Obama Fundraises After Saying It Is A Problem

During the State of the Union address B. Hussein Obama stated that constant fundraising, among other things, was part of the problem and not what many in Congress said they signed up for. He then asked them to imagine if they broke out of those patterns and did something different.

B, Hussein was basically saying that preoccupation with fundraising and other items made it difficult to get things done and that they could get away from that kind of stuff and do something different.

Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard reports that “almost immediately” after the SOTU address an email from Obama went out and it; wait for it, asked for a donation to support Democrats.

“I hope you’re excited about the agenda I laid out tonight for 2015,” Obama’s email read.

Now it’s time to get to work.

Let’s go — make a monthly contribution to support Democrats now:

[Redacted – (by me) – link to donate]


Barack Obama

Obama and the other liberal/progressives have always been the type to live by the mantra that the rules only apply to others. You folks can’t get things done because of your constant fundraising but I can fund raise because I can multitask, I am better than you and hey, I won…

I agree that fundraising is an issue and far too much time is spent on it (particularly by folks like Obama) but it is hilarious that he would say one thing during the SOTU and immediately beg for money right after. Hilarious but not unexpected. He talks out of both sides of his face on many issues.

Democrats use everything to raise money. Someone gets shot, beg for money. Rush says something they don’t like, beg for money. Lose a debate, beg for money.

Say that begging for money is bad, beg for money.

We have two more long years of this guy to deal with.

That’s a depressing thought, send me some money…..

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Politicians Get Rich Taking YOUR Money

There is no doubt that many politicians get very wealthy (or wealthier) while in office. The fact that so many of them do cannot be a coincidence. The reality is they game the system to benefit them financially. The party matters little as members from all political ideologies work to enrich themselves and their families.

Harry Reid funnels money to family members or uses his connections to ensure they get well paying jobs. He uses his influence to ensure he gets great real estate deals.

It is reported that John Boehner will not “really” work to rid us of Obamacare because he has investments that will make him a lot of money because of the law. Something tells me he is not alone.

Dianne Feinstein is another who uses our money or her connections to get richer. It has been reported in the past that business is directed to her husband’s company because of her position in the US Senate. These allegations (and even the proof) are rarely mentioned in the liberal media.

Feinstein’s hubby stands to get about a BILLION more US dollars (in commission) as a result of the work of Congress. The US Postal Service will sell 56 buildings so it can pay more money leasing space. The company selected to handle this has Feinstein’s hubby sitting on its board and the sale of those buildings, expected to be 19 BILLION dollars will net the company (and hubby) a hefty commission.

This is one way politicians steer money to family members. They also hire them to work on campaigns, purchase campaign items from them (at greatly inflated prices no doubt) and they ensure that legislation favors their businesses or stock portfolios.

This kind of activity in the private sector gets CEOs hauled before Congress to explain themselves.

[note]Anyone remember Congress grilling auto executives for flying in private planes to meetings in DC while the members doing the grilling fly at taxpayer expense and often in special planes? Some members (like the Speaker) have (or at that time had) their own Air Force air taxi service.[/note]

The people in elected office are, by and large, criminals who are in it to enrich their lives while they tell the rest of us how to live. There are a few good folks who are working for the people but the rest are out for themselves. They see themselves as elite and in a position to dictate how YOU live. They do not follow the rules they make.

Feinstein is but one in a large group of people who do things that do not benefit the people and do not follow the Constitution. That is all well in good in their minds because they live like royalty while in office and have ensured they will be very wealthy when they leave.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Democrats Want To Increase Fuel Taxes

Democrats have always wanted to increase fuel taxes (and any other taxes for that matter). All they know how to do is raise taxes and spend, spend, spend. Many Republicans are no better in that they might not want to raise taxes but they keep spending.

In any event, recent conditions in the oil market have led to a drastic drop in gas prices. This means that people are not spending a month’s pay to fill their vehicles but it also means Democrats see an opportunity.

You see, they want to raise the tax on fuel. I guess they figure now that people have become accustomed to paying high prices a rise in taxes would only bring them back to their original level of pain while raking in tons of money for the feds.

In other words, you can’t spend the money you save on gas because government needs more money. Now that you have a little more; cough it up.

What happens when fuel prices go back up? The tax damn sure will not go away and we will be paying even more.

The government gets two and a half or three times more for a gallon of gas than the companies who bring it to market (on average the oil company makes about 8 cents a gallon in profit). They already rob you and then they use the money for unconstitutional or unnecessary spending instead of for the roads and bridges.

Tell them to keep their hands out of our pockets and leave us alone.

UPDATE: Republicans seem to want to get in on the action as well. They will betray us before it is over.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Darth Boehner And The RINO Empire Strike Back

John Boehner was reelected as Speaker of the House even though he faced the strongest revolt since about the time of the Civil War. More than twenty Republicans cast a vote for someone else as Speaker. This is supposed to be their vote and they can do with it as they wish. These folks were upset that Boehner continually gives in to Barack Obama and the Democrats and they were particularly upset with the most recent budget deal that fully funds Obamacare and does not stop Obama’s illegal actions on immigration.

After Boehner won he started exacting revenge on those who voted against him. Two members have been removed from the Rules Committee and one has been removed as the sponsor (or cosponsor) of a bill.

According to a recent poll 60% of Republicans who voted wanted John Boehner replaced as Speaker. I am one of those people. Boehner has shown no backbone and his tear filled emotions do not portray an image of a strong leader. Certainly there are appropriate times to cry but this man blubbers when the lights get turned on.

Republicans who opposed Boehner knew there would be hell to pay despite assurances from the Speaker that this would not happen. Here is a shocker, Boehner lied. Of course he is not doing it directly. His surrogates are doing it to keep him from being the one pulling the trigger. It is a cowardly way to do business.

Boehner and the Republicans run around telling us how they plan to turn things around and govern as conservatives but it is all smoke and mirrors. Representatives were more concerned with committee assignments and office space than they were the well being of the Republic. They turned their backs on the people who put them in office.

Boehner now has a larger majority and will rarely need the votes of the small group of actual conservative members but I am willing to bet that things are going to get real nasty real fast.

It is a shame that Boehner, who ridiculed Pelosi’s and Obama’s leadership, has turned out to be quite like them. He is mean spirited and petulant and punishes those who disagree with him.

I remain a registered Republican because you have to have party affiliation to vote in my state’s primaries but I am done with the party.

I am a conservative and will support politicians who espouse conservative values.

On the plus side, this vote and the childish behavior of the crybaby Speaker will allow me to have quite a bit of fun the next time some Republican group calls to beg for my money.

Republicans, enjoy what you have right now because the way you act and govern you will not be in power very long. I would not be surprised to see the Senate flip back in 2016 as the nation gets a new Democrat/Socialist as President and it will all be due to your lack of conservative values.

Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election because millions of Republicans stayed home out of disgust. How many do you think will stay home in 2016?

I won’t stay home because I see voting as a civic obligation BUT I will not be voting for my Representative. I imagine there will be plenty of folks who feel the same way.

The Republicans and the Democrats in Congress are not very different. They are different wings of the same bird and they are taking us in the same direction to the same place.

The biggest difference is Democrats are taking us there on a jetliner and the Republicans are on a freight train.

The end result is the same and with Boehner as the conductor there will be no switching tracks though he might upgrade to the express train.

I might be wrong and the reality is only time will tell but I doubt Boehner will get tough on Democrats after he has been working with them for so long. I would like to see him be as tough on them as he is on the real conservatives (particularly the Tea Party types) in Congress but that is unlikely to happen. He might surprise me but with rumors flying that he will help with amnesty for the law breakers here illegally and with his actions to push a spending bill until the end of the fiscal year I doubt we will see much to be happy with from him.

This country is in decline and the list names leading the charge starts with Obama and includes Boehner…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Liberals End Run The Second Amendment

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ~ Seconed Amendment US Constitution, 15 December 1791

The Second Amendment protects a preexisting right. It does not grant a right and it does not allow for caveats. It states that the right (a preexisting condition) to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed.

The liberals who are against gun ownership and who do not like the Second Amendment are working overtime to develop ways to ignore it and confiscate firearms from law abiding citizens. We have heard all their schemes. They want background checks (which we have and that many of the people who did bad things passed despite their questionable background. Chalk one up for government efficiency) to ensure only the right people have firearms. By right they mean the government and its enforcement agencies.

They want all firearms registered so there is a database of firearms and who owns them. They tell us that will allow them to track firearms recovered during criminal investigations and help with law enforcement but the reality is it will allow them to track people, see who has firearms and then target those people. It will make it easier for the government to confiscate firearms when that directive is given. Does anyone put it past Obama to issue an Executive Order mandating they be turned in?

The Nazis required firearms registration. Part of the information gathered was what religion the gun owner was. Then when Hitler decided to eradicate Jews he had THEIR firearms confiscated. No longer able to resist the Jews were rounded up and murdered.

Places like New York have registration requirements and they have a database of firearms owners. But there are plenty of ways for government to collect that information. Has anyone gone to the doctor’s office and been asked if there are firearms in the home? What does that have to do with your medical treatment? The VA asks veterans if they have firearms and doctors are paid a bonus to adjudicate people as mentally deficient so their guns can be confiscated. It is a scheme designed to do an end run around the Constitution.

In New York and Navy Veteran and former police officer had his firearms confiscated and pistol license terminated after he sought treatment for insomnia. He was diagnosed as having mild depression and insomnia (keep in mind everyone gets depressed throughout life and bouts of transient depression are different than a clinical diagnosis of chronic depression). The clinical notes clearly indicate he is not a danger to himself or others but his visit was shared with the State police who then notified the local Sheriff.

The Sheriff confiscated his guns.

This is why registration is dangerous. They will make up laws to use the database to disarm people and in this case they even violated their own law to do it.

Do not divulge to your doctors that you own firearms. If you are in a place where they make you register (like Maryland, a state that says it is voluntary but requires you to sign the voluntary registration to receive the firearm) then do not seek treatment for anything that might get your guns confiscated (obviously if you are having a real mental health issue you need to see a doctor) because they will find a way to take your guns.

If your doctor asks about guns tell him it is none of his business and ask how it pertains to your care.

As an aside, Obamacare provides for them to ask but specifically states that none of the information will be used to establish a database. Looks like they are violating that law as well.

Democrats put that in to circumvent the Second Amendment and they have been working on many clever things to get your guns.

They are evil people and leaders like them are the very reason our Founders felt it necessary to protect this preexisting right.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
