to screw taxpayers during the regular session. O’Malley called a special session a few years ago in order to raise a plethora of taxes that he claimed were needed to fix the budget.

Those tax increases did not pan out as fewer wage earners paid more in taxes and shoppers found ways to avoid the sales tax. In essence, raising taxes failed to solve the problem.

So, in a true demonstration of insanity, the Democrats held another O’Malley special session and raised income taxes on single earners making more than 100k a year and couples earning over 150k a year. Martin is using the Democrat playbook of taxing the “wealthy” in order to redistribute that wealth to the poor. The money will be used to pay for more social programs and for illegal aliens who find Maryland to be an illegal alien friendly state.

I call the governor Martin O’Moron because he is an absolute moron. His Democrats failed to raise taxes and the result was that cuts would automatically take place to the tune of millions of dollars.

Ever the liberal moron, O’Malley could not let this happen because he would not have the money needed to pay off his friends in the unions and the poor who suckle at the teat of government enslaved to an ideology that holds little regard for people except for the value of their vote. Keep voting Democrat and they throw out some scraps.

The problem is that those who work and pay taxes will have to keep paying for the scraps.

O’Malley is working on his national creds because he wants to be the president some day. He is not content bending taxpayers over and taking advantage of them at the state level so he needs to move to the national level where he can stroke his enormous ego at the expense of the nation.

There is no reason to increase taxes in Maryland. It has plenty of wealth because of its proximity to DC and it has a tax base that pays quite a bit. The problem is that the Legislature (read the DEMOCRATS) uses the money for things other than the intended purpose. They raped the transportation fund of millions of dollars for other pet projects or to cover budget shortfalls and now they are looking at increasing other taxes to make up the money they misappropriated.

Many higher wage earners who are fortunate have been able to leave the state and many more will follow because it is unfriendly to those who work and pay taxes.

I know a number of people in the state will ignore this and rationalize that it does not affect them because they don’t make “that kind of money” but it will affect them. Teacher’s pensions were pushed to the local level and that will require tax increases locally (or better yet, budget cuts) to pay for that move. People who own businesses and hire will do less because of their tax burden.

I recommend people shop online, shop in Delaware and Virginia and restructure their income so more of it is not taxable.

The only way to beat the beast is to starve the beast.

O’Malley has his jackbooted foot on our throats and he will continue to crush the life out of us until we fight back and remove the morons from office. It is time for all of us to remove these people from office and put in place those who will work for us as representatives of us. It is time we in Maryland had the Republican form of government guaranteed to us by the US Constitution.

It starts by removing those who are serving themselves and special interests and replacing them with true representatives of the people.

We fought a Revolution over less than this and our Founders would have been shooting by now. We need a peaceful revolution at the ballot box and it is time those enslaved to government realize that very soon the money spigot will be turned off as wage earners move out.

It is also time for the politicians to realize that they are now enemies of the state and are harming the people they are supposed to be working for.

The only special session I want to see from now on is the one that brings those who have done this to us together so they can face charges for their malfeasance.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No Background Checks On NLRB Appointees

It is bad enough that Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he made what he calls recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess but two of the appointments he made never made it through the vetting process and the Senate never had a chance to advise and consent. As such, Sharon Block and Richard Griffin were sent up after the Senate had adjourned (but did not go into official recess) and they do not appear on the list of Obama nominations.

These two did not have background checks, security checks and were not checked to ensure they paid their income taxes (a common problem among Obama appointees). None of this mattered to the Dictator of Amerika, King Barack Hussein, who appointed them anyway.

It is tragic that he violated the Constitution though it is not surprising. It is just as bad that he never gave the Senate time to even put these nominees through the proper vetting process.

King Hussein said he appointed folks because he knew Republicans would obstruct. It was, preemptive. So he has now embraced the Bush doctrine of preemptive strikes.

The Senate was not in recess and has had a pro forma session every three days. That appears to be consistent with Senate rules (and the Constitution says the Senate makes its own rules for how it is run) so Obama usurped the authority of Congress.

None of these appointments came up while the Senate was in recess and only one has been submitted for proper review. The Senate has not yet acted on these nominations so Obama decided he would take matters into his own hands, violate the Constitution, tick off a lot of people and do what he wants, rules be damned.

I hope he does not expect much cooperation when things ramp back up. He wants a trillion more added to the debt ceiling and he will want to make more nominations.

Republicans need to step up to the plate. Take Obama to court over this and get a ruling. If it goes in our favor then great. If not then you guys need to filibuster every motion to adjourn or motion to recess from now on. Keep everyone in DC and Obama will not be able to do an end run.

Until we take the King off his throne we need to use all the tricks.

We can start by not providing for a salary to anyone who gets a recess appointment and then proceed to not providing funds for their agencies.

The power of the purse will derail a dictator every time.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Is There Anything Obama Will Not Lie About?

We know that Barack Obama is a liar. It is obvious when he opens his mouth that he is not telling the truth and anyone with a brain can see it (which excludes liberals). Obama has already been caught doing the flip flop with regard to the debt limit. Back in 2006 he said that the president (G W Bush) and Republicans looking to raise the debt ceiling demonstrated a lack of leadership and that we had a debt problem. I agreed with his words from then. Now he has his mouthpiece say that he was in error to vote against raising the debt limit and only did it out of spite because he opposed Bush’s policies. That does not negate the fact that he said it demonstrated a lack of leadership and now that he is asking for the debt limit to be raised, he is the one lacking in leadership qualities (though to be fair, he never possessed any to begin with).

Now we have Obama, in his own words, from 2008 with regard to presidential signing statements. Obama said that this was not part of the president’s power and reinforced that by telling people he taught Constitutional law for 10 years. God help us because he, no doubt, taight his interpretation rather than that of the people who wrote it. In any event, here is Obama from 2008:

That’s not part of his power, but this is part of the whole theory of George Bush that he can make laws as he goes along. I disagree with that. I taught the Constitution for 10 years. I believe in the Constitution and I will obey the Constitution of the United States. We’re not going to use signing statements as a way of doing an end-run around Congress. Real Clear Politics

One could argue that Obama is now using signing statements, not to do an end run around Congress, but to make his point clear. That would be a BS argument but I know many liberals will make it. Obama makes it clear from the outset that IT IS NOT PART OF HIS POWER. That means that any signing statements are not part of the president’s power. Whether they are or not is irrelevant because Obama said they were not and based it on his teaching the Constitution so he said what he meant and what he wanted people to believe was true.

Now it is a little different. Obama used a signing statement on the recently passed budget compromise in which his czars were eliminated. Obama issued a signing statement that he was not going to follow that part of the deal.

He used a signing statement to do an end run around Congress. There is no other way to look at it. He did exactly what he said he would not do. That makes him a liar. Obama lied, got it liberals, your messiah lied to you. How many of you will call him on this? My guess is that most will defend him. The rationale will be something like, well Bush was wrong when he did it but Obama is right.

In fact, his mouthpiece (Jay Carney) said just that and he too lied along the way:

His concern was with what he saw as an abuse of the signing statement by the previous administration. So that the positions he took in signing statements on the budget bill entirely consistent with that position, you need to retain the right to, as president, to be able to issue those signing statements, but obviously they should not be abused. Real Clear Politics

Compare the two statements and you can see the glaring lies. Obama never said he opposed the abuse of signing statements. He said that the president did not have the power to use them and that he knows it because he taught the Constitution. He said he would not use them to do an end run around Congress but Carney is saying that Obama was never opposed to them and that using them is consistent with his previous position (the false premise Carney began with). This is all a lie and it is all recorded and presented in their own words.

Obama is a liar though his change of position on this issue might be consistent with him being a teacher of the Constitution. You see, liberals believe the Constitution is a living document that can be molded and adapted to meet any condition (see FDR). This is utterly false and the Founders never meant for it to be that way but to Obama and liberal/progressive schmucks like him, the Constitution is a barrier to what they want to do to this country. It gets in their way so they need to keep changing it to suit their needs.

It suited his purpose to say that Bush had no authority to use signing statements when he was trying to take Bush’s place but now that he is in the position it suits his purpose to use the very instrument he derided as unconstitutional.

He is a liar and we need to keep beating him with his own words.

And Republicans need to stop making deals and lay down the law. Stop funding everything until we get the budget under control and tell Obama to stuff it. I would also recommend that any bills submitted by Congress include language that says the use of signing statements is not allowed on the bill.

Hamstring this Socialist and keep him from doing any more harm to this country.

Wake up America. This man and his people are telling you lies because they think you are too stupid to notice or to care. I might agree there are a lot of stupid people because Obama was elected but even dumb animals learn from their mistakes.

Any of you liberal/progressive Obamabots want to defend this? I know there will be someone who does.

Hmm, another war in the Middle East, extension of the tax cuts, excessive spending, signing statements, and asking that the debt limit be raised. They told me if I voted for McCain I would get Bush’s third term.

Looks like they were right.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Bernie Sanders Has No Shame

Socialist Congressman Bernie Sanders of Vermont has absolutely no shame. Sanders sent out a fund raising email playing on the tragedy in Arizona to get people to donate to his reelection campaign. Sanders went so far as to blame the incident on conservatives, talk radio, big business and anything else he could use to try and tie conservatives to the tragedy.

Sanders is despicable and should resign from Congress.

He is using a tragedy that was caused by one thing and one thing only. A nut decided to kill people. There is absolutely NOTHING that can be done to stop a person determined to do harm. Even if the most stringent gun laws ever devised were in place this guy would still have been able to obtain a weapon and kill people. It happens all the time in cities where there are strict gun laws in place.

This tragedy affected many lives and lost in all this is how it is playing on the parents of the nut who did this. Evidently, the nut was allowed to avoid intervention because his mother works for the government there but this does not negate the fact that they are victims of their son’s violence as well.

This is a tragedy of epic proportions and Bernie Sanders is blaming conservatives and using the event to raise money.

He is the lowest form of life an should be drummed out of Congress.

Perhaps Bernie is trying to raise money because he is worried about his seat in 2012. He should, he is now in the cross hairs…

Rush Limbaugh was right. The Democrats are trying to profit from this.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Rangel Is Guilty But He Won’t Go

Charlie Rangel was found guilty of 11 ethics violations a day after he begged for more time because he did not have a lawyer and needed time to prepare. Rangel had two years to prepare and he had lawyers until a month ago. He claims they stopped representing him because he could no longer afford to pay them and he did not have time to set up a legal defense fund (he could have sold his Dominican villa).

Once again, he had two years. He knew he would have legal bills so he should have taken care of this long ago.

Rangel is a huckster. He likes to skirt the rules and he thinks he can get away with things because he is important and the rules just don’t apply to him.

The people on the ethics panel have had about enough of Rangel and his request was denied so he stormed out of the hearing. He was found guilty and is acting like there was some miscarriage of justice because he was not present (he walked out) and he had no lawyer.

Rangel could be expelled from Congress, and he should be, but he won’t. He will likely get a slap on the wrist, some letter of reprimand and no leadership assignments. So he will be able to continue skirting the laws and doing as he pleases while drawing a huge salary from taxpayer money.

Imagine how Rangel or any other member of Congress would react to a business leader who pulled the same stunts as Rangel. They would be calling for the person’s head on a platter. Congress gets high and mighty when some business person, like say a Wall Street executive, does something wrong and works hard to make sure that person pays for his sins.

If only Congress had the same intensity and moral compass when its own members commit the sins…

New York Post
The Hill

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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