Congressional Republicans Are Cowards
Mar 2, 2017 Obamacare, Political
It is easy to be brave and take a stand when there are no consequences. We see this all the time in politics when a member of the House or Senate is up for reelection and there is a vote on something that person’s constituents do not like. After the numbers are counted if the measure will pass without that member’s vote then the leader gives permission for the member to vote against the issue thus painting a picture of a person who works for and listens to the people.
It is all hogwash. It is political theater at its finest and the Republicans in Congress have their theatrics on full display. There is no way for them to hide it like is normally done because all of them are shown for the hypocritical cowards they are.
What am I talking about, you ask?
Well, it is about Obamacare. You see, a long time ago that horrible bill passed without any Republican support. Republicans told us if we wanted to do anything about it we needed to put them in the majority. We did that in the House and gave them a commanding lead. House Republicans, “emboldened” by their new majority passed a few bills to repeal Obamacare. But they went nowhere so we were told that we needed to give them the Senate as well.
We did just that so now, with the House and the Senate, Republicans went about passing bills to repeal Obamacare. Those went nowhere because of procedure and because Obama, as president, would veto any bill that repealed his socialized medicine law. Give us the White House Republicans cried and we will get rid of Obamacare. We will repeal it because it is no good but we need the White House.
So we gave them the White House and suddenly there are no repeal bills. There is talk of fixing Obamacare or repealing and REPLACING it with something else. There is talk of everything except repealing it and there have been no bills introduced.
It should be very easy. The Republicans could introduce the bill they last voted on when Obama was in office. They all vote on that repeal bill and once it passes both chambers it goes to Trump to be signed into law, presto-chango the law is repealed.
But you see, that would require courage. It took no courage to pass bills repealing Obamacare when the Democrats had the Senate and the White House. Republicans could talk tough and pass a bill repealing Obamacare knowing full well it would never make it to law. There was no risk but lots of reward. The members could go home and tell people they voted to repeal but doggone it without control of Congress and the White House they just couldn’t do it. Look, we tried hard and we passed a full repeal and by golly if we had control Obamacare would be on the ash heap of history where it belongs, can you support me with $25, or $50 or even $75 as I fight the evil Obama machine?
They were so courageous when there was nothing to lose and when the bills could not possibly pass.
But now that Donald Trump won and Republicans have full control of the government these brave warriors have put the brakes on and are taking a longer look. They are also discussing ways to REPLACE Obamacare rather than just repealing it as they promised when they had nothing to lose.
They talk now of people who will lose coverage and angry voters who might vote them out of office if they repeal this albatross. They are being more cautious because now there will be consequences for their actions. It is easy to talk tough when you have no risk, or as Joe Biden might say, skin in the game.
Once the risk is there the risk averse Republicans cower in the corner with their thumbs in their mouths.
What they need to fear is the backlash of the voters who supported them and voted for them BECAUSE they said they would repeal Obamacare. What they should fear is the base of voters who will primary them or vote for their Democrat opponent if they do not do as they promised and as they did when there was no risk and vote to REPEAL (and not replace) Obamacare.
They can give it a sunset date so that people on the exchanges have time to transition but they MUST repeal this thing or they will pay a political price.
My Congress critter is Dr. Andy Harris. I will NOT vote for him for anything (primary or general should he win the primary) if Obamacare is not repealed.
I don’t want to hear excuses or be told I don’t understand or that it is complicated or any other BS from Harris or any other Republican.
All you need to do is sack up and vote for the very last repeal bill you passed when Obama was there to save you from actually accomplishing the task.
All you have to do is pass the repeal bill and sent it to President Trump to sign.
Ann Coulter has an idea on how to replace it
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: cowards, lies, obamacare, repeal, Republicans
Rowdy Yates; Head Her Up, Move Her Out
Jan 31, 2017 Commentary, Political
Sally Yates, an Obama hack, was serving as the Acting Attorney General because the Senate is dragging its feet in the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions to be the new AG. Some have questioned why Trump would leave an Obama hack in the position while he awaited his own nominee and that is a valid argument but the reality is Trump should not have had to have an acting anybody. The Senate should have approved Sessions the day Trump took office.
Instead, President Trump had to wait and after he issued his now famous Executive Order on immigration and refugees his acting AG, Yates, publicly stated she opposed the EO and that the DOJ would not enforce it.
Yes, she was insubordinate. She refused to follow the LEGAL order of the president, the very person from whom she gets her authority.
If Yates had some legal issue with it or wanted to discuss any possible Constitutional concerns then that would be a different issue but she did not take that route. As a liberal Obama crony she did not want to enforce it. How could she when her former boss was out praising protesters and falsely claiming this was a ban on religion?
President Trump was well within his legal right to issue the EO and he was on sound legal footing in doing so:
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Cornell Law
Yates had two professional choices, follow the order or resign. She chose an unprofessional and blatantly political option instead, to disobey her boss. She chose to be insubordinate.
There are plenty of misguided people out protesting and screaming about this order (and people like B. Hussein Obama are praising them) but the order is legal. There is nothing that says people have to like the order but it is legal nonetheless (not to mention none of you complained when Obama did the same thing).
Plenty of judges are morally opposed to abortion but they uphold challenges to it every day. There are people who are opposed to the ACA (aka Obamacare) but they were forced to buy insurance or pay a tax. None of them protested the IRS or shut down major cities because they were upset about a law they did not like (and that is unconstitutional despite what the tyrants in black robes say).
So people if you don’t like the EO that is your business but please stop claiming it is a religious ban, or a ban on Muslims or that it is unconstitutional because none of that is true.
I know it is tough for you to live in a world where a person elected to office does exactly what he said he was going to do and I know it hurts even more when you hate that guy and did not vote for him but your dislike and hatred do not trump (see what I did there) the facts and the facts are clear.
He is well within his legal authority in what he is doing.
And Sally Yates, your inability to see this and your partisan attitude and blindness earned you the honor of hearing Donald Trump’s catch phrase:
You’re fired.
One gone from the swamp….
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Immigration, legal, lies, partisan hack, sally yates, trump
CNN Tastes Its Own Medicine
Jan 12, 2017 Political
CNN is in a mess because it chose to mention a report with unbelievable (and unverifiable) tales of sex, depravity and espionage concerning Donald Trump and the Russians.
One can debate whether or not CNN actually reported the vile accusations found in a report or just reported that the report was out there but the fact remains it was something that no reputable (if we still have those) news source could verify so many left it alone.
CNN wanted to mention it and while it might not have actually reported “fake news” as Buzzfeed did when it released the entire report the fact remains that CNN mentioned it in hopes that people would look for it. CNN hoped to give itself plausible deniability by claiming it never released the details of the report while enjoying the reality that its reporting tacitly encouraged people to look for the information.
Donald Trump was having NONE of it and he made his dissatisfaction known to CNN when he refused to allow a reporter to ask a question and told him that he (his network) was “fake news.”
CNN is doing the song and dance today trying to convince anyone who will listen that the network never released the information and only mentioned the report. It is asking that folks do not judge it by what Buzzfeed did.
CNN wants people to think of it as an honest news network and not to give in to accusations that it peddles “fake news.”
Isn’t it ironic that CNN is fighting back at allegations that it claims are not true and are unfair when the accusations are that CNN reported something untrue and that was not fair?
I find this and Trump’s treatment of the network delicious. I am glad he lashed out so that he could set the pace from the start. He showed the media that he will not take kindly to these kinds of things and that he has no issue belittling anyone involved. He has no issue with punishing a network by removing its White House press credentials if that network does something that calls into question journalistic integrity.
I hope Trump removes their credentials and if they are ever allowed back (or if he can’t pull them for some reason) he assigns them a seat in the back and never calls on them for a question. They need to be shunned and they need to suffer so the other networks can see what happens when they are dishonest.
They have played fast and loose for years. They have been openly hostile to Republican presidents while treating Democrats like they walk on water. Hell, they still fawn over Obama and they gave Clinton a pass on his sexual escapades and treated his walking dead wife like she was a queen.
I am all for a free press that is hard on politicians when that press is busy protecting the American public as they are supposed to do. I have no sympathy for a press that is part of the problem and that has become nothing more than the media wing of the Democrat Party.
The attempt to smear PE Trump backfired in an awful way and now CNN is trying to convince people it is not fake news and these things being said about them are not true.
It looks like they are experiencing what they tried to do to Trump.
They are getting a taste of their own medicine and I think they are finding it slightly bitter.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Don’t Hold Your Breath Professor
Jan 12, 2017 Commentary, Political
Better yet, go ahead and hold your breath…..
Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson thinks white people should open IRAs (Individual Reparations Accounts) to pay black folks for slavery. Yes, you read that right. This dim bulb wants the whites in this nation to open accounts and put money in them (and probably contribute regularly) in order to pay black people, none of whom were EVER slaves, for slavery.
The guy wants people to pay a black guy who does work for you (if you are white) double what you would normally pay. His example is the black guy who cuts your grass.
What this liberal twit is saying is that, in typical liberal fashion, he wants YOUR money. He is inventing some BS reason to allow black folks to dip their hands into the pockets of white people to take their money. You know, white folks who had nothing to do with the practice must pay, according to libs, black folks who were never held as slaves, reparations.
This professor is among the race baiters in society who continue to hold black folks down by preaching to them how unfair life is for blacks because of whites. BTW, Barack Obama is proof of the racism that exists when a person from a minority that represents 15% of the population can be elected to the highest office in the land.
Let us not forget that the black liberals perpetuate their plight by holding folks down in the name of ideology. They are liberals and by definition MUST be victims. Look at how they treat black conservatives. Those successful people are called Uncle Toms and sell outs because they actually achieved success and have refused to be victims.
It is easier to be a victim and take handouts or forcefully take the property of other people than it is to work hard for it.
This professor wants white folks to believe they are only successful because they rode to success on the backs of slaves.
I want to make this clear. I have been working since I was 10 years old. Everything that I have in life is due to hard work and the grace of God. I did not take it from anyone else or have it given to me after it was taken by government.
If this professor would teach young much filled heads to do the same thing they would do much better.
You are only a victim if you allow yourself to be one.
And I cut my own damn grass…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: lies, michael eric dyson, racism, reparations, white guilt
Republicans Need To Take No Prisoners
Jan 4, 2017 Commentary, Political
The Republicans are in control of the House and the Senate and on the 20th they will also have the White House so I do not want to hear anything about compromise or working together or any other blather that involves appeasing Democrats.
Every time Republicans are in charge the Democrats tell us there is a mandate to work together. Bull squirt. There is no such mandate. The mandate is that Trump and the Republicans are charged with changing things from the screwed up mess the Democrats have made over the last eight years. If the mandate was more of the same Hillary would have won.
There obviously MUST be a mandate to do everything different or else a man who never held a political office would not have beaten a seasoned criminal, err politician like Clinton.
Democrats do not want to work together and when they win they make sure to let us know their mandate is to ignore us. Hell, when they lose they don’t want to work together. Take upchuck Schumer for example.
For the past ten months he has been screaming that the Senate needs to do its job and give Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court a vote. Now that Trump won Schumer is vowing not to confirm Trump’s nominee (whoever that will be).
Now it bothers me not one bit that Republicans kept Obama’s pick out off the Court and it won’t bother me that Schumer will try to do the same with Trump’s, with one small difference. I did not oppose what Republicans did, Schumer did. Now he is saying he will do that which he opposed and every liberal who screamed at what Republicans did will back Schumer 100%.
I hope the Democrats do all they can to obstruct. I want Republicans to engage in no holds barred, no prisoners taken, all out warfare. I want them to exercise the nuclear option for every one of Trump’s picks for any position. When Democrats complain they can be told to sit down and shut up because they enacted the nuclear option.
Then I want Republicans to extend the nuclear option to include Supreme Court nominees and push through all of Trump’s picks. The Democrats will squawk but they opened that door. Hell, if we are lucky Trump will be able to replace every aging POS liberal currently on the SCOTUS and keep the Court from liberal influence for a generation or two.
I also want to see the Republicans use reconciliation to get rid of Obamacare. It is true that Democrats did not use it to PASS Obamacare but they used it to get things thrown in after it was passed. They also used parliamentary procedures to get the damn thing passed in the first place. They thought they had it in the bag until Scott Brown won the seat held by Ted Kennedy. Once Brown won they decided to use the Senate bill and craft the House to match it as their reconciliation process. Hell, the bill did not even originate in the House which violates the Constitution.
Republicans should dismantle Obamacare (which has been anything but affordable) and get rid of it quickly.
There are, of course, stories about Republicans being worried that this will go away and there will be nothing to replace it and they will get blamed for taking away people’s health care. I believe this is the case because Republicans are basically cowards who are afraid of looking like the bad guy.
I would like to see it go away and NOT be replaced. Government has no business in providing or facilitating the health care of citizens. It has no Constitutional duty or authority to establish or pay for the health care of people so it should not be involved in it.
The same holds true for Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid but those were pushed in and no one challenged them. Now they are nearly impossible to get rid of even though getting rid of them would be better for people.
The Democrats knew once people got a taste of the free stuff (which is not free) they would balk at anyone trying to take it away. People feel entitled to things and they feel particularly entitled to things that others have to pay for. Bernie Sanders is an example of this mindset.
I think people should be responsible for their own health care and government’s only duty is to ensure that companies are unencumbered in pursuing the business of those who wish to purchase insurance.
In any event, the longer this monstrosity is around the harder it will be to get rid of and the more expensive it will become.
It is time to turn back all the things the liberals have done. It is time to live in accordance with the Constitution and it is time to shut little whiners like upchuck Schumer up from the get go.
Make him sit in the corner and play with his safety pin while the adults set about fixing things.
Republicans, be ruthless or we will send you packing.
In other words folks, we have them down. Time to step on their throats.
The New York Times (note how they make it seem like a bad thing when Republicans do it)
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: lies, new congress, no prisoners, upchuck schumer, whiners