Welfare Funding Terrorism…
Jun 8, 2015 Political
A number of Muslim store owners have been caught in an EBT for cash scheme that uses the money scammed from the welfare system to pay for jihad.
These schemes are not new and they are not limited to Muslim businesses. The EBT system has been rife with corruption and fraud for a number of years. There are plenty of stores that use illegal means to give cash to people for bogus charges against the EBT. Usually a store will ring up items and pay the person a portion of the amount while keeping the items in stock where they can actually be sold for profit. There are also schemes where people get 50 cents on the dollar for bogus transactions.
The system is full of fraud and now the Muslim businesses have taken the fraud scheme a step further and are using the money to pay for holy war.
Fortunately these people were found out and many are now in custody with warrants out for a lot more of them.
The welfare system is a mess. There is no accountability and billions of taxpayer dollars are wasted through this system of fraud.
We need to end this system and do something else. The best welfare, of course, is a job.
But there are millions of cases of MREs in warehouses that can be given to families so they can eat. If they are good enough for the troops they are good enough for welfare recipients.
No matter what they do though, there is no way this program should be financing terrorism.
Joe Biden said it was patriotic to pay taxes.
Looks like using welfare is supporting terrorism…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Making Vaccines Mandatory Requires Hiding Data
Jun 2, 2015 Political, Tyranny
There is no doubt government at all levels wants mandatory vaccines for everyone. The big push was for school aged children but in recent years there has been a backlash over the program.
Some parents do NOT want their children vaccinated. I think vaccines are generally a good idea but have issues with them being mandatory. Once government can make any vaccine mandatory it can make them all so. This was the case with Gardasil. It was made mandatory in Texas and people pushed back. But government had a precedent because it has already made some vaccines mandatory.
Gardasil is not a necessary vaccine. While it might be helpful to some it is not something that is required and can cause more problems than it solves.
I understand the whole herd immunity idea but if most kids are vaccinated and a few are not then they are at risk and if they get sick or die because they were not vaccinated then it is on the parents who decided not to do so.
[note]Funny how a woman’s body is her own if she wants to abort her unborn child but if she decides not to vaccinate a child she chooses to have she is in the wrong…(In both cases she is deciding for the child. It just depends on where the child is residing at the time)[/note]
The government wants to extend its reach and force adults to get vaccinated as well. One would expect that most adults are vaccinated but there are some who are not. The government wants to force them to get vaccinated.
Who the hell is the government to force people, particularly adults, to have something injected into their bodies?
What’s the big deal? They should have gotten them as children and they will be healthier. Really? Seems to me they made it this far without them.
Plus, and this is a big plus, what happens when the government decides some new vaccine is a must for everyone? What happens when flu shots are made mandatory (and government never gets that one wrong /sarc)?
Suppose a vaccine is developed to prevent HIV and government decides that everyone MUST get it? Now a vaccine for that might be good and it might help at risk populations (homosexual males and IV drug users) but for the larger population it will have no value. It will likely be worse for them in the long run given the low odds of getting HIV.
There are also the sinister aspects of this. Government can’t be trusted. What if they decided that mandatory vaccines would be a good way to put RFID chips in people without their consent? Can’t happen you say?
The US used a vaccine program as a cover to get DNA samples of people in the Middle East to look for relatives of terrorists particularly Bin Laden in hopes of tracking him down.
What is all the hidden data you referred to in the title?
Sharyl Attkisson has a piece up about how the government has wiped recent vaccine injury data from its website. It is a good read and worth the time.
What does that have to do with your whole rant here?
In order to get buy in of the population to willingly line up and let people inject stuff into them it must be presented as safe. By hiding data the government can tell people that it is safe and there are no worries. If people can’t find information to the contrary they will foolishly believe that their government is telling them the truth and they will not resist. Why else would they hide it?
The liberal/progressive/socialist people in government don’t care how they get you to comply so long as you comply.
If you want to be vaccinated then by all means do so. But you are supposed to be free and if you do not want things injected into your body then you can say no.
Just don’t sue if you catch something you could have been vaccinated for and get sick or die (in which case it would obviously be your heirs suing).
Government lies so it is best to know the facts before doing anything.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: data, government control, hidden, lies, vaccines
Federal Coercion Is Done With YOUR Money
Jun 1, 2015 Political
The federal government collects trillions of dollars in taxes from various entities including corporations and some people who earn income. About 48% of the population earning wages pay no taxes and often get back much more than they paid in.
The government uses this money to run the country, or it is supposed to. It usually spends the money in a reckless fashion and increases the debt to the nation.
One thing the federal government does with the tax money, money that comes from the states, is use it to force states to do what the federal government wants.
We are familiar with speed limits and how federal highway money is withheld if speed limits do not meet some federal standard. This is true with a number of things. The federal government takes money from the states and then says that it will give some back for one thing or another so long as the states abide by rules the feds want to impose.
This is also the case with the school lunch program. The program is designed to provide reduced or no cost lunches to children from low income families. The feds take money in taxes from the states and then send it back to the states to pay for the program.
But there is a catch. If a school system participates in the program then it is bound by the rules set forth by the federal government or it risks losing the money.
By participating in the National School Lunch Program, the school district must adhere to edicts handed down from Washington, D.C. [Linked article]
So if the feds say that schools can’t provide cake with lunch then they can’t. This idiocy extends to the classroom where the feds could say they can’t serve cake for birthday celebrations as well. As far as I know these are not the rules. I post them examples of what the feds CAN do.
A teacher in West Virginia is in trouble for giving wrapped candy to students as a reward for hard work and good behavior. That is a big no-no under the federal program. The teacher faces a fine or reeducation and the school risks losing money for the lunch program.
This is what happens when you get in bed with the devil.
Perhaps states should opt out of the program and stop sending money to the federal government for it. The states could set up their own programs and then reduce that cost from what the feds collect. I know it is much more complicated than that and that is by design.
If the feds can make every state and every person dependent on the federal government then it will have total control over every aspect of life.
This is what liberal/progressive/socialists on the left want. Unfortunately, it is also what many on the right want as well.
The government is not much different than the mafia in that it uses the same tactics to get what it wants. The only real difference is that the government has made what it does legal.
It is a shame the federal government uses coercion to force us to do things it wants.
It is a crying shame it does it with our own money…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: federal coercion, lies, lunch program, taxes, west virginia
O’Malley Should Not Even Be Considered
May 20, 2015 Political
I understand that Martin O’Malley, former governor of Maryland, has a big announcement planned for 30 May. He will be in Baltimore, the city that suffered under his polices when he was its mayor, to announce he plans to run for president.
O’Malley is a liberal moron who does not believe people are smart enough to make their own decisions, provide for themselves or protect themselves and their families. He is anti-gun and imposed strict gun laws when he was governor. He invited countless illegal immigrants and gave them “stuff.” He is part of the nanny state leadership that only knows how to rule over people, tax them to death and then waste the money collected.
He should never be president of this or any other country though Czar of some communist nation would be more in line with his beliefs and leadership style.
He has decided to take on Hillary Clinton and he will have a formidable task ahead. She is polling well among Democrats because most are too stupid to see the crime she is involved in. O’Malley is polling at about 1% so he has a long way to go.
I think Hillary should occupy a jail cell instead of the Oval Office and O’Malley is no better. He should not be elected president, period.
He does have a few things going for him in that Bill Clinton once praised him and said he would be president someday. Clinton also claimed O’Malley was a terrific governor and that Maryland was voted best run twice while O’Malley was in office.
Not sure who they polled on that but O’Malley raised several dozen taxes (and enacted some new ones) and he went so far as to tax the rain that landed on people’s property. O’Malley’s terms in office saw an outflow of people from the state to other states because of his inept leadership and tax and spend policies. The economy was poor during his reign and only remained better than a lot of other states because of Maryland’s proximity to DC. A very large number of DC politicians and other DC federal workers, lobbyists and journalists (many with well-paying jobs) live in Maryland.
Even with nearly recession proof jobs and the flow of federal dollars from DC the state fell on hard times under the dictatorship of O’Malley.
He might be a great leader to Bill Clinton but that does not say much. Or maybe I should say Bill thinks Hillary would make a great president so that says a lot about his assessments…
[note]It will be interesting to see what Bill says about him if he does in fact jump in the race.[/note]
I do not want to see Hillary Clinton or Martin O’Malley as president. I hope O’Malley gets trounced early and bows out and that Hillary gets beaten badly with the reports of her crimes so that even if she wins the Democrat nomination she can’t win the general.
If you are a moron like Snoop Dogg and want her to win so we can have a woman in the White House you are not smart enough to vote. People voted for Obama to have a black guy in the White House and look how that worked out.
He is a disaster.
If you vote for someone because of their color or sex you should be banned from voting FOR LIFE.
If O’Malley ends up winning he will certainly continue Obama’s quest to drive America into the ground. Hillary will do the same but she is older and unhealthy so maybe she will get a visit from the Reaper…
The nightmare will be if she wins and picks O’Malley as a running mate.
Then we can only hope they fly Malaysian Air…
Tags: Clinton, lies, morons, O'Malley, President, snoop dogg, vote
Pelosi Should Be Put Out To Pasture
May 14, 2015 Obamacare
Nancy Pelosi is warning that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of those challenging the subsidies in Obamacare win it will cost Republicans because allegedly 8 million people have the coverage and rely on them. She predicts that it will harm all those folks and Republicans will pay a price.
She claims that this is all because a phrase in the law has been taken out of context.
Pelosi said she knew the law well and that opponents were relying on a phrase taken “out of context” in pressing their case before the court. AP News
The woman who said you had to pass it to find out what was in it now claims that she knows the law well? The same law that continues to have surprises pop up because no one knew they were there?
As for out of context, the Democrats made it clear that only states that set up exchanges would get subsidies when they were pushing the bill on us. They made it clear this was a carrot and stick approach where states would be provided incentives to set up exchanges and one of the incentives was subsidies.
Now that someone has challenged that part of the law the Democrats have rewritten history and are claiming this is what they meant all along.
They are liars as is Pelosi.
I do not think Republicans will pay a price for this if the ruling in their favor. The law says what it says and that is how it should be followed.
Of course liberals have trouble with following the wording of the Second Amendment (hell all of the Constitution) so I expect them to be clueless in this regard as well.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: law, lies, obamacare, Pelosi, read it, scotus, subsidies