Intended Consequences Of Immigration Executive Order

There is a thing called unintended consequences where something is done and the consequences of the action are not thought through (and they can be good or bad). When they happen people never saw them coming. For example, Congress passes a bill that only affects employers with more than 50 workers. Small businesses reduce their workforce so they are not affected by the law (Obamacare is a prime example). Time and again this happens but they keep passing bills that harm people. The consequences were unintended but they happened.

The illegal actions Barack Obama has taken regarding immigration is a different monster. In this case the consequences were anticipated and intended. Obama wants to bring people who are here illegally into the spotlight and give them a legal status. He is operating way outside his authority but no one seems to want to stop him (and I mean to really put the brakes on his plans). Many talk a good game but do little to actually stop what is happening.

Illegals will be able to file income taxes and claim credits from years past. They will get taxpayer dollars even though they NEVER paid into the system. They are being rewarded with OUR money for breaking the law.

Illegals who fall under the Obama Executive Order will also be able to register to vote and vote in elections. It is illegal for them to do so but that will not stop them. The states do not have the manpower to weed out applications to see who is registered legally and who is not. This is all by design because Democrats want more voters.

Some Democrat lawmakers comically assert that they doubt anyone who falls under this umbrella would risk deportation by voting in an election. Really? So the same people who broke the law to get here and who risk deportation each day they are here would NEVER break the law and risk deportation by voting particularly when there is little risk of getting caught. Right. These people are either idiots or they think we are.

Barack Obama and his minions do not want restrictions. They do not want to go after illegals and they do not want to deport anyone because the overwhelming majority of these people support Democrats. This is all a backdoor amnesty designed to increase the number of Democrat voters.

In addition, these people will drain our resources even more than they already are by receiving tax refunds (if you can call it a refund when you paid nothing in), welfare and Obamacare.

This needs to stop and we need to put every member of Congress who supports this as well as Obama on trial for violating their oath to this nation. They are taking us down from within and they need to be stopped.

We tried the soapbox and the ballot box so we are running out of options.

[UPDATE] This article claims the illegals paid into the system for years but were unable to get benefits. Perhaps BUT, they were not supposed to be here and if they paid in were doing so under false pretenses. And really, does anyone believe they were not receiving benefits because they were not allowed to?…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


If She Had A Gun

Many food chains that offer delivery do not allow their drivers to carry firearms even if they have a permit to do so. The people who deliver food carry cash and are often required to deliver at late hours in dark places.

A Domino’s pizza delivery woman in Antioch California delivered a pizza to an address where she was forced back into her car by a man with a gun and then forced to drive to another place where he raped her.

This happened in California so it is unlikely that she was able to carry a firearm at any time because that state, like many other anti firearm states, would rather have its citizens end up as victims.

Yes the rapist had a gun and if she had one it might not have made a difference but at least she would have had a chance. In fact, if people in California were allowed to carry there is a chance the rapist might never have targeted her. If criminals know people could be carrying firearms they are less likely to attack them.

In places where people might be armed (whether they are or not is not the point) criminals do not know who has a concealed firearm and who does not. They do not like those circumstances.

Criminals prefer unarmed victims and they prefer knowing that no one else will be armed. This is why nuts attack gun free zones like schools, malls and movie theaters. They know that the odds are in their favor and that no one is probably armed because responsible firearms owners follow the law.

In a just world instead of being the victim of rape the young lady would be standing over a bullet riddled body describing what happened as the police draw a chalk line around the dead would be rapist.

Liberals (and face it, these are the ones who want us disarmed) can’t have that. If you can take care of yourself there is no need for government to be your everything.

Well how is that working out? The police were not there BEFORE the rape to prevent it. They showed up afterwards to take a statement.

The fortunate thing is this rapist was an idiot. The police went to the address the pizza was to be delivered to and he was there. They were able to arrest him and charge him with multiple crimes.

While it is great they caught the animal the reality is the victim has been scarred for life.

She never had a fighting chance because the government made her a potential victim by pushing for and enacting gun control.

Speaking of gun control; how well did it work out for the criminal in this case? He used a firearm to commit his crime and he is 17. He should not have had a handgun at that age to begin with regardless of his criminal record (which is not discussed in the article). If criminals obeyed the law he would not have had a firearm…

Even if states follow the Constitution there will still be problems as long as there are gun free zones or jobs where people who have the potential for danger are not allowed to carry.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Minimum Wage Maximum Destruction

Liberals scream about a living wage though if you earn a wage and are not dead it is technically a living wage. They will tell us people can’t live on the current minimum wage and there is a push to make the minimum 15 dollars and hour. That’s right, liberals want to pay people 15 dollars an hour to screw up fast food orders.

[note]One should not be making a career out of a low skill, low paying job. If one wants more then it is wise to get educated, improve skills and seek higher skill, higher paying jobs.[/note]

It is tough to have a living on the current minimum. How on Earth is one supposed to pay for a smart phone, two cars (or one really expensive one), a place to live with air conditioning and heating along with big screen TVs and satellite or cable. Those things will not pay for themselves and they are a right, at least according to the liberals who expect business owners to cough up more money for low skilled workers.

As an aside, I do not agree with a minimum wage. Employers should be able to establish whatever wage they want to attract workers. If people want the job they agree to the pay. If the pay is too low they go somewhere else and that will force the business in question to raise its wages. The free market works well when it is really free.

Looks like San Francisco, a city in the land of fruits, nuts and flakes, decided not to wait for federal action to raise the minimum wage. It implemented a graduated raise with little thought or regard to what it would do to businesses. Why would they worry? According to liberals business owners are wealthy greedy people who hoarde their money and underpay the workers who are nothing more than slave labor.

Well, it appears as if the city got a lesson in economics:

San Franciscans had also enjoyed frequenting Borderland Books for the past 18 years to read and acquire new and used books. It’s been the perfect haunt to spend rainy San Francisco afternoons, and it’s been enjoyed by many through the years.

In fact, last year was Borderland’s most profitable year, even in the face of online competition like Amazon and Audiobooks, and other means of acquiring and reading books. That provides further confirmation just how many San Franciscans have enjoyed the quaint establishment. [Read mote at Viral Buzz]

In the end businesses that can’t afford the wage increase will close or move. If for some reason the business is able to stay the cost to consumers will rise. When labor costs rise product costs rise. Businesses never really pay tax or wage increases because those costs are passed on to consumers. If, as in the case of a bookstore where the price is fixed by the publisher, the cost can’t be passed on then the business will close or relocate.

This will happen all over and people will suffer. Fast food places will use more machines and fewer workers, other businesses will refuse to hire people that do not have training or experience and others will simply close or move.

In the end, government meddling will harm the people.

It is OK to liberals though. To them, the intentions were pure and that is all that matters…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Chairborne Rangers

The Chairborne Rangers at the highest levels of the Army (including the Chief Desk Occupant Secretary McHugh) have politicized the bravery of one soldier and denied him not only the Service’s second highest award but also the Silver Star he was awarded for bravery on the battlefield.

According to a story by Aaron MacLean in The Washington Free Beacon then Captain Matt Golsteyn was awarded the Silver Star for his brave and heroic actions in combat and when he was awarded the Silver Star the powers that be indicated the award was being reviewed and would likely be upgraded to the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC).

A funny thing happened on the way to the award and that is Golsteyn was quoted in a book where he criticized the strategy in Afghanistan. The petty pencil pushers, those who send people into harm’s way and watch from afar, decided to launch and investigation into whether Golsteyn violated the rules of engagement (ROE) that led to the death of an enemy bomb maker (how is that a bad thing).

The long investigation did not result in any charges and the Chairborne Rangers could find absolutely nothing that Golsteyn did wrong but they denied the DSC. One might say they reviewed the case and decided his actions did not warrant that medal.

Fair enough BUT, the Secretary revoked the Silver Star Golsteyn was awarded for his heroic deeds.

This is all recounted by Congressman Duncan Hunter who wrote to McHugh to determine the status of the upgrade from Silver Star to DSC.

This is all petty politics by people who are more concerned with their inside the beltway cocktail luncheons and dinner parties than the welfare of the troops. The people who served with Golsteyn recommended him for the award based on what he did with them and while they were with him.

The denial of the DSC and the revocation of the Silver Star were nothing more than political moves by people whose biggest threat is a paper cut.

The powers that be don’t like the real heroes who have to fight and die pointing out that the tactics and ROE dictated by those pencil pushing powers are getting people killed and stifling their ability to prosecute and win the war.

The Secretary of the Army should be ashamed of himself for allowing politics to cloud his judgement. He should be bounced out of office for tarnishing the name of a true hero whose boots he is not fit to shine.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No Wonder America Is In Trouble

One only needs to watch the man on the street or similar TV segments to see how woefully under educated the young people in America are. The people interviewed have no clue about our history and most can’t name political leaders or parts of the Constitution. It is embarrassing to watch these people display their absolute lack of knowledge.

I don’t know how else to write this so I will just do it. These people are stupid.

A recent poll shows that young folks age 18-34 favor Hillary Clinton as the next president and they are excited to make her the first female president. In other words, they failed to learn from their mistake regarding Obama. Just because someone will be the first at something does not mean that person will be the best at something.

Of those young people, 57% who describe themselves as Democrats favor Clinton who is favored at 38% when everyone is considered.

Clinton has more baggage than an airport terminal and is a horrible leader. She is a progressive power hungry big government hack who will continue down the same disastrous path that Obama is on.

These young people want government to get them jobs and help them out. This should come as no surprise since these people were raised to think government is the answer to all their problems. They have been brainwashed by a system that tells them government is the answer to every problem.

This is dangerous and needs to be reversed. Government is not the answer to our problems and often is the cause of them. When the young in this nation become completely dependent on government our freedom will be lost and the collapse of our society will not be far behind.

There is a move to force children to pass civics exams before they graduate. I fully support that provided the exams are based on the truth and not the revised history so often taught in the school system.

The poll that shows these folks favoring Hillary Clinton also showed that only 23% of these young people could name ONE of their Senators. That is right, 77% of the people surveyed could not name one of the US Senators from their state.

These are the people who are responsible for running things when we are all gone and they have a say in things now with their vote.

An uniformed population is more detrimental to a nation than corrupt leaders and this poll demonstrates we are in real trouble.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
