Don’t Get Bern’d
Apr 25, 2016 2016 Election
Bernie Sanders is running a radio spot in Maryland where he talks about the big banks. He claims those banks are responsible (their irresponsible polices and lending practices) for the economic downturn in 2008, the worst since the Great Depression. He says they were deemed too big to fail so they received taxpayer bailouts and now many of them are even bigger than they were when they were too big to fail.
Bernie vows that he will break up the banks and he will make them follow the rules and ensure they pay their fair share.
[note]As an aside, Bernie loves to talk about people paying their fair share but he wrote off over $60,000 on his taxes and paid an effective rate around 13%. He used all the methods he rails against to ensure he paid lower taxes. If taxes are so wonderful, as he claims, then why does he take all the deductions? Shouldn’t he practice what he wants to put in place?[/note]
Bernie is spewing the old Democrat line about the banks causing the problem. The real reason we had an economic collapse is that Democrats, like Bernie, forced banks to give mortgages to people who could not possibly pay them. He and others in his party forced the banks to lend the money and the banks bundled those loans and sold them. When all these unworthy debtors failed to pay the mortgages the banks were forced to give the system went belly-up. It statred with the Community Reinvestment Act under Jimmy Carter.
George Bush warned at least a dozen times that the system was in danger because of it but Democrat after Democrat testified that the system was sound.
Then in 2008 it collapsed and the Democrats started blaming the banks. Those banks, by the way, were forced to take bailouts. Yes, the government forced banks to take the money whether they needed it or not.
People like Sanders are telling lies and playing the typical Wall Street and banks are bad game to gin up voters. Bernie is pushing even more spending that we can’t afford (free college blah, blah) and that will result in another economic time bomb.
The system is falling apart because of liberal/progressive/socialist policies that Bernie is all too happy to push.
We do not need this joker running the country.
We also do not need Monica Lewinsky’s ex boyfriend’s wife running it either.
Both of them are part of the problem. They are the reason we had a collapse, no matter what lies they tell.
So ignore Bernie and what’s her name and vote for someone who can clean up the mess created by liberals.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: 2008 collapse, bailouts, lies, sanders, taxes, wall street
Fight For Your Right To Potty
Apr 21, 2016 General
It seems to me that if one dresses as a person of the opposite sex and acts that way and happens to use a bathroom that matches the sex the person is pretending to be, no one would notice. If a man acts and dresses like a woman and no one knows that person is a man then using a women’s restroom would likely not cause an issue (using the me’s room dressed that way, on the other hand…).
The problem comes in when policies are enacted that allow people to use a restroom according to how they identify. If a man feels like a woman then he can use the ladies room and that is not right.
Once again, if no one knows your true sex than it is not an open issue because no one knows (though I think the person has mental health issues if no one knows then there is nothing to fuss about).
These laws allowing people to use whatever restroom they like depending on how they feel oriented that day are harmful. How long before guys who feel like a woman use the women’s locker room and shower? How many women who feel like men will use the men’s restroom or locker room and how many sexual assaults or inappropriate behaviors will it take to stop the madness?
[note]How long before the sex predators use these laws to attack women and children in restrooms? Anyone who supports this madness should be held responsible for any attacks that happen.[/note]
We should have separate restrooms and locker rooms and the idea that they should be combined or for use by anyone depending on how they feel on any given day is delusional and counter to a well-functioning society.
Regardless, states have the right to decide this issue and the federal government does not belong involved in it. But we can’t let the states do what they want because that would take control away so we get morons like Springsteen canceling concerts, Michael Moore pulling movie showings (as if that is a loss), and Pay Pal rethinking business decisions. All of this is designed to force a state to comply with a perversion that it does not want to support. Goodness forbid one expresses views that run counter to those of the left.
The terrorist group al gayda and its affiliates of liberal and progressive terror groups use intimidation and threats of violence to force states to give in to their demands.
They do this because they seem to think people have the right to do what they want wherever they want regardless of who it affects. In other words, they are happy to violate the rights of others in order to exercise some perceived right and they will go to war to do it.
There is no right for people to do these things. There is no right to use whatever restroom one wishes. Private businesses can do what they want (they can have any bathroom arrangement they desire because it is their business) and states are free to do as they wish. No one has any right and fighting or threatening does not change that fact.
The right to keep and bear arms is absolutely protected by our Constitution so that is a right. It is infringed upon all the time. Do you see any of the liberal terrorists who are going after North Carolina boycotting New York or Maryland for the blatant violation of people’s Second Amendment rights?
How many companies have changed decisions regarding these states based on their unconstitutional stances on the Second Amendment?
None (except, of course, some firearms companies). The reason is these people do not care about liberty. They do not care about freedom and they do not care about the Constitution.
They only care about pushing progressive liberal views for a hedonistic society. They want more turmoil so they support the mentally ill gender challenged people. This gives them more control as they move the nation farther down the path of destruction.
Just because most liberal men sit down to pee does not mean they have the right to use the ladies room.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: gender bender, liberals, lies, restrooms