Do They Have The Appetite For The Consequence?
Feb 25, 2015 Political
Valerie Jarrett, the despicable cretin who is the voice of evil in Obama’s ear made an interesting statement where she claimed Americans are hungry for Obama to do things on his own when Congress will not act (or will not do what Obama wants).
The only people hungry for him to act that way are in the minority. There are some liberals who will say Obama needs to do this because he can’t get it otherwise and he is so great and all. These would be the same people who called Bush a cowboy and King George because they felt he exceeded his power.
The other groups that want this are those who will benefit from Obama’s lawlessness like illegal aliens. They want him to ignore the law just like they did because it will help them.
Jarrett continues by telling us Obama will do more of this, she says within his executive power, (which means he will break the law and say he has the authority to do what he did) because people want it.
In poll after poll the majority does not want this to take place. They certainly do not want this illegal immigrant action and they most assuredly do not want it done by executive action.
She is wrong. More precisely she is lying.
The article says that Jarrett believes Americans are hungry for Obama to act like an imperial president.
Jarrett is incorrect but let us assume that most people are hungry for this.
The question I have is while they might be hungry for Obama to act like an imperial president do they have the appetite for the rest of us to act like Revolutionary Citizens?
We got rid of one imperial despot and we can do the same with another (it is our duty to do so). So be careful what you wish for Valerie.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: dictator, executive order, imperial president, lies, revolutionary citizens, valerie jarrett
What Democrat Amnesty Is All About
Feb 24, 2015 Immigration, Political
In case you doubted it when I and many others pointed out that the only reason Democrats want to push amnesty and get it passed is so they can have millions of new voters a Democrat has said just that.
Democrat Kurt Schrader of Oregon supports amnesty and he said right out that whoever wins the fight over the issue will have control of the country for the next 30 years (a lot of bluster but he believes it). He indicated that the Democrats have ticked off a lot of the white folks in their base with attacks and that those folks need to be reigned back in and new voters added. You see, whether they like to admit it or not, they still need lots of white people (and there are plenty of white liberals) to vote for them or they lose. Adding millions of illegals will help make up for those who might sit it out over the way they have been treated.
This issue is not about all the feel good stuff Democrats spew when they discuss it because they don’t really care about the plight of the illegals. They only want the votes.
The sad reality is they want to reward illegal behavior just to add to their voter rolls.
We need to deal with those who broke the laws and dealing with them should involve punishment for their behavior. Democrats want to reward it.
It is sad but they put their party above the country.
And we heard that right from the donkey’s mouth…
As an aside McConnell should change the rules in the Senate to get the bill funding DHS and eliminating Obama’s amnesty through and send it to Obama to veto. If he does HE AND HE ALONE will be responsible for “shutting down*” DHS. I would love to see this just to hear the Democrats cry about the rule change after they praised Harry Reid for doing the same thing.
*Shutting Down is not accurate. A majority of DHS is mission essential so they have to continue working. They will get paid eventually but we will not be less safe if they are not funded.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: amnesty, democrat voters, dhs, funding, illegal aliens, lies
Oscar Politics Fall Flat
Feb 24, 2015 Commentary, Political
The political opinions expressed by the liberal winners at the Oscars will go over big with those who are still on the liberal plantation but those opinions lack one small thing.
The Truth.
Patricia Arquette ranted about income equality for women falling back on the myth that women are paid less than men for doing the same work. Studies have shown that when all things are equal the pay is about the same. But the myth continues as liberals rebrand the issue one of equality and take up the faux fight to gin up support and voters.
I think everyone should be paid what they agree to with their employer. It is not up to the government to decide what people will be paid. If you are one of the best and brightest then you should be able to negotiate a good salary.
I do think however, that it is hard to take someone screaming about equality seriously when that person is doing so in a $20,000 wardrobe after receiving a $125,000 gift bag for nothing more than attending an award show (maybe the $250 vibrator in the bag can help ease her frustration). Arquette claimed she paid her dog walker more than she made for her work in Boyhood.
If she wants equality perhaps she should walk her own dog like the rest of us…
Then there was the duo of John Legend and rapper Common who accepted an award for the music in Selma. Legend ranted on about civil rights and claimed that the civil rights fight 50 years ago included voting rights and now voting rights are again under attack.
“We know that the voting rights that they fought for 50 years ago is being compromised in this country today,” adding, “We live in the most incarcerated country in the world. There are more black men under correctional control today than there were under slavery in 1850.” IJ Review
What planet is this moron from? Voting rights are not under attack. There is a movement to require an ID to vote and that is how it should be. You need an ID to do almost anything in society from boarding an airplane to buying tobacco or alcohol to registering your kids for little league. You even need an ID to enter government buildings and unions who oppose voter ID laws require an ID before anyone can vote in union elections.
Why is it so tough to present an ID when voting and how can that possibly equate to an attack on voting rights? The argument that people who are poor can’t get an ID is a false one. The very people who allegedly can’t get an ID seem to be able to produce one to get welfare benefits.
Voting rights are not under attack or being compromised. What is happening is people are being held accountable. After elections where more people voted than were registered in some places and where people bragged about voting more than once is it too much to ask that people show an ID?
As for the number of incarcerated black men and the claim there are more in jail than were held in slavery that might very well be correct. That does not mean that they are in jail under false pretenses though. If these guys are concerned about the number of black men in jail perhaps they should work to help communities realize that they should raise their children not to be criminals. Here is an idea, start following conservative principles and leave liberalism behind. Liberal policies have led to the breakdown of the black family and the result has been decades of men raised into crime and sent to prison. One only needs to look at the areas of the country with high crime and large numbers of blacks in trouble to notice all these areas are run by liberals.
I would also point out there are more blacks in slavery now then there were during slavery only now they are slaves to the Democrat plantation where they are held in bondage by economics rather then chains. If they step out of line they are beaten by their masters in the Democrat party until they fall back in line.
The people who stand up in these award ceremonies and spout nonsense show how stupid they really are. These are the kind of people who give us poor leaders because they vote.
Let’s face it; if voting rights were actually being compromised we would not have Obama and many others in office…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Jane You Ignorant Slut…
Feb 16, 2015 General
Last night was the 40th Anniversary celebration of Saturday Night Live. I recorded the show so I could skip through commercials and bad skits. For the most part I enjoyed the show and the walk down memory lane. I liked the tribute to those who died and the funny line on the long running gag about Generalissimo Francisco Franco still being dead.
The Weekend Update segment included Amy Poehler, Tina Fey and Jane Curtin in the anchor chairs. Curtin discusses how much fun she is having and how she likes being back and that she does not want it to end. They show a picture of her from when she was part of the cast and she says she used to be the only cute blonde doing fake news and that now there is a whole network of them. As she claims this the logo for FOX News is displayed.
Curtin missed the irony of her claim in that she was doing a show on the network that employs Brian Williams who is all over the news for telling stories, you know, fake stuff.
Granted, Williams is not a cute blonde but the claim that there is an entire network dedicated to fake news coming from the network with the guy who has been discovered doing it is is beyond belief.
I like Jane Curtin. I always liked her on SNL and I have enjoyed some of her other work. I also know she probably did not write the bit, she just read it (like Obama) and at least she did a better job reading the teleprompter than Al Sharpton does.
Still, it was troubling that the show that cut its teeth doing parodies of things involving all kinds of people stayed away from Williams and his story. A few of the guests poked the Williams story and at least one reference made the hosts obviously uncomfortable.
If they had worked Williams into that bit it would have worked much better.
The show was pretty good and fun to watch even if Curtin was way off the mark with her joke.
She was a better presence than the other two.
BTW, Sarah Palin looked way better than Tina Fey…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: brian williams, fake news, irony, jane curtin, lies, snl
GOP Is Not Shutting Down DHS
Feb 14, 2015 Political
Barack Obama and the Democrats are.
The last budget deal funded everything except the DHS through the end of the fiscal year (ends 30 September 2015). DHS was funded through the end of February because of one thing and that is Barack Obama’s unlawful Executive Order on illegal immigrants. Obama is moving forward with his plan to allow millions of illegals to receive some sort of legal status and of course, all the benefits that American taxpayers can provide.
The Republicans funded DHS short term so they could work the issue out. Democrats do not want to work things out and are now crying about the things they used to do and are doing the things they used to cry about.
Democrats say the DHS should not be held hostage because of immigration and that the issue should be a separate issue in a separate bill. Really? They loved to put bad things in must pass bills to force Republicans to vote for them when they were in charge.
They are also filibustering in the Senate. They hated it when Republicans did so and decried the party of NO. Now they are the party of NO and are doing the very thing they said was wrong to do.
I have no problems with either party using whatever parliamentary procedures they can legally use. This is how politics work. But it is hypocritical for either party to do one thing and cry later when the same thing is done by “the other guy.”
As far as I am concerned they can shut down the DHS until Obama and his illegal actions are stopped. We did not have a DHS prior to 2001 and we survived up until then. Shut them down for as long as it takes to force Obama to stop violating his oath and OUR Constitution.
Nancy Pelosi is telling people what is right and wrong with all of this as if she actually has a clue. She lacks a brain and should be in jail for her illegal actions and for violating her oath.
Pelosi is upset at short term continuing resolutions and says they are not the way to do things. Her party used CRs for years because they never passed a budget. They always let things get to the brink of disaster and then forced votes in the middle of the night or during the holidays in order to coerce people to pass bills no matter how bad they were. She is also as responsible as anyone for the number of CRs that have been used in years past.
Shut up Nancy. No one wants to hear what comes out of your mouth because it has no brain to connect to and if it did it would be a mush filled liberal brain that is devoid of logic or intelligence.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: constitution, Democrats, dhs, executive action, illegal immigrants, lawless, lies, Obama, Pelosi