Will Big Brother Ever Leave Us Alone?

The EPA is working to get hotels to monitor how long people take showers. Yep, the shower is now the target of the EPA and while it is starting at hotels how long before some unelected moron in that agency decides to require all homes to have a device to monitor how long we are in the shower?

Yes, taking showers wastes water. That is the cost of being clean. Filth and disease cost a heck of a lot more than water. You pay for the water and the EPA should mind its own business.

The idea is to devise some item that can transmit water usage through a wireless connection so people can be educated on how much water they use.

I get it that some folks waste water and hotels use a lot of it. I also know they use a lot of water cleaning towels and bed linen even when it does not need to be cleaned. No matter how many times I hang my towels up they still replace them. But I digress…

In any event, it seems rather invasive to have someone monitor how long you are in the shower. It really is none of their business.

The EPA says the average shower is 8 minutes and they want people to cut 1 minute off that time. They also suggest people take Navy showers to get the time down to about 5 minutes.

If I wanted to take Navy showers I would have, you know, joined the Navy.

Perhaps the EPA should concern itself with real issues like how its policies and the pressure from environmental groups has left California with about a year’s worth of water. Perhaps they can remove the stupid restrictions so the people there can get water for things other than showers like CROPS.

I am really tired of the government involving itself in every aspect of our lives.

Will Big Brother EVER just leave us alone?

Just a note. This is not something that will happen right away. They do not have the technology to do this but are wasting a lot of money to obtain it…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Global Warming Really Is Man Made

I can see it now. Yes my friends I have seen the light and I am now ready to concede that global warming is a man made thing.

For those of you who thought I had strong convictions that warming comes and goes and that it is the result of our sun’s activity you have nothing to worry about because I still feel that way and the most recent data show this to be correct.

However, I am now a convert in believing that global warming is man made because I recently discovered what it is all about.

You see, when scientists look at the temperatures over a long time they can see a trend and this is how they decide if we are getting cooler, warmer, or staying the same.

Over the past 100 years or so the temperature data has shown that we are not warming or the warming is so small it matters not. BUT, scientists have been going back and “correcting” (read changing) the temperature data to decrease the previous temperatures so that it LOOKS like we have gotten much warmer over all that time.

Mind you, we have not really gotten warmer, they just changed the data so it LOOKS like it.

A man made the changes so in effect, we really do have man made global warming.

Though I would call it man FABRICATED global warming.

This is how Al Gore and the rest of the climate nazis work. They are not getting what they like so they manipulate the data to show the results they want. How else can they scam us out of billions of dollars while they get rich?

If they can’t show results then government won’t fund them and the government can’t fleece us of our hard earned money while it works to enslave us to more and more unnecessary regulation in order to CONTROL our lives.

Al Gore states that the science is settled and that 97% of scientists agree that man made global warming exists. He is lying, of course, because they surveyed all kinds of scientists and only took the ones that agreed with them.

In any event, 100% of them can all agree, as I now do, man made global warming is real because some men are making it all up.

What next? Will they manipulate the job numbers to make us think the economy is in great shape?

Oops, too late….

See also

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Cops Lives Matter Too

I am skeptical of the police. I respect them as a group of people who, for the most part, do dangerous jobs to protect people. But we have continually militarized them and they have a culture that sees them remain silent when some among them do wrong. There are far too many cases of police officers beating people and violating their civil rights.

[note]When you give police agencies items that are meant for war they will act like they are going to war.[/note]

That small group causes the good among them to be viewed skeptically. I believe all agents of the government should be viewed with a bit of skepticism but the bad actions of a small minority of cops has tarnished the good work of honorable officers.

It is also true that far too often police officers are extensions of the taxing authority of a government. They write tickets for nuisance items just to generate revenue.

But no matter how one feels about what policing has become the reality is these folks are men and women who have families. Their lives matter just as much as anyone else’s. They should not be targeted. Don’t get me wrong. I believe people have the right to resist unlawful acts by any agent of the government but I do not think police officers should be targets just because some segment of society does not like them.

Last night two officers in Ferguson MO were shot. They are expected to survive but they should not have been shot in the first place. This is not an issue where police issued some no knock raid and got shot by a scared home owner. No, these police officers were monitoring yet another protest in ferguson when some jackass shot them.

We saw all the protests and riots when people believed that Michael Brown was shot with his hands up. That turned out to be a lie and he was the aggressor. Unarmed or not he ws dangerous and Officer Wilson was well within his right to shoot him.

Will there be protests in favor of these cops? The race baiting poverty pimps are already making excuses and rationalizing the shootings.

People get up in arms when they think a cop shot someone (or their dog) unnecessarily (and their anger is justified when that turns out to be the case especially when the cop is cleared of wrong doing) but they find no issue with police officers being shot while doing their jobs.

Imagine if you will a scenario where a group of people has been arrested after a long police investigation. Say they all had tons of drugs and illegal firearms when they were arrested. The cops all testify and they think this is a slam dunk. But for some reason the jury finds the defendants not guilty and they walk on all charges.

How would people respond if the police waited for them to gather someplace and then gunned them down?

The people of Ferguson were fed a false narrative and they were led to believe they would get the verdict they wanted from the Grand Jury. When they did not they burned the place to the ground. How many of them were arrested for that?

In any event, the false narrative and all the negative statements from Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and plenty of other people has resulted in this violence against these police officers.

Their lives matter too and this should not be happening. They need to catch who did this and nail him to the wall.

Here is the key. Mutual respect. Police officers need to respect the people who pay their salaries and who they work for. They need to do their jobs with honor and dignity and without regard for ones color ar any other demographic.

The people need to obey the law and they need to respect the police.

If that happens people can work together to ensure their communities are safe.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Time For Boehner And McConnell To Redeem Themselves

Treasury Secretary Lew has informed Speaker John Boehner that the US will hit the debt ceiling on 16 March. Treasury would then be required to take extraordinary measures to keep government running and those measures would be exhausted by the final Quarter of the calendar year.

I am not a fan of raising the debt ceiling. I think that instead of raising the limit the amount we are spending should be reduced. The government is taking in record amounts of revenue from taxes but continues to spend more than it gets. Raising the ceiling would not (allegedly) involve new spending. Lew says that it would make sure that money is available to pay for things we have already obligated to. That just means we spent more than we had and now we need more to pay the bills.

This is the time for Boehner and McConnell to step up and redeem themselves over their poor performance regarding funding the DHS and Obama’s illegal executive action.

Boehner and McConnell should insist that getting rid of the illegal executive action (on immigration) by Obama is part of the deal. In fact, they should try to get everything they can as part of the deal. Democrats will balk and scream for a “clean” bill but they got a clean bill for DHS. Now it is time for them to step up.

The thing is these two spineless “leaders” will need to stand fast on their demands or the Democrats will own them once again. They need to be out forming the narrative NOW by telling people what they will do and that if Democrats do not go along they and ONLY THEY will be responsible for the government defaulting.

Put the onus on the Democrats and keep hammering them. Make it all about their unwillingness to compromise. Show them as the bad guys and associate all bad things that might come as being their fault.

I don’t want to see the ceiling raised. We keep adding to the mountain of debt we already have and it will not get better if they refuse to fix the problems that require them to spend more (ie out of control spending, unconstitutional programs, out of control welfare). If we can get a number of concessions for raising the ceiling then it will be worth it this time though if Boehner and McConnell had any guts it would not be necessary.

While I would like to see these two play hardball and ram this down the throats of the Democrats I am pretty sure they will end up looking like dumb and dumber when all is said and done.

It is likely they will raise the limit, give the Democrats everything they want, screw conservatives and the nation and end up telling us it was the best they could do and we should just sit back and take it.

These two could not lead a group of people out of a burning building so it is very unlikely they will actually do anything worthwhile on this issue.

Obama once said adding to the debt and burdening future generations with debt was unpatriotic. Obama and his Democrats, by that definition, are unpatriotic.

Unfortunately, a number of Republicans are unpatriotic as well.

One day we will be led by people who are not part of the establishment and who will get things under control.

Unless, of course, the current crop of morons kills the nation off before then…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why Shop At An Unsafe Mall?

The Mall of America has a policy that bans guns from its premises. Law abiding citizens are not allowed to carry firearms on the property (or at least inside the mall itself) but this policy will do little to stop lawbreakers from entering the mall with firearms and causing all kinds of destruction.

There are threats from terrorist groups where lone wolf terrorists have been asked to attack malls in the US and the Mall of America is on the list of targets. The solution the mall has come up with is for the law abiding to leave their firearms in their cars or at home thus making them sheep.

[note]People who shoot back have a better chance of survival when attacked by a bad guy with a gun.[/note]

What will the mall do? It might hire private security or police officers might be assigned to the property. Neither is effective. Hundreds of law abiding gun owners with their guns are a much more deadly foe than cops or security guards scattered throughout. Besides, wouldn’t it be better if the cops were out patrolling the streets?

The mall has basically told would be attackers that the place is a shooting gallery and invited them in. If it had instead published that it wants and encourages gun owners to carry on the property would be bad guys would think twice before attacking. Bad people do not like to attack those who can and will fight back. They like to pick the weak and unprotected. This is why mass shootings happen at places where guns are banned like malls, theaters and schools.

You have never seen a mass shooting at a gun show.

My suggestion is to avoid the place and any other that does not allow people to exercise their right to keep and bear arms. If you are not able to protect yourself then you will not be safe. The government and private businesses are unable to protect you and if you are harmed they will not take responsibility for your injuries.

If enough people stay away from the mall to cause it financial distress and cite the gun ban as the reason the mall’s management will quickly change its mind. If not then a lot of anti gun folks will shop there in their deluded world where they think they are safe. Let them be the targets. Stay home or shop where you are encouraged to carry your firearm.

America was founded by people with guns and our history includes armed people ensuring their own safety and the safety of their neighbors. Instead of being the Mall of America perhaps it should be the Mall of un-American Values…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
