Imagine If It Was About Hillary Or Bernie?
Feb 25, 2016 2016 Election, Political
An allegedly conservative writer at the NY Times sent out a tweet that he had figured how Donald Trump’s run for the presidency would end. The tweet had a video that showed an assassination attempt from a movie.
I realize the guy is reported to be a conservative so imagine if he had tweeted this about Hillary or Bernie.
I can understand if some liberal had sent it because they always get a pass from the media when advocating violence against others. But how would the left act if this alleged conservative had tweeted this about the sainted liberals running for the presidency?
The reality is no one pays attention to these kinds of things unless they are directed at liberals. Libs can talk about murdering people all day (they support murder in the womb) and no one bats an eye. Let someone discuss harming a liberal and they go bat crap crazy.
Imagine how this would have played out if it were about Obama 8 years ago?
Do you think it would go unnoticed or would there be an uproar?
And you know there would be a visit from the Secret Service…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: assassination, Conservatives, liberals, lies
Judging From Their History Dems Should Be OK With A Delay
Feb 17, 2016 2016 Election, Tyranny
A lot has been going on since Justice Scalia died over the weekend. The liberal left celebrated his death and mocked his life and the job he did in the Supreme Court. They mocked him because he had the audacity to actually use the Constitution when he interpreted law instead of using his feelings or his partisan beliefs like say, Ginsberg, Kagan or Sotomayor.
Barack Obama and Democrats in the Senate, smelling blood in the water and not wanting to let an opportunity to give the court a liberal majority, made demands of Republicans who, thank goodness, hold the majority in the Senate. These Democrats demanded that the Republicans make sure Obama’s nominee gets a shot. They basically want a rubber stamp for whichever left wing socialist America hater Obama nominates.
Republicans, so far, are having none of it. They want to wait and let the next president make the nomination.
The Democrats have a point (besides the ones on top their heads) in that the president, under the Constitution, has a duty to nominate. We can ignore for a moment that Obama has never abided by his duty under the Constitution and focus on what they want. They want Obama to nominate and that nomination not to be blocked.
They seem to forget that the Constitution also says that the president nominates with the advice and consent of the Senate. So the Senate has to consent and they do this by voting yes or no. Obama can put forth all the nominations he wants but there is nothing wrong with voting no on each and every one of them.
Democrats would have you believe this is out of the ordinary and unprecedented but our history shows it has been done before and that one vacancy existed for over two years because the Senate and president did not see eye to eye.
Now that was a long time ago but blocking nominees has happened in the recent past. Hell, Chuck Schumer, a guy who looks like his neck threw up, vowed that any vacancy in the Court that happened during George W Bush’s lame duck term would be blocked. Schumer made this declaration 19 months before Bush’s term would end. No vacancy came up but it was already out there that if one did no nominee would be considered.
In 1960 Democrats passed a resolution that presidents could not nominate during an election year.
Many Democrats now screaming for the vacancy to be filled have records of voting against nominations and of holding up the process. So the reality is there is no reason for Republicans to give in and allow Obama to get another liberal on the SCOTUS.
If they do not like it well that’s just too bad.
But if he does nominate anyone I think it would be reasonable to expose their entire life, make a mockery of their judicial experience, chastise them for their views, pick apart their judicial opinions, and generally make their life and the lives of their family miserable until they decide to withdraw from consideration.
Oh how horrible!
Two words, Robert Bork.
Now liberals, please quit your whining and sit back and accept that which you were so willing to do when you were in the majority.
And Republicans, do not give in to these morons. Mitch McConnell, you have a history of caving to Obama. If you do then you can rest assured you will lose control of the Senate and Trump will likely be the nominee for the Republican Party. Screw us over and we will strike back.
Do not let Barack Obama get another young liberal partisan hack on the court so the rest of us will be forced to live with their anti-American decisions for decades to come.
It is time to sack up and fight.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: delay, ginsberg, kagan, liberals, lies, nominee, Obama, scalia, scotus, sotomayor
So Obama Did Lie, Shocker
Feb 9, 2016 2016 Election, SCOTUScare, Tyranny
You can’t see it but I have my shocked face on display. It is not like saying Obama lied is some startling revelation since he lies constantly. I don’t need to go through the list so I will just cite one; if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
When Obama was selling us the snake oil known as Obamacare he and the Democrats who supported it (all of them) told us it would bend the cost curve down and that it would be wonderful. We knew it was a pack of lies (they need to control health care in order to carry out rules for radicals rule #1) but now that it has been in effect for a few years the truth and what we believed all along are on full display.
Obamacare costs too much money, it makes health insurance unaffordable for many people, it adds to the nation’s debt and the individual’s tax burden and it is being dropped by many insurance companies that once supported it (for big money, no doubt).
Lost in all the Obamacare lies is the whopper he told about illegal aliens not being able to get Obamacare coverage. Joe Wilson, a Congressman, once famously shouted “you lie” when Obama said illegal aliens would not be covered. Wilson held the view that bill would provide government subsidies to illegals. He had to apologize for his breech of decorum but apologizing for saying it does not mean he was incorrect in his assessment.
In fact he has been proven right to the tune of $750 MILLION. A Senate report shows that the federal government provided 750 million dollars in subsidies to illegal aliens. These are people known to be here illegally or who failed to provide the required documentation to show they were here legally.
In true government fashion, rather than wait for proof to provide coverage the government provided the money and now wants it back.
Yes, the law technically does not allow illegals to receive this handout (and all subsidies are handouts, period) but that did not stop illegals from getting the money. This was all by design. You see, now that the money was dispensed the government will have one hell of a time getting any of it back. This was certainly by design. Obama needed millions to sign up for his disaster of a law and blindly giving away money got people signed up. The government does not care that 750 MILLION dollars went into the garbage bin as long as illegals were covered and the numbers looked better (they never looked good).
Yes, the law prohibited illegals from getting subsidies but it did not verify status and it did not stop them from buying their own coverage on the exchanges.
All by design.
Wilson was right and we are out 750 MILLION dollars.
Obamacare has been a failure and a disaster. So it was a success for Obama. He needed it to be to push for more government control (rules for radicals). Remember that when you go to the polls this November. Hillary and Bernie supported Obamacare and Bernie wants to give you even more costly socialized medicine. When you get your penalty notice (the Supreme Court calls it a tax and the IRS calls it a shared responsibility but the law calls it a penalty) and have to pay the IRS or your change (it is not a refund it is the change due you from your remittance) is lower than it should have been you can blame Obama and his Democrats and know that Clinton and Sanders mean more of the same.
America needs to be free again and it can only do so if we remove the shackles the government has placed upon us.
That starts by rejecting the task masters on the left (and that includes the tyrants in the House and Senate).
We need to replace as many of them as we can while we still have a republic (no, not a Democracy).
God Bless America.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: illegal aliens, irs, joe wilson, lies, obamacare, tax payers
Obama’s Muslim Appeasement Continues
Feb 4, 2016 Religion of Peace, Terrorism
If Barack Obama is not a Muslim (I suspect he is) then he certainly sympathizes with them. He is openly hostile to Christians and Jews and ignores the massacre of them at the hands of Muslim radicals while he coddles and appeases Muslims. It is disgusting to watch Obama bend over backwards to make Muslims happy.
Obama visited a Mosque in Maryland yesterday (tying up traffic and causing disruption) and during his speech in a place that has been under FBI investigation since 2010 he told everyone that Islam has always been a part of America.
This is not the first time Obama has made this kind of claim and that means it is not the first time he has been wrong.
Muslims had little to do with America and the first to contribute anything (though not much) was about 80 years after our founding. Muslims were heavily involved in the slave trade, if that counts.
While Obama makes it sound like Thomas Jefferson had affection for Muslims the truth is he and others were working to stop the Muslim pirates who were attacking our ships. Our early leaders had the Koran so they could study the Muslims and learn how to defeat them. Jefferson showed his love for them when he sent the full force of the Navy to attack the pirates.
I guess we can say the Muslims contributed by showing us why we needed Marines.
Muslims have not always been part of America and their contributions are not something to write home about unless you are a jihadi writing home to brag.
Muslim contributions to the US involve trafficking in slaves, terror attacks, pirating (and this continues today), honor killings, rape, murder, female genital mutilation, and discontent with our way of life.
So while Muslims have not always been a part of America like Obama claims, the time they have been a part of us is one we would have been better off without.
[note]Muslims who come to America legally and to live in peace, welcome to you. Part of that life means to speak out against radicals. If you can’t do that then you are part of the problem.[/note]
I don’t know why he went to the Mosque. Perhaps he missed worshipping or perhaps he needed to hear the call to prayer.
Whatever the reason, Maryland could have done without the hassle.
I figure Obama was trying to show solidarity with them because they are, you know, persecuted.
Jews are twice as likely to be persecuted for their religion here in the US as Muslims are (interestingly Muslims feel the same way Hitler did about Jews and who is Obama visiting?).
I await Obama’s visit to a Synagogue.
The Jewish people, now they have always been a part of America.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Free At The Expense Of Others
Feb 1, 2016 2016 Election, Tyranny
The young liberals in this nation (and many other liberals for that matter) are thrilled right now to support Bernie Sanders, a Socialist who is three quarters of a century old. They like what he says because he promises them everything for free. Liberals love free stuff. The voters love to get free stuff and politicians love to give free stuff away.
Bernie wants college and health care (among other things) to be FREE!!!!!
[note]In this context we mean free as in at no cost. This does not include free when used to mean unrestrained or unencumbered.[/note]
The government always uses the word free. Get a cellphone for free. This poster available from OSHA for free. Get free vaccines. Get free housing, free food, free, free, free….
One problem with all this is that nothing is free. There is a cost associated with everything, the issue at hand is, who pays?
For the schemes Sanders and Clinton, and to be inclusive, O’Malley (polling at 3%), espouse the person receiving the product or service would not pay for it. It would be paid for by the taxpayer. So in reality it is not free, it is at no cost to the person.
Remember now, Obamacare was supposed to bend the cost curve and make heath care affordable. There was never a claim of free, just affordable. The reality is people are paying more now than they did before and a lot of folks are doing without because the tax/penalty is cheaper.
Bernie will fix that by making health care free. He wants single payer put in place because he is a Socialist. He wants a Medicare system in place extended to all. Medicare is the least efficient and most expensive health care system there is (a lot of cost that the free market carriers incur are not counted by government as it relates to Medicare because the costs are absorbed by government – read taxpayer).
In any event I think there should be a prohibition on the use of the word free unless it is being used to mean something other than no cost as in the hostages are free, the chicken is free range, etc. I propose that anytime a politician or government entity wants to use the word free (as in “at no cost”) they instead be required to use the term “at taxpayer expense”.
This way Bernie would have to say college will be available to you at taxpayer expense. Health care will be available at taxpayer expense. The poster would not read this is available from OSHA for free it would read this poster is available from OSHA at taxpayer expense.
We need to start calling it what it really is so the reality sets in particularly among the young generation. Don’t get me wrong, plenty of older liberals hear free and think no one has to pay for it but many of them are too far gone and only know the mantra that taxes ON THE RICH need to be raised.
The young liberals find a stark reality when they are forced to pay taxes. The young folks get out of taxpayer provided school and get jobs where they pay taxes. That is when they learn that it was not really free after all.
By that time it is too late and a system is in place that will hasten the economic collapse of this once great nation (the debt clock is at 19 TRILLION).
There is no such thing as a free lunch. If Bernie Sanders (or nearly any other politician) puts his arm around you and tells you there is protect your wallet because that is where his other hand is located….
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: at taxpayer expense, Clinton, free stuff, lies, O'Malley, sanders