Sure Glad It Is Just The JV Team

Obama once called ISIS the JV team. That team is spreading out and brutalizing everything in its path and it appears as if little stands in its way.

The animals of the JV team have captured and murdered people all across the Middle East and what they do to women they do not murder is just as horrifying.

ISIS JV team members gang rape females as young as 9. One such girl was repeatedly raped, beaten and tortured and became impregnated with the baby of one of her attackers. She is frail and broken and will likely not survive childbirth even if a C Section is tried.

These animals have no regard for human life but don’t worry, they are only the JV team.

Let’s all be thankful they did not send the varsity team…

Obama is an amateur and he has no idea how to run things. What needs to happen is we need to dispense with all the high school jargon about JV or varsity and send in the professionals.

Unleash our professional military on these animals with rules of engagement that will allow them to rain pure hell on those animals.

I know Obama does not want to upset his brothers in ISIS but the time has come to rid the world of these animals.

Unleash the dogs of war and be done with it.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Freddie Grey Was No Hero

Let me start off by saying that Freddie Gray should not have died in custody. Even if he hurt himself in that van he was able to do so because he was not belted in. If he had been belted in then he probably could not have hurt himself (if that is what happened). No matter what, he should still be alive.

However he is no hero. The people in Baltimore and around the nation who are (still happening in some places) rioting, protesting and attacking police officers are acting as if Freddie Gray was some sort of hero. He was a drug dealer/user with a long arrest record. He should not have died but he is no hero.

[note]Baltimore, and likely many other places, will have more civil unrest when some or all of the police officers are found not guilty of the most serious, and maybe all, of the charges.[/note]

The community and its so called leaders from Mayor Blake to the race hustler Al Sharpton are all praising Freddie as if he cured cancer.

The cold hard facts about him are that he was a criminal and he ran afoul of the law a lot. PERIOD.

Once again, that does not mean he should have died while in custody. It is likely that he died as a result of his own actions (unless they can prove the driver deliberately gave him a rough ride) and while the police are complicit in his death (they should have buckled him in) they did not set out to murder the man or to do him lethal harm.

Freddie is the result of liberal policies that suck the soul out of people and drain them of their will to live and thrive. The reactions to his death in the violence (not the legal and peaceful protests) perpetrated by thugs is also a result of those same liberal policies.

While I think the police need to be held accountable (in all of their duties) I do not think that holding Gray as an angelic figure to unite around does anyone any good.

Given his lifestyle of drug dealing and use it is likely he would have ended up as a statistic sometime in the future and you can bet your bottom dollar that the city would not be holding him in high regard in that case.

If people want to change the animosity between them and the police they need to ensure they are in the right and fight the police in the legal system. Police officers who are alleged to have done wrong need to be investigated by independent agencies and if found in the wrong, held accountable.

Allowing them to investigate themselves makes no more sense than allowing the people they arrest to conduct their own trials and determine their own outcomes.

What happened in Baltimore is a shame and reflects the unease people have with an increasingly militarized police force that is often not held accountable for misdeeds particularly when coupled with an environment of failure that has been built by decades of liberal policies of dependence and victim hood.

We need police reform and we need reform in the liberal run cities.

But holding Gray up as the model for that reform makes no sense at all.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Apply Same Sex Marriage Argument To Second Amendment

It works better there…

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments today regarding same sex marriage. Two items are at issue here. The first is whether the Court will require all states to allow same sex marriage and the second is whether states that do not have SSM will be required to honor SSM from states that do allow it. If the first one passes the second is basically moot. If the second one passes then it invalidates the first because people can travel to get married and then return to the state that does not allow it.

It appears to be an all or nothing issue.

I read some of the arguments and do not agree with a lot of the pro argument side. There is no Constitutional right to marry. This applies to any kind of marriage. No one has the right to marry period. People have to apply for a license and the state can deny that license for any number of reasons.

The reality is that marriage is something that has been defined as the union between a man and a woman for a very long time. The US even made polygamy illegal thus strengthening the issue of one man and one woman.

The other reality is that marriage has always been an issue that was decided by the individual states. Different states have different rules for who can and cannot get married. You see, there is no right because you need permission.

It is also true that marriage has been seen as a religious institution for a long time. The government got involved for a number of reasons but the basic concept has its foundation in religion.

A state has the right to define marriage so some states have SSM and others do not. It is important to note that the large number of states that have it is no indication that most favor it as many were forced to recognize it even though their citizens voted against it. Activist courts forced them to accept it.

I have read many posts about the issue. People are claiming that this is a basic right and government should not be allowed to restrict it. They claim that people should not be allowed to vote on these rights and they are being discriminated against. They further claim that most of society agrees with it so it should be made the law of the land.

I have already shown that it is not a constitutionally protected item and that states have the right to regulate it (not the federal government). But let us ignore that for a moment and assume these people are correct.

Why not use this same logic for firearms ownership and carry where it would more appropriately apply? The Second Amendment is absolutely in the Constitution and it protects the preexisting right to keep and bear arms. It further states that right shall not be infringed.

But liberals, the very same group that is saying SSM is a right and that it should apply to all states equally especially since most states already allow it (a fact that is skewed by court action) will say that people should not own or carry firearms and that states can decide what they want to do. These are the very same people who will work hard to have this protected right banned.

[note]During arguments one of the justices asked about clergy being forced to perform these marriages if they are made legal. He was assured this would not happen as there is a First Amendment right to protect them. They have ignored the Second so what makes anyone think they will obey the First? Once it is legal Obama and his DOJ will force clergy to perform them under threat of jail. Look at how florists, bakers and photographers who have religious objections are treated.[/note]

Most states allow either open or concealed carry (or both) and they do so without the court forcing them to. People in some states are discriminated against because they can’t do the same thing with regard to firearms as those in a majority of the states. A majority of the population is in favor of firearms ownership and shall issue carry permits. As an aside, I prefer must issue with no permit required. If you pass the check to get the gun you can carry it any way you want.

If the Supreme Court decides that marriage is a right and that the federal government can define it and thus allows SSM to be the law of the land in all states then it only follows that the same should hold true with regard to firearms.

The Court should immediately invalidate all state gun laws and issue an order that all states will be must issue.

The Second Amendment, unlike any kind of marriage, is a right protected by the Constitution.

Funny how liberals always call things they want rights and then say everyone has to give in and honor them while they continue to ignore the G-d given right to keep and bear arms.

I think the SCOTUS will allow SSM. They clearly have no sense of Constitutional rule as evidenced by their decision on Obamacare. Our society is on the decline and will not be around much longer. SSM is one more thing needed to ensure the demise of society.

I do wonder though why states would even obey the ruling. Just tell the feds you won’t do it. What will they do? Tell the SCOTUS you don’t agree and do your own thing.

Obama has been doing that so it is not like he could object.

He certainly has not suffered any consequences of his refusal to obey…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Black Lies Matter

A man named Freddie Gray died while in the custody of the Baltimore City Police. Gray has a long record mostly for drug distribution and is likely not a good guy so the portrait of a great guy (a lie) is way over the top BUT he should not have died while in custody. Initial reports are that he suffered a spinal injury while in the custody of police and his requests for medical assistance fell on deaf ears.

No matter why he was arrested or what his history was he deserved better treatment and I hope this will all become clear after it is investigated. I say I hope because the police are conducting the investigation and that casts doubt on the integrity of the process. Officers are rarely found in the wrong when investigated by their own departments.

There are a lot of people in Baltimore who are upset about this and a large number of them decided to protest. I have no issue with peaceful protests. The act of protesting PEACEFULLY is part of what makes America great. The problems come when those protests end up interfering with the lives of other people or turn into riots.

It is great to protest but to block traffic and shut down businesses is interfering with the rights of others to move about unhampered and free of harassment.

When the protests turn to riots people get hurt and property gets damaged. The legal peaceful protest turns into an illegal act.

On Saturday night in Baltimore the protest turned into a riot as unlawful people began breaking windows of businesses, looting said businesses, damaging vehicles and attacking the public and the police.

People attending the Orioles game were not allowed to leave the stadium for a while because of the riots (this possibly unlawful detention is a subject that could have its own discussion). Perhaps the 30,000 or so people should have been unleashed on the rioters…

In any event, the Mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, proved she is a lightweight who is unable to lead. On top of that, she and Elijah Cummings lied about the nature of the violence.

The mayor and Representative Cummings both stated that the riots were the result of outside agitators and that most of the people involved were not from Baltimore.

[note]Al Shaprton, an outside agitator if ever there was one, will be going to Baltimore to get involved. You can bet that SRB and Cummings will welcome him and never think to blame any unrest on him.[/note]

First of all, how can they tell just by looking at the people? How did SRB and Cummings determine that these folks causing and participating in the riots were NOT from Baltimore?

The police arrest reports seem to paint another picture. Nearly all of those arrested for rioting were from Baltimore.

I am sure there were outside players who incited people but they are only part the reason for the riots. Those who participated were the major reason and most of them were from the city.

This lie is to paint a picture of a competent leader who has her finger on the pulse of the city and to keep people from drawing the conclusion that this all took place because of liberal rule, liberal policies and the liberal victim mindset.

SRB indicated that she told the police to protect the protestors and give them space. Fair enough. We can’t have them getting hit by cars or being attacked for peacefully protesting. But the dimwit also told police to give the rioters space to break things.

Many businesses were damaged and people were hurt. Property insurance usually has a clause that excludes damage from civil unrest. Will Baltimore write checks to the owners who lost property? Will the city pay for the damage it allowed to happen?

The police have some explaining to do with regard to how Gray ended up dead while under their control but they showed a lot of restraint during the rioting. Perhaps it is because they were following SRB’s orders but they showed restraint under very dangerous circumstances. A lot more people could have ended up hurt or dead if the police had been more aggressive (not that hurting rioters would be a bad thing).

The lack of spine SRB has and the lack of leadership during the outbreak of lawlessness will embolden those who wish to participate in more illegal and dangerous acts. Right now the police are on alert because rival gangs have banned together to stop killing each other and start killing police officers.

This is what happens in liberal run cities where people are lied to each and every day. They are held down by liberals and told they are victims. The people grown up with no desire to achieve and a belief that they are victims who can only be protected by the government.

The race hustlers and liberals like SRB and Cummings push that narrative and their lies have devastating consequences.

Yes, these black lies matter…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Government Agencies Collude To Deny Vets 2A Rights

The VA has signed a memorandum of agreement with the FBI to provide the FBI with information on veterans that will be included in the instant background check system. The information will keep many veterans from owning firearms.

Now, if any information is legitimate such as mental health issues or other real reasons that someone should not own a firearm then this could be good.

Unfortunately, the VA is using questionable means to disqualify veterans. The VA is reporting bank habits as questionable and indicating the veterans can’t take care of their finances so they are incompetent, The VA is reporting veterans who decide not to take certain medications as incompetent.

People can do their banking as they see fit and if a patient does not want to take medication that is the patient’s right.

[note]Why is it that a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body but a veteran can’t?[/note]

This is a backdoor attempt to institute gun control. The VA and the FBI are working together to invent reasons to keep veterans from owning firearms, you know the very items the government handed them when it sent them off to WAR.

The liberals want to remove the means to resist and they are targeting the very people who have shown they will defend the Constitution and who know how to do it.

It is bad enough the VA is a corrupt inefficient poorly run scam organization that treats veterans poorly while enriching its leadership but to target veterans to remove one of the rights they fought to protect is beyond any measure of decency.

Stand up for what is right.

And let’s rebuild the VA from the ground up. We can start by getting rid of every leader in it. We can also fire the poor performers and hire people who will do the job right.

Always remain vigilant because the liberals will not stop trying to disarm us. And never buy their BS that they support the troops.

They don’t, period.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
