Mandatory Support Is Not Support

When one is forced to support something then it is not real support. That is not to say that the person does not actually support the idea or program but when that support is forced it is not genuine.

The US military is pushing the sexual assault programs and there are numerous mandatory training sessions that everyone must attend. Mandatory training is one thing and all employers have it.

The problem comes when there are voluntary support programs like 5K runs for a cause or dance-a-thons for the cause and those voluntary programs are made mandatory.

When people are forced to run a 5K race to support something or face negative consequences they do not do it for the cause, they do it to keep from having problems at work. Unfortunately, this leads people to dislike the very things people are trying to get them to support.

The members of an Army ROTC unit at Arizona State University are victims of this type of poor leadership. There was an event called Walk a Mile in Her Shoes to raise awareness of sexual assault toward women. The idea is for men to wear women’s heeled shoes and walk a mile in them. I have seen some of these locally and the people who participated did so voluntarily.

The ROTC members were forced to buy heeled shoes and paint them red so they could participate in the event. They had no choice in the matter. They were forced to participate in a voluntary event. This means they were not supporting the event because they only did it to avoid a negative review that would have affected their careers.

The entire situation discredits the Army and the ROTC program involved and demonstrates a complete lack of leadership on part of those running the place. It also lessens the program it was intended to support.

What does it say about a program when leaders have to force subordinates to support it?

Some cadets are not happy and they voiced that displeasure on social media. I do not blame them.

They were forced to wear a pair of women’s shoes they had to pay for and paint red to make their command look good.

Hey commander, red heeled shoes are not part of the military uniform.

The cadets were seeing red in more ways than one.

And deservedly so.

Piss poor leadership is the hallmark of the new military.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Despite Record Intake Government Still In Red

The federal government took in a record amount of money from taxpayers through the end of tax day (the number is not final until the next day but any additional money will add to the record). The government took in $1,416,555,440,000, more money than it has ever taken in during that time frame (in inflation adjusted dollars).

Even though the government fleeced taxpayers for a record amount of money the government still managed to spend $439.47 billion more than it took in.

Are we at a point where even liberals can see that the problem is not that we don’t pay enough in taxes? Are we at a point where they can see that the issue is GOVERNMENT SPENDS TOO MUCH?

The government has a yearly deficit and it takes in record amounts of money. Government continues to add to the debt (actual total of our debt in the right sidebar) even though it takes more of our money.

Perhaps the government should be pared down. Perhaps we should end many welfare programs that are being abused. Perhaps we should stop allowing illegals to receive these welfare hand outs.

One thing is certain. Government spends too much (often on items that are not Constitutional) money.

The amount coming in is not the problem.

The amount going out is.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Rather Queer That No Charges Were Filed

The people working for the TSA are government agents who have too much power and who abuse the traveling public. Like many government agents they are protected from prosecution, not because there is some law or immunity but because other government agents refuse to go after them for doing illegal things.

A pair of TSA agents were caught in a scheme that involved the groping of male travelers by a gay TSA agent. The agent would signal a female agent, his accomplice, who would manipulate the machine to cause it to give a reason for further screening. This would allow the gay agent to grope the male he found attractive. He used the palm of his hand to grope the genitals of these men.

The scheme was reported by a whistle blower and investigated. The acts were witnessed by several people involved in the investigation. The TSA agents were fired as a result of their deeds.

The kicker though is that the prosecutor (a government agent) refused to file charges stating there was not enough evidence to get a conviction. The things were witnessed by the people investigating and there was enough evidence to fire them but they can’t be convicted?

Sounds like hogwash. You can bet your six that if you had done something at the TSA checkpoint this prosecutor would file charges no matter what the odds of getting a conviction.

TSA is a worthless agency and the entire thing should be contracted out. Private contractors would do a much better job than protected government employees who will not be prosecuted for the crimes they commit.

I know that if this had been a straight man working it out so he could group attractive ladies the news would be all over the front page with stories about how men can’t be trusted. Better not judge all gays by the acts of this one pervert though, that would be wrong.

I am glad they were fired but they should be prosecuted as well.

Perhaps the next government employee they should fire is the prosecutor who refused to file charges…

CBS Denver
The Smoking Gun

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


If You Like Your Promised Land You Can Keep Your Promised Land


It seems that the Jewish people in America have short memories and are easily swayed by the words of a smooth talker in the persona of one B. Hussein Obama.

Obama met with Jewish leaders to calm their fears over the deal he has worked with Iran. Basically, Obama met with them to sell them some snake oil and let them know all was well. He met with them to let them know he shares their concerns and that he is concerned for Israel.

Give me a freaking break. He does not care about Israel. He bends that nation over every chance he gets. He hates Prime Minister Netanyahu and takes every chance he can to stick it to him and the people of his great nation.

So when Obama tells these people they have nothing to worry about because he is on their side it means they really need to worry. It is his version of if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

Here is a clue Barry. When you are truthful with people and sincerely care about them you do not need to have meetings with them to let them know you support them because they will already know it. If you have to have the meeting then your lies are not working.

The real issue here is not that Obama lied. He always lies. The issue here is that many of the Jews who had misgivings now have different feelings and are talking about how calming the talk was and how all is right with the world.

Are they out of their minds? How many times does this group of people have the get screwed over before they wise up?

Mind you, these are not Jews from Israel (many of whom do not trust Obama and are worried about Iran and the deal) these are the Jews living in the US. They live here and have a daily view of how Democrats screw them seven ways to Sunday and they still support them. It is beyond me how they can continue to fall for the lies.

Either the American Jew is a glutton for punishment, is completely clueless or does not care about Israel.

They need to wise up.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


This Is What You Get With Tyranny

The federal government has a closely held plan known as SOP 303 which allows it to disrupt cellular service in a geographic area. The plan was requested under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request but the government agrued and the court agreed that disclosing the plan would put people in danger.

I am not sure how knowing about the plan would put people in danger. It seems to me that a government disrupting cellular (actually any wireless signal) in an area would be much more dangerous.

[note]Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ~ Benjamin Franklin[/note]

The government argued that it needs to be able to do this in case of emergency like if there is a bomb that will be detonated by a wireless device. The claim is that the government can disrupt the signals and keep people safe.

Before I move on to other parts of this let that stated purpose sink in. Then ask yourself when government ever knows about the bombs before they go off. The only times we see where government stops a bomber is when they stop people they hooked in and provided the bomb to. They had no idea about the Boston Marathon bomber until the bomb, you know, detonated.

The only way they can ensure that a bomb does not go off in a crowded or sensitive area is to shut off the wireless signals during the entire period people are there. Do not put it past government to do just that, for your safety and all.

The stated intent of the SOP is just a smoke screen. It is unlikely, absent a complete blanket when danger might be present, the government will know of a bomb and be able to shut the signals before it goes off. So the reality is in addition to shutting off all service when the government is worried about a threat, there must be another goal.

This entire issue started because of the transit authority in San Francisco disrupting service in order to disperse a protest. You got that? It was not to stop a bomb it was to stop a protest probably by keeping people from contacting others to join in and to keep them from communicating with those there.

What would stop the government from using this disruption whenever it wanted to achieve a goal that had nothing to do with a bomb. Suppose the government decided to impose martial law for one reason or another and people were intent on disobeying. Government could disrupt the communications of the people trying to organize resistance.

Suppose there was another attack on this nation or some other catastrophic event (or government committed atrocities) and the government did not want people communicating this with others?

Governments become tyrannical. Eventually all governments become too big, too bloated and too powerful and they all begin to impose their will on the people. Governments eventually put their collective boots on the throats of the people in order to control them.

Our government is no different. We have plenty of people in office who want to rule over us. It is why they tell us what we can eat, drink, smoke and use. It is why they indoctrinate our children with revisionist history that raises a generation of compliant robots. It is why government runs health care and wants to take firearms away from people.

It is all because government wants to control us and lord over us.

All governments eventually end up this way. One day you are free and the next day you are living in a nation where jack booted government agents are shooting you and your family in the back of the head.

And they will block the cell signals so no one else will know.

Until it is too late.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
