Who Are The Racists?

The left is pretty quick to scream racism regardless of whether it actually exists or not. Disagree with Obama, racist. Disagree with health care reform, racist, member of the TEA Party, racist. They see racism everywhere that a conservative walks but are blind to the racism that exists among their ranks.

Let me be clear, there is no place for racism from either party or from any individual or group in this country. We are a nation of diverse people which is one of our greatest strengths. This nation is perhaps one of the only ones in the world where so many different kinds of people live together and we achieve so much because of our diversity.

There is also no room for the phony calls of racism as a weapon to silence dissent. During Health Care Sunday in Washington DC the race card was used after Nancy Pelosi and members of the Congressional Black Caucus attempted to provoke TEA Party members. When that did not work they fabricated an incident of racism. There were claims that black lawmakers were spat upon and called the N word (15 times no less). There is absolutely no video or audio evidence that this happened. It appears to be a coordinated effort among different factions to fabricate the entire thing in order to marginalize the TEA Party members. Doug Ross has the time line of a TEA Party smear.

What is not fabricated is the absolute hatred of any black conservative. Blacks who happen to be conservative are called Oreos, Uncle Toms and sell outs. They are viewed as having left the Democrat plantation and as people who betrayed the Democrats and their race.

They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation’s first black president.

“I’ve been told I hate myself. I’ve been called an Uncle Tom. I’ve been told I’m a spook at the door,” said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government. Breitbart

Black conservatives are embracing the TEA Party movement and feel at home among the mostly white crowd because they know that the people there do not care about race and that we all, as AMERICANS, share the same goal.

The hatred and the racism comes from the left as they work to marginalize black conservatives. My good friend Lloyd Marcus is a black conservative and he has been attacked from the left because of his beliefs. I am proud to call him my friend and know he is firm in his beliefs.

Another black conservative who is comfortable among the TEA Party members is Angela McGlowan. She is running for Congress in Mississippi’s First Congressional District and I think she will be a welcome addition to the Congress. If you are interested in learning more about her or contributing to her campaign, her website is here.

The American landscape is changing because of the radical Obama regime in DC. He promised us change and now it looks like that change is more black conservatives running for office.

They will certainly get the support of conservatives. I don’t expect liberals to support them but I do wonder how long it will be before the left starts spewing their racist rants about them.

And they say conservatives are racists.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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No One Wants To Listen To Liberals

Air Amerika, the liberal radio station launched to counter conservative talk has had financial troubles since it started. Liberals have trouble attracting an audience to listen to they pap the spew. The station has finally gone belly up:

Air America Radio, a radio network that was launched in 2004 as a liberal alternative to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative commentators, on Thursday shut down abruptly due to financial woes.

The network once boasted hosts such as Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, but struggled from the outset, including multiple management shake-ups, a bankruptcy in 2006 and sale for $4.25 million the following year.

Air America ceased airing new programs Thursday afternoon and said it will soon file to be liquidated under Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It began broadcasting reruns of programs and would end those as well Monday night. Yahoo News

Perhaps the liberals ran the station like they run government, figuring the money will come from somewhere.

They learned a hard lesson and that is if no one wants your product you will go out of business.

Once again capitalism ends up with a correct decision.

Unless, of course, the government decides they are too big to fail and bails them out.

Big Dog


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About jumping To Conclusions

Barack Obama warned against jumping to conclusions when terrorist Nidal Hasan shot and killed members of the US Army. This from the guy who jumped to conclusions when a police officer arrested his buddy for being disorderly. The warning signs were there and Army officers report that they were afraid to report the issue because of political correctness. One claimed his concerns were ignored for that very reason.

The communications with an al-Qaeda cleric, the rantings about Islam, the threats to infidels, the poor performance are all out there now and we are warned not to jump to conclusions.

Hasan might claim insanity and he might be on to something. One would have to be insane to follow the teachings of the radical faction of Islam.

But where were the liberals warning about jumping to conclusions when a part time census worker was found hanging from a tree in Kentucky, allegedly with the words FED scrawled on his chest? The left immediately jumped all over the case and indicted the right wing in America. The blame was placed squarely on so called hate speech from the right. Michelle Malkin detailed, at the time, all of the liberals who were blaming conservatives. Here is a sample from the Democratic Underground (as reported by her):

We need to absolutely expose Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, CNN’s Lou Dobbs, Michael Steele, Rush Limbaugh and the legion of others parroting right-wing lies for trumping up this nonsense and getting people to now commit murder in a hideous fashion.

HuffPo, Radio Equalizer and New York Magazine all put the blame on conservatives. There was even a picture of a hanging body with the words FED on the chest and the names of conservatives printed behind it.

It would seem that this was a bit premature because the official finding in the case is that the worker, Bill Sparkman, committed suicide.

It would seem that all of the conclusions as to whom was responsible were quite a bit off the mark. None of the liberals espousing restraint with regard to Nidal Hasan opened their mouths to caution restraint. There is plenty of evidence in the case against Hasan but there was not one shred of evidence in Sparkman’s death that pointed to conservatives talk being the cause of his death. The left jumped all over it nonetheless. Where were the trusty liberal mouthpieces when this was taking place? They were agreeing with the accusations of their echo chamber roommates. While they might not have publicly expressed the same sentiments, they were thinking it because they all believe that conservatives are violent.

Who can blame them for thinking this? The botox bimbo, San Fran Nan, told them that conservatives were violent. She teared up at a meeting to discuss the anger from the tea party protesters and stated she had seen this before in her home state and it led to violence. She was referring to Harvey Milk who, by the way, was murdered by another state employee over a job dispute. His murder had nothing to do with “angry mobs.” But Nancy had to make people believe that the tea party people are violent. The left looks at the tea parties as conservatives but the movement has people from all political ideologies and all walks of life. But the left has to focus on conservatives and isolate them in order to carry out Alinsky’s rules.

It is quite evident that this whole idea of violence is a fabrication because there has been no violence perpetrated by tea party members during all of the heated town hall meetings. The only violence came at the hands of union thugs who were acting as the enforcement arm of liberals. Those jackasses beat the hell out of a man. Those jackasses threatened the elderly. Those jackasses were the ones there to demonstrate a show of force. The tea party people know how to demonstrate peacefully. Another bit of evidence of the desire to pin violence on the conservatives appeared when the media reported that a number of people were arrested in DC at the rally Congresswoman Michele Bachman called for prior to the House vote on health care. The media neglected to indicate that those arrested were from the left. Those arrested were Code Pinko members who were protesting Lieberman’s decision to block health care. The media referred to them as tea partiers and failed to make any distinction when reporting the story.

This is a desire to pin it all on conservatives. Those who admonish against jumping to conclusions when there is mounting evidence are all too happy to sit around doing the first digit rectal interface when their side is indicting people who do not advocate violence and who do not incite violence.

Every time there is a death or violence the left is quick to point fingers at Malkin, Beck, Limbaugh and other conservatives and they point reflexively with no evidence whatsoever. Obama is an extension of that and demonstrated it with the Cambridge cop.

Let the conservatives point when there is a mountain of evidence and we are jumping to conclusions.

This liberal double standard is why they have no credibility (well one reason among many).

Big Dog

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Wishing won’t make it so

Over the past year, I have debated and conversed, and sometimes outright argued with many people about the state of our Union, and what I perceive the troubles to be. Everyone has a viewpoint, and some can make quite good arguments for their positions, some, not so much. 

But I have run into a certain group of people who really would rather stick their heads in the sand, than acknowledge that there might actually be trouble in River City. They are the little kid who claps his hands over his ears and screams at the top of his voice, simply because he doesn’t like the message. That tactic, while effective perhaps in drowning the message out, does nothing in preventing the action from being taken- whereupon the person expresses surprise, saying a variant of “I didn’t think they would really do that,” when all the signs were there.

These people are who I call “Denialists”- people who just want more than anything to travel back in time before the contentiousness of today’s politics overwhelmed them. I can, believe it or not, sympathize- I would like to go back to an easier time, a less combative time, but alas, that is not to be.

Even if our political scene at home was settled, we now have the Russians, the Chinese, and the Indians, all seeking a bigger piece of the pie- and the threat might not come from one source, but multiples, for you have the baby nuke states, some of whom are crazy MoFos (I think sanity is a condition they must forgo, in order to belong).

Then you have the banana people- the Chavez/ Morales/ Castro/ Ortega leftists that seem to crop up every thirty years or so, just to make sure that their nation stays impoverished and backwards. It is probably a genetic thing.

Still, we (our Nation) are busy buddying up to these Marxist meatsacks, when in the past, we wouldn’t have given them the time of day, or if we had to notice them, we’d take them out of power- spank them good for their audacity, and throw them on the street or in prison.

No longer- our nation is undergoing a crisis of both mind and morality. All the hippies whose mantra in the 60s and 70s was, “If it feels good, do it,” now have chancres and herpes to show for their lifestyles, and the permissive attitudes they laid out for their children has resulted in Columbine Brats- children who should have been shot as a present to the rest of society. Those children were only cute to their parents, and in the end, not so much anymore. They endangered the rest of society with their permissiveness.

And these same people made up “rights”- “I have the right to do this”, or that, never giving thought that their rights ran smack dab up against laws, which were put in place for a reason. No, they just had to figure that it was “The Man” holding them back, rather than their sporadic and puerile education in the public school system.

And now the parents I talk to seem tired, beaten down, and more than willing to ignore what is going on in the halls of government today. They really don’t want to know, and some have gotten belligerent when I brought the subject up, one even threatening to shoot me- a threat he quickly rescinded, as he knows I take things like that seriously, but the fact that he would even say this indicates how fervently they want to believe this isn’t happening, and don’t even want to hear about it from friends.

This is only a good dream for the Liberals- a given 20% of the population- the rest of us range from scared, to oblivious, to pissed off. Many, as I have said, are sticking their head in the sand, and hoping it all goes away. It just goes to show, you really do not know the character of the person who you think is your friend, until the crisis comes.

Sometimes, sadly, they turn out to be Denialists.
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Roman Polanski, Liberal Hero

As he arrived in Zurich, Switzerland for the Zurich Film Festival, Roman Polanski, admitted child molester, sodomizer, and rapist, was arrested on a new warrant from the United States. About damn time, too- thirty- two years after the fact, simply because the French, who are supposed to be our friends and allies, would not allow extradition  of this human pusbag for the crimes that he had already pled guilty to. 

A short synopsis- This forty- something man had drugged a thirteen year old girl, and well, I’ll let Kate Harding, writing in Salon.com take it from here-

Roman Polanski raped a child. Let’s just start right there, because that’s the detail that tends to get neglected when we start discussing whether it was fairfor the bail-jumping director to be arrested at age 76, after 32 years in “exile” (which in this case means owning multiple homes in Europe, continuing to work as a director, marrying and fathering two children, even winning an Oscar, but never — poor baby — being able to return to the U.S.). Let’s keep in mind that Roman Polanski gave a 13-year-old girl a Quaalude and champagne, then raped her, before we start discussing whether the victim looked older than her 13 years, or that she now says she’d rather not see him prosecuted because she can’t stand the media attention. Before we discuss how awesome his movies are or what the now-deceased judge did wrong at his trial, let’s take a moment to recall that according to the victim’s grand jury testimony, Roman Polanski instructed her to get into a jacuzzi naked, refused to take her home when she begged to go, began kissing her even though she said no and asked him to stop; performed cunnilingus on her as she said no and asked him to stop; put his penis in her vagina as she said no and asked him to stop; asked if he could penetrate her anally, to which she replied, “No,” then went ahead and did it anyway, until he had an orgasm.


You would think that would be the end of the story- there could be no “defense” of the indefensible- the acts are so shocking simply because of the child’s age, but there are plenty of people in the film industry who are leaping to demand that this felon pedophile be freed- probably they think their jobs are riding on the outcome of this man’s case.

Do keep in mind one thing- he pleaded guilty- the only thing he was trying to escape was the punishment that he was due. As Kate Harding repeatedly says- He raped a child. Period. It really shouldn’t matter what the French say- the crime to which Polanski pled guilty to didn’t happen there- they have no standing to voice an opinion.

The French press, for instance (at least according to the British press) is describing Polanski “as the victim of a money-grabbing American mother and a publicity-hungry Californian judge.” Joan Z. Shore at the Huffington Post, who once met Polanski and “was utterly charmed by [his] sobriety and intelligence,” also seems to believe that a child with an unpleasant stage mother could not possibly have been raped: “The 13-year old model ‘seduced’ by Polanski had been thrust onto him by her mother, who wanted her in the movies.” Oh, well, then! If her mom put her into that situation, that makes itmuch better! Shore continues: “The girl was just a few weeks short of her 14th birthday, which was the age of consent in California. (It’s probably 13 by now!) Polanski was demonized by the press, convicted, and managed to flee, fearing a heavy sentence.”

Wow, OK, let’s break that down. First, as blogger Jeff Fecke says, “Fun fact: the age of consent in 1977 in California was 16. It’s now 18. But of course, the age of consent isn’t like horseshoes or global thermonuclear war; close doesn’t count. Even if the age of consent had been 14, the girl wasn’t 14.” Also, even if the girl had been old enough to consent, she testified that she did not consent


All those “inconvenient” facts- and still the idiots in Hollywood are screaming for his release. It would be predictable that Woody Allen, a child molester himself, would rush to Polanski’s defense, but Scorsese? Does no one in Hollywood have children? Or perhaps they just swap them like recipes? Where’s the morality? Where’s the outrage?

Marie-Louise Fort, a French lawmaker in the Assembly who has sponsored anti-incest legislation, said in an interview that she was shocked that Mr. Polanski was attracting support from the political and artistic elite. “I don’t believe that public opinion is spontaneously supporting Mr. Polanski at all,” she said. “I believe that there is a distinction between the mediagenic class of artists and ordinary citizens that have a vision that is more simple.”

The mood was even more hostile in blogs and e-mails to newspapers and news magazines. Of the 30,000 participants in an online poll by the French daily Le Figaro, more than 70 percent said Mr. Polanski, 76, should face justice. And in the magazine Le Point, more than 400 letter writers were almost universal in their disdain for Mr. Polanski.

That contempt was not only directed at Mr. Polanski, but at the French class of celebrities — nicknamed Les People — who are part of Mr. Polanski’s rarefied Parisian world. Letter writers to Le Point scorned Les People as the “crypto-intelligentsia of our country” who deliver “eloquent phrases that defy common sense.”

Still, many others continued to rally to the Oscar-winning director’s defense.

Film industry leaders like Woody Allen, Pedro Almodovar, Martin Scorsese and Costa Gavras signed a petition with about 100 names that expressed “stupefaction” with the arrest of Mr. Polanski at the Zurich airport.


Yea- regular people, by and large, get it, even in France. Back home, the Huffington Post, a blog that has grown increasingly unhinged, ran (or wrote) to Polanski’s defense- and then has been savaged by its readers, who feel overwhelmingly that the pedophile should indeed serve all of the time to which he was convicted.

Much of the initial criticism of the American and Swiss authorities behind the arrest centered on the question of timing: why was Mr. Polanski arrested now, three decades after his guilty plea, and not on any of the countless other visits he has made to Switzerland over the years (he maintains homes there and in France)?

Defending their actions, American law enforcement officials in Los Angeles have said the arrest was a simple matter of opportunity, and they issued a timeline that showed that they had quietly submitted an Interpol “red notice” — a request for international assistance in arresting a fugitive — concerning Mr. Polanski that was originally distributed in 2002. A spokesman for Interpol in Lyon, France, declined to comment on Tuesday. The red notice on Mr. Polanski apparently was not posted on Interpol’s public Web site, which is used to enlist the help of the public in pursuit of fugitives.

“He just showed up at a time and a place where we knew he would be available,” Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for Stephen L. Cooley, the Los Angeles County district attorney, said Monday.

The district attorney’s office circulated a list of the actions it had taken and the inquiries it had made to track and try to apprehend Mr. Polanski as he traveled to at least 10 countries, including what appeared to be a near miss in 2007, when officials relayed a request for information from Israel about a visit he made there. By the time the information arrived, “Polanski had left Israel and was not arrested,” the prosecutors’ advisory said.


The American authorities had not posted the notice, or request for extradition to Interpol’s website, because they thought, as has been the case  in the past, that a sympathetic government official might warn him, and allow him to flee. Not this time.

There is still work to do, in getting him actually back on American soil, and into the prison he so richly deserves. There are consequences for one’s actions- there should be penalties that deter, and allowing some pedophilic A**hole to thumb his nose at the American judicial system is not a good thing.

He should regret his actions every day, for the rest of his life, until he dies in prison.

Perhaps other prisoners can show him what sodomy is.

Now that would be justice.
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