If She Had A Gun

Many food chains that offer delivery do not allow their drivers to carry firearms even if they have a permit to do so. The people who deliver food carry cash and are often required to deliver at late hours in dark places.

A Domino’s pizza delivery woman in Antioch California delivered a pizza to an address where she was forced back into her car by a man with a gun and then forced to drive to another place where he raped her.

This happened in California so it is unlikely that she was able to carry a firearm at any time because that state, like many other anti firearm states, would rather have its citizens end up as victims.

Yes the rapist had a gun and if she had one it might not have made a difference but at least she would have had a chance. In fact, if people in California were allowed to carry there is a chance the rapist might never have targeted her. If criminals know people could be carrying firearms they are less likely to attack them.

In places where people might be armed (whether they are or not is not the point) criminals do not know who has a concealed firearm and who does not. They do not like those circumstances.

Criminals prefer unarmed victims and they prefer knowing that no one else will be armed. This is why nuts attack gun free zones like schools, malls and movie theaters. They know that the odds are in their favor and that no one is probably armed because responsible firearms owners follow the law.

In a just world instead of being the victim of rape the young lady would be standing over a bullet riddled body describing what happened as the police draw a chalk line around the dead would be rapist.

Liberals (and face it, these are the ones who want us disarmed) can’t have that. If you can take care of yourself there is no need for government to be your everything.

Well how is that working out? The police were not there BEFORE the rape to prevent it. They showed up afterwards to take a statement.

The fortunate thing is this rapist was an idiot. The police went to the address the pizza was to be delivered to and he was there. They were able to arrest him and charge him with multiple crimes.

While it is great they caught the animal the reality is the victim has been scarred for life.

She never had a fighting chance because the government made her a potential victim by pushing for and enacting gun control.

Speaking of gun control; how well did it work out for the criminal in this case? He used a firearm to commit his crime and he is 17. He should not have had a handgun at that age to begin with regardless of his criminal record (which is not discussed in the article). If criminals obeyed the law he would not have had a firearm…

Even if states follow the Constitution there will still be problems as long as there are gun free zones or jobs where people who have the potential for danger are not allowed to carry.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Minimum Wage Maximum Destruction

Liberals scream about a living wage though if you earn a wage and are not dead it is technically a living wage. They will tell us people can’t live on the current minimum wage and there is a push to make the minimum 15 dollars and hour. That’s right, liberals want to pay people 15 dollars an hour to screw up fast food orders.

[note]One should not be making a career out of a low skill, low paying job. If one wants more then it is wise to get educated, improve skills and seek higher skill, higher paying jobs.[/note]

It is tough to have a living on the current minimum. How on Earth is one supposed to pay for a smart phone, two cars (or one really expensive one), a place to live with air conditioning and heating along with big screen TVs and satellite or cable. Those things will not pay for themselves and they are a right, at least according to the liberals who expect business owners to cough up more money for low skilled workers.

As an aside, I do not agree with a minimum wage. Employers should be able to establish whatever wage they want to attract workers. If people want the job they agree to the pay. If the pay is too low they go somewhere else and that will force the business in question to raise its wages. The free market works well when it is really free.

Looks like San Francisco, a city in the land of fruits, nuts and flakes, decided not to wait for federal action to raise the minimum wage. It implemented a graduated raise with little thought or regard to what it would do to businesses. Why would they worry? According to liberals business owners are wealthy greedy people who hoarde their money and underpay the workers who are nothing more than slave labor.

Well, it appears as if the city got a lesson in economics:

San Franciscans had also enjoyed frequenting Borderland Books for the past 18 years to read and acquire new and used books. It’s been the perfect haunt to spend rainy San Francisco afternoons, and it’s been enjoyed by many through the years.

In fact, last year was Borderland’s most profitable year, even in the face of online competition like Amazon and Audiobooks, and other means of acquiring and reading books. That provides further confirmation just how many San Franciscans have enjoyed the quaint establishment. [Read mote at Viral Buzz]

In the end businesses that can’t afford the wage increase will close or move. If for some reason the business is able to stay the cost to consumers will rise. When labor costs rise product costs rise. Businesses never really pay tax or wage increases because those costs are passed on to consumers. If, as in the case of a bookstore where the price is fixed by the publisher, the cost can’t be passed on then the business will close or relocate.

This will happen all over and people will suffer. Fast food places will use more machines and fewer workers, other businesses will refuse to hire people that do not have training or experience and others will simply close or move.

In the end, government meddling will harm the people.

It is OK to liberals though. To them, the intentions were pure and that is all that matters…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Liberals End Run The Second Amendment

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ~ Seconed Amendment US Constitution, 15 December 1791

The Second Amendment protects a preexisting right. It does not grant a right and it does not allow for caveats. It states that the right (a preexisting condition) to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed.

The liberals who are against gun ownership and who do not like the Second Amendment are working overtime to develop ways to ignore it and confiscate firearms from law abiding citizens. We have heard all their schemes. They want background checks (which we have and that many of the people who did bad things passed despite their questionable background. Chalk one up for government efficiency) to ensure only the right people have firearms. By right they mean the government and its enforcement agencies.

They want all firearms registered so there is a database of firearms and who owns them. They tell us that will allow them to track firearms recovered during criminal investigations and help with law enforcement but the reality is it will allow them to track people, see who has firearms and then target those people. It will make it easier for the government to confiscate firearms when that directive is given. Does anyone put it past Obama to issue an Executive Order mandating they be turned in?

The Nazis required firearms registration. Part of the information gathered was what religion the gun owner was. Then when Hitler decided to eradicate Jews he had THEIR firearms confiscated. No longer able to resist the Jews were rounded up and murdered.

Places like New York have registration requirements and they have a database of firearms owners. But there are plenty of ways for government to collect that information. Has anyone gone to the doctor’s office and been asked if there are firearms in the home? What does that have to do with your medical treatment? The VA asks veterans if they have firearms and doctors are paid a bonus to adjudicate people as mentally deficient so their guns can be confiscated. It is a scheme designed to do an end run around the Constitution.

In New York and Navy Veteran and former police officer had his firearms confiscated and pistol license terminated after he sought treatment for insomnia. He was diagnosed as having mild depression and insomnia (keep in mind everyone gets depressed throughout life and bouts of transient depression are different than a clinical diagnosis of chronic depression). The clinical notes clearly indicate he is not a danger to himself or others but his visit was shared with the State police who then notified the local Sheriff.

The Sheriff confiscated his guns.

This is why registration is dangerous. They will make up laws to use the database to disarm people and in this case they even violated their own law to do it.

Do not divulge to your doctors that you own firearms. If you are in a place where they make you register (like Maryland, a state that says it is voluntary but requires you to sign the voluntary registration to receive the firearm) then do not seek treatment for anything that might get your guns confiscated (obviously if you are having a real mental health issue you need to see a doctor) because they will find a way to take your guns.

If your doctor asks about guns tell him it is none of his business and ask how it pertains to your care.

As an aside, Obamacare provides for them to ask but specifically states that none of the information will be used to establish a database. Looks like they are violating that law as well.

Democrats put that in to circumvent the Second Amendment and they have been working on many clever things to get your guns.

They are evil people and leaders like them are the very reason our Founders felt it necessary to protect this preexisting right.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


De Blasio And Sharpton Are Not To Blame

A lot of finger pointing is going on right now over the murder of two New York police officers. Many folks point out that Mayor De Blasio and Al Sharpton fueled the flames of discontent and have blood on their hands or are responsible for the murders.

While it is true that these two (among many) are guilty of fanning the flames they are not to blame for the murders. The sole blame lies with the murderer who took it upon himself to pull the trigger.

I know it is common to point fingers and assign blame when these things happen but the reality is the person who actually did the bad thing is the one responsible. The liberals are very adept at assigning blame when things go badly and this is particularly true with regard to Sharpton and De Blasio. When a nut job shoots up a school these two join many other liberal morons to assign blame to firearms and the Second Amendment and then insist we need more gun control.

Second Amendment supporters rightly point out that responsibility lies with the shooter but the left will harp on more gun control. Even in this case the NAACP is out claiming the murders of the two cops demonstrates the need for more gun control. New York already has terribly strict gun control and it was made even tougher after the Newtown shootings.

Interestingly, Al Sharpton, who is ALWAYS ready to blame someone else, is claiming that he and the others are not to blame for this and that he is receiving threats because of the murders (Al claiming victimhood, say it isn’t so).

While I would not be upset if the reaper visited Sharpton I do not think he is to blame for these murders but I find it funny that when he is the one receiving the blame he immediately dismisses that thought.

Think about how Sharpton works. When a white cop shoots a black person it is societal racism and all cops are bad. The system is rigged. No matter what it is when things in society negatively involve black people Sharpton (the NAACP and other race organizations as well as the liberal overlords) blame everyone and everything else for the problem.

The murder of these two New York police officers was the act of one person. It matters not what influenced him or why he did it the fact remains HE alone is responsible for doing it.

The sad thing is these murders could very well result in more police involved shootings. Think about it for a moment. The cops in New York and around the country are going to be even more vigilant. They will be on high alert and will respond even more quickly to perceived threats. Any item in a potential threat’s hands will look like a gun or other weapon and the cops will shoot first and ask questions later. How many people will get shot by police simply because they did not want to take a chance, in light of this incident, that the person with whom they interacted was a crazed cop killer?

How many people who might have a legitimate beef with the police and their tactics will be dismissed because of the acts of this lone gunman? People have a right to protest (so long as they are peaceful and do not infringe on the rights of others) but how many of these people will be dismissed, harassed or associated with the cop killer simply because of this one person who murdered cops?

There are about 40,000 police officers in New York City. It is likely they will close ranks and go into protective mode so as to avoid more of these incidents by crazed people.

There are certainly bad cops and they need to be rooted out. Part of the problem is that the good cops remain silent and the legal system is set up to protect its own so it is very difficult to get rid of those who should not be cops. The act of this lone gunman however, will put this issue on a back burner and the focus will be on the cops who are now victims in the issue.

There are very few instances where citizens should shoot police officers (sorry but cops are not the absolute good in the world and people have rights they are allowed to protect) but those cases would be rare (though not as rare as they should be) and the absolute reality is murder is wrong no matter who does it (cop or civilian alike).

Al Sharpton and Bill de Blasio are terrible people but they did not pull the trigger. Neither is fit to lead and no one should pay attention to them but they did not murder those cops.

Keep that in mind when there are discussions on gun control following a school or other shooting. The only one responsible is the shooter.

Ironically, the person who murdered those cops did so to avenge the deaths of two minorities at the hands of the police and in so doing he murdered two people who were minorities.

As an aside, gun control does not work and this was shown once again with the murders of these officers. New York has strict gun laws and the person who shot the cops should not have had a gun, but he did because criminals will always get guns.

Perhaps if the police unions and appointed police officials did not support gun control there would be a hell of a lot more armed good guys on the streets to help ensure safety (more good guys with guns is a force multiplier).

Al Sharpton is a reprehensible person and he is quick to blame everyone for problems. Michael Brown was a thug who robbed a store and attacked a cop but to Sharpton it was the system and the racist cops who are to blame. No, Brown is solely responsible for what happened to him just as the shooter of the cops is the person solely responsible for that crime.

De Blasio is equally reprehensible and his disdain for the police is not appropriate for someone who is supposed to be a leader (New York deserves who it elected though) but he did not commit the crime. He will be the first to blame others when things go badly but that is what separates most in society from his ilk.

It is called responsibility. These folks have none and they don’t expect it in others.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Yes Virginia, There Is A Grinch

The State of Virginia decided to elect ultra liberal Terry McAuliffe as its governor and the blame for this can be placed on the liberals up north in the state. These are the people who moved from DC and Maryland to escape the ruin of liberals only to fight for the things they left behind (and thus bringing ruin to their new digs).

McCauliffe is beholden to the anti gun crowd and Michael Bloomberg because of the money that poured in to get him elected. So now Terry is working to restrict gun owners.

Terry wants to reinstate the one handgun a month purchase limit that previously existed though there is no data to show that such a measure would provide any enhancement to public safety. There has not been a gun problem since the limit was removed. The only thing that happened is that Virginians had more freedom.

Terry also wants to have vendors at private gun shows run background checks and for the state to revoke the concealed carry permit of any parent who is delinquent in child support payments (which is not a violent crime by the way).

Fortunately, Virginia has a Republican controlled legislature so these measures will likely die a well deserved death.

But Terry has to try because he is in bed with the anti gun crowd.

Maybe the Virginia Legislature can remove funding for the armed guards who protect McAullife.

If he hates guns so much he certainly should not be forced to have armed guards walking all around him.

Remember, liberals are not anti their guns they are anti your guns. The elitists want their guns and armed guards so they have a fighting chance when the products of their liberal philosophies attack.

They want you, on the other hand, to be defenseless. That is another way for them to force people to depend on government.

And they know it will keep you from having the means to fight their tyranny.

Fight back Virginia. Don’t let this liberal puke take your rights away.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
