Your Share Of The Debt Is A Lot Of Money
Sep 15, 2015 Political
Despite the fact that the federal government took in a record amount of tax revenue during the first eleven months of the year it still managed to spend more than that and ran a 529 BILLION dollar deficit. That is correct, 529 BILLION more dollars were added to the US debt.
The amount of taxes collected amounts to a little more than 19 Thousand dollars per worker (which is an average since many workers don’t even make that amount of money and nearly half of wage earners don’t pay federal taxes).
The government cannot seem to control itself when it comes to spending money so we continue our death spiral or should I say debt spiral?
Right now the federal debt held by the public is around $107,000 per household. Yes ladies and gentlemen, your household is on the hook for a tenth of a million dollars.
This is because the federal government is way too big and it is out of control. There are politicians who have been in office for decades and they only know how to spend YOUR money. They are not good at budgeting and they have countless unnecessary programs that suck the life out of our economy. Government is so big that it has scores of programs that duplicate what others do and there is little to no oversight.
It is a huge mess. One day the federal government is going to come to collect that money and when it does things will be ugly.
We need to get back to what our Founders envisioned. We need a small federal government that lives within the confines of the Constitution. We need states to be sovereign once agin and clear of federal interference.
I fear it is too late and the once great US is but a generation or two away from extinction.
Don’t worry though, there will be plenty of Syrian refugees here to take over. They are used to living in the stone age…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Congress, debt, deficit, lies, tax revenue
Syrian Refugees Can Help With The Terror
Sep 14, 2015 Religion of Peace, Terrorism
The Obama regime is looking to bring about 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States where they will undoubtedly receive lots of taxpayer money so they can have a place to live while they are taught English. They will probably get a place to live and money (all from the taxpayer) and will not become productive members of society.
These people are NOT our problem. It is not our job to take them in. There are plenty of Muslim nations that have lots of room and rich oil sheiks who can foot the bills. These people need to be relocated to other Middle Eastern countries, not into the US.
The pictures of the refugees all lined up is striking in that they are all male. I have yet to see a picture with women or children in it. One would suspect that a people escaping violence would include women and children. There are reports that members of ISIS are in those lines looking to come to the US. We are told not to worry because the regime will vet these folks.
Sure, like it vetted Hillary’s email set up?
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri is calling on all Muslims in Western countries, particularly the US, to conduct lone wolf attacks. Isn’t it convenient that Obama is helping out by importing Muslim men, many of whom are no doubt terrorists, into the nation so it will be that much easier.
In the view of big government statists nothing would be better than a crippling attack that frightens the population so that it will demand even more government control. Help us please! Please do what you want to us just keep us safe.
Not on my watch. We are Americans and we are forged from steel. If these lone wolf punks start trouble here then they will find out what it means to encounter a well armed citizenry.
Since Obama is hell bent on importing terror to this nation might I suggest (a suggestion I borrowed from my friend Kender) that they be placed in San Francisco, Chicago and Berkeley. I would add that they should be moved into DC and that all Obama voters should be required to take them in.
The defecation is soon going to hit the rotating cooling device and when it does the patriots of this nation will rise up to defend her once again.
I only have one piece of advice for the government.
Stay the hell out of our way.
Over a quarter of a million Muslims allowed in US annually
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: isis, lies, Obama, refugees, terrorists
O’Malley Is A Typical Liberal
Aug 31, 2015 Political
He likes to live off other people’s money…
I don’t know if Democrat presidential candidate (polling at about 1%) Martin O’Malley ever had a real job, you know, in the private sector, but if he did it was a long time ago. Sometime after he lied on his bar application he became a public servant which is liberal code for using the public for their own service.
O’Malley (or O’Moron as I like to call him) has lived off the taxpayer for a long time. That runs in the family as his wife draws a salary off the taxpayer as a judge (and she is following in her daddy’s footsteps of living off the taxpayer).
Liberals love to put their hands in your pockets and spend your money. O’Malley was governor of Maryland and he drove the state farther down the hole of oppression and tyranny. During his tenure he had furniture that cost the taxpayer $62,000 in a part of the Governor’s Mansion.
Interestingly it was declared junk and sold to the O’Malleys for just under $10,000.
Look, it might have been junk though I hardly think that junk would be kept in the Governor’s Mansion. But the family is a bunch of liberals so they have no respect for other people’s stuff which means they might have trashed it completely.
If it was junk it should be sold but there is a catch. There are procedures in place and they were not followed. Someone in the private sector might have wanted to bid on the stuff but there was no notification. It was labeled junk at Mrs. O’Malley’s request (curious is it not?) and then sold to them.
If it was truly junk why would the O’Malley’s want it? He is running for president for goodness sake. Does he really want people to think he buys junk because his huge salary as governor would not allow him to buy new stuff? Perhaps living off the taxpayer all these years allowed him to believe he was entitled.
Liberals are a bunch of people who believe they are entitled to the stuff of other people.
In any event, O’Moron appears to have broken the rules regarding how these things are done.
It will go largely unnoticed by the liberal media.
Funny though. Republican Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland moved his own furniture into the Mansion to make up for what was sold.
I wonder if he will be accused of stealing the furniture when he takes it with him…
Do not vote for O’Moron. He could mess up an anvil with a rubber mallet.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: crimes, governor, law breaker, lies, Maryland, O'Malley
Liberals Must Not Have Carbon Footprints
Jul 28, 2015 Political
Liberals are always screaming about global warming and they are sure to tell us that there is a consensus of scientists who say it is a major problem. Of course the planet warms and cools all the time but these folks are talking about man made global warming due to carbon production.
These folks neglect to tell us that many of the scientists on their list of those in agreement are not climate scientists and they also neglect to report that of those climate scientists who do agree many receive taxpayer money to do research on global warming.
Liberals want us to change our lifestyles by driving fuel efficient or electric automobiles, by moving to alternative fuel sources and by changing how we do things so that we do not produce carbon.
Of course while they expect us to radically change our lives for an unproven theory (one designed to extort more money from us) they have no intention of living the way they want us to.
Hillary Clinton gave a speech today outlining her plan to address global warming and after she left she got on a private jet that burns hundreds of gallons of fuel an hour and has a huge carbon footprint.
Clinton wants people to believe she is just like them. She was, after all, broke when they left the White House. She thinks people are idiots (and she is right when it comes to those who support her or liberal policies). She is nothing like the rest of us. While we are working hard to make ends meet she is jetting around on private airplanes that leave tons of carbon in the air. She does this while screaming about global warming caused (in the minds of liberals) by excessive carbon.
The sad part is that Hillary is not alone. Nearly every liberal who screams about global warming jets around in private planes and is transported by limousines that are often left idling so they stay cool or warm.
We can’t have liberals being uncomfortable, now can we?
Hillary says one thing and does another.
It is obvious she was born with a silver foot in her mouth…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: global warming, Hillary, hypocrisy, lies
Why Stop At Removing Images?
Jul 15, 2015 Political
The Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP wants all things confederate related gone and they want it now. Mischaracterizing the war of Northern Aggression as a war of racism, hate and white supremacy the leaders along with some politicians want the images of Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson sand blasted off Stone Mountain.
Eliminating all images will not eliminate any racists, white or black (or any other color) from existence and saying otherwise is an example of reductio ad absurdum. These people will still be here. Hell, the generals of the north owned slaves and Lincoln was a racist. Are their images the next to go?
If eliminating these images of alleged white supremacy will make things better than why stop there? The Democrat Party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and racism. That party holds blacks on its plantation in bondage to the government so eliminating the Democrat Party would make more sense than eliminating inanimate objects.
We need to rid West Virginia of everything named after Democrat Robert Byrd who was a member of the KKK and a racist. For good measure we need to dig his decaying body up and move it. We need to get rid of any image of LBJ who was a white supremacist. While we are at it let’s dig him up as well…
We need to eliminate the Democrat Party because that is the party that epitomizes racism.
There is no denying that the Democrats fought for slavery and opposed ending it (in general as the Civil War was not about slavery). There is no doubt they opposed all civil rights movements and continue to fight to keep blacks oppressed. They all work hard to pass legislation and enact programs that keep black folks dependent on government.
So if the liberals are really hell bent on ridding us of hateful things they need to go away. They need to take Democrats away with them and if blacks in particular are so concerned with this matter they need to leave the Democrat Party and become part of something that is not continuing to enslave them.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: civil war, democrat racists, georgia, jim crow, lies, naacp, stone mountain