Obama The Tyrant Awakens Again
Jan 1, 2016 Second Amendment, Tyranny
Upon return from his refreshing tax payer funded millions of dollars vacation in Hawaii where he beat golf courses to death, Barack the Tyrant will head to the District of Corruption on Monday to discuss more gun control. Obama will meet with AG Lynch to discuss more laws that won’t do a damn thing, wouldn’t have stopped any of the previous shootings and will only hamper law abiding citizens and deny them their rights.
[note]I would truly like to see Obama lose all the armed guards who protect him. He should be required to go about his life without armed protection simply because of his stance on firearms. I certainly want to see his family stripped of armed protection.[/note]
Barack Obama is a lying tyrant who is working hard to undermine this nation and bring it to its knees. He despises everything we stand for and will work hard to change us.
His actions on gun violence do nothing to address the reasons people are murdered with firearms. Keep in mind that gun violence and mass shootings are down while gun ownership is WAY up. The problems is not firearms and it certainly is not this false narrative of easily obtained firearms because it is not easy to buy a firearm. Barack wants to close these alleged loopholes and require people who sell arms to conduct background checks (small volume, non regulated private sales). This is not going to work.
The first thing to realize is that these kinds of sales are a small part of the transactions that take place. Secondly, an investigation was unable to find any firearm sold without a background check used in a mass shooting. Third, Maryland has the kind of system in place Obama is discussing. All regulated firearms (the so called assault rifles, basically any rifle that is not rim fire or bolt action) and all handguns MUST be transferred through a holder of a federal firearms license or through the Maryland State Police. ALL transactions including at gun shows or between two neighbors that involve these regulated firearms MUST take place in this fashion. Maryland, with all this and its Draconian gun laws, has a city that is one of the most deadly in the nation. Baltimore had hundreds of gun related homicides last year. It has been shown time and again that those committing the crimes are not permitted to possess a firearm and yet they have them.
None of these laws affect criminals. We call them criminals because they do not obey the law.
Obama wants people to think that buying a firearm is as easy as buying a condom:
“The gun lobby is loud and well organized in its defense of effortlessly available guns for anyone. The rest of us are going to have to be just as passionate and well organized in our defense of our kids.” The Hill
It is not effortless to buy a gun. Many private transactions do not require background checks but they are a small amount of the transactions AND they are not the kinds of firearms used in crimes. Obama is telling people it is effortless to get firearms and this is WRONG. I can understand how he might have this impression because he has been carelessly distributing firearms around the word. For those he supplies it is real easy to get guns.
For the rest of us, not so much.
Notice that Obama once again tugs at the heart saying we must do this for the kids. If you want to do something for the kids how about you end abortion which murders more children than guns?
How about you pass laws making it as difficult to get an abortion as it is to get a gun?
I mean if Obama is really serious about protecting children then he should do this NOW.
No, this sorry excuse for a human and waste of flesh fights to fund Planned Parenthood and to remove all barriers to abortion while going after law abiding citizens and their firearms. He does not care about children.
He cares about control and he will do whatever he has to in order to get it. That includes lying, cheating and breaking the law.
Just think how many more law breakers Obama can make by making laws that the responsible will NOT follow?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: gun control, lies, lynch, Obama, tyrants
Clinton Sexism Deniers Miss The Point
Dec 31, 2015 2016 Election, Political
There are a number of articles describing the ongoing word battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Clinton claimed Trump was a sexist (while she was boo hooing about being bullied) and Trump indicated that if she was going to throw accusations like that around her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was fair game with regard to his abuse of women.
The people defending Hillary range from those saying Trump is absolutely a sexist who treats women badly to those who claim all this stuff with Bill happened a long time ago and should not have any bearing on Hillary and her campaign. It should be, according to them, left out of the equation.
All these folks are missing he point. There is absolutely no doubt that Bill Clinton abused women and sexually assaulted them. Far too many women have accused Bill of abuse or rape to ignore and even though it happened a long time ago it still has bearing on this race and that is because of Hillary.
[note]It is easy for Clinton supporters to dismiss the allegations as women going after a powerful man and that they are liars but let us not forget the only one caught lying in all of this was BILL CLINTON and he was caught at least twice. He lied about the Lewinsky affair and if she had not kept that dress she would be the one who was a liar and starstruck. Instead she proved he did what he claimed he did not. Jennifer Flowers was also vindicated. When Bill first ran for office she claimed to have been his mistress. He denied it basically calling her a liar. During the Lewinsky affair Bill had to admit he had a many year sexual relationship with Flowers. Accusers 2 Clinton 0. There is less evidence against Bill Cosby than Bill Clinton and Cosby has been indicted.[/note]
You see, Hillary claimed that ALL women who claim to have been sexually abused by some man deserve to be heard and taken seriously.
But this is the same Hillary Clinton who attacked the women who made those claims about her husband. Hillary had a war room set up for what she called bimbo eruptions and she and her people attacked any woman who came forward to accuse Bill of sexual misconduct. Hillary did not allow these women the opportunity to be heard and did everything she could to discredit and strike fear into them.
Now, all of the sudden, she is the champion of women’s rights and a defender of women who have been abused by men? Get real people. Hillary Clinton does not care about anyone but herself. She does not care if Bill pokes everything with breasts as long as it does not interfere with her ambitions.
The Trump incident only brings this to light. Hillary accused Trump of being a sexist (as do all of Hill’s defenders) but they all ignore the fact that Bill is actually a sexual predator. Trump merely stated that if they were going to try and pin sexism on him he was going to turn it around on them by bringing Bill into the discussion.
Trump is a businessman who has had thousands of people working for him. A heck of a lot of those people were women. How many stories have we heard from these women indicating that Trump was a sexist? Remember that the Democrats were able to find women willing to accuse Herman Cain of sexual impropriety and Gloria Alred rode out to defend an accuser in an effort to quash a Republican candidate (who happened to be black and possibly a threat to Obama’s hold on power) so that Obama and the Democrats could win.
Where are these women with regard to Trump? It seems to me if Trump were a sexist who abused women that there would be a lot of women to poll and see if he abused them. Seems to me that any woman who he did this to would be eager to discredit him and sink his campaign. I have no doubt the Democrats will find women willing to manufacture a claim against Trump (like they did with Cain) but so far no woman has voluntarily reported that Trump abused her, sexually or otherwise.
The Hillary apologists are trying to point the discussion in a different direction by claiming that Bill is not running, what he did should not be held against her and that it is not fair.
The reality is Hillary was the one who cleaned up Bill’s messes by attacking the very women she says deserve to be heard. She was responsible for the lives that were shattered and the women who were left bruised and battered (figuratively and literally) by her abusive rapist husband. She enabled him by protecting him and attacking them.
As the candidate’s wife and later First Lady these women were bimbos who needed to be destroyed. Now that she is the candidate they are people who must be heard.
Imagine if they were heard and taken seriously back then. We might have never had a President Clinton and his wife would not be running now.
In any event, Hillary is crying that she was attacked and boo hoo she is a woman and she can’t be attacked because that is sexist. Isn’t it amazing that Hillary screams about being treated fairly but when she is treated by Trump the way he treats everyone else she cries that it is not fair boo hoo I’m a woman? Hill, if you want to be treated equally then you can’t ask for special treatment because you are a woman. It is particularly amusing that she cries about Trump’s choice of words (schlonged, used by Democrats before) but she uses the “F bomb” regularly and has many worse words she uses to describe people, just ask some of her former Secret Service detail. Hell, Hillary once shouted to Bill to put his d*ck back in his pants he could not f*ck her here about a woman he was talking to
The pay gap Hillary talks about is complete nonsense but she uses it to push her women are not treated equally meme and there are plenty of mush heads who believe it. There is no pay gap but if we have to treat Hillary differently because she is a woman then perhaps we do need to pay her less…
Washington Post
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bill clinton, equality, Hillary, lies, sexual abuse, trump, women
Don’t Monkey With Cruz’s Kids
Dec 23, 2015 Political
The general rule in politics is that a politician’s children are off limits. Most politicians try to adhere to this by leaving the children of other politicians out of the political process. This means children and not young adults. You see, older teens and young adult children of politicians who campaign for their parents can and should be subject to the process. Such was the case with George Bush’s daughters who the press was eager to go after (even when they were not part of their dad’s political process). One would be hard pressed to find the same press going after Chelsea Clinton.
It is not hard to find Democrats who have gone after the young children of Republican candidates. Sarah Palin’s young son and his Down’s Syndrome were the topic of many on the left. Now we have a political cartoonist going after Ted Cruz’s young daughters because they were in one of his ads.
The two young girls were portrayed as monkeys dancing to an organ grinder (Ted Cruz). The rationale was that they were in the ad so they are fair game.
How many times have Obama’s girls been a part of his political process? Did anyone draw cartoons of them in this fashion? Hell, Obama’s kids do questionable things and if it is reported the WH demands the stories be pulled and a compliant media does as it is told.
Imagine how the liberal establishment would have acted if during one of Obama’s campaigns his daughters were depicted as little monkeys…
I think the woman responsible for the hit piece on the Cruz children does not have her own kids. Word is she aborted all of hers. Maybe we can draw a cartoon of her dead and dismembered children pleading with her for their lives as she stands there with blood soaked hands.
In any event, leave the kids alone.
And please be sure to remember this episode the next time someone tells you Trump lacks civility (thanks John Nolte).
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Freddie Gray Case Unravels
There is no doubt that police officers do bad things and get away with them. When these happen it erodes public confidence in the police and the public eventually strikes out at any officer for any act whether it was justified or not.
This seems to be the case with officer William Porter and the other five charged in the death of long time drug dealer and often arrested criminal Freddie Gray. Let me pause here to say that a person’s criminal history does not give the police the right to become judge, jury, and executioner. Every person is presumed innocent no matter how often that person has been in trouble. I get tired of seeing officers and those who support them write that it was good Gray died and that one more scumbag is off the street. While that applies when a criminal dies during the commission of a crime or in a direct confrontation with police there is no evidence Gray fit into that mold (what crime did he actually commit). The reality here is if Gray did something wrong he deserved his day in court but it is also a stark reality that if the judicial system had kept Gray behind bars where he belonged he might still be alive. I am not losing sleep over a dead drug dealer but the backlash of what happened has caused a lot of people restless nights to include six officers.
Porter and five others have been charged with the death of Gray. Each officer faces different charges but they are all charged with some portion of the alleged crime. The problem here is there does not appear to have been a crime committed.
It is possible that one of these officers did something to deliberately harm Gray but there is no proof that such a thing did in fact happen. Officers chased Gray, took him down and into custody. One can question if they had any reason to go after Gray in the first place but there is no evidence they harmed him once they did go after him.
[note]I am aware Gray had a knife (the legality of which is unclear) but it was not found until after they chased and caught him so it was NOT the reason they went after him and claims to the contrary are untrue.[/note]
The prosecution decided to go after Porter first because they believed it was their strongest case and that once he was found guilty he would turn on the others whose cases were not as strong. The prosecution, who rushed to judgement in the first place, had no reason to believe that it would not win a conviction. The thugs in Baltimore have been threatening to riot once again if any verdict other than guilty was returned. The prosecution was counting on fear to get the conviction.
But some brave jurors had other ideas. At least one juror was not convinced that Porter was guilty of the charges and the end result was a mistrial due to a hung jury.
This will have a domino effect. Porter now has to be the one to get convicted in order to have any hope of even trying to get the others.
You see, during his trial the prosecution claimed that Gray’s injuries happened IN THE TRANSPORT VAN. None of the officers who apprehended and arrested Gray were in that van. The prosecution cannot simply change its tune and now claim those officers harmed Gray. In reality, I can’t see how they can go forward with the prosecution of these folks in any event, with or without a Porter conviction. If the prosecution contends that Gray was harmed in the van (which is what they did and is part of the record) how can anyone who was with Gray BEFORE he got in the van be responsible for what happened to him?
The prosecution cannot have it both ways. It cannot simply change its tune and claim Gray was harmed during the arrest. I do not think they should have charged any of the officers but if they were dead set on doing so they should have charged those who had first contact with Gray and claimed he was harmed during the arrest. It would have made more sense to do it this way and then claim Porter ignored Gray’s requests for medical care.
By taking the route she did Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby ensured that in the event of a failure to convict Porter the entire case would unravel.
We are seeing that now.
Baltimore has remained calm so far as people wait to see what comes next. People are aware that Porter can be put on trial again and they are waiting to see if that is the case.
I can’t imagine the political troll Mosby will not retry the case. She wants a conviction, nothing less.
It is up to brave jurors to look at the evidence and take an informed decision. So far that evidence points to not guilty.
And then the riots will begin.
Mosby did this. She convinced the medical examiner to change the ruling on death from accidental to homicide. She has not been forthcoming with evidence and she is playing politics with the lives of six officers who, by all the evidence so far, did not harm Freddie Gray.
Facts do not matter in a mob ruled locality particularly when the desire is revenge not justice.
This is what you get when Democrats run things.
And Baltimore is getting what it deserves.
The real crime is that six officers are getting screwed over in the process.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: baltimore, Democrats, freddie gray, lawless, lies, mistrial, mosby, porter, riots
Maryland Gun Control, Absolute Failure
Dec 9, 2015 Second Amendment
We are well aware of the failures of places with tough gun control laws. Chicago has thousands of shootings this year and it is nearly impossible to legally own a firearm there. California’s gun control failure was on display in San Bernardino last week when Muslim terrorists murdered a bunch of defenseless people.
Maryland is not far behind the crowd of gun control hell holes where criminals get guns and murder people while the law abiding are denied their protected right and are treated like the criminal class.
Martin O’Malley, former governor and presidential candidate, is responsible for pushing through these restrictive and unconstitutional laws. He relished in the moment and thought it would increase his bona fides with the liberal base. O’Malley, like his fellow Democrats, called for more gun control exploiting the dead while they were still warm and before all the facts were known.
The reality is these people were defenseless because their government made them so. The reaction of those in charge is to increase security from unarmed guards to armed guards. The only folks that there was no mention of arming are those who will suffer at the hands of bad people, the citizens.
It has been nearly two years since Maryland passed all the tough gun control. Baltimore City has over 300 murders this year, most of them with firearms and there are plenty more shootings where people were only injured. Perhaps the criminals did not get the memo about gun control because they keep getting guns and they keep using them.
Case in point, the first line from a Baltimore Fox 45 (WBFF) article indicates that police have taken two more guns off the street. They arrested two men who were involved in drug distribution and each of them had a gun. The article clearly indicates that neither of them was legally allowed to possess a gun and yet, they both had one.
You see, criminals do not obey the law, period. It is against the law to murder people and yet that happens. What makes anyone think that gun control laws will keep criminals from getting guns?
In fact, the two who were arrested had 200 bags of cocaine in their possession and I know that possessing, buying, selling or using cocaine is against the law.
Anyone see a pattern here?
Gun laws only affect the law abiding and they make us sitting ducks for those who have no regard for the law or for human life.
Martin O’Malley brought this to Maryland (mostly the urban areas as most of the suburbs are full of conservative people who own guns and obey the law) and now he wants to bring it to the nation.
I have no time and no desire to be lectured about guns by people like O’Malley particularly ones who are protected by armed guards.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: baltimore, criminals, gun control, lies, morons, O'Malley, tyranny