Chinese Censorship; Welcome To America

The authority to “kill” the Internet in the event of a national cyber attack came a bit closer to reality when the Senate Committee responsible for such things passed the controversial plan. The plan, if enacted into law, would give Barack Obama (and anyone who succeeds him) the ability to shut down critical networks for up to 120 days without Congressional approval.

There is no indication as to what constitutes a critical network and though this is touted as a way to fight a cyber attack, it is actually a method to allow the government to shut down discourse just as they do in China.

Make no mistake about it, the federal government is trying to put in place the same methods used by China to silence critics. Joe LIE-berman said as much in an interview:

“Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” said Lieberman.

The Senator’s reference to China is a telling revelation of what the cybersecurity agenda is really all about. China’s vice-like grip over its Internet systems has very little to do with “war” and everything to do with silencing all dissent against the state.

Chinese Internet censorship is imposed via a centralized government blacklist of any websites that contain criticism of the state, porn, or any other content deemed unsuitable by the authorities. Every time you attempt to visit a website, you are re-routed through the government firewall, often making for long delays and crippling speeds.

LIE-berman wants the same power for our government that China has and China uses its power to blacklist sites, silence critics, and keep information from being shared. This comparison is no accident because our government wants the same power. They cannot control the people on the Internet who are able to post every gaffe, every misstep, and every action or word that goes contrary to what they say they will do. Politicians are tired of being held accountable and want to be able to censor us.

Why else do this? According to LIE-berman, any president already has the authority to shut down critical wired systems:

The senators rejected the “kill switch” claim, arguing that the President already had authority under the Communications Act to “cause the closing of any facility or station for wire communication” when there is a “state or threat of war”. The Sydney Morning Herald

So if the authority to do what the bill allows already exists, why do they need a new law? Is it because under current law a president must have Congressional approval and the new law would allow him to shut things down for 120 days without such approval? Is it because the real issue here is to censor dissent and the best way to do that is to have the Executive shut things down under the guise of national security rather than have Congress vote to authorize?

Yes, LIE-berman is not being honest. If the authority exists then no new law is needed unless a change is needed that is part of the hidden agenda. If a change to existing law is needed then amend that law but do so without allowing the Executive to shut things down on some claim of national security. It will be abused and any liberal who denies that is full of dung. They claimed the terror alert system was abused for political gain. Certainly, the amount of power granted in this bill would be abused.

And what happens when a faux emergency arises that requires parts of the Internet to be shut down? Do businesses that rely on the Internet just fold up and go bankrupt? Do they get a bailout?

How about if all workers decided to stop working for the same 120 day period that the Internet was shut down?

How about the American public gets permission to shut down the White House or Congress for 120 days without needing approval? That would truly be in the interest of the country and improve our national security.

Barack Obama and his corrupt regime has a REAL national security issue to deal with. Our southern border is being infiltrated by illegals from all over the world. People, drugs, guns, and violence are being brought across our borders and Obama is dithering. While LIE-berman and other morons work on squashing free speech by worrying about some perceived cyber attack, we are actually being attacked and that attack is a true national security concern.

Obama is not willing to address the national security concern on our border until he gets what he wants with immigration reform. This is how the Chicago thug “leads.” He is ignoring our national security in order to get what he wants.

Meanwhile, acres and acres of OUR territory are closed to us as those invading are free to roam around and cause trouble.

Far removed from the border, Congress and the Obama regime are working on bringing Chinese censorship to us in the name of national security.

Here is an idea, instead of pulling the plug on the Internet, how about we pull the plug on the morons in Congress and the White House in 2010 and in 2012?

They are as much of a national security threat as any cyber attack.

And a hell of a lot more annoying.

Prison Planet

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Franken’s Bad Form

It looks like power has gone to the head of Al Franken. He was acting as the President of the Senate yesterday and while Joe Lieberman was talking his time expired. Lieberman asked for unanimous consent for another minute to finish up and Franken said that in his position as Senator from Minnesota, he objected. This caught Lieberman by surprise and he answered “Really?”

This is not the usual manner is which the Senate does business. The requests are granted to allow Senators to finish what they were saying and it is a given that they get the time. Brand new to the Senate Al Franken decided that he would break with decorum.

I wonder if this is because Lieberman has been a thorn in the side of Democrats on the health care issue. One has to wonder if Franken would have objected to any Democrat who asked for more time.

Franken’s people say it was because they were on a tight timeline to get on to health care debate but since Harry Reid was more than an hour late to the Senate (after Lieberman was shut down) the time excuse holds no water.

I think it would be absolutely fitting if Lieberman told Harry Reid that he is withdrawing his support for the health care legislation and will vote against it no matter what. He could not say it was because of what Franken did because people would make a big deal out of that (even though they would not make a big deal out of Franken’s childish behavior). He could easily say that he had asked for another minute to say he wanted to get back to health care so he could vote for it but since Franken did not let him he rethought his support and can’t provide it in good conscience.

It would be humorous if Franken’s antics cost the Senate their health care bill. Of course, it would be even better if Lieberman did not say anything to anyone and just voted against it when the time comes up. That would be a surprise to Democrats and drive a stake through their hearts.

I can’t understand why Lieberman continues to take abuse from the party he has supported for so many years. Harry Reid likes to talk about playing politics and fear among Republicans (retribution from leaders) but it is the Democrats who are using threats to bring members in line.

Obama himself has made the statement; “Don’t think we’re not keeping score, brother,” to Congressman DeFazio.

This is thug politics and attempts at intimidation but it is going to backfire. Defazio is not fazed by it. Lieberman does not appear to be either.

Lieberman should caucus with Republicans or change his party to Republican to take away the 60 votes the left has. That would be an appropriate way to deal with morons like Franken.

Big Dog


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Democrat Thuggery; Whatever It Takes

The Democrats will do whatever it takes to get what they want. Nancy Pelosi said that they will do whatever they have to in order to get health care reform passed. The Senate is locked in a battle over their, as yet unwritten (but debated in secret) bill and each new change causes a gained vote at the loss of another. So what do the Democrats do in order to get what they want?

Well, when Lieberman was not on board they went after his wife. A blogger/Hollywood type by the name of Jane Hamsher started the attack on Lieberman’s wife Hadassah who is the global ambassador for the Susan G Komen for the Cure breast cancer group. Hamsher is trying to get her fellow Hollywood types to put pressure on the organization to get rid of Mrs. Lieberman.

This is Chicago politics at its best (though Hamsher probably learned her thuggery from SEIU). To be fair it is not the Democrats in Congress doing this but the Democrats in the field. To giver further credit, The Daily Kos thought it was over the top and if they think so, it must be because they are really out there.

Hamsher is a liberal activist who thinks it is perfectly OK to go after the family of politicians with whom she disagrees. This is not unusual for the left. Look at how they went after Palin’s family while leaving Obama’s alone. Imagine how Hamsher would react if people tried to inflict some personal (not physical) harm on Obama’s kids because of his actions. I imagine she would be pretty upset, and rightly so. But she seems to think it is OK to attack Mrs. Lieberman because of her husband’s political acts. The Komen for the Cure group does a lot of great work in the area of breast cancer and it raises a lot of money. Hadassah Lieberman is a cancer survivor as is Hamsher who had breast cancer. One would think that this yenta could leave the politics out of such a worthy pursuit.

The attacks on Hadassah Lieberman are wrong, period! I understand that Komen for the Cure has no intention of releasing her and this is commendable. I will continue to donate to this worthy organization but will have to reconsider if they allow politics to take over and fire Mrs. Lieberman.

There is more to the thuggery. Democrats are apparently so eager to get the health care bill passed in the Senate that Ben Nelson might have been threatened. The Weekly Standard is reporting that Nelson was told if he did not get on board that Offutt Air Force Base would be put on the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) list:

According to a Senate aide, the White House is now threatening to put Nebraska’s Offutt Air Force Base on the BRAC list if Nelson doesn’t fall into line.

There are varying stories on this and Nelson has denied it (what else could he do to spare his party) and there was initial word that Rahm Emanuel was behind the threat. This would not come as a surprise given the way twinkle toes Emanuel has played politics in the past. He is a hard nosed Chicago thug and threats are a way of life to him.

If this turns out to be true then the Obama administration has placed the passage of an agenda item above the security of the US. It shows that the administration is willing to play politics with our security.

Whoever made the threat though, is unfamiliar with how BRAC works. It is a long drawn out process that takes years. The reality is that by the time this would even be considered many Democrats will be out of a job and Obama might be on a speaking tour discussing why he was a one term leader.

These thugs go after family members and make threats to get what they want. Of course they try bribery first, that is what got Mary Landrieu on board. She sold herself to the highest bidder so it was not necessary to leave a horse’s head in her bed.

But there are plenty of those heads being distributed as Democrats look for a way to jam this through at all costs.

As for Hamsher, Glenn Beck revealed tonight that she dated Andy Stern of SEIU for about two years. Since we know how thuggish SEIU is, some of it must have rubbed off on Hamsher. She went from being a liberal to being a violent activist.

She is so insignificant I can’t think of anything she has done in Hollywood but if I know she is involved in something I will be sure to avoid it.

Maybe she can lose her job…

Or maybe she will die of the disease Mrs. Lieberman is working hard to help eradicate…

I don’t wish her death but that would be rather ironic.

Stop the ACLU
Big Hollywood

Big Dog


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Gibbs Gets One Right (Almost)

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs made a statement today that is almost completely correct though he probably thought it was more of a veiled threat. The statement came after someone asked about Senator Joe Lieberman, who vowed to filibuster the Reid plan (or any plan) if it contains a government option. This is how the exchange was reported:

Asked about Lieberman’s threat to filibuster a final vote on the Reid plan, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said: “I haven’t seen the report from Sen. Lieberman or why he’s saying what he’s saying. I think Democrats and Republicans alike will be held accountable by their constituents who want to see health care reform enacted this year.” [emphasis mine] Politico

It is difficult to gauge what support for the public option is because various polls report drastically different results. An ABC/WaPo poll shows 57-40 in favor of (up 5 points from August) but Rasmussen says support is soft:

Polling on the health care topic by many firms has created some confusion. In particular, polls on the “public option” show a wide variety of results. A recent poll in The Washington Post found that 57% support a government-run health insurance company to compete with private insurers, but our polling shows that support is very soft. In fact, people are strongly opposed to a public option if they think it could lead employers to drop the existing coverage they provide employees. The fact that results are so subject to change based upon minor differences in question wording suggests that voters do not have firm opinions on the public option.

The issue is all over the place and that probably reflects confusion on the part of the public because the issue changes almost hourly. The polling to date suggests that those under 30 (the me generation) are in favor of the reform and the public option while those over 65 are not.

Back to Gibbs’ statement, he is right about paying at the polls but in all elections, and particularly midterm elections, the most reliable voting block is the elderly. Senior citizens show up in very large numbers on election day. The young do not generally show up and it is highly unlikely that they will turn out like they did during the last presidential election when they were excited about voting for ObaMao.

Those who are pushing this health care takeover will pay for it at the polls. Harry Reid is down to 41% in his home state and the last time I looked he lost to the generic Republican. Reid is digging his grave deeper but a lot of things can happen in the next 12 months. The economy will be a big drag if it stays bad but any improvement would help Democrats. There is some easing of the downturn but I think that is temporary. The recovery will be a W and we are on that first uptick. When inflation hits next year and we head back down the Democrats will have hell to pay.

So will any other politician deemed to have had a hand in this. This would include any that voted for the stimulus and those who decide to vote for the health care takeover.

The public is upset and politicians will have a hard time this go round. They usually rely on the short memories of the electorate who only remember the last thing that was done for them but this time it appears as if a lot of people have very good memories. The Tea Parties are still going strong and a lot of people are angry at government. ObaMao’s base is upset with him because he did not go all Commie fast enough and has not done enough damage to the country in their eyes.

The moderates, Independents, and Republicans are upset with out of control spending, a stimulus that has not worked, the abandonment of our troops in Afghanistan and the pettiness of the Rookie in Chief. Barring a major event that turns this country around in a good direction, next November will be a bloodbath at the polls.

Robert Gibbs might have thought he was issuing a veiled threat to Lieberman and others who oppose this health care takeover but he really accurately predicted the fate of many in government who have abandoned the Constitution and have spent like there is no tomorrow.

If Gibbs still has his job the day after the election, it would be funny to play his words back for him and tell him how he was almost correct. The thing he will get wrong?

The politicians will be held accountable by their constituents who do NOT want this health care takeover to go through.

Big Dog

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Lieberman Faces Penalties from Vengeful Dems

Joe Lieberman has faced some tough circumstances in the past couple of years. He faced a tough challenger in the Democratic primary and lost only to win the general election running as an independent. He decided to caucus with the Democrats thus giving them a one vote majority in the Senate. Lieberman could not force himself to switch parties or caucus with Republicans and now he will more than likely pay a heavy price.

Lieberman has been supporting John McCain and this is really rubbing the Democrats the wrong way. The very people who abandoned him in the primary are upset that he will not support Barack Obama for the presidency. On the campaign trail Lieberman said something that really ticked off the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi made it known that Joe will likely lose his committee chairmanship.

This should come as no surprise. The Democrats have wanted to strip Lieberman of any committee responsibilities for quite some time. They have not done so because they are worried about losing the majority in the Senate. However, if they pick up enough seats that they do not need him they will strip him of everything and he will be fortunate to even get table scraps from the party that once put him up as a vice presidential nominee.

I stated in the past that Lieberman should have switched parties or caucused with Republicans because I knew it would only be a matter of time before the Democrats turned on him (more so than they did in the primaries). Lieberman could not force himself to switch and now will suffer the consequences should the Democrats no longer need his services.

Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that they have not stripped Lieberman because they want to keep the majority and she made it just as clear that he could lose quite a bit for backing McCain and for saying things about the sainted one. Pelosi is in the House and has no direct influence on Senator Lieberman but anyone who thinks Pelosi is the only one with vengeance on her mind is severely lacking in the ability to think. It is a foregone conclusion that Lieberman will get screwed if the Democrats pick up seats in the Senate. Since it looks like the Republicans will lose seats it is not looking good and Lieberman will have blown his chance at his own revenge. He should have screwed the Democrats right after the last election.

The only way Lieberman does not get screwed is if he either starts drinking the Obama Kool Aid or if the Democrats do not gain seats. Neither looks like it will happen.

I admire the fact that Lieberman has been loyal to his friend John McCain and I think it is even more remarkable when one considers what he will certainly lose because of that support.

Regardless of what happens in November, Lieberman should switch parties and move to the side that has treated him well.

SF Gate

Big Dog