The Obama Cover Up

A few weeks ago a US Embassy was attacked and our Ambassador was raped and murdered. Three other people were murdered as well. This all happened on 9/11. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jay Carney, and Susan Rice as well as many other toadies all claimed that this was carried out in response to an anti Muslim movie that few had actually seen.

It was obvious from the start that this was not about a movie but the regime stuck to that story. It has been shown that security was lax despite many requests for beefed up security. Obama and his people denied additional security to people who were extremely concerned about the situation on the ground. Obama and his people failed to see the need for additional security on, of all days, 9/11.

The regime concocted a lie about a movie and went so far as to arrest an American citizen (the movie maker) because he dared to make this movie and incite Muslims.

But wait, there’s more. The State Department has reported that the movie had nothing to do with the attacks and that it never made such a claim. It is bad enough that a citizen was arrested for exercising free speech but it is even more disgusting that he was arrested based on a lie, a lie that the regime concocted.

Why is the State Department coming clean? Well, people from that department are appearing before Congress today to discuss the situation. I imagine the lower level peons don’t want to get socked with perjury charges.

In any event, Barack Obama lied to America. We are not talking about some minor lie or campaign promise or talking point; we are talking about lying to cover up total and absolute incompetence and failure from Obama. We are talking about a lie designed to cover up inept leadership that resulted in the murder of four Americans.

This is not the first time Obama has lied to cover up his involvement in the death of an American. Obama and Eric Holder lied about the regime’s involvement in Fast and Furious which involved illegal activity by the government that resulted in the death of Brian Terry, a Border Patrol Agent. Obama covered that up by asserting Executive Privilege.

He is not able to do that with regard to the complete foreign policy failure in Libya. Too many people are involved and too many careers will fall.

Obama is in trouble. His next debate with Romney will be on foreign policy. It is obvious that Obama is a failure in that arena and Romney will hammer him on it. Oh, what is that? Obama will keep screaming that he killed Osama bin Laden. Then Romney can come back with, yes, Bin Laden is dead under your watch and so are our Ambassador and three other Americans. The last debate saw the regime spin that Romney lied and could not be trusted. Well, Obama lied about every aspect of this mess in Libya and Romney will be able to point that out.

As for Hillary, she can kiss any chance to run for president goodbye. She was a complete and total failure in this area and most Americans will not trust her to run the country.

It all boils down to this. In 2008 we were asked which of these two we would trust with the 3 am call (there was even an ad asking us). That call came and neither was up to the task.

Someone died and Obama lied…

AP via Yahoo News

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Lies; Will He Blame Bush?

On 9/11/2001 George Bush was president and our nation was attacked. There was no delay in announcing that we were the victims of a terror attack. As the nation braced for further attacks and began to get its war face on the president was announcing that the people who did this would soon hear from us. The term War on Terror became commonplace.

On 9/11/2012 Barack Obama occupies the White House and our embassy in Libya is attacked and four Americans, including our Ambassador, are murdered. How did Obama respond?

He and his regime immediately claimed that some obscure anti Muslim movie was responsible despite all evidence to the contrary. To this day he and his sock puppets parrot the idea that this movie caused the issue. The initial response was that the attack was not coordinated and it was just some random act. Yes, the regime failed to provide security, and considering the date should have beefed up security, and was blowing that off by claiming the attack was a spur of the moment, uncoordinated event.

But the regime did not believe this. Barack Obama and his security apparatus labeled the attack as a terrorist attack within 24 hours of it happening. Since Obama has practically outlawed the use of the word terror the regime must have been pretty convinced to use that very word in its internal characterizations.

Obama LIED to the American public. The only people who believed the lie were the morons who will vote for Obama because of a “free” cell phone (paid for by the taxpayer). The rest of us, the productive and thinking part of the nation, knew right away that the events were acts of terror and that they were an act of war initiated against the US.

The Obama regime used this event to violate the rights of the movie maker by having him brought in for questioning. His right to free speech came into question by the regime. It is bad enough that this man’s rights were violated but the fact they were violated despite the regime knowing the attacks were coordinated terror attacks should send a clear message that Barack Obama will lie and throw Americans under the bus in order to retain power.

Obama knew the attacks were terror attacks but chose to lie. Was it because the attacks demonstrated the failure of his policies? Was it because he knew that being unprepared for a terror attack on 9/11, of all days, is a demonstration of his complete lack of competence?

The reality is that Obama is not a leader. He is a politician who wants to impose his Socialist ideas on the nation. He is in cahoots with the radical Muslims and because of his inflated ego and incompetence, Americans are dead.

While the Democrat controlled media is concerned with a private remark Romney made it ignores Obama’s complete incompetence and the fact that he and his regime LIED to us for political gain.

We need to take the trash out on November 6th.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


A Tale Of Two Obamas

What a difference actually being in charge makes. It was so much easier for Barry Obama when he could sit back and pass judgement on the decisions of others and wow the world with his wisdom by telling people he would have done something differently. Remember when George Bush was in charge and Barry, a wet behind the ears state senator, was at a 2002 anti war rally:

President Barack Obama, as an Illinois state senator in 2002, said that using military force to topple a murderous dictator amounted to a “dumb war” and should be opposed.

The “dumb war” Obama was criticizing was the planned invasion of Iraq and the murderous dictator was its leader, Saddam Hussein. Obama, speaking at an anti-war rally in Chicago on Oct. 2, 2002 said that while Saddam was a brutal tyrant, that was not enough to justify using military force to remove him from power. CNS News

Yep, the fact that Hussein was a brutal dictator was not enough to remove him. In the speech Obama admits Hussein had WMD, a claim that the left said Bush was lying about (which means that Obama is also a liar)

…He has repeatedly defied U.N. resolutions, thwarted U.N. inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He’s a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.” [emphasis mine]

Now that Barry is the leader he can’t sit back and vote present. He has sent our military to Libya to remove a brutal dictator, something he said was a “dumb war” in 2002.

His poll numbers are at their lowest ever and since a slip in the polls for the Tea Party is enough to compel liberals like Harry Reid to say America does not care about the Tea Party anymore I guess we can conclude that America does not care about Obama anymore. The same standards must apply even in liberalville.

Obama has even authorized covert operations in Libya. I guess when he decides to remove a dictator it is a noble thing in his mind.

I love when nose in the air elitist liberals have to eat their own words.

It is hard being a leader. Life is easy when you can second guess those in charge and wait for opinion polls before deciding what course of action you would have taken. This is not real leadership but allows the gifted politician to fool the morons among us.

Perhaps they should take back this guy’s Nobel Peace Prize.

If not they should award one to George W. Bush.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Why Didn’t Obama Consult With Congress?

Barack Obama committed the United States to aggressive action against Libya and our military has launched hundreds of missiles against that country. Most Democrats are publicly supporting Mr. Obama even though these very Democrats were quite vocal in their opposition to George Bush involving us in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The big difference is that George Bush requested and received approval from Congress for the use of military force. Barack Obama did no such thing. Some Democrats believe he ignored his responsibilities when he acted unilaterally and without consulting Congress.

These Democrats are not happy with Mr. Obama and the word impeachment has been thrown around:

Reps. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Donna Edwards (Md.), Mike Capuano (Mass.), Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Maxine Waters (Calif.), Rob Andrews (N.J.), Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas), Barbara Lee (Calif.) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.) “all strongly raised objections to the constitutionality of the president’s actions” during that call, said two Democratic lawmakers who took part.

Kucinich, who wanted to bring impeachment articles against both former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney over Iraq — only to be blocked by his own leadership — asked why the U.S. missile strikes aren’t impeachable offenses. Politico

While some of these Democrats are upset at the use of force it would appear as if they are equally or more upset that Obama did not consult Congress. They have a valid point and one can only imagine what would have happened had Bush gone into Iraq or Afghanistan without getting the approval of Congress. We would have had Democrats becoming apoplectic over the whole issue and Bush would likely have been impeached.

As it is, Bush was hammered by the left and he received the approval of Congress for the use of military force. Even though he received that approval many wanted to impeach him for using force. Some Democrats appear to want the same but I highly doubt they will be successful.

Obama has too many supporters on the left who will ensure that all is well. He will be protected by the very people who railed against Bush.

The big question that has not been answered is why didn’t Obama discuss this with Congress? I believe that Mr. Obama feels that he in encumbered by Congress (as our Founders intended) and that he would simply rather do things in a way that bypass Congress. This is a pattern we have seen with him as he and his regime look for ways to accomplish an agenda without involving Congress.

He thinks the Constitution is too limiting so he works to avoid doing things in accordance with it.

Obama was worried about having Congress say no to his use of force (he does not have a majority in the House and any Democrat defections would be bad) so he went ahead without involving that body,

Now he will have to face the music.

Or will he?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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If I Voted For McCain…

…I was told I would be getting a third term of George W. Bush.

I voted for Sarah Palin, same result though as Barack Obama has now used military force in Libya to help topple a dictator who is slaughtering his people. That is what George Bush did in Iraq and the left was vehemently opposed. We were told that it was a quagmire and that we were nation building, all things the left opposes. Barack Obama was not in the Senate at the time as he was busy voting present in Illinois but he did assure us he would have voted against military action in Iraq.

I guess the people of Iraq who were being murdered by a brutal dictator do not carry the same weight as those in Libya. Oh I know, Bush talked about weapons of mass destruction but that was only about three of the twenty or so items in the authorization for force but why let the others get in the way of lefties screaming and hollering over military action.

Despite what Obama claimed and how superior he was supposed to be, it looks like he is a lot like George Bush in certain areas and this is not sitting well with his base. Drudge has this on his front page:

MARCH 19, 2011
OBAMA: ‘Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world’…

MARCH 19, 2003
BUSH: ‘American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger’…

Let us see how the left handles Mr. Obama and his blatant aggression against another nation. I mean, who is he to tell the leader of another country what to do? Isn’t that what he and everyone like him screamed about with regard to Bush?

I doubt that we will send troops into Libya but we have launched missiles into that country and that is an act of aggression.

So where is Code Pink? Where are the left wing loonies and their cries over this aggression?

My guess is they are oblivious to it because their messiah Obama is the one doing it. They did not mind when Clinton launched missiles and they do not mind Obama doing it.

The D after their names allows them to do such things.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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