Shorter Dems: Save Us From Ourselves
Mar 24, 2015 Political
The Democrats forced Obamacare on all of us. They wanted to take over the health care in this nation in an effort to further control people so they pushed through a massive bill that no one read. Pelosi told everyone they had to pass it to see what was in it (it should work the other way around for those who are as brain dead as she).
So this huge bill was pushed through and Obama signed it into law. Then the problems started. It was challenged in court and in an amazing act of judicial malfeasance, John Roberts cast the deciding vote to uphold the law after he rewrote it (figuratively) from the bench.
After that more and more of the bad things popped up and began to affect people who supported it. Obama’s lies were exposed and people were getting screwed. Things were so bad Democrats lost control of the House and then the Senate.
There is currently a challenge to the law that could unravel it. Democrats tried to coerce states into setting up exchanges by offering subsidies only to those in states with exchanges. They discussed this carrot and stick tactic over and over when pushing the law. A number of states did not set up the exchanges so the feds did (which they can under the law). The feds then allowed the subsidies which it is not allowed to do under the law. The words are clear in the law (maybe they should have read it first) because this is what they intended. Now they claim it was never intended to be that way.
If the law is upheld as written, in other words if John Roberts (or any others for that matter) does not again legislate from the bench, then it could unravel the entire thing.
This is all going on as other parts of the law are beginning to take place. There were items that phased in and now that they are getting close to starting it is getting clear they are not good. One such thing involves putting companies with 51-100 employees in the more costly small group market. This will cause all kinds of trouble for these companies. It is set to take effect in 2016.
A number of Senate Democrats have spoken up and are begging Obama to delay this. They are not worried that it will harm business though they claim this is their concern. They claim they want the market to gradually adapt before this takes place (it has been in effect for 5 years now). In other words, they want to delay the screwing the companies will get so they can get accustomed to the violation.
Here is the real deal; the Democrats are worried that this will cause turmoil and they will face backlash from the voters. They are concerned that the problems will be used to batter their party during the next presidential election. Since only Democrats voted for it only Democrats are responsible for it. They know they could lose the White House and more seats in Congress.
This is ALL they are concerned with. This is the only reason Obama delayed the things he did, so they would be after his last election.
We need to get rid of the entire law. Democrats will not do that.
But we should not let them continue to delay to save their sorry butts. They loved it so much when they forced it on us it is time to make them suffer through the problems they caused.
It will be painful for everyone but pain is often the best teacher and there are a lot of liberals who need a lesson.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Will Anyone On The Left Hold Hillary Accountable?
Mar 23, 2015 Political
Hillary Clinton is a typical progressive who, like her former boss, believes the ends justify the means and that anything she does in pursuit of liberal ideology is OK. How dare anyone try to hold her accountable. Is this some kind of vast right wing conspiracy?
[note]In true liberal style Hillary blamed a vast right wing conspiracy for the uproar over her husband’s inability to keep his private parts off other women. Liberals always blame others.[/note]
Clinton used a private email server to conduct business when she was the Secretary of State. There is no doubt whatsoever that she did this to avoid scrutiny and so that she could scrub the emails before they were ever released. She circumvented (and more likely broke) the law so she could not be held accountable for what she wrote.
There were 18.5 minutes of erased recordings in the Nixon tapes (and there is evidence that was an error by the secretary) and he was forever branded a crook. Hillary has done much worse and she has defenders from the left who claim this is much ado about nothing.
Yes, there are those who are using servergate to derail her as the front runner but the fact she is still a frontrunner says a lot about what liberals are willing to allow in order to keep power and to keep big government growing.
Hillary asserted that she did not break any laws and that she made sure her emails were addressed to at least one State Department email address so they could be captured and archived.
Turns out that this is not true (shocked face) as it has now been disclosed that she sent information to others working with her to their PRIVATE email addresses which means those items were not archived.
My good friend Alan West reports on this here.
In addition to Hillary breaking the law there are additional concerns that her server was not secure and that it was vulnerable to many attacks. There is evidence (though no one has confirmed) that a hacktivist group successfully infiltrated her server. Images of emails allegedly sent by her have been released to the interwebs.
She lied about many things and I am willing to bet (I am certain enough to say I know) she discussed sensitive, and likely classified, information through her private address.
The next place Hillary occupies should not be the White House. It should be a cell in a federal penitentiary.
How fitting it would be if the wife of Bill Clinton ended up in a penal institute…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: alan west, email, Hillary, lies, President, servergate
US Has World’s Best Life Expectancy
Mar 21, 2015 Commentary
I know it is hard to believe that the US has the best life expectancy in the world but it does and I will show how in just a moment. First, what is life expectancy?
Life expectancy is a statistical measure of how long a person will live. There are many factors like year of birth, current age, and sex but more developed nations have higher life expectancy (of course the information is only as good as the data provided).
As of 2012 the World Health Organization reports the US ranks 36th out of 193 nations with an overall expectancy of 79.8 years.
This is all wrong and the US is actually number one. No other nation can boast about having as many people alive that are over 112 years of age.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, the United States has 6.5 MILLION people who are older than 112. This is according to the federal government’s own Social Security Administration. The SSA shows that 6.5 MILLION people in this nation are over 112 and a few thousand of the people have dates of birth that are prior to the US Civil War!
These 6.5 million SS numbers are active and being used each and every day for credit cards, purchases, loans, jobs, you name it. How in the name of all that is sacred could the US be 36th in the world when nearly 2% of its population is older than 112?
Now I know what you are thinking. You think that some evil doers have stolen these numbers and are using them illegally. If that is the case why does the government not go after the people using the numbers (or report them as inactive so they can’t be used)? They can track the numbers so they must know where the people using them are located and if they know where they are but have not gone after them then those folks must be using them legally, right?
Otherwise the government would have to admit that it is incapable of running this program and it is rife with fraud. That would unravel this idea that government can do it all and should run all aspects of our lives. They would never admit that, now would they?
I am sure the numbers are being used illegally but since our government has not put an end to this it must feel confident that these people are legit.
And since this has not been corrected the government must report these numbers to the WHO so our life expectancy rate can be corrected to show us the longest living people on the planet.
To do otherwise would admit incompetency and we know government can’t do that if it wants to take over every aspect of our lives.
One final thought. These are the same people who will be running your health care…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: 112 years old, civil war, fraud, lies, life expectancy, ranking, us, who
Some Republicans Will Actually Help Rahm
Mar 18, 2015 Political
Rahm Emanuel is in a political battle to win reelection as Mayor of Chicago. Emanuel did not get enough votes to win outright and now he is pitted against a relative unknown challenger in the runoff.
Rahm is as partisan as they get. He hates Republicans and anyone else who is not on board with his socialist/progressive agenda. I have never heard him say anything positive about those who disagree with him and he is all in favor of a scorched earth policy to get what he wants while destroying those who stand in his way.
While it is not highly publicized, Rahm needs Republican support to win his reelection. He needs Republican voters to vote for him or he will most likely lose. He needs those he would just as soon ship to another planet to save his worthless butt from a humiliating defeat.
And the worst thing of all is there are Republicans who will help him.
There are certainly Republican voters who view him as the lesser of two evils and will cast their ballot in his favor. The lesser of two evils is still evil so just stay home.
Republican Senator Mark Kirk has already put his support behind Emanuel saying Chicago would become like Detroit if he loses. I get that Kirk is a US Senator representing Illinois but Chicago is heading to being like Detroit no matter what.
Couldn’t Kirk just keep his mouth shut? Hey Mark, do you think Emanuel will reciprocate and back you against a Democrat challenger? He will kiss you and leave cab fare on the table on his way out.
Emanuel has also garnered the support of conservative Republicans from different organizations.
Why are they helping this guy? He should be left to live or die (politically speaking) on his own.
Perhaps it is because in the overall scheme of things politics trumps party and country when all the players are working toward the same goals.
Sure, they all fight and call each other names but in the overall scheme of things politicians and organizations of both major parties are taking us to the same destructive place. Democrats are doing it in the fast lane and Republicans in the slow lane but in the end they will both reach the same destination.
We need to get people like Emanuel OUT of office even if his replacement is not any better. If the guy can’t cut it they can replace him in the next election but Emanuel will be GONE.
It would be strange if Emanuel wins and only because of Republican support. It would then be fun to watch as Emanuel returns the favor by promptly screwing them over.
Pop the popcorn it looks like the fun will soon begin.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: chicago, deadfish, election, lies, mark kirk, rahm emanuel, republican support
Israel Beats Obama With a Bibi
Mar 18, 2015 Political
It is no secret the Obama regime used taxpayer money and had its interest groups in (as in go to) Israel in order to influence their election. Obama and his regime do not like Israel and they especially do not like Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. He is a strong leader who makes Obama look weak and ineffective.
The election looked too close to call right up until it was held yesterday. Pools showed a tight race and that Netanyahu might get beaten. Obama and his toadies were no doubt salivating at the idea of Netanyahu losing. They invested a lot of time and money in defeating him and it looked like they might just do it.
But the people of Israel had a different opinion. They showed up at the polls and their votes will no doubt lead to Netanyahu continuing as Prime Minister with an overwhelming victory.
The left in America are not happy. They wanted Netanyahu gone so he would stop making their messiah Obama look bad. The petulant folks in the White House could not muster the decency to congratulate Netanyahu on his victory. White House aide David Simas would only congratulate the people on having an election.
I do not know how American Jews view Bibi’s victory because so many of them are liberals who support the Democrat party. They continue to support the people who want nothing more than to see an end of the Jewish state. It seems self destructive and given the history of the Jewish people one would not expect that. I pray they wake up and abandon those who are not their true friends.
In any event, Netanyahu won and I congratulate him on his victory. He is a statesman and a true leader. While Obama spent his youth getting stoned Bibi spent his serving in the military and he is a real man’s man. No wonder the metro sexual in chief does not like him.
I am happy to see Obama and his flying monkeys (Wizard of Oz reference for the race hustlers) were not able to influence the results. They should not have been involved in the election and if they only lost their money it would be great but they funneled taxpayer dollars into their anti Netanyahu battle.
Now America, it is your turn to elect a true leader.
2016 fast approaches.
David Axelrod makes a moronic (and hypocritical) statement.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.